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1 package body FND_EVENT as
2 /* $Header: AFAMEVTB.pls 120.2 2005/08/19 18:23:08 tkamiya ship $ */
5    -- Used to set the context for the event
6    g_application_id    number;
7    g_source_appl_id    number;
8    g_event_id          number;
9    g_source_id         number;
10    g_dest_type         varchar2(1);
11    g_message_name      varchar2(30);
12    g_severity          varchar2(30);
13    g_msgset            boolean;
14    g_message_appl      varchar2(50);
15    g_source_type       varchar2(1);
16    g_module            varchar2(255);
17    g_user_id           number;
18    g_resp_appl_id      number;
19    g_responsibility_id number;
20    g_security_group_id      number;
21    g_session_id        number;
22    g_node              varchar2(30);
23    g_db_instance       varchar2(16);
24    g_audsid            number;
26    g_total_events number := null;
27    g_remaining_events number := NULL;
28    previous_source_id number := NULL; -- used to store previous calls source_id
29    previous_source_type varchar2(1) := NULL; --  to store prev calls scr type
31      TYPE token_record_type is record
32              (token    varchar2(30),
33               type     varchar2(1),
34               value    varchar2(2000));
36      TYPE token_tab_type is table of token_record_type
37              index by binary_integer;
39      TYPE events_record_type is record
40 	     (event_id   number,
41 	      event      varchar2(2000));
43      TYPE events_tab_type is table of events_record_type
44               index by binary_integer;
46    g_token_count            number := 0;
47    g_tokens token_tab_type;
48    g_events events_tab_type;
51 --
52 -- Private Functions
53 --
54   --
55   -- Name
56   --   reset_vars
57   --
58   -- Purpose
59   --   Initializes all private variables.
60   --
61   procedure reset_vars is
62     empty_token token_tab_type;
63   begin
64    g_event_id       := 0;
65    g_source_appl_id := null;
66    g_source_type    := null;
67    g_source_id      := null;
68    g_dest_type      := null;
69    g_message_appl   := null;
70    g_message_name   := null;
71    g_severity       := null;
72    g_module            := null;
73    g_user_id           := 0;
74    g_resp_appl_id      := 0;
75    g_responsibility_id := 0;
76    g_security_group_id      := 0;
77    g_session_id        := 0;
78    g_node              := null;
79    g_db_instance       := null;
80    g_audsid            := 0;
82    g_msgset         := FALSE;
83    g_token_count    := 0;
84    g_tokens         := empty_token;
85   end;
87 -- Name : initialize
88 -- Description:
89 --       initialize sets the context for the event.
90 --       One has to call initialize before calling fnd_event.post.
91 --       Returns event_id if successfull otherwise 0.
92 -- Arguments:
93 --    source_application_id -
94 --    source_type - 'M'(manager)/'R'(Request)
95 --    source_id   - concurrent_process_id/concurrent_request_id
96 --    dest_type   - destination type
97 --    message_appl_short_name
98 --		  - application short name of the message
99 --    name        - message name
100 --    severity    - ERROR/WARNING/FATAL
101 --    module      - source module name
102 --
104 FUNCTION initialize(source_application_id IN NUMBER default 0,
105                    source_type IN VARCHAR2,
106                    source_id   IN NUMBER,
107                    dest_type   IN VARCHAR2 default '0',
108 		   message_appl_short_name IN VARCHAR2,
109                    name        IN VARCHAR2,
110                    severity    IN VARCHAR2  default 'WARNING',
111 		   module      IN VARCHAR2 default Null) return number is
112    empty_token token_tab_type;
114    dual_no_rows exception;
115    dual_too_many_rows exception;
118    reset_vars;
120    g_source_id      := source_id;
121    g_source_appl_id := source_application_id;
122    g_source_type    := source_type;
123    g_module         := module;
124    g_dest_type      := dest_type;
125    g_message_appl   := message_appl_short_name;
126    g_message_name   := name;
127    g_severity       := severity;
128    g_msgset         := TRUE;
129    g_token_count    := 0;
130    g_tokens         := empty_token;
132    -- get next event_id from sequence
133    begin
134        select fnd_events_s.nextval
135          into g_event_id
136          from sys.dual;
138    exception
139        when no_data_found then
140            raise dual_no_rows;
141        when too_many_rows then
142            raise dual_too_many_rows;
143        when others then
144            raise;
145    end;
147    return g_event_id;
148    exception
149       when dual_no_rows then
150          fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'No Rows in Dual');
151          return(0);
152       when dual_too_many_rows then
153          fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'Too many rows in Dual');
154          return(0);
155       when others then
156          fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'SQL-Generic error');
157          fnd_message.set_token ('ERRNO', sqlcode, FALSE);
158          fnd_message.set_token ('REASON', sqlerrm, FALSE);
159          fnd_message.set_token ('ROUTINE', 'FND_EVENT.initialize:others',
160 					FALSE);
162          return(0);
163 END;
165 -- Name : set_token
166 -- Description:
167 --     It sets the token name and token value.
