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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 8

  **          null then updates the site level configuration values
  **          otherwise checks if payee already has some entries.
  **          if payee has entries then updates them otherwise
  **          creates new entries.
  procedure save_PaymentAmount( i_payeeid in VARCHAR2,
                                i_name in VARCHAR2,
                                i_description in VARCHAR2,
                                i_count in integer,
                                i_amountRanges in AmountRange_table )

    i  int;
Line: 41

      delete from iby_irf_pmt_amount
      where ((payeeid = i_payeeid)
             or (i_payeeid is null and payeeid is null));
Line: 56

         insert into iby_irf_pmt_amount
               (lower_limit, upper_limit, score, seq,
                payeeid, object_version_number,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by)
         values ( l_lowerLimit, l_upperLimit, l_score, l_seq,
                sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id);
Line: 99

    select meaning, description
          lookup_code  = 'PMTAMOUNT' and
          lookup_type = 'IBY_RISK_FACTOR_NAME' and
          language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 110

    select lower_limit, upper_limit, seq, score
    from iby_irf_pmt_amount
    where (( payeeid is null and ci_payeeid is null ) or
          ( payeeid = ci_payeeid))
    order by seq;
Line: 117

    select count(*)
    from iby_irf_pmt_amount
    where  payeeid = ci_payeeid;
Line: 182

  **          null then updates the site level configuration values
  **          otherwise checks if payee already has some entries.
  **          if payee has entries then updates them otherwise
  **          creates new entries.
  procedure save_TimeOfPurchase( i_payeeid in VARCHAR2,
                                i_name in VARCHAR2,
                                i_description in VARCHAR2,
                                i_count in integer,
                                i_timeRanges in TimeRange_table )

    i  int;
Line: 212

       delete from iby_irf_timeof_purchase
       where ( ( payeeid = i_payeeid ) or
               ( i_payeeid is null and payeeid is null ) );
Line: 226

         insert into iby_irf_timeof_purchase
              ( duration_from ,duration_to, score, seq,
                payeeid , object_version_number,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by)
         values ( l_lowerLimit, l_upperLimit, l_score, l_seq,
                sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id);
Line: 271

    select meaning, description
          lookup_code  = 'TIMEOFPURCHASE' and
          lookup_type = 'IBY_RISK_FACTOR_NAME' and
          language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 284

    select duration_from, duration_to, seq, score
    from iby_irf_timeof_purchase
    where (( payeeid is null and ci_payeeid is null ) or
          ( payeeid = ci_payeeid))
    order by seq;
Line: 291

    select count(*)
    from iby_irf_timeof_purchase
    where payeeid = ci_payeeid;
Line: 356

  **          null then updates the site level configuration values
  **          otherwise checks if payee already has some entries.
  **          if payee has entries then updates them otherwise
  **          creates new entries.
  procedure save_TrxnAmountLimit( i_payeeid in VARCHAR2,
                                i_name in VARCHAR2,
                                i_description in VARCHAR2,
                                i_duration in integer,
                                i_durationType in VARCHAR2,
                                i_amount in number )

      -- update the transaction amount table.
      -- this will be successful either payeeid is
      -- null or the payeeid was configured some information.
      update iby_irf_trxn_amt_limit
           set duration = i_duration,
               duration_type = i_durationType,
               amount = i_amount,
               last_update_date = sysdate,
               last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
           where (( payeeid is null and i_payeeid is null ) or
                  ( payeeid = i_payeeid));
Line: 387

          insert into iby_irf_trxn_amt_limit
              ( duration, duration_type, amount,
                payeeid, object_version_number,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by)
          values (i_duration, i_durationType, i_amount,
                sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id);
Line: 430

    select meaning, description
          lookup_code  = 'TRXNAMOUNT' and
          lookup_type = 'IBY_RISK_FACTOR_NAME' and
          language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 442

    select duration, duration_type, amount
    from iby_irf_trxn_amt_limit
    where (( payeeid is null and ci_payeeid is null ) or
          ( payeeid = ci_payeeid));
Line: 448

    select count(*)
    from iby_irf_trxn_amt_limit
    where  payeeid = ci_payeeid;
Line: 504

  **          null then updates the site level configuration values
  **          otherwise checks if payee already has some entries.
  **          if payee has entries then updates them otherwise
  **          creates new entries.
  procedure save_PaymentHistory(i_payeeid in VARCHAR2,
                                i_name in VARCHAR2,
                                i_description in VARCHAR2,
                                i_duration in integer,
                                i_durationType in VARCHAR2,
                                i_count in integer,
                                i_freqRanges in FreqRange_table )

    i  int;
Line: 526

    select id
    from iby_irf_pmt_history
    where (( payeeid is null and ci_payeeid is null ) or
          ( payeeid = ci_payeeid));
Line: 540

       update iby_irf_pmt_history
       set duration = i_duration,
           duration_type = i_durationType,
           last_update_date = sysdate,
           last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
       where (( payeeid is null and i_payeeid is null) or
                 ( payeeid = i_payeeid));
Line: 551

