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Line 18: | from hz_contact_points |

14: | ----------- ----------- --------------------------------------- |
15: | 10-Apr-2002 cjang Created |
16: | 12-Apr-2002 cjang If phone is not found in jtf_task_phone, |
17: | then select contact's primary phone |
18: | from hz_contact_points |
19: | 01-Oct-2002 Sanjeev K. use hz_relationships in place of |
20: | hz_party_relationships |
21: | hz_party_relationships is obsoleted. |
22: | 15-Oct-2002 cjang Fixed bug 2467845: |

Line 39: , hz_contact_points hcp

35: hcp.phone_number||
36: decode(hcp.phone_extension, NULL, NULL, ' <'||hcp.phone_extension||'>') phone_number
37: FROM jtf_task_contacts jtc
38: , jtf_task_phones jtp
39: , hz_contact_points hcp
40: WHERE jtc.task_id = b_task_id
41: AND jtc.primary_flag = 'Y'
42: AND jtp.task_contact_id = jtc.task_contact_id
43: AND jtp.owner_table_name = 'JTF_TASK_CONTACTS'

Line 58: , hz_contact_points hcp

54: '('||hcp.phone_area_code||') '||
55: hcp.phone_number||
56: decode(hcp.phone_extension, NULL, NULL, ' <'||hcp.phone_extension||'>') phone_number
57: FROM jtf_task_contacts jtc
58: , hz_contact_points hcp
59: WHERE jtc.task_id = b_task_id
60: AND jtc.primary_flag = 'Y'
61: AND hcp.owner_table_id = jtc.contact_id
62: AND hcp.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'

Line 89: , hz_contact_points hcp

85: IS
86: CURSOR c_email (b_task_id NUMBER) IS
87: SELECT hcp.email_address
88: FROM jtf_task_contacts jtc
89: , hz_contact_points hcp
90: WHERE jtc.task_id = b_task_id
91: AND jtc.primary_flag = 'Y'
92: AND hcp.owner_table_id = jtc.contact_id
93: AND hcp.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'