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APPS.BISVIEWER dependencies on ICX_SEC

Line 128: if (not icx_sec.ValidateSession) then

124: --nbarik - 04/20/04 - Enhancement 3378782 - Parameter Validation
125: l_DrillDefaultParameters := pDrillDefaultParameters;
126: vPageId := pPageId;
127: if pScheduleId is null then
128: if (not icx_sec.ValidateSession) then
129: return;
130: end if;
131: vSessionId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID);
132: vUserId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_WEB_USER_ID);

Line 131: vSessionId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID);

127: if pScheduleId is null then
128: if (not icx_sec.ValidateSession) then
129: return;
130: end if;
131: vSessionId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID);
132: vUserId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_WEB_USER_ID);
134: if pResponsibilityId is not null then
135: vResponsibilityId := pResponsibilityId;

Line 132: vUserId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_WEB_USER_ID);

128: if (not icx_sec.ValidateSession) then
129: return;
130: end if;
131: vSessionId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID);
132: vUserId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_WEB_USER_ID);
134: if pResponsibilityId is not null then
135: vResponsibilityId := pResponsibilityId;
136: else

Line 137: vResponsibilityId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_RESPONSIBILITY_ID);

134: if pResponsibilityId is not null then
135: vResponsibilityId := pResponsibilityId;
136: else
137: vResponsibilityId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_RESPONSIBILITY_ID);
138: end if;
140: /* aleung, 8/15/03, bug 3099831 - delay this function access check to bisviewm.jsp
141: if not BIS_GRAPH_REGION_HTML_FORMS.hasFunctionAccess(vUserId, pFunctionName) then

Line 298: --l_Transaction_id := icx_sec. createTransaction(p_session_id => vsessionid);

294: if (pautorefresh is not null) then
295: jspParams := jspParams || '&autoRefresh='||BIS_PMV_UTIL.encode(pautorefresh);
296: end if;
297: --We need to create an icx transaction. Neal has approved the use of this API.:q
298: --l_Transaction_id := icx_sec. createTransaction(p_session_id => vsessionid);
300: -- end if;

Line 349: icx_sec.g_Security_group_id||'*'||functionId||'**]'

346: --Invoke the bisviewm.jsp
347: /*
348: l_function := icx_call.encrypt2(l_application_id||'*'||vResponsibilityId||'*'||
349: icx_sec.g_Security_group_id||'*'||functionId||'**]'
350: ,icx_sec.getId(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID));
351: OracleApps.RF(F=>l_function, P=> icx_call.encrypt2(jspParams,icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID)));
353: l_servlet_agent := FND_WEB_CONFIG.JSP_AGENT; -- 'http://serv:port/OA_HTML/'

Line 350: ,icx_sec.getId(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID));

346: --Invoke the bisviewm.jsp
347: /*
348: l_function := icx_call.encrypt2(l_application_id||'*'||vResponsibilityId||'*'||
349: icx_sec.g_Security_group_id||'*'||functionId||'**]'
350: ,icx_sec.getId(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID));
351: OracleApps.RF(F=>l_function, P=> icx_call.encrypt2(jspParams,icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID)));
353: l_servlet_agent := FND_WEB_CONFIG.JSP_AGENT; -- 'http://serv:port/OA_HTML/'
354: IF ( l_servlet_agent IS NULL ) THEN -- 'APPS_SERVLET_AGENT' is null

Line 351: OracleApps.RF(F=>l_function, P=> icx_call.encrypt2(jspParams,icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID)));

347: /*
348: l_function := icx_call.encrypt2(l_application_id||'*'||vResponsibilityId||'*'||
349: icx_sec.g_Security_group_id||'*'||functionId||'**]'
350: ,icx_sec.getId(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID));
351: OracleApps.RF(F=>l_function, P=> icx_call.encrypt2(jspParams,icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID)));
353: l_servlet_agent := FND_WEB_CONFIG.JSP_AGENT; -- 'http://serv:port/OA_HTML/'
354: IF ( l_servlet_agent IS NULL ) THEN -- 'APPS_SERVLET_AGENT' is null
355: l_servlet_agent := FND_WEB_CONFIG.WEB_SERVER || 'OA_HTML/';

Line 367: ,p_Security_group_id => icx_sec.g_Security_group_id

363: ,n_session_id => vSessionId
364: ,c_parameters => jspParams
365: ,p_resp_appl_id => l_application_id
366: ,p_responsibility_id => vResponsibilityId
367: ,p_Security_group_id => icx_sec.g_Security_group_id
368: );
369: /*
370: if fnd_profile.value('BIS_SQL_TRACE')= 'Y' then
371: dbms_session.set_sql_trace(false);

Line 577: if (not icx_sec.ValidateSession) then

573: vPageId := pPageId;
576: if pScheduleId is null then
577: if (not icx_sec.ValidateSession) then
578: return;
579: end if;
580: vSessionId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID);
581: vUserId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_WEB_USER_ID);

Line 580: vSessionId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID);

576: if pScheduleId is null then
577: if (not icx_sec.ValidateSession) then
578: return;
579: end if;
580: vSessionId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID);
581: vUserId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_WEB_USER_ID);
583: if pResponsibilityId is not null then
584: vResponsibilityId := pResponsibilityId;

Line 581: vUserId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_WEB_USER_ID);

577: if (not icx_sec.ValidateSession) then
578: return;
579: end if;
580: vSessionId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_SESSION_ID);
581: vUserId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_WEB_USER_ID);
583: if pResponsibilityId is not null then
584: vResponsibilityId := pResponsibilityId;
585: else

Line 586: vResponsibilityId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_RESPONSIBILITY_ID);

583: if pResponsibilityId is not null then
584: vResponsibilityId := pResponsibilityId;
585: else
586: vResponsibilityId := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_RESPONSIBILITY_ID);
587: end if;
589: else
590: vSessionId := pSessionId;

Line 668: --l_Transaction_id := icx_sec. createTransaction(p_session_id => vsessionid);

664: if (pautorefresh is not null) then
665: jspParams := jspParams || '&autoRefresh='||BIS_PMV_UTIL.encode(pautorefresh);
666: end if;
667: --We need to create an icx transaction. Neal has approved the use of this API.:q
668: --l_Transaction_id := icx_sec. createTransaction(p_session_id => vsessionid);
670: -- end if;

Line 706: ,p_Security_group_id => icx_sec.g_Security_group_id

702: ,n_session_id => vSessionId
703: ,c_parameters => jspParams
704: ,p_resp_appl_id => l_application_id
705: ,p_responsibility_id => vResponsibilityId
706: ,p_Security_group_id => icx_sec.g_Security_group_id
707: );
709: Exception
710: when others then null;