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1 package PA_FUNDS_CONTROL_PKG1 as
2 -- $Header: PABCPKTS.pls 120.8.12000000.2 2007/10/30 17:20:51 vchilla ship $
3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 -- This Api gets the Start and End date based on amount type and boundary code
5 -- set up for the project. funds availability will be checked based on this
6 -- start and end dates.
7 -- The following combinations are supported
8 -- Amount Type       Boundary Code
9 -- ==============   ==============
10 -- Project           Project to Date
11 -- Project           Year to Date
12 -- Project           Period to Date
13 -- Year              Year to Date
14 -- Year              Period to Date
15 -- Period            Period to Date
16 -- ========================================
17 PROCEDURE setup_start_end_date (
18       	p_packet_id                IN       NUMBER,
19       	p_bc_packet_id             IN       NUMBER,
20       	p_project_id               IN       pa_bc_packets.project_id%TYPE,
21       	p_budget_version_id        IN       pa_bc_packets.budget_version_id%TYPE,
22       	p_time_phase_type_code     IN       pa_budget_entry_methods.time_phased_type_code%TYPE,
23       	p_expenditure_item_date    IN       DATE,
24       	p_amount_type              IN       pa_budgetary_control_options.amount_type%TYPE,
25       	p_boundary_code            IN       pa_budgetary_control_options.boundary_code%TYPE,
26       	p_set_of_books_id          IN       pa_bc_packets.set_of_books_id%TYPE,
27       	x_start_date               OUT      NOCOPY DATE,
28       	x_end_date                 OUT      NOCOPY DATE,
29       	x_error_code               OUT      NOCOPY NUMBER,
30       	x_err_buff                 OUT      NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
31 	x_return_status		   OUT      NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
32 	x_result_code		   OUT	    NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) ;
35 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 --This Api  copies the project related records from gl_bc_packets to pa_bc_packets  for document type  AP,PO,REQ,
37 --CONTRACT PAYMENTS. For the document types CONTRACT COMMITMENT it copies records from
38 --IGC_CC_INTERFACE table , for the document type = EXP   records are inserted into pa bc packets during costing
39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 -- R12 Funds Management Uptake : Renamed procedure populate_plsql_tabs to copy_gl_pkt_to_pa_pkt. This procedure
42 -- will be fired from Main GL budgetary control API.
44 PROCEDURE create_proj_encumbrance_events  (p_application_id      IN         NUMBER ,
45                                		   p_partial_flag        IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
46 					   p_bc_mode             IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'C',
47                                            x_return_code         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 );
49 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
50 -- this api creates the burden lines for the purchase order and
51 -- supplier invoice lines in pa_bc_packets
52 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
53 FUNCTION  create_ap_po_bdn_lines
54 		(p_packet_id  	  IN  NUMBER,
55 		 p_bc_packet_id   IN  NUMBER,
56 		 p_burden_type    IN  VARCHAR2,
57 		 P_entered_dr     IN  NUMBER,
58 		 P_entered_cr     IN  NUMBER,
59 		 P_period_name    IN  VARCHAR2,
60 		 p_doc_type       IN  VARCHAR2,
61 		 p_related_link   IN  VARCHAR2,
62                  p_exp_type       IN  VARCHAR2,
63 		 p_accounted_dr   IN  NUMBER,
64 		 p_accounted_cr   IN  NUMBER,
65 		 p_compiled_multiplier IN  NUMBER
66 		) RETURN boolean ;
67 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 --This  Api insert new records into pa bc packets if the project type is burdened.If the PO is based on REQ, or
69 --Invoice is based on PO  then  it takes the burden amount for the REQ or PO from pa_bc_commitments table
70 --and ensures that for  req or po the old burden amount is used when reversing lines are passed in gl_bc_packets
71 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 PROCEDURE   Populate_burden_cost
73         (p_packet_id            IN NUMBER
74         ,p_calling_module       IN  VARCHAR2
75         ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
76         ,x_err_msg_code         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
77         )  ;
79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 --This api copies the unreserved transaction into to the packet.
