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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 27

    select pbg.security_group_id
      from per_business_groups pbg
         , pay_org_payment_methods_f opm
     where opm.org_payment_method_id = p_org_payment_method_id
       and pbg.business_group_id = opm.business_group_id;
Line: 87

    select pbg.legislation_code
      from per_business_groups pbg
         , pay_org_payment_methods_f opm
     where opm.org_payment_method_id = p_org_payment_method_id
       and pbg.business_group_id = opm.business_group_id;
Line: 449

Procedure chk_non_updateable_args
  (p_effective_date  in date
  ,p_rec             in pay_opm_shd.g_rec_type
  ) IS
  l_proc     varchar2(72) := g_package || 'chk_non_updateable_args';
Line: 517

End chk_non_updateable_args;
Line: 548

Procedure dt_update_validate
  (p_datetrack_mode                in varchar2
  ,p_validation_start_date         in date
  ,p_validation_end_date           in date
  ) Is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'dt_update_validate';
Line: 604

End dt_update_validate;
Line: 641

Procedure dt_delete_validate
  (p_org_payment_method_id            in number
  ,p_datetrack_mode                   in varchar2
  ,p_validation_start_date            in date
  ,p_validation_end_date              in date
  ) Is
  l_proc	varchar2(72) 	:= g_package||'dt_delete_validate';
Line: 665

  If (p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete or
      p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_zap) then
    -- Ensure the arguments are not null
      (p_api_name       => l_proc
      ,p_argument       => 'validation_start_date'
      ,p_argument_value => p_validation_start_date
Line: 751

End dt_delete_validate;
Line: 800

    select null
      from pay_external_accounts exa
     where exa.external_account_id = p_external_account_id
       and exists
             (select null
                from pay_payment_types pty
               where pty.payment_type_id = p_payment_type_id
                 and ((pty.territory_code is not null
                       and pty.territory_code = exa.territory_code)
                      or (pty.territory_code is null
                          and exists
                                (select null
                                   from per_business_groups pbg
                                  where pbg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
                                    and pbg.legislation_code = exa.territory_code))));
Line: 817

    select count (*)
      from pay_org_payment_methods_f pop,
           pay_payment_types pyt
     where pop.payment_type_id = pyt.payment_type_id
       and pyt.category =
           ( select pyt.category
               from pay_payment_types pyt
              where pyt.payment_type_id = p_payment_type_id)
       and (p_org_payment_method_id is null
           or pop.org_payment_method_id <> p_org_payment_method_id )
       and pop.external_account_id is not null
       and p_effective_date between pop.effective_start_date and pop.effective_end_date
       and pop.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 947

    select null
      from fnd_currencies_vl cur
     where cur.enabled_flag = 'Y'
       and cur.currency_flag = 'Y'
       and p_effective_date between nvl(start_date_active,p_effective_date)
           and nvl(end_date_active,p_effective_date)
       and exists
             (select null
                from pay_payment_types pty
               where pty.payment_type_id = p_payment_type_id
                 and (pty.currency_code is null
                      or (pty.currency_code is not null
                          and pty.currency_code = p_currency_code)));
Line: 1062

    select null
      from pay_payment_types pyt
     where pyt.payment_type_id = p_payment_type_id
       and ((pyt.territory_code is null)
            or exists
            (select null
               from pay_legislation_rules lgr
              where lgr.legislation_code = pyt.territory_code
                and lgr.rule_type = 'E'))
       and not exists
            (select 'x'
               from pay_payment_types pyt2,
                    per_business_groups pbg
              where pyt2.category = pyt.category
                and pbg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
                and pyt2.territory_code = pbg.legislation_code
                and pyt.territory_code is null
                and pyt2.payment_type_id <> pyt.payment_type_id);
Line: 1165

              select  db.defined_balance_id
                from  pay_defined_balances db,
                      pay_balance_dimensions bd,
         	      pay_balance_types bt
               where  nvl(db.business_group_id,p_business_group_id) = p_business_group_id
                 and  ((db.legislation_code is null)
                       or exists
                          (select null
                             from per_business_groups pbg
                            where pbg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
                              and pbg.legislation_code = db.legislation_code))
                 and  db.balance_dimension_id = bd.balance_dimension_id
                 and  db.balance_type_id      = bt.balance_type_id
                 and  bd.payments_flag = 'Y'
                 and  bt.assignment_remuneration_flag = 'Y'
               order  by db.business_group_id,db.legislation_code;
Line: 1266