168 --     Call this procedure for each token you have for a event.
169 --     call initialize before calling set_token
170 -- Arguments:
171 --     event_id - event_id value for which you are setting the token.
172 --     token - token name
173 --     value - token value
174 --   type - 'C' = Constant.   Value is used directly in the token
175 --                            substitution.
176 --          'S' = Select.     Value is a SQL statement which returns a single
177 --                            varchar2 value.  (e.g. A translated concurrent
178 --                            manager name.)  This statement is run when the
179 --                            even is retrieved, and the result is used in
180 --                            the token substitution.
181 --          'T' = Translate.  Value is a message name.  This message must
182 --                            belong to the same application as the
183 --                            message specified in the INITIALIZE function.
184 --                            The message text will be used in the token
185 --                            substitution.
188 PROCEDURE set_token(event_id IN number,
189 		    token    IN VARCHAR2,
190                     value    IN VARCHAR2 default NULL,
191                     type     IN VARCHAR2 default 'C') is
193    -- if token is not null then keep it in table.
194    -- convert translate parameter to proper value to store in db.
196    if ( token is not null ) then
197       g_token_count := g_token_count + 1;
198       g_tokens(g_token_count).token := set_token.token;
200       if ( set_token.type in ('C','T','S')) then
201          g_tokens(g_token_count).type := set_token.type;
202       else
203          g_tokens(g_token_count).type := 'C';
204       end if;
206       g_tokens(g_token_count).value := set_token.value;
207    end if;
209 END;
211 -- Name : post
212 -- Description:
213 --     It inserts the cp_event into fnd_events table, fnd_event_tokens
214 --     Call this function after calling initialize and optionally set_token.
215 --     If successfull it returns TRUE else returns FALSE.
216 -- Arguments: event_id - event_id for which you want to post events.
218 FUNCTION post (event_id IN number )
219             return boolean is
222     p_token_name  varchar2(30);
223     p_token_value  varchar2(2000);
224     p_token_translate  varchar2(1);
225     i number;
227     has_tokens varchar2(1);
229     message_not_set    exception;
230     dual_no_rows       exception;
231     dual_too_many_rows exception;
232     app_not_found      exception;
233     source_id_null     exception;
234     insert_error       exception;
237    -- if message is set and message is not null then process
238    if ( (g_message_name is null) and (not g_msgset) ) then
239      raise message_not_set;
240    end if;
242    if ( g_token_count = 0 ) then
243      has_tokens := 'N';
244    else
245      has_tokens := 'Y';
246    end if;
249     -- check source_id value
250     if ( g_source_id is null ) then
251           raise source_id_null;
252     end if;
254 -- get global values
256 	g_user_id := FND_GLOBAL.user_id;
257 	g_responsibility_id := FND_GLOBAL.resp_id;
258 	g_resp_appl_id := FND_GLOBAL.resp_appl_id;
259 	g_security_group_id := FND_GLOBAL.security_group_id;
260 	g_db_instance  := FND_CONC_GLOBAL.ops_inst_num;
262          begin
263            g_session_id := icx_sec.getsessioncookie();
264          exception
265            when others then
266              g_session_id := -1;
267          end;
269        select USERENV('SESSIONID')
270          into g_audsid
271          from sys.dual;
273        select MACHINE
274 	 into g_node
275 	from v$session
276 	 where audsid = g_audsid;
278 	if (g_module is null) then
279 		select module
280 			into g_module
281 		from v$session
282 			where audsid = g_audsid;
283 	end if;
285 -- end global gets
287     -- validate source_id value.