           SELECT iby_irf_pmt_history_s.nextval into l_pmt_hist_id
           FROM dual;
Line: 554

           insert into iby_irf_pmt_history (id, duration, duration_type,
                payeeid, object_version_number,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by)
           values ( l_pmt_hist_id, i_duration, i_durationType, i_payeeid,
                1, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id);
Line: 575

       delete from iby_irf_pmt_hist_range
       where payment_hist_id = l_pmt_hist_id;
Line: 588

         insert into iby_irf_pmt_hist_range
                ( payment_hist_id, frequency_low_range,
                  frequency_high_range, score, seq,
                  last_update_date, last_updated_by,
                  creation_date, created_by)

         values ( l_pmt_hist_id, l_lowerlimit, l_upperlimit,
                     l_score, l_seq,
                     sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
                     sysdate, fnd_global.user_id);
Line: 642

    select meaning, description
          lookup_code  = 'PMTHISTORY' and
          lookup_type = 'IBY_RISK_FACTOR_NAME' and
          language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 654

    select id, duration, duration_type
    from iby_irf_pmt_history
    where (( payeeid is null and ci_payeeid is null ) or
          ( payeeid = ci_payeeid));
Line: 660

    select frequency_low_range, frequency_high_range, score, seq
    from iby_irf_pmt_hist_range
    where payment_hist_id = ci_id
    order by seq;
Line: 666

    select count(*)
    from iby_irf_pmt_history
    where payeeid = ci_payeeid;
Line: 735

  **          null then updates the site level configuration values
  **          otherwise checks if payee already has some entries.
  **          if payee has entries then updates them otherwise
  **          creates new entries.
  procedure save_AVSCodes( i_payeeid in VARCHAR2,
                                i_name in VARCHAR2,
                           i_description in VARCHAR2,
                           i_count in integer,
                           i_codes in codes_table )
    i  int;
Line: 758

       delete from iby_mappings
       where (( payeeid = i_payeeid) or
              ( payeeid is null and i_payeeid is null ))
          and mapping_type = 'AVS_CODE_TYPE';
Line: 770

         insert into iby_mappings ( payeeid, mapping_type, mapping_code,
                value, object_version_number,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by)
         values ( i_payeeid, 'AVS_CODE_TYPE', l_code,
                sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id);
Line: 811

    select meaning, description
          lookup_code  = 'AVSCODES' and
          lookup_type = 'IBY_RISK_FACTOR_NAME' and
          language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 823

    select mapping_code, value
    from iby_mappings
    where mapping_type = 'AVS_CODE_TYPE'
      and (( payeeid is null and ci_payeeid is null ) or
          ( payeeid = ci_payeeid));
Line: 830

    select count(*)
    from iby_mappings
    where mapping_type = 'AVS_CODE_TYPE'
      and payeeid = ci_payeeid;
Line: 892

  **          null then updates the site level configuration values
  **          otherwise checks if payee already has some entries.
  **          if payee has entries then updates them otherwise
  **          creates new entries.
  procedure save_RiskCodes( i_payeeid in VARCHAR2,
                                i_name in VARCHAR2,
                            i_description in VARCHAR2,
                            i_count in integer,
                            i_codes in codes_table )
    i  int;
Line: 915

       delete from iby_mappings
       where (( payeeid = i_payeeid) or
              ( payeeid is null and i_payeeid is null ))
          and mapping_type = 'RISK_CODE_TYPE';
Line: 926

         insert into iby_mappings ( payeeid, mapping_type, mapping_code, value,
                    last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,object_version_number)
         values ( i_payeeid, 'RISK_CODE_TYPE', l_code, l_score,
                    sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,1);
Line: 934

            raise_application_error(-20000, 'Unable insert RISK CODES ');
Line: 961

    select meaning, description
          lookup_code  = 'RISKCODES' and
          lookup_type = 'IBY_RISK_FACTOR_NAME' and
          language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 973

    select mapping_code lookup_code,value
    from iby_mappings
    where mapping_type = 'RISK_CODE_TYPE' and
          payeeid = ci_payeeid
    select lookup_code,null
    from fnd_lookup_values
    where lookup_type = 'RISK_CODE' and
          enabled_flag = 'Y' and
          language = userenv('LANG') and

