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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

  select CEIL(NVL(total_time_calc,0)/p_takt_time) * p_takt_time
  into l_total_time
  from bom_operation_sequences
  where operation_sequence_id = p_line_op_seq_id;
Line: 42

  select start_time, stop_time
  into l_start_time, l_stop_time
  from wip_lines
  where line_id = p_feeder_line_id
    and organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 48

  select nvl(fixed_lead_time,0) + (p_qty - 1)*nvl(variable_lead_time,0)
  into l_lead_time
  from mtl_system_items
  where organization_id = p_org_id
    and inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 92

  select bon.to_op_seq_id to_op_seq_id
  from bom_operation_networks bon
  connect by prior to_op_seq_id = from_op_seq_id
             nvl(bon.transition_type, 0) not in (2, 3)
  start with from_op_seq_id = cv_start_operation_sequence_id
             nvl(bon.transition_type, 0) not in (2, 3);
Line: 103

  select start_time, stop_time, 1/maximum_rate
  into l_start_time, l_stop_time, l_takt_time
  from wip_lines
  where line_id = p_assembly_line_id
    and organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 163

  select count(*)
  into l_cnt
  from bom_operation_networks
  where from_op_seq_id = p_op_seq_id
      and nvl(transition_type, 3) = 1;
Line: 173

    select count(*)
    into l_cnt
    from bom_operation_networks
    where to_op_seq_id = p_op_seq_id
      and nvl(transition_type, 3) = 1;
Line: 182

      select count(*)
      into l_cnt
      from bom_operation_sequences
      where operation_type = 3
        and routing_sequence_id = (
              select max(routing_sequence_id)
              from bom_operation_sequences
              where operation_sequence_id = p_op_seq_id
Line: 241

            select  expl.component_item_id component_item_id,
		    comp.operation_seq_num operation_seq_num,
                    SUM(comp.component_quantity) extended_quantity,
                    MIN(DECODE(comp.wip_supply_type, NULL,
                            DECODE(sys.wip_supply_type, NULL,
                                    1, sys.wip_supply_type),
                            comp.wip_supply_type)) wip_supply_type,
		    MIN(comp.component_quantity) component_quantity,
		    MIN(nvl(comp.basis_type,WIP_CONSTANTS.ITEM_BASED_MTL)) basis_type
            from    mtl_system_items sys,
                    bom_inventory_components comp,
                    bom_explosions expl,
                    bom_bill_of_materials bbm
            where   sys.planning_make_buy_code = 1
            and     bbm.organization_id = sys.organization_id
            and     comp.component_item_id = sys.inventory_item_id
/* Fixed bug #2503750
   Added condition to take into consideration bom effectivity dates. */
            and     comp.component_sequence_id = expl.component_sequence_id
/* Updated by Liye Ma.  Mar.5th 2001
   Fixed bug 1668713
   Select only components whose type is standard */
            and     sys.bom_item_type = 4
/* End of Update */
            and     comp.component_item_id = expl.component_item_id
            and     comp.bill_sequence_id =  expl.bill_sequence_id
            and     bbm.organization_id = arg_org_id
            and     bbm.assembly_item_id = var_assy_id
            and     (NVL(bbm.alternate_bom_designator, 'ABD756fhh466')
                        = NVL(arg_alt_bom_desig, 'ABD756fhh466')
                    (bbm.alternate_bom_designator is null and
                    not exists
                    (select null
                     from   bom_bill_of_materials bbm1
                     where  bbm1.alternate_bom_designator =
                     and    bbm1.organization_id = bbm.organization_id
                     and    bbm1.assembly_item_id = bbm.assembly_item_id)))
            and     bbm.common_bill_sequence_id = expl.bill_sequence_id
/* Added the following clause for the bug 1817962 */
/*            and     expl.top_bill_sequence_id =
                               (select bill_sequence_id from
                               where assembly_item_id = arg_top_assy_id
                               and organization_id = arg_org_id
                               and nvl(alternate_bom_designator,'@@@') =
	    and	    expl.top_bill_sequence_id = l_top_bill_sequence_id
            and     expl.assembly_item_id is not null
            and     expl.effectivity_date <= p_start_date  --fix bug#3170105
            and     NVL(expl.disable_date,p_start_date+1) > p_start_date
            and     expl.explosion_type = 'ALL'
            group by expl.component_item_id,comp.operation_seq_num;
Line: 299

    select --routing_sequence_id
    common_routing_sequence_id --3701766 3891345.999
    into var_routing_sequence_id
    from bom_operational_routings
    where organization_id = arg_org_id
      and assembly_item_id = arg_top_assy_id
      and NVL(alternate_routing_designator, 'ABD756fhh456') =
         NVL(arg_alt_rtg_desig, 'ABD756fhh456');
Line: 318

