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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 222

    SELECT s.segment_num INTO l_bal_segnum
      FROM fnd_id_flex_segments s, fnd_segment_attribute_values sav,
           fnd_segment_attribute_types sat
     WHERE s.application_id = 101
       AND s.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
       AND s.id_flex_num = l_account_flex
       AND s.enabled_flag = 'Y'
       AND s.application_column_name = sav.application_column_name
       AND sav.application_id = 101
       AND sav.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
       AND sav.id_flex_num = l_account_flex
       AND sav.attribute_value = 'Y'
       AND sav.segment_attribute_type = sat.segment_attribute_type
       AND sat.application_id = 101
       AND sat.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
       AND sat.unique_flag = 'Y'
       AND sat.segment_attribute_type = 'GL_BALANCING';
Line: 288

      ' select nvl(glcc1.' || l_column_name || ', glcc2.' || l_column_name || '),
                          ''COST'',          decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                   ''CR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                   adjustment_amount * -1),
                          ''CIP COST'',      decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                   ''CR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                   adjustment_amount * -1),
                          ''COST CLEARING'', decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                   ''CR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                   adjustment_amount * -1),
                          ''RESERVE'',       decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                   ''CR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                   adjustment_amount * -1),
                          ''REVAL RESERVE'', decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                   ''CR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                   adjustment_amount * -1),
                           0)) ' ||
      ' from fa_adjustments adj,
             fa_distribution_history dh,
             gl_code_combinations glcc1,
             gl_code_combinations glcc2
       where adj.asset_id               = :p_asset_id
         and adj.book_type_code         = :p_book
         and adj.period_counter_created = :p_period_counter
         and adj.transaction_header_id  = :p_thid
         and adj.distribution_id        = dh.distribution_id
         and dh.code_combination_id     = glcc2.code_combination_id
         and adj.code_combination_id(+) = glcc1.code_combination_id
--         and adj.track_member_flag is null
       group by nvl(glcc1.' || l_column_name || ', glcc2.' || l_column_name || ')';
Line: 323

      ' select nvl(glcc1.' || l_column_name || ', glcc2.' || l_column_name || '),
                          ''COST'',          decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                   ''CR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                   adjustment_amount * -1),
                          ''CIP COST'',      decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                   ''CR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                   adjustment_amount * -1),
                          ''COST CLEARING'', decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                   ''CR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                   adjustment_amount * -1),
                          ''RESERVE'',       decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                   ''CR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                   adjustment_amount * -1),
                          ''REVAL RESERVE'', decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                   ''CR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                   adjustment_amount * -1),
                           0)) ' ||
      ' from fa_adjustments adj,
             fa_distribution_history dh,
             gl_code_combinations glcc1,
             gl_code_combinations glcc2
       where adj.asset_id               = :p_asset_id
         and adj.book_type_code         = :p_book
         and adj.period_counter_created = :p_period_counter
         and adj.transaction_header_id  = :p_thid
         and adj.distribution_id        = dh.distribution_id
         and dh.code_combination_id     = glcc2.code_combination_id
         and adj.code_combination_id(+) = glcc1.code_combination_id
         and adj.track_member_flag is null
       group by nvl(glcc1.' || l_column_name || ', glcc2.' || l_column_name || ')';
Line: 435

         ' select nvl(glcc1.' || l_column_name || ', glcc2.' || l_column_name || '),
                             ''COST'',          decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                      ''DR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                      adjustment_amount * -1),
                             ''CIP COST'',      decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                      ''DR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                      adjustment_amount * -1),
                             ''COST CLEARING'', decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                      ''DR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                      adjustment_amount * -1),
                             ''RESERVE'',       decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                      ''DR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                      adjustment_amount * -1),
                             ''REVAL RESERVE'', decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                      ''DR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                      adjustment_amount * -1),
                             0)) ' ||
         ' from fa_adjustments adj,
                fa_distribution_history dh,
                gl_code_combinations glcc1,
                gl_code_combinations glcc2
          where adj.asset_id               = :p_asset_id
            and adj.book_type_code         = :p_book
            and adj.period_counter_created = :p_period_counter
            and adj.transaction_header_id  = :p_thid
            and adj.distribution_id        = dh.distribution_id
            and dh.code_combination_id     = glcc2.code_combination_id
            and adj.code_combination_id(+) = glcc1.code_combination_id
       --     and adj.track_member_flag is null
       group by nvl(glcc1.' || l_column_name || ', glcc2.' || l_column_name || ')';
Line: 469

         ' select nvl(glcc1.' || l_column_name || ', glcc2.' || l_column_name || '),
                             ''COST'',          decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                      ''DR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                      adjustment_amount * -1),
                             ''CIP COST'',      decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                      ''DR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                      adjustment_amount * -1),
                             ''COST CLEARING'', decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                      ''DR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                      adjustment_amount * -1),
                             ''RESERVE'',       decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                      ''DR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                      adjustment_amount * -1),
                             ''REVAL RESERVE'', decode (debit_credit_flag,
                                                      ''DR'', adjustment_amount,
                                                      adjustment_amount * -1),
                             0)) ' ||
         ' from fa_adjustments adj,
                fa_distribution_history dh,
                gl_code_combinations glcc1,
                gl_code_combinations glcc2
          where adj.asset_id               = :p_asset_id
            and adj.book_type_code         = :p_book
            and adj.period_counter_created = :p_period_counter
            and adj.transaction_header_id  = :p_thid
            and adj.distribution_id        = dh.distribution_id
            and dh.code_combination_id     = glcc2.code_combination_id
            and adj.code_combination_id(+) = glcc1.code_combination_id
            and adj.track_member_flag is null
       group by nvl(glcc1.' || l_column_name || ', glcc2.' || l_column_name || ')';
Line: 670

