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Line 184: v_container_item_flag mtl_system_items.container_item_flag%type ;

180: v_item_trading_flag VARCHAR2(1) ;
181: v_location_id NUMBER ;
182: v_exe_flag VARCHAR2(150) ;
183: v_mod_flag VARCHAR2(150) ;
184: v_container_item_flag mtl_system_items.container_item_flag%type ;
187: /*
188: ||Added by bgowrava for the forward porting bug 5631784 (TCS enhancement)

Line 262: mtl_system_items msi,

258: excise_flag ,-- Commented attribute1 by Brathod for Bug# 4299606 (DFF Elimination)
259: modvat_flag ,-- Commented attribute2 by Brathod for Bug# 4299606 (DFF Elimination)
260: nvl(container_item_flag,'N') --Added by Nagaraj.s for Bug3123613.
261: FROM
262: mtl_system_items msi,
263: JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS jmsi -- Added by Brathod for Bug# 4299606 (DFF Elimination)
264: WHERE msi.organization_id = jmsi.organization_id
265: AND msi.inventory_item_id = jmsi.inventory_item_id
266: AND jmsi.inventory_item_id = v_Inventory_Item_Id -- Added by Brathod for Bug# 4299606 (DFF Elimination)

Line 599: mtl_system_items to corrosponding columns in JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS

595: Issue:-
596: Item DFF Elimination
597: Fix:-
598: Changed the code that references attributeN (where N=1,2,3,4,5,15) of
599: mtl_system_items to corrosponding columns in JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS
601: Dependency :-
602: IN60106 + 4239736 (Service Tax) + 4245089 (VAT)

Line 1155: FROM mtl_system_items

1151: --Added by GSRI for BUG 2283066
1152: /* Commented by Brathod for Bug# 4299606 (DFF Elimination)*/
1153: /* CURSOR get_item_attributes IS
1154: SELECT attribute1 ,attribute2
1155: FROM mtl_system_items
1156: WHERE inventory_item_id = v_Inventory_Item_Id
1157: AND organization_id = v_organization_id;
1158: End of Bug# 4299606 */
1159: /* Added by Brathod for Bug# 4299606 */

Line 1876: mtl_system_items to corrosponding columns in JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS

1872: Issue:-
1873: Item DFF Elimination
1874: Fix:-
1875: Changed the code that references attributeN (where N=1,2,3,4,5,15) of
1876: mtl_system_items to corrosponding columns in JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS
1878: Dependency :-
1879: IN60106 + 4239736 (Service Tax) + 4245089 (VAT)