     select  null
       from  pay_org_payment_methods_f opm
      where  upper(opm.org_payment_method_name) = upper(p_org_payment_method_name)
        and  (p_org_payment_method_id is null
             or p_org_payment_method_id <> opm.org_payment_method_id)
        and  opm.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1354

     select  null
       from  pay_pre_payments ppm
          ,  pay_assignment_actions paa
          ,  pay_payroll_actions ppa
      where  ppm.org_payment_method_id = p_org_payment_method_id
        and  ppm.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
        and  paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
        and ppa.action_type in ('P', 'U')
        and  ppa.effective_date >= p_validation_start_date;
Line: 1418

   select lfi.rule_mode
     from pay_legislative_field_info lfi
    where lfi.validation_type = 'TAB_PAGE_PROPERTY'
      and lfi.validation_name = 'DISPLAY'
      and lfi.rule_type = 'DISPLAY'
      and lfi.field_name = 'COSTING_TAB'
      and lfi.target_location = 'PAYWSDPM'
      and lfi.legislation_code = l_legislation_code;
Line: 1708

procedure chk_delete
  (p_org_payment_method_id     in pay_org_payment_methods_f.org_payment_method_id%TYPE
  ,p_business_group_id         in pay_org_payment_methods_f.business_group_id%TYPE
  ,p_datetrack_mode            in varchar2
  ,p_effective_date            in date
  ,p_validation_start_date     in date
  ,p_validation_end_date       in date
   ) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_delete';
Line: 1721

    select null
    from   pay_pre_payments ppt,
           pay_assignment_actions paa,
           pay_payroll_actions ppa
    where  ppt.org_payment_method_id = p_org_payment_method_id
    and    ppt.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
    and    paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
    and    (p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_zap
           or (p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete
               and p_effective_date < ppa.effective_date));
Line: 1733

    select null
    from   pay_org_payment_methods_f_tl opt
    where  opt.org_payment_method_id = p_org_payment_method_id
    and    p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_zap;
Line: 1739

    select null
    from   pay_payroll_actions ppa
    where  ppa.org_payment_method_id = p_org_payment_method_id
    and    (p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_zap
           or (p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete
               and p_effective_date < ppa.effective_date));
Line: 1747

    select null
    from   pay_all_payrolls_f ppa
    where  ppa.default_payment_method_id = p_org_payment_method_id
    and    ppa.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1766

  If (p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete or
      p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_zap) then
    -- Ensure the arguments are not null
      (p_api_name       => l_proc
      ,p_argument       => 'effective_date'
      ,p_argument_value => p_effective_date
Line: 1880

end chk_delete;
Line: 1885

Procedure insert_validate
  (p_rec                   in pay_opm_shd.g_rec_type
  ,p_effective_date        in date
  ,p_datetrack_mode        in varchar2
  ,p_validation_start_date in date
  ,p_validation_end_date   in date
  ) is
  l_proc	varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_validate';
Line: 1984

End insert_validate;
Line: 1989

Procedure update_validate
  (p_rec                     in pay_opm_shd.g_rec_type
  ,p_effective_date          in date
  ,p_datetrack_mode          in varchar2
  ,p_validation_start_date   in date
  ,p_validation_end_date     in date
  ) is
  l_proc	varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_validate';
Line: 2008

    (p_datetrack_mode                 => p_datetrack_mode
    ,p_validation_start_date          => p_validation_start_date
    ,p_validation_end_date            => p_validation_end_date
Line: 2014

    (p_effective_date  => p_effective_date
    ,p_rec             => p_rec
Line: 2090

End update_validate;
Line: 2095

Procedure delete_validate
  (p_rec                    in pay_opm_shd.g_rec_type
  ,p_effective_date         in date
  ,p_datetrack_mode         in varchar2
  ,p_validation_start_date  in date
  ,p_validation_end_date    in date
  ) is
  l_proc	varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_validate';
Line: 2110

    (p_datetrack_mode                   => p_datetrack_mode
    ,p_validation_start_date            => p_validation_start_date
    ,p_validation_end_date              => p_validation_end_date
    ,p_org_payment_method_id            => p_rec.org_payment_method_id
Line: 2117

  pay_opm_bus.chk_delete(p_datetrack_mode => p_datetrack_mode
                        ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
                        ,p_org_payment_method_id => p_rec.org_payment_method_id
                        ,p_business_group_id => p_rec.business_group_id
                        ,p_validation_start_date => p_validation_start_date
                        ,p_validation_end_date => p_validation_end_date);
Line: 2130

End delete_validate;