--security_group_id = fnd_global.lookup_security_group
--(lookup_type,view_application_id) and

          lookup_code not in ( select mapping_code
                               from iby_mappings
                               where mapping_type = 'RISK_CODE_TYPE' and
                                     payeeid = ci_payeeid);
Line: 994

    select lookup_code
          lookup_type = 'RISK_CODE' and
          enabled_flag = 'Y' and
          language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1008

    select lookup_code
    from iby_mappings a,
         fnd_lookup_values b
    where b.lookup_type = 'RISK_CODE' and
          b.enabled_flag = 'N' and
          b.lookup_code = a.mapping_code and
          b.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1022

    select count(*)
    from iby_mappings
    where mapping_type = 'RISK_CODE_TYPE' and
          payeeid = ci_payeeid;
Line: 1038

             delete from iby_mappings
             where mapping_type = 'RISK_CODE_TYPE' and
                   mapping_code = i.lookup_code;
Line: 1098

  **          null then updates the site level configuration values
  **          otherwise checks if payee already has some entries.
  **          if payee has entries then updates them otherwise
  **          creates new entries.
  procedure save_CreditRatingCodes( i_payeeid in VARCHAR2,
                                i_name in VARCHAR2,
                                i_description in VARCHAR2,
                                i_count in integer,
                                i_codes in codes_table )
    i  int;
Line: 1123

       delete from iby_mappings
       where (( payeeid = i_payeeid) or
              ( payeeid is null and i_payeeid is null ))
          and mapping_type = 'CREDIT_CODE_TYPE';
Line: 1134

         insert into iby_mappings ( payeeid, mapping_type, mapping_code, value,
                   last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,object_version_number)
         values ( i_payeeid, 'CREDIT_CODE_TYPE', l_code, l_score,
                   sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,1);
Line: 1142

            raise_application_error(-20000, 'Unable insert Credit Codes');
Line: 1169

    select meaning, description
          lookup_code  = 'CREDITRATINGCODES' and
          lookup_type = 'IBY_RISK_FACTOR_NAME' and
          language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1181

    select mapping_code lookup_code,value
    from iby_mappings
    where mapping_type = 'CREDIT_CODE_TYPE' and
          payeeid = ci_payeeid
    select lookup_code,null
    from fnd_lookup_values
    where lookup_type = 'CREDIT_RATING' and
          enabled_flag = 'Y' and
          language = userenv('LANG') and

--security_group_id = fnd_global.lookup_security_group
--(lookup_type,view_application_id) and

          lookup_code not in ( select mapping_code
                               from iby_mappings
                               where mapping_type = 'CREDIT_CODE_TYPE' and
                                     payeeid = ci_payeeid);
Line: 1202

    select lookup_code
          lookup_type = 'CREDIT_RATING' and
          enabled_flag = 'Y' and
          language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1214

    select lookup_code
    from iby_mappings a,
         fnd_lookup_values b
    where b.lookup_type = 'CREDIT_RATING' and
          b.enabled_flag = 'N' and
          b.lookup_code = a.mapping_code and
          b.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1227

    select count(*)
    from iby_mappings
    where mapping_type = 'CREDIT_CODE_TYPE' and
          payeeid = ci_payeeid;
Line: 1241

             delete from iby_mappings
             where mapping_type = 'CREDIT_CODE_TYPE' and
                   mapping_code = i.lookup_code;
Line: 1299

  **          null then updates the site level configuration values
  **          otherwise checks if payee already has some entries.
  **          if payee has entries then updates them otherwise
  **          creates new entries.
  procedure save_FreqOfPurchase(i_payeeid in VARCHAR2,
                                i_name in VARCHAR2,
                                i_description in VARCHAR2,
                                i_duration in integer,
                                i_durationType in VARCHAR2,
                                i_frequency in integer )

    -- update the FreqOfPurchase information. If payeeid is not null
    -- and payeeid does not have configured information then
    -- insert the configuration information.
    update iby_irf_pmt_frequency
        set duration = i_duration,
            duration_type = i_durationType,
            frequency = i_frequency,
            last_update_date = sysdate,
            last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
        where ( ( payeeid is null and i_payeeid is null ) or
                   ( payeeid = i_payeeid ));
Line: 1328

        insert into iby_irf_pmt_frequency ( duration, duration_type,
                frequency, payeeid, object_version_number,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by)
        values ( i_duration, i_durationType, i_frequency, i_payeeid,1,
                sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id);
Line: 1368

    select meaning, description
          lookup_code  = 'FREQOFPURCHASE' and
          lookup_type = 'IBY_RISK_FACTOR_NAME' and
          language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1380

    select duration, duration_type, frequency
    from iby_irf_pmt_frequency
    where (( payeeid is null and ci_payeeid is null ) or
          ( payeeid = ci_payeeid));
Line: 1386

    select count(*)
    from iby_irf_pmt_frequency
    where payeeid = ci_payeeid;
Line: 1444