288     -- If source_id is 0 or -1 then use session_id
289     if ( g_source_id <= 0 ) then
290 	g_source_id := g_audsid;
291        	g_source_type := 'O';  -- use source_type as Others
292     end if;
295     -- insert into fnd_events table
296     begin
297           insert into fnd_events
298  	     (event_id, source_application_id, source_id,
299               source_type, dest_type, message_appl_short_name,
300 	      message_name, module, user_id, resp_appl_id,
301 	      responsibility_id, security_group_id, session_id, node,
302 	      db_instance, audsid, time,
303               severity, processed, tokens)
304           values
305 	     (g_event_id, g_source_appl_id, g_source_id,
306               g_source_type, g_dest_type, g_message_appl,
307               g_message_name, g_module, g_user_id, g_resp_appl_id,
308 	      g_responsibility_id, g_security_group_id, g_session_id,
309 	      g_node, g_db_instance, g_audsid, sysdate,
310               g_severity, 'N', has_tokens);
312           if ( sql%rowcount = 0 ) then
313              raise insert_error;
314           end if;
315     end;
317     -- insert into fnd_event_tokens table
318     begin
319        for i in 1..g_token_count loop
320               p_token_name := g_tokens(i).token;
321               p_token_value := g_tokens(i).value;
322               p_token_translate := g_tokens(i).type;
324               insert into fnd_event_tokens
325                      (event_id, token,
326                       type, value)
327               values
328                      ( post.event_id, p_token_name,
329                        p_token_translate, p_token_value);
330               if (sql%rowcount = 0 ) then
331                  raise insert_error;
332               end if;
333        end loop;
334     end;
336     reset_vars;
338     commit;
340     return TRUE;
342    exception
343       when message_not_set then
344          rollback;
345          return FALSE;
346       when source_id_null then
347          rollback;
348          return FALSE;
349       when insert_error then
350          fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'SQL-Generic error');
351          fnd_message.set_token ('ERRNO', sqlcode, FALSE);
352          fnd_message.set_token ('REASON', sqlerrm, FALSE);
353          fnd_message.set_token (
354                         'ROUTINE', 'FND_EVENT.post: insert_error', FALSE);
355          rollback;
356          return FALSE;
357       when others then
358          fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'SQL-Generic error');
359          fnd_message.set_token ('ERRNO', sqlcode, FALSE);
360          fnd_message.set_token ('REASON', sqlerrm, FALSE);
361          fnd_message.set_token ('ROUTINE', 'FND_EVENT.post: others', FALSE);
363          rollback;
364          return FALSE;
365 end;
367 -- Name : set_processed
368 -- Description:
369 --     It sets the processed flag to given value for a given event_id.
370 --
371 -- Arguments:
372 --    event_id   - number
373 --    flag       - varchar2
375 PROCEDURE set_processed ( event_id number,
376 			  flag     varchar2 default 'Y') is
378     invalid_flag exception;
379 begin
380    if ( upper(flag) not in ('Y','N') ) then
381      raise invalid_flag;
382    end if;
384    update fnd_events
385       set processed = upper(flag)
386     where event_id = set_processed.event_id;
388    commit;
390    exception
391       when invalid_flag then
392          rollback;
393       when others then
394          rollback;
395 end;
398 -- Name : get
399 -- Description:
400 --     It gets the cp_event for a given source_id, source_type.