     SELECT inherit_phantom_op_seq  INTO var_inherit_phantom
    from bom_parameters
    where organization_id = arg_org_id;
Line: 324

      select bill_sequence_id
      into l_bill_sequence_id
      from bom_bill_of_materials
      where organization_id = arg_org_id
        and assembly_item_id = arg_top_assy_id
        and nvl(alternate_bom_designator, '@@@@') =
	    nvl(arg_alt_bom_desig, '@@@@');
Line: 332

      select max(top_bill_sequence_id)
      into l_top_bill_sequence_id
      from bom_explosions
      where component_item_id = arg_top_assy_id
        and organization_id = arg_org_id;
Line: 398

		    select  line_id
                    into    var_line_id
                    from    bom_operational_routings flow_rtg
                    where   flow_rtg.assembly_item_id = var_comp_id
		    and     flow_rtg.organization_id = arg_org_id
                    and     flow_rtg.cfm_routing_flag = 1
                    and     flow_rtg.alternate_routing_designator is null;
Line: 407

                            (select min(routing_sequence_id)
                             from   bom_operational_routings rtg1
                             where  rtg1.assembly_item_id = var_comp_id
                             and    rtg1.organization_id = arg_org_id
                             and    rtg1.cfm_routing_flag = 1
                             and    NVL(rtg1.priority, 1) =
                                (select NVL(min(priority), 1)
                                 from   bom_operational_routings rtg
                                 where  rtg.assembly_item_id = var_comp_id
                                 and    rtg.organization_id = arg_org_id));
Line: 442

                    select line_op_seq_id
                    into var_line_op_seq_id
                    from bom_operation_sequences
                    where routing_sequence_id = var_routing_sequence_id
                      and operation_seq_num = var_operation_seq_num
                      and operation_type = 1
                      and effectivity_date =
                        (select max(effectivity_date)
                         from bom_operation_sequences
                         where routing_sequence_id = var_routing_sequence_id
                         and operation_seq_num = var_operation_seq_num
                         and operation_type = 1);
Line: 457

                        select concatenated_segments
			into var_comp_name
			from mtl_system_items_kfv
			where inventory_item_id = var_comp_id
			  and organization_id = arg_org_id;
Line: 481

                  select count(*)
                  into var_count
                  from wip_flow_schedules
                  where primary_item_id = var_comp_id
                    and NVL(synch_schedule_num,FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) = arg_schedule_number
                    and NVL(synch_operation_seq_num,FND_API.G_MISS_NUM) = var_operation_seq_num;
Line: 523

    SELECT      flow.schedule_number,
		flow.build_sequence build_sequence,
                flow.primary_item_id primary_item_id,
                flow.line_id line_id,
                flow.planned_quantity planned_quantity,
                flow.scheduled_start_date scheduled_start_date,
                flow.scheduled_completion_date scheduled_completion_date,
                flow.alternate_bom_designator alternate_bom_designator,
                flow.alternate_routing_designator alternate_routing_designator,
		nvl(flow.roll_forwarded_flag,2) roll_forwarded_flag
    FROM        wip_flow_schedules flow,
                wip_lines lines
    WHERE       flow.planned_quantity - nvl(flow.quantity_completed, 0) > 0
    AND         flow.scheduled_start_date >= p_sysdate
    AND         flow.scheduled_start_date between p_start_date and p_end_date
    AND         flow.line_id = lines.line_id
    AND         flow.organization_id = lines.organization_id
    AND         lines.organization_id = arg_org_id
    AND         lines.line_code BETWEEN arg_min_line_code AND
Line: 621

Line: 643

            select  count(*)
            INTO    var_rtg_exists
            from    bom_operational_routings rtg
            where   rtg.organization_id = arg_org_id
            and     rtg.assembly_item_id =
            and     NVL(rtg.alternate_routing_designator, 'ABD756fhh456') =
                        NVL(var_alt_rtg, 'ABD756fhh456');
Line: 652

            select  count(*)
            INTO    var_bom_exists
            from    bom_bill_of_materials bom
            where   bom.organization_id = arg_org_id
            and     bom.assembly_item_id =
            and     NVL(bom.alternate_bom_designator, 'ABD756fhh456') =
                        NVL(var_alt_bom, 'ABD756fhh456');
Line: 689

            Select (fl.maximum_rate - ml.maximum_rate)
            INTO   l_fast_feeder_line
            FROM   wip_lines fl, wip_lines ml
            Where  ml.line_id = var_line_id
            and    fl.line_id = var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).line_id;
Line: 717

                select  count(*)
                into    var_count
                from    wip_flow_schedules flow
--			flow.primary_item_id =
--                            var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).item_id
--                and
			flow.line_id =
                and     flow.organization_id = arg_org_id
                and     flow.build_sequence = var_build_seq_id
		and     scheduled_completion_date between  --fix bug#3170105
                        l_flow_schedule_rec.scheduled_completion_date and