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1 PACKAGE BODY ghr_tsp_catchup_plan_design AS
2 /* $Header: ghtspcpd.pkb 120.2 2006/10/23 20:38:40 bgarg noship $ */
4 --
5 -- Package Variables
6 --
7    g_package varchar2(100) := 'ghr_tsp_catchup_plan_design.';
9   Procedure create_tspc_program_and_plans (p_target_business_group_id in Number) is
10 --
11       l_proc                Varchar2(100):= g_package||'create_tspc_program_and_plans';
12       p_validate                    Number := 0;
13       p_copy_entity_txn_id          Number;
14       p_effective_date              Date;
15       p_prefix_suffix_cd            Varchar2(2);
16       p_prefix_suffix_text          Varchar2(2);
17       p_reuse_object_flag           Varchar2(1);
18       p_transaction_category_id     Number(15);
19       l_effective_start_date        Date;
20       l_effective_end_date          Date;
21       Nothing_To_Do                 Exception;
23 --
24       Cursor get_txn_category_id is
25                    select transaction_category_id
26                    from   pqh_transaction_categories
27                    where  short_name = 'BEN_PDCPWZ';
28       Cursor get_copy_txn_id is
29                    select copy_entity_txn_id
30                    from   pqh_copy_entity_txns
31                    where  transaction_category_id = p_transaction_category_id
32                    and    context_business_group_id = 0
33                    and    display_name = 'GHR_TSP_CATCHUP_SEED_PROGRAM_DESIGN';
34      Cursor update_program_status is
35          select * from ben_pgm_f
36          where  name = 'Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Catch Up Contributions'
37          and    business_group_id = p_target_business_group_id;
38 --
39  Begin
41    hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||l_proc, 5);
43    Open get_txn_category_id;
44    Fetch get_txn_category_id into p_transaction_category_id;
45    hr_utility.trace('Transaction Category Id  :'|| p_transaction_category_id);
46    hr_utility.set_location('Opening cursor get_copy_txn_id      '||l_proc, 10);
47    --dbms_output.put_line('txn category id   '||p_transaction_category_id);
49    Open get_copy_txn_id;
50    fetch get_copy_txn_id into p_copy_entity_txn_id;
51    If get_copy_txn_id%notfound  then
52       Raise Nothing_to_do;
53    End If;
54    hr_utility.trace('Copy entity Txn. Id  :'|| p_copy_entity_txn_id);
55    --dbms_output.put_line('copy_entity_txn_id  :'||p_copy_entity_txn_id );
58    --   Set the variables
59    p_effective_date            := to_date('12/31/2005','MM/DD//YYYY');
60    p_prefix_suffix_cd          := null;
61    p_prefix_suffix_text        := null;
62    p_reuse_object_flag         := 'Y';
64    BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_five.g_ghr_mode := 'TRUE';
66    --dbms_output.put_line('now calling..........');
67    BEN_PD_COPY_TO_BEN_TWO.create_stg_to_ben_rows(p_validate,
68                                                  p_copy_entity_txn_id,
69                                                  p_effective_date,
70                                                  p_prefix_suffix_text,
71                                                  p_reuse_object_flag,
72                                                  p_target_business_group_id,
73                                                  p_prefix_suffix_cd);
74    For i in update_program_status Loop
75        ben_Program_api.update_program(
76                 p_pgm_id                   => i.pgm_id
77                 ,p_effective_start_date    => l_effective_start_date
78                 ,p_effective_end_date      => l_effective_end_date
79                 ,p_pgm_stat_cd             => 'A'
80                 ,p_object_version_number   => i.object_version_number
81                 ,p_effective_date          => i.effective_start_date
82                 ,p_datetrack_mode          => 'CORRECTION'
83        );
84    End Loop;
86   If get_txn_category_id%ISOPEN then
87      CLOSE get_txn_category_id;
88   End If;
89   If get_copy_txn_id%ISOPEN then
90      CLOSE get_copy_txn_id;
91   End If;
92   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving  :'|| g_package||l_proc, 50);
94   Exception
95      When Nothing_to_do Then
96        If get_txn_category_id%ISOPEN then
97            CLOSE get_txn_category_id;
98        End If;
99        If get_copy_txn_id%ISOPEN then
100            CLOSE get_copy_txn_id;
101        End If;
102        null;
103      When others then
104        If get_txn_category_id%ISOPEN then
105            CLOSE get_txn_category_id;
106        End If;
107        If get_copy_txn_id%ISOPEN then
108            CLOSE get_copy_txn_id;
109        End If;
110        hr_utility.set_location('Leaving  :'|| g_package||l_proc, 70);
111        Raise;
112   End create_tspc_program_and_plans;
116   Procedure populate_tspc_plan_design (p_errbuf     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
117                                        p_retcode    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
118                                        p_target_business_group_id in Number) is
120       Cursor c_check_pgm_tsp_exists is
121              select 'Y' tsp_exists from ben_pgm_f
122              where  name = 'Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)'
123              and    business_group_id = p_target_business_group_id
124              and    pgm_stat_cd = 'A';
126       Cursor check_pgm_exists is
127              select 'Y' from ben_pgm_f
128              where  name = 'Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Catch Up Contributions'
129              and    business_group_id = p_target_business_group_id;
131       l_proc           varchar2(100):= substr(g_package||'Populate_tspc_plan_design',1,30);
132       p_exists         Varchar2(1):= 'N';
133       p_tsp_exists     Varchar2(1):= 'N';
134       l_err_msg        Varchar2(2000);
135       Nothing_To_Do    Exception;
138   Begin
139       hr_utility.set_location('entering  :'|| g_package||l_proc, 10);
140       hr_utility.trace('Business Group Id   ' ||p_target_business_group_id);
141       --Check if TSP program is installed before implementing catchUP.