401 --     Call this function after calling set_name and optionally set_token and
402 --     log. It also gives the # of events still exists in the cp_events for
403 --     this souce_id and source_type.
404 --     Be causious while using this procedure in while or for loops.
405 --     It may lead to infinet loop.
406 --     Stop calling this procedure when you get remaining events = 0 for a
407 --     given source_id and source_type.
408 -- Arguments:
409 --     source_id    - event source id, IN parameter
410 --     source_type  - event source type, IN parameter
411 --     processed    - TRUE/FLASE to set the processed flag, IN parameter
412 --     message      - event message, OUT parameter
413 --     remaining    - how many more events exists, OUT parameter
414 -- If the call is successfull then it returns TRUE otherwise FALSE;
416 FUNCTION get ( source_id    IN number,
417                source_type  IN varchar2,
418                processed    IN boolean default FALSE,
419                message      IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
420                remaining    IN OUT NOCOPY number) return boolean is
422   cursor c_conc_events(p_source_id number, p_source_type varchar2) is
423      select /*+ index(FND_EVENTS) */ event_id, message_name, tokens
424        from fnd_events
425       where source_id = p_source_id
426         and source_type = p_source_type
427             order by event_id;
429   cursor c_conc_tokens( p_event_id number) is
430      select token, type, value
431        from fnd_event_tokens
432       where event_id = p_event_id;
434      l_event_id     number;
435      l_message_name varchar2(30);
436      l_token        varchar2(30);
437      l_translate    boolean;
438      l_token_value  varchar2(2000);
439      l_source_id    number;
440      l_source_type  varchar2(1);
441      i              number;
445 begin
442      empty_events   events_tab_type;
444      routine     varchar2(50) default 'FND_EVENT.GET';
447     -- if the conc prog is running from OS then source_id will be either 0 or -1
448     -- if source_id is 0 or -1 then use the session id
449     if ( source_id <= 0 ) then
450        select USERENV('SESSIONID')
451          into l_source_id
452          from sys.dual;
453        l_source_type := 'O';  -- use source_type as Others
454     else
455        l_source_id := source_id;
456        l_source_type := source_type;
457     end if;
459    -- test for null to find out query has got executed once or not.
460    if (( g_total_events is null) and ((nvl(previous_source_id, 0) <> l_source_id)
461            or (nvl(previous_source_type,'0') <> l_source_type))) then
462       -- store these two values to find out caller needs for diff source
463       previous_source_id := l_source_id;
464       previous_source_type := l_source_type;
466       -- empty events plsql table
467       g_events := empty_events;
469       for c_events in c_conc_events(l_source_id, l_source_type) loop
470 	 g_total_events := nvl(g_total_events,0) + 1;
471          l_event_id := c_events.event_id;
472 	 l_message_name := c_events.message_name;
473          -- set the message in message stack
474          fnd_message.set_name('FND', l_message_name );
476         if ( c_events.tokens = 'Y' ) then
477          -- get all tokens for this event
478          for c_tokens in c_conc_tokens( l_event_id ) loop
479              l_token       := c_tokens.token;
480              l_token_value := c_tokens.value;
481              if ( c_tokens.type = 'C' ) then
482                 l_translate := FALSE;
483              elsif ( c_tokens.type = 'T' ) then
484                 l_translate := TRUE;
485 	     elsif ( c_tokens.type = 'S' ) then
486                 declare
487                    token_text varchar2(2000);
488                 begin
489                   /* Set the routine name reported in exceptions,   *
490                    * so that the API isn't blamed for bad token SQL.*/
491                    routine := 'FND_EVENT.GET (Token SQL)';
492                    execute immediate c_tokens.value
493                         into l_token_value;
494                    routine := 'FND_EVENT.GET';
495                    l_translate := FALSE;
496                 end;
497              end if;