Line: 683

               l_src_summary_tbl.delete(l_count + 1);
Line: 720

            l_dest_summary_tbl.delete(l_dest_summary_count );
Line: 732

               l_dest_summary_tbl.delete(l_count + 1);
Line: 922

Line: 934

                  l_summary_tbl.delete(l_count + 1);
Line: 1004

   l_adj.last_update_date         := p_src_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered;
Line: 1005

   l_adj.selection_mode           := FA_ADJUST_TYPE_PKG.FA_AJ_SINGLE;
Line: 1006

   l_adj.selection_thid           := 0;
Line: 1007

   l_adj.selection_retid          := 0;
Line: 1041

Line: 1051

         ' select distinct
             from fa_adjustments adj,
                  fa_distribution_history dh,
                  gl_code_combinations glcc
            where adj.asset_id                  = :p_asset_id
              and adj.book_type_code            = :p_book_type_code
              and adj.period_counter_created    = :p_period_counter_created
              and adj.transaction_header_id     = :p_thid
              and adj.distribution_id           = dh.distribution_id
              and dh.asset_id                   = :p_asset_id
              and dh.code_combination_id        = glcc.code_combination_id
              and glcc. ' || l_column_name || ' = :p_balancing_segment ';
Line: 1201

                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
                  raise interco_err;
Line: 1267

   select code_combination_id
     from fa_distribution_history
    where asset_id         = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
      and date_ineffective is null;
Line: 1323

    SELECT s.segment_num INTO l_bal_segnum
      FROM fnd_id_flex_segments s, fnd_segment_attribute_values sav,
           fnd_segment_attribute_types sat
     WHERE s.application_id = 101
       AND s.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
       AND s.id_flex_num = l_account_flex
       AND s.enabled_flag = 'Y'
       AND s.application_column_name = sav.application_column_name
       AND sav.application_id = 101
       AND sav.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
       AND sav.id_flex_num = l_account_flex
       AND sav.attribute_value = 'Y'
       AND sav.segment_attribute_type = sat.segment_attribute_type
       AND sat.application_id = 101
       AND sat.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
       AND sat.unique_flag = 'Y'
       AND sat.segment_attribute_type = 'GL_BALANCING';
Line: 1407

          select code_combination_id
            into l_ccid
            from fa_distribution_history
           where distribution_id = l_asset_dist_tbl(l_dist_tbl_count).distribution_id;
Line: 1424

      'select distinct glcc.' || l_column_name ||
       ' from gl_code_combinations glcc ' ||
       ' where code_combination_id in (' || l_ccid_string || ')';
Line: 1484

         'select distinct glcc.' || l_column_name ||
          ' from gl_code_combinations glcc,
                 fa_books bk,
                 fa_book_controls bc,
                 fa_distribution_history dh
           where bk.asset_id                 = dh.asset_id
             and bk.group_asset_id           = :p_asset_id
             and bk.book_type_code           = bc.book_type_code
             and bc.distribution_source_book = :p_book
             and dh.book_type_code           = :p_book
             and bc.allow_interco_group_flag = ''N''
             and bc.date_ineffective         is null
             and bk.date_ineffective         is null
             and dh.date_ineffective         is null
             and dh.code_combination_id      = glcc.code_combination_id' ;
Line: 1512

         'select distinct glcc.' || l_column_name ||
          ' from gl_code_combinations glcc,
                 fa_book_controls bc,
                 fa_distribution_history dh
           where dh.asset_id                 = :p_asset_Id
             and dh.date_ineffective         is null
             and dh.code_combination_id      = glcc.code_combination_id
             and bc.distribution_source_book = :p_book
             and bc.book_type_code           = dh.book_type_code
             and bc.allow_interco_group_flag = ''N''';
Line: 1530

         'select distinct glcc.' || l_column_name ||
          ' from gl_code_combinations glcc,
                 fa_books bk,
                 fa_distribution_history dh,
                 fa_book_controls bc
           where dh.asset_id                 = bk.group_asset_id
             and dh.date_ineffective        is null
             and dh.code_combination_id      = glcc.code_combination_id
             and bk.asset_id                 = :p_asset_id
             and bk.book_type_code           = bc.book_type_code
             and bc.distribution_source_book = :p_book
             and bc.allow_interco_group_flag = ''N''
             and dh.book_type_code           = :p_book ';
Line: 1630

   select code_combination_id
     from fa_distribution_history
    where asset_id         = p_asset_id
      and date_ineffective is null;
Line: 1689

    SELECT s.segment_num INTO l_bal_segnum
      FROM fnd_id_flex_segments s, fnd_segment_attribute_values sav,
           fnd_segment_attribute_types sat
     WHERE s.application_id = 101
       AND s.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
       AND s.id_flex_num = l_account_flex
       AND s.enabled_flag = 'Y'
       AND s.application_column_name = sav.application_column_name
       AND sav.application_id = 101
       AND sav.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
       AND sav.id_flex_num = l_account_flex
       AND sav.attribute_value = 'Y'
       AND sav.segment_attribute_type = sat.segment_attribute_type
       AND sat.application_id = 101
       AND sat.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
       AND sat.unique_flag = 'Y'
       AND sat.segment_attribute_type = 'GL_BALANCING';
Line: 1779

         'select distinct glcc.' || l_column_name ||
          ' from gl_code_combinations glcc ' ||
         ' where code_combination_id in (' || l_ccid_string || ')';
Line: 1815