142       --If TSP open is not installed then TSP CatchUP should not run.
143       p_tsp_exists := 'N';
144       For check_pgm_tsp_exists  in c_check_pgm_tsp_exists loop
145           p_tsp_exists := check_pgm_tsp_exists.tsp_exists;
146           exit;
147       End loop;
148       If p_tsp_exists = 'N' then
149          l_err_msg := 'Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) program is not installed in the business group '||p_target_business_group_id||'. Please install it before installing Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Catch Up Contributions Program.';
150          Raise nothing_to_do;
151       End If;
152       -- Check if TSP CatchUP is already installed.
153       -- If Yes, then program should not run.
154       Open check_pgm_exists;
155       Fetch check_pgm_exists into p_exists;
156       If check_pgm_exists%NOTFOUND Then
157          p_exists := 'N';
158       End If;
159       If p_exists = 'Y' then
160          l_err_msg := 'Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Catch Up Contributions program is already installed in the business_group '||p_target_business_group_id;
161          Raise nothing_to_do;
162       End If;
164       savepoint  create_tspc_plan_design;
165         --dbms_output.put_line('now starting plan design  ' ||p_target_business_group_id);
166       create_tspc_program_and_plans(p_target_business_group_id);
167       hr_utility.trace('After create_program_and_plans....');
168       commit;
169       If check_pgm_exists%ISOPEN then
170            CLOSE check_pgm_exists;
171       End If;
172       hr_utility.set_location('Leaving  :'|| g_package||l_proc, 50);
173   Exception
174      When Nothing_to_do Then
175         If check_pgm_exists%ISOPEN then
176            CLOSE check_pgm_exists;
177         End If;
178         ghr_wgi_pkg.create_ghr_errorlog
179           (p_program_name            =>  l_proc,
180            p_log_text                =>  l_err_msg,
181            p_message_name            =>  null,
182            p_log_date                =>  sysdate
183            );
184        commit;
185      When others then
186         If check_pgm_exists%ISOPEN then
187            CLOSE check_pgm_exists;
188         End If;
189        hr_utility.set_location('Leaving  :'|| g_package||l_proc, 60);
190        hr_utility.trace('Error  ' ||sqlerrm(sqlcode));
191        l_err_msg := substr(p_target_business_group_id||':'||nvl(fnd_message.get,sqlerrm),1,1999) ;
192        rollback to create_tspc_plan_design;
193        ghr_wgi_pkg.create_ghr_errorlog
194           (p_program_name            =>  l_proc,
195            p_log_text                =>  l_err_msg,
196            p_message_name            =>  null,
197            p_log_date                =>  sysdate
198            );
199        commit;
200   End populate_tspc_plan_design;
203   Procedure get_recs_for_tspc_migration(p_errbuf     OUT NOCOPY Varchar2
204                                        ,p_retcode    OUT NOCOPY Number
205                                        ,p_business_group_id in Number)  is
207 	-- Modified cursor for 11.5.10 Performance changes
208 	-- Added link between pay_element_types_f and pay_element_entries_f on element_type_id
209     Cursor c_emp_tspc(c_business_group_id in number, c_element_name in pay_element_types_f.element_name%type)  is
210     select
211            e.assignment_id            assignment_id,
212            decode(name,'Catch Up Amount','Amount', name) Name,
213            screen_entry_value,
214            e.effective_start_date,
215            g.person_id
216     from   pay_element_types_f		  a,
217            pay_input_values_f         b,
218            pay_element_links_f        c,
219            pay_link_input_values_f    d,
220            pay_element_entries_f      e,
221            pay_element_entry_values_f f,
222            per_assignments_f      g
223     where  a.element_type_id      = b.element_type_id
224     and    a.element_type_id      = c.element_type_id
225     and    c.element_link_id      = d.element_link_id
226     and    b.input_value_id       = d.input_value_id
227     and    e.element_link_id      = c.element_link_id
228     and    f.element_entry_id     = e.element_entry_id
229     and    f.input_value_id       = b.input_value_id
230     and    a.element_type_id      = e.element_type_id
231     and    g.business_group_id    = c_business_group_id
232     and    e.effective_end_date   = hr_api.g_eot
233     --and    trunc(sysdate) between e.effective_start_date and e.effective_End_date
234     and    trunc(e.effective_start_date) between f.effective_start_date and f.effective_End_date