81 -- when the calling mode is unreserved then copy all the transactions from pa_bc_packets
82 -- for the old packet id(which is funds cheked and approved) to new packet by swapping the amount
83 -- columns and all other columns values remain same. Approve the packets with status Approved
84 -- donot create encumbrance liquidation as GL funds checker will create reversing lines
85 -- for the old packet id and donot populate burden rows / donot check for the unreserved packet
86 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 FUNCTION create_unrsvd_lines
88         ( x_packet_id           IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
89         ,p_mode                 IN      VARCHAR2
90         ,p_calling_module       IN      VARCHAR2
91         ,p_reference1           IN      varchar2 default null
92         ,p_reference2           IN      varchar2 default null
93         )  RETURN BOOLEAN ;
94 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 -- R12:Funds Managment Uptake: Deleting obsolete function get_period_name definition
98 /** This api returns the start date or end date for the given amount type boundary code
99  *  conditions, this in turn make calls the setup_start_end_date api
100  *  if p_type param is START_DATE then this api returns start-date
101  *  if p_type param is END_DATE  then this api returns end date
102  */
104 FUNCTION get_start_or_end_date(
105         p_packet_id                IN       NUMBER,
106         p_bc_packet_id             IN       NUMBER,
107         p_project_id               IN       pa_bc_packets.project_id%TYPE,
108         p_budget_version_id        IN       pa_bc_packets.budget_version_id%TYPE,
109         p_time_phase_type_code     IN       pa_budget_entry_methods.time_phased_type_code%TYPE,
110         p_expenditure_item_date    IN       DATE,
111         p_amount_type              IN       pa_budgetary_control_options.amount_type%TYPE,
112         p_boundary_code            IN       pa_budgetary_control_options.boundary_code%TYPE,
113         p_set_of_books_id          IN       pa_bc_packets.set_of_books_id%TYPE,
114         p_type                     IN       varchar2  -- START_DATE or END_DATE
115         ) return DATE ;
117 -- R12:Funds Managment Uptake: Deleting obsolete PROCEDURE checkCWKbdExp definition
120 /* This api will update the summary level flag, compiled multiplier etc
121  * attributes required for contingent worker related transactions
122  */
123 PROCEDURE upd_cwk_attributes(p_calling_module  varchar2
124                         ,p_packet_id   number
125                         ,p_mode        varchar2
126                         ,p_reference   varchar2
127                         ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2 );
129 --PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES (get_start_or_end_date, WNDS);
131 PROCEDURE   check_exp_of_cost_base(p_task_id    IN  number,
132                                    p_exp_type   IN  varchar2,
133                                    p_ei_date    IN  date,
134                                    p_sch_type   IN  varchar2 default 'C',
135                                    x_base       OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
136                                    x_cp_structure OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
137                                    x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
138                                    x_error_msg_code   OUT NOCOPY varchar2);
140 /* The APi will return the compiled multiplier that needs to be stamped on the summary
141  * record line for the contingent worker transactions
142  */
143 FUNCTION get_cwk_multiplier(p_project_id        IN Number
144                         ,p_task_id              IN Number
145                         ,p_budget_version_id    IN Number
146                         ,p_document_line_id     IN Number
147                         ,p_document_type        IN Varchar2
148                         ,p_expenditure_type     IN Varchar2
149                         ,p_bd_disp_method       IN Varchar2
150                         ,p_reference            IN Varchar2  default 'GL'
151                         ) Return Number ;
154 -- R12 Funds Management Uptake : This tieback procedure is called from PSA_BC_XLA_PVT.Budgetary_control
155 -- if SLA accounting fails.This API will mark the pa_bc_packet records to failed status.
158 -- R12 Funds Management Uptake : This Procedure is called from "PRC: Generate Cost accounting events"
159 -- Process. After events are generated for BTC/TBC actuals which are eligible to get interfaced to SLA ,
160 -- The below procedure stamps these events on the associated commitments .
163                                          P_request_id     IN NUMBER  ,
164 					 x_result_code    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
167 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
168 -- Function get_ration will determine the burden to raw ratio.
169 -- This is used in cursor po_amounts and pkt_po_amounts in procedure
170 -- populate_burden_cost
171 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
172 Function get_ratio(p_document_header_id       in number,
173                    p_document_distribution_id in number,
174                    p_document_type            in varchar2,
175                    p_mode                     in varchar2,
176                    p_dr_cr                    in varchar2)
177                    return number;
179 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
180 --   Created the following two Procedures POPULATE_PLSQL_TABS_CBC and
181 --   CREATE_CBC_PKT_LINES for Contract Commitments Enhancement.
182 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
183 -------->6599207 ------As part of CC Enhancements
184 PROCEDURE populate_plsql_tabs_CBC
185 		(p_packet_id  IN number
186 		,p_calling_module  IN varchar2
187 		,p_reference1  IN  varchar2
188 		,p_reference2  IN  varchar2
189 		,p_mode        IN  varchar2);
191 PROCEDURE create_CBC_pkt_lines(p_calling_module   IN varchar2,
192 			   p_packet_id        IN number
193 			   ,p_reference1      IN VARCHAR2
194 			   ,p_reference2      IN VARCHAR2
195 			   ,p_mode        IN  varchar2);
196 -------->6599207 ------END
197 ----------------------------------------------------------------------