499              -- set this token in message stack
500              fnd_message.set_token(l_token, l_token_value, l_translate);
501          end loop;
502         end if;   -- if there are any tokens
504          -- get the translated message and store it in plsql tables
505          g_events(g_total_events).event_id := l_event_id;
506          g_events(g_total_events).event := fnd_message.get;
507 	 g_remaining_events := g_total_events;
508       end loop;
509    end if;
511    -- get the events from plsql table and return to caller
512    if ( g_remaining_events > 0 ) then
513       i := g_total_events - g_remaining_events + 1;
514       message := g_events(i).event;
515       g_remaining_events := g_remaining_events - 1;
516       remaining := g_remaining_events;
518       -- set the processed flag if processed is passed
519       if ( processed ) then
520          set_processed(g_events(i).event_id, 'Y');
521       end if;
523       if ( g_remaining_events = 0 ) then
524         g_total_events := NULL;
525       end if;
526       RETURN TRUE;
527    else
528       remaining := 0;
529       message := NULL;
530       g_total_events := NULL;
532       RETURN TRUE;
533    end if;
535    exception
536       when others then
537          fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'SQL-Generic error');
538          fnd_message.set_token ('ERRNO', sqlcode, FALSE);
539          fnd_message.set_token ('REASON', sqlerrm, FALSE);
540          fnd_message.set_token ('ROUTINE', routine, FALSE);
541          message := fnd_message.get;
542          remaining := 0;
543          g_total_events := NULL;
544          rollback;
546 end;
550   --
551   -- Name
552   --   OEM_GET
553   --
554   -- Purpose
555   --   Retrieves the next unprocessed event with a destination type
556   --   of 'O' from the fnd_events table.  The retrieved event is marked
557   --   as processed.
558   --
559   -- Arguments
560   --   event_text     - Text of the event. (out)
561   --                    Buffer must be at least 2000 bytes.
562   --   event_time     - Date/time of event posting.
563   --   event_severity - 'WARNING' or 'ERROR'  --
564   -- Returns
565   --   0 - There are no unprocessed OEM events.
566   --   1 - An event was successfully retrieved.
567   --   2 - Error.  The event_text parameter will contain
568   --       the error message.
569   --
570   -- Notes
571   --   Error messages are returned in the event_text paramter.
572   --
573   function oem_get ( event_text out NOCOPY varchar2,
574                      event_time     out NOCOPY date,
575                      event_severity out NOCOPY varchar2 ) return number is
578     row_locked exception;
579     pragma exception_init(row_locked, -54);
581     cursor c1 is
582          select event_id
583            from fnd_events
587          select token, type, value
584           where processed = 'N';
586     cursor c2 (instance_id number) is
588            from fnd_event_tokens
589           where event_id = instance_id;
591     inst_id     number;
592     msg_appl_sn varchar2(50);
593     msg_name    varchar2(30) default null;
594     sev         varchar2(30);
595     t           date;
596     token_flag  varchar2(1);
597     routine     varchar2(50) default 'FND_EVENT.OEM_GET';
598   begin
599     /* Clear parameters */
600     event_text := null;
601     event_time := null;
602     event_severity := null;
604     for c1rec in c1 loop
605       inst_id := c1rec.event_id;
607       /* Make sure nobody else picked up the event. */
608       begin
609         select message_appl_short_name, message_name,
610                time, severity, tokens
611           into msg_appl_sn, msg_name, t, sev, token_flag
612           from fnd_events
613          where event_id = inst_id
614            and processed = 'N'
615          for update of processed nowait;
616       exception
617          when no_data_found then
618            goto loop_end;
619          when row_locked then
620            goto loop_end;
621       end;
623       /* We've got the lock.  Mark the event has processed. */
624       update fnd_events
625          set processed = 'Y'
626        where event_id = inst_id;
628       commit;
629       exit;
631       <<loop_end>>
632       null;
633     end loop;
635     if (msg_name is null) then