235     and    g.assignment_id =  e.assignment_id
236     and    trunc(e.effective_start_date) between g.effective_start_date and g.effective_end_date
237     and    UPPER(a.element_name)   = c_element_name
238     and    ghr_general.return_number(screen_entry_value) > 0
239     order by 1, 2 desc;
240 	l_element_name pay_element_types_f.element_name%type;
242   BEGIN
243 	  -- 11.5.10 Performance Changes
244 	  l_element_name := NVL(UPPER(pqp_fedhr_uspay_int_utils.return_new_element_name ('TSP Catch Up Contribution',p_business_group_id,sysdate,NULL)),'$Sys_Def$');
246        -- set program name
247        ghr_mto_int.set_log_program_name('GHR_TSP_CATCHUP_MIGRATION');
249       for emp_rec in c_emp_tspc(p_business_group_id,l_element_name) loop
250         ghr_general.ghr_tsp_catchup_migrate(emp_rec.assignment_id,
251                                     'Amount',
252                                     emp_rec.screen_entry_value,
253                                     emp_rec.effective_start_date,
254                                     p_business_group_id,
255                                     emp_rec.person_id);
256         commit;
257       end loop;
258   End get_recs_for_tspc_migration;
261      Procedure update_alternate_check_date(p_errbuf     OUT NOCOPY Varchar2
262                                           ,p_retcode    OUT NOCOPY Number
263                                           ,p_payroll_id in  Number
264                                           ,p_date_start in  Varchar2
265                                           ,p_date_to    in  Varchar2
266                                           ,p_chk_offset in  Number)  IS
269          l_proc           varchar2(100):= 'Update_Alternate_Chcek_Date';
270          l_date_start     Date;
271          l_date_to        Date;
272          l_row_id         Varchar2(200);
273          l_tprec          per_time_periods%rowtype;
275          Cursor c_get_rowid is
276            select ROWID
277            from   per_time_periods
278            where  payroll_id = p_payroll_id
279            --and    start_date between nvl(p_date_start,hr_api.g_sot) and nvl(p_date_to,hr_api.g_eot);
280            and    start_date between l_date_start and l_date_to ;
282          Cursor c_get_details is
283            select * from per_time_periods where rowid = l_row_id;
284     Begin
285         hr_utility.set_location('entering  :'|| g_package||l_proc, 10);
287         l_date_start  := nvl(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_date_start),hr_api.g_sot);
288 	l_date_to     := nvl(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_date_to),hr_api.g_eot);
290         hr_utility.set_location( g_package||l_proc, 20);
291         for get_rowid in c_get_rowid loop
292             l_row_id  := get_rowid.ROWID;
294             hr_utility.set_location( g_package||l_proc, 30);
295             for get_details in c_get_details loop
296                l_tprec := get_details;
297                hr_utility.set_location( g_package||l_proc, 40);
298                per_time_periods_pkg.update_row
299                      (X_Rowid  			=> l_row_id,
300                       X_Time_Period_Id       	=> l_tprec.time_period_id,
301                       X_Payroll_Id           	=> l_tprec.payroll_id  ,
302                       X_End_Date             	=> l_tprec.end_date,
303                       X_Period_Name          	=> l_tprec.period_name,
304                       X_Period_Num           	=> l_tprec.period_Num,
305                       X_Period_Type          	=> l_tprec.period_type,
306                       X_Start_Date           	=> l_tprec.start_date,
307                       X_Cut_Off_Date         	=> l_tprec.cut_off_date,
308                       X_Default_Dd_Date      	=> l_tprec.default_dd_date,
309                       X_Description          	=> l_tprec.description,
313                       X_Proc_Period_Type       	=> l_tprec.proc_period_type,
310                       X_Pay_Advice_Date      	=> l_tprec.pay_advice_date,
311                       X_Period_Set_Name      	=> l_tprec.period_set_name,
312                       X_Period_Year          	=> l_tprec.period_year,
314                       X_Quarter_Num             => l_tprec.quarter_num,
315                       X_Quickpay_Display_Number => l_tprec.quickpay_display_number,
316                       X_Regular_Payment_Date    => (l_tprec.end_date + p_chk_offset),
317                       X_Run_Display_Number      => l_tprec.run_display_number,
318                       X_Status                  => l_tprec.status,
319                       X_Year_Number             => l_tprec.year_number,
