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Line 3403: bom_resources br,

3399: NULL, -- repetitive_schedule_id
3400: wdj.project_id,
3401: wdj.task_id
3402: FROM bom_departments bd,
3403: bom_resources br,
3404: cst_activities ca,
3405: wip_operation_resources wor,
3406: wip_discrete_jobs wdj,
3407: wip_operations wop,

Line 3615: bom_resources br,

3611: NULL, -- po_header_id
3612: NULL, -- po_line_id
3613: NULL -- repetitive_schedule_id
3614: FROM bom_departments bd,
3615: bom_resources br,
3616: cst_activities ca,
3617: wip_operation_resources wor,
3618: wip_move_txn_allocations wma,
3619: wip_operations wop,

Line 3856: bom_resources br,

3852: NULL, -- repetitive_schedule_id
3853: MAX(wdj.project_id),
3854: MAX(wdj.task_id)
3855: FROM bom_departments bd,
3856: bom_resources br,
3857: cst_activities ca,
3858: wip_operation_resources wor,
3859: wip_discrete_jobs wdj,
3860: wip_operations wop,

Line 4067: bom_resources br,

4063: NULL, -- po_header_id
4064: NULL, -- po_line_id
4065: wma.repetitive_schedule_id
4066: FROM bom_departments bd,
4067: bom_resources br,
4068: cst_activities ca,
4069: wip_operation_resources wor,
4070: wip_move_txn_allocations wma,
4071: wip_operations wop,

Line 5926: bom_resources br,

5922: DECODE(wdj.project_id,NULL,NULL,'Y')-- project_accounting_context
5923: FROM /* bugfix 5129403: modified the order in the from clause */
5924: wip_move_txn_interface wmti,
5925: wip_operation_resources wor,
5926: bom_resources br,
5927: mtl_system_items msi,
5928: mtl_parameters mp,
5929: -- bom_calendar_dates bcd2, Bug 4398047 join to bcd2 not required
5930: bom_calendar_dates bcd4,

Line 6131: FROM bom_resources br,

6127: wo2.first_unit_start_date)))), -- need_by_date
6128: 'Y', -- autosource_flag
6129: NULL, -- group_code
6130: msi.buyer_id -- suggested_buyer_id
6131: FROM bom_resources br,
6132: bom_departments bd,
6133: bom_calendar_dates bcd1,
6134: bom_calendar_dates bcd2,
6135: fnd_user fu,

Line 6336: bom_resources br,

6332: DECODE(wdj.project_id,NULL,NULL,'Y')-- project_accounting_context
6333: FROM /* bugfix 5129403: modified the order in the from clause */
6334: wip_move_txn_interface wmti,
6335: wip_operation_resources wor,
6336: bom_resources br,
6337: mtl_system_items msi,
6338: mtl_parameters mp,
6339: -- bom_calendar_dates bcd2, Bug 4398047 join no longer required
6340: bom_calendar_dates bcd4,

Line 6559: bom_resources br,

6555: 'Y', -- autosource_flag
6556: NULL, -- group_code
6557: MAX(msi.buyer_id) -- suggested_buyer_id
6558: FROM bom_departments bd,
6559: bom_resources br,
6560: bom_calendar_dates bcd1,
6561: bom_calendar_dates bcd2,
6562: fnd_user fu,
6563: mtl_item_revisions mir,

Line 6750: FROM bom_resources br,

6746: wmti.primary_quantity pri_qty,
6747: muom.unit_of_measure pri_uom,
6748: wmti.to_operation_seq_num op_seq_num,
6749: wor.autocharge_type autocharge_type
6750: FROM bom_resources br,
6751: mtl_units_of_measure muom,
6752: wip_operation_resources wor,
6753: wip_operations wo,
6754: wip_move_txn_interface wmti