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Line 653: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1

649: reporting_pool_limit,
650: effective_from_date
651: FROM okl_subsidy_pools_b
652: WHERE id = cp_pool_id
653: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1
654: else
655: (case when exists (select 'x'
656: from okl_subsidies_v
657: where subsidy_pool_id = okl_subsidy_pools_b.id

Line 971: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1

967: reporting_pool_limit,
968: effective_from_date
969: FROM okl_subsidy_pools_b
970: WHERE subsidy_pool_id = cp_pool_id
971: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1
972: else
973: (case when exists (select 'x'
974: from okl_subsidies_v
975: where subsidy_pool_id = okl_subsidy_pools_b.id

Line 2332: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1

2328: WHERE pool_type_code = 'BUDGET'
2329: AND decision_status_code = 'ACTIVE'
2330: AND CASE WHEN NVL(total_budgets,0) = 0 THEN 0
2331: ELSE ((total_budgets - NVL(total_subsidy_amount,0)) * 100) /total_budgets END <= cp_percent
2332: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1
2333: else
2334: (case when exists (select 'x'
2335: from okl_subsidies_v
2336: where subsidy_pool_id = okl_subsidy_pools_b.id

Line 2358: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1

2354: WHERE pool_type_code = 'BUDGET'
2355: AND decision_status_code = 'ACTIVE'
2356: AND NVL(total_budgets - NVL(total_subsidy_amount,0),0) <= cp_remaining
2357: AND currency_code = cp_currency
2358: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1
2359: else
2360: (case when exists (select 'x'
2361: from okl_subsidies_v
2362: where subsidy_pool_id = okl_subsidy_pools_b.id

Line 2383: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1

2379: WHERE pool_type_code = 'BUDGET'
2380: AND decision_status_code = 'ACTIVE'
2381: AND TRUNC(effective_to_date) >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
2382: AND TRUNC(effective_to_date) <= TRUNC(cp_date)
2383: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1
2384: else
2385: (case when exists (select 'x'
2386: from okl_subsidies_v
2387: where subsidy_pool_id = okl_subsidy_pools_b.id

Line 2408: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1

2404: FROM okl_subsidy_pools_b
2405: WHERE pool_type_code = 'BUDGET'
2406: AND decision_status_code = 'ACTIVE'
2407: AND trunc(effective_to_date) - trunc(sysdate) between 0 and cp_days
2408: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1
2409: else
2410: (case when exists (select 'x'
2411: from okl_subsidies_v
2412: where subsidy_pool_id = okl_subsidy_pools_b.id

Line 3091: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1

3087: okl_subsidy_pools_b chld
3088: WHERE chld.pool_type_code IN('BUDGET', 'REPORTING')
3089: AND parent.id(+) = chld.subsidy_pool_id
3090: CONNECT BY PRIOR chld.id = chld.subsidy_pool_id START WITH chld.id = cp_pool_id
3091: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1
3092: else
3093: (case when exists (select 'x'
3094: from okl_subsidies_v
3095: where subsidy_pool_id = chld.id

Line 3334: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1

3330: WHERE pool_type_code = 'BUDGET'
3331: AND decision_status_code = 'ACTIVE'
3332: AND CASE WHEN NVL(total_budgets,0) = 0 THEN 0
3333: ELSE ((total_budgets - NVL(total_subsidy_amount,0)) * 100) /total_budgets END <= cp_percent
3334: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1
3335: else
3336: (case when exists (select 'x'
3337: from okl_subsidies_v
3338: where subsidy_pool_id = okl_subsidy_pools_b.id

Line 3360: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1

3356: WHERE pool_type_code = 'BUDGET'
3357: AND decision_status_code = 'ACTIVE'
3358: AND NVL(total_budgets - NVL(total_subsidy_amount,0),0) <= cp_remaining
3359: AND currency_code = cp_currency
3360: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1
3361: else
3362: (case when exists (select 'x'
3363: from okl_subsidies_v
3364: where subsidy_pool_id = okl_subsidy_pools_b.id

Line 3385: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1

3381: WHERE pool_type_code = 'BUDGET'
3382: AND decision_status_code = 'ACTIVE'
3383: AND TRUNC(effective_to_date) >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
3384: AND TRUNC(effective_to_date) <= TRUNC(cp_date)
3385: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1
3386: else
3387: (case when exists (select 'x'
3388: from okl_subsidies_v
3389: where subsidy_pool_id = okl_subsidy_pools_b.id

Line 3410: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1

3406: FROM okl_subsidy_pools_b
3407: WHERE pool_type_code = 'BUDGET'
3408: AND decision_status_code = 'ACTIVE'
3409: AND trunc(effective_to_date) - trunc(sysdate) between 0 and cp_days
3410: AND ( 1 = (case when nvl(fnd_profile.value('OKLSUBPOOLGLOBALACCESS'),'N') = 'Y' then 1
3411: else
3412: (case when exists (select 'x'
3413: from okl_subsidies_v
3414: where subsidy_pool_id = okl_subsidy_pools_b.id