320                       X_Attribute_Category      => l_tprec.attribute_category,
321                       X_Attribute1              => l_tprec.attribute1,
322                       X_Attribute2              => l_tprec.attribute2,
323                       X_Attribute3              => l_tprec.attribute3,
324                       X_Attribute4              => l_tprec.attribute4,
325                       X_Attribute5              => l_tprec.attribute5,
326                       X_Attribute6              => l_tprec.attribute6,
327                       X_Attribute7              => l_tprec.attribute7,
328                       X_Attribute8              => l_tprec.attribute8,
329                       X_Attribute9              => l_tprec.attribute9,
330                       X_Attribute10             => l_tprec.attribute10,
331                       X_Attribute11             => l_tprec.attribute11,
332                       X_Attribute12             => l_tprec.attribute12,
333                       X_Attribute13             => l_tprec.attribute13,
334                       X_Attribute14             => l_tprec.attribute14,
335                       X_Attribute15             => l_tprec.attribute15,
336                       X_Attribute16             => l_tprec.attribute16,
337                       X_Attribute17             => l_tprec.attribute17,
338                       X_Attribute18             => l_tprec.attribute18,
339                       X_Attribute19             => l_tprec.attribute19,
340                       X_Attribute20             => l_tprec.attribute20,
341                       X_Prd_Information_Category => l_tprec.prd_Information_Category,
342                       X_Prd_Information1        => l_tprec.Prd_Information1,
343                       X_Prd_Information2        => l_tprec.Prd_Information2,
344                       X_Prd_Information3        => l_tprec.Prd_Information3,
345                       X_Prd_Information4        => l_tprec.Prd_Information4,
346                       X_Prd_Information5        => l_tprec.Prd_Information5,
347                       X_Prd_Information6        => l_tprec.Prd_Information6,
348                       X_Prd_Information7        => l_tprec.Prd_Information7,
349                       X_Prd_Information8        => l_tprec.Prd_Information8,
350                       X_Prd_Information9        => l_tprec.Prd_Information9,
351                       X_Prd_Information10       => l_tprec.Prd_Information10,
352                       X_Prd_Information11       => l_tprec.Prd_Information11,
353                       X_Prd_Information12       => l_tprec.Prd_Information12,
354                       X_Prd_Information13       => l_tprec.Prd_Information13,
355                       X_Prd_Information14       => l_tprec.Prd_Information14,
356                       X_Prd_Information15       => l_tprec.Prd_Information15,
357                       X_Prd_Information16       => l_tprec.Prd_Information16,
358                       X_Prd_Information17       => l_tprec.Prd_Information17,
359                       X_Prd_Information18       => l_tprec.Prd_Information18,
360                       X_Prd_Information19       => l_tprec.Prd_Information19,
361                       X_Prd_Information20       => l_tprec.Prd_Information20,
362                       X_Prd_Information21       => l_tprec.Prd_Information21,
363                       X_Prd_Information22       => l_tprec.Prd_Information22,
364                       X_Prd_Information23       => l_tprec.Prd_Information23,
365                       X_Prd_Information24       => l_tprec.Prd_Information24,
366                       X_Prd_Information25       => l_tprec.Prd_Information25,
367                       X_Prd_Information26       => l_tprec.Prd_Information26,
368                       X_Prd_Information27       => l_tprec.Prd_Information27,
369                       X_Prd_Information28       => l_tprec.Prd_Information28,
370                       X_Prd_Information29       => l_tprec.Prd_Information29,
371                       X_Prd_Information30       => l_tprec.Prd_Information30,
372                       X_Payslip_view_Date       => l_tprec.payslip_view_date
373                     );
374             End loop;
375         End Loop;
376         hr_utility.set_location('leaving  :'|| g_package||l_proc, 50);
377     Exception
378        when others then
379          hr_utility.set_location('Error Leaving  :'|| g_package||l_proc, 100);
380          hr_utility.trace('Error  ' ||sqlerrm(sqlcode));
381     End update_alternate_check_date;
382 end ghr_tsp_catchup_plan_design;