636       /* Nothing was picked up from the queue */
637       return 0;
638     end if;
640     fnd_message.set_name(msg_appl_sn, msg_name);
642     if (token_flag = 'Y') then
643       for c2rec in c2(inst_id) loop
644         if (c2rec.type = 'C') then
645           fnd_message.set_token(c2rec.token, c2rec.value, FALSE);
646         elsif (c2rec.type = 'T') then
647           fnd_message.set_token(c2rec.token, c2rec.value, TRUE);
648         else /* Type S */
649           declare
650             token_text varchar2(2000);
651           begin
652             /* Set the routine name reported in exceptions,   *
653              * so that the API isn't blamed for bad token SQL.*/
654             routine := 'FND_EVENT.OEM_GET (Token SQL)';
655             execute immediate c2rec.value
656                into token_text;
657             routine := 'FND_EVENT.OEM_GET';
658             fnd_message.set_token(c2rec.token, token_text, FALSE);
659          end;
660         end if;
661       end loop;
662     end if;
664     event_text := fnd_message.get;
665     event_time := t;
666     event_severity := sev;
668     return 1;
671   exception
672     when others then
673       fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'SQL-Generic error');
674       fnd_message.set_token ('ERRNO', sqlcode, FALSE);
675       fnd_message.set_token ('REASON', sqlerrm, FALSE);
676       fnd_message.set_token ('ROUTINE', routine, FALSE);
677       event_text := fnd_message.get;
678       rollback;
679       return 2;
680   end;
683 -- Name : oem_set_processed
684 -- Description:
685 --     It sets the processed flag to 'Y' for a given event_id.
686 --     Public wrapper function calling the private API
687 -- Arguments:
688 --    event_id   - number
690 FUNCTION oem_set_processed ( event_id number ) return number is
691 begin
692    set_processed(event_id);
693    return 1;
695    exception
696       when others then
697          rollback;
698 	 RETURN 0;
699 end;
701 -- Name: oem_get_text
702 -- Description:
703 --     It gets the translated message text for a given event_id.
704 --
705 -- Arguments:
706 --    event_id   - number
707 FUNCTION oem_get_text ( event_id number ) return varchar2 is
709     cursor c (instance_id number) is
710          select token, type, value
711            from fnd_event_tokens
712           where event_id = instance_id;
714     msg_appl_sn varchar2(50);
715     msg_name    varchar2(30) default null;
716     token_flag  varchar2(1);
717     routine     varchar2(50) default 'FND_EVENT.OEM_GET_TEXT';
718     event_text varchar2(2000);
719 begin
721       select message_appl_short_name, message_name, tokens
722           into msg_appl_sn, msg_name, token_flag
723           from fnd_events
724          where event_id = oem_get_text.event_id;
726     if (msg_name is null) then
727       return null;
728     end if;
730     fnd_message.set_name(msg_appl_sn, msg_name);
732     if (token_flag = 'Y') then
733       for c2rec in c(oem_get_text.event_id) loop
734         if (c2rec.type = 'C') then
735           fnd_message.set_token(c2rec.token, c2rec.value, FALSE);
736         elsif (c2rec.type = 'T') then
737           fnd_message.set_token(c2rec.token, c2rec.value, TRUE);
738         else /* Type S */
739           declare
740             token_text varchar2(2000);
741           begin
742             /* Set the routine name reported in exceptions,   *
743              * so that the API isn't blamed for bad token SQL.*/
744             routine := 'FND_EVENT.OEM_GET_TEXT (Token SQL)';
745             execute immediate c2rec.value
746                into token_text;
747             routine := 'FND_EVENT.OEM_GET_TEXT';
748             fnd_message.set_token(c2rec.token, token_text, FALSE);
749          end;
750         end if;
751       end loop;
752     end if;
754     event_text := fnd_message.get;
756     return event_text;
758   exception
759     when others then
760       fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'SQL-Generic error');
761       fnd_message.set_token ('ERRNO', sqlcode, FALSE);
762       fnd_message.set_token ('REASON', sqlerrm, FALSE);
763       fnd_message.set_token ('ROUTINE', routine, FALSE);
764       event_text := fnd_message.get;
765       rollback;
766       return event_text;
767 end;
769 end FND_EVENT;