  **          null then updates the site level RiskScores values
  **          otherwise checks if payee already has some entries.
  **          if payee has entries then updates them otherwise
  **          creates new entries.
  procedure save_RiskScores(    i_payeeid in VARCHAR2,
                                i_lowval in integer,
                                i_lowMedVal in integer,
                                i_medVal in integer,
                                i_medHighVal in integer,
                                i_highVal in integer )

    -- update the risk scores based on the payeeid.
    update iby_mappings
      set value = i_lowVal,
          last_update_date = sysdate,
          last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
      where mapping_code = 'L'
        and mapping_type = 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE'
        and (( payeeid is null and i_payeeid is null ) or
            (payeeid = i_payeeid) );
Line: 1471

        insert into iby_mappings( value, mapping_code, mapping_type, payeeid,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, object_version_number)
        values( 0, 'S', 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE', i_payeeid,
                sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, 1);
Line: 1476

        insert into iby_mappings( value, mapping_code, mapping_type, payeeid,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, object_version_number)
        values( 0, 'NR', 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE', i_payeeid,
                sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, 1);
Line: 1481

        insert into iby_mappings( value, mapping_code, mapping_type, payeeid,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, object_version_number)
        values( i_lowVal, 'L', 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE', i_payeeid,
                sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, 1);
Line: 1486

        insert into iby_mappings( value, mapping_code, mapping_type, payeeid,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, object_version_number)
        values( i_lowMedVal, 'LM', 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE', i_payeeid,
                sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, 1);
Line: 1491

        insert into iby_mappings( value, mapping_code, mapping_type, payeeid,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, object_version_number)
        values( i_medVal, 'M', 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE', i_payeeid,
                sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, 1);
Line: 1496

        insert into iby_mappings( value, mapping_code, mapping_type, payeeid,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, object_version_number)
        values( i_medHighVal, 'MH', 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE', i_payeeid,
                sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, 1);
Line: 1501

        insert into iby_mappings( value, mapping_code, mapping_type, payeeid,
                last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, object_version_number)
        values( i_highVal, 'H', 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE', i_payeeid,
                sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, 1);
Line: 1507

      update iby_mappings
      set value = i_lowMedVal,
          last_update_date = sysdate,
          last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
      where mapping_code = 'LM'
        and mapping_type = 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE'
        and (( payeeid is null and i_payeeid is null ) or
            (payeeid = i_payeeid) );
Line: 1516

      update iby_mappings
      set value = i_medVal,
          last_update_date = sysdate,
          last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
      where mapping_code = 'M'
        and mapping_type = 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE'
        and (( payeeid is null and i_payeeid is null ) or
            (payeeid = i_payeeid) );
Line: 1525

      update iby_mappings
      set value = i_medHighVal,
          last_update_date = sysdate,
          last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
      where mapping_code = 'MH'
        and mapping_type = 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE'
        and (( payeeid is null and i_payeeid is null ) or
            (payeeid = i_payeeid) );
Line: 1534

      update iby_mappings
      set value = i_highVal,
          last_update_date = sysdate,
          last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
      where mapping_code = 'H'
        and mapping_type = 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE'
        and (( payeeid is null and i_payeeid is null ) or
            (payeeid = i_payeeid) );
Line: 1568

  cursor c_insert_scores( ci_code in iby_mappings.mapping_code%type,
                          ci_payeeid varchar2)
    select value
    from iby_mappings
    where mapping_code = ci_code
      and mapping_type = 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE'
      and (( payeeid is null and ci_payeeid is null ) or
          ( payeeid = ci_payeeid));
Line: 1580

    select count(*)
    from iby_mappings
    where mapping_type = 'IBY_RISK_SCORE_TYPE'
      and  payeeid = ci_payeeid;
Line: 1604

    if ( c_insert_scores%isopen ) then
      close c_insert_scores;
Line: 1609

    open c_insert_scores('L', l_payeeid);
Line: 1610

    fetch c_insert_scores into o_lowVal;
Line: 1611

    close c_insert_scores;
Line: 1613

    open c_insert_scores('LM', l_payeeid);
Line: 1614

    fetch c_insert_scores into o_lowMedVal;
Line: 1615

    close c_insert_scores;
Line: 1617

    open c_insert_scores('M', l_payeeid);
Line: 1618

    fetch c_insert_scores into o_medVal;
Line: 1619

    close c_insert_scores;
Line: 1621

    open c_insert_scores('MH', l_payeeid);
Line: 1622

    fetch c_insert_scores into o_medHighVal;
Line: 1623

    close c_insert_scores;
Line: 1625

    open c_insert_scores('H', l_payeeid);
Line: 1626

    fetch c_insert_scores into o_highVal;
Line: 1627

    close c_insert_scores;