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2 -- $Header: IGCCCOVB.pls 120.14.12010000.3 2008/11/19 09:35:23 schakkin ship $
6    --g_debug_mode        VARCHAR2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('IGC_DEBUG_ENABLED'),'N');
7    g_debug_mode        VARCHAR2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('AFLOG_ENABLED'),'N');
8 --following variables added for bug 3199488: fnd logging changes: sdixit
9    g_debug_level number	:=	FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL;
10    g_state_level number	:=	FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT;
11    g_proc_level number	:=	FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE;
12    g_event_level number	:=	FND_LOG.LEVEL_EVENT;
13    g_excep_level number	:=	FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION;
14    g_error_level number	:=	FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR;
15    g_unexp_level number	:=	FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED;
16    g_path varchar2(500) :=      'igc.plsql.igcccovb.igc_cc_complete_cover_pkg.';
18    Procedure complete_cover ( errbuf               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
19                              ,retcode              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
20                              ,p_cc_header_id       IN  IGC_CC_HEADERS.CC_HEADER_ID%TYPE
21 	/*Bug No : 6341012. MOAC uptake SOB_ID,ORG_ID are retrieved from Packages rather than from Profile values */
22                  --            ,p_set_of_books_id    IN  IGC_CC_HEADERS.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID%TYPE
23                  --            ,p_org_id             IN  IGC_CC_HEADERS.ORG_ID%TYPE
24                              ,p_comp_unmatched_rel IN VARCHAR2
25                              ,p_comp_cover         IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
27   /*Bug No : 6341012. MOAC uptake. Local variables for SOB_ID,ORG_ID,SOB_NAME */
28       l_org_id IGC_CC_HEADERS.ORG_ID%TYPE;
29       l_set_of_books_id IGC_CC_HEADERS.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID%TYPE;
30       l_sob_name		VARCHAR2(30);
32       l_request_id                NUMBER;
33       l_validation_error_code     VARCHAR2(1);
34       l_return_status             VARCHAR2(1);
35       l_bc_status                 VARCHAR2(1);
36       l_msg_count                 NUMBER;
37       l_msg_data                  igc_cc_process_exceptions.exception_reason%TYPE;
38       l_error_text                VARCHAR2(12000);
40       l_stage1_parent_req         NUMBER;
41       l_stage1_wait_for_request   BOOLEAN;
42       l_stage1_phase              VARCHAR2(240);
43       l_stage1_status             VARCHAR2(240);
44       l_stage1_dev_phase          VARCHAR2(240);
45       l_stage1_dev_status         VARCHAR2(240);
46       l_stage1_message            VARCHAR2(240);
48 --      l_start_date                DATE;
49       l_acct_date                 DATE;
50 --      l_end_date                  DATE;
51 --      l_count                     NUMBER;
53       -- 01/03/02, added for checking if CC is enabled in IGI
54       l_option_name               VARCHAR2(80);
55       lv_message                  VARCHAR2(1000);
56 	l_full_path VARCHAR2(500) := g_path||'Complete_Cover';
57 ---Variables related to the XML Report
58       l_terr                      VARCHAR2(10):='US';
59       l_lang                      VARCHAR2(10):='en';
60       l_layout                    BOOLEAN;
63       -- Cursor C_releases selects all releases for a cover commitment
65       Cursor C_releases is
66          Select *
67          from igc_cc_headers
68          where parent_header_id = p_cc_header_id
69            and set_of_books_id  = l_set_of_books_id
70            and org_id = l_org_id;
72       -- Cursor C_cover selects the cover commitment information
74       Cursor C_cover is
75          Select *
76          from igc_cc_headers
77          where cc_header_id = p_cc_header_id
78            and set_of_books_id  = l_set_of_books_id
79            and org_id = l_org_id;
81 /*Bug 5464993 - No need to check for current year release payment forecasts
82  * Commenting out c_fiscal_year_dates and c_payment_forecast cursors
84       -- Cursor C_fiscal_year_dates selects the start and end dates of the current fiscal year
86       Cursor C_fiscal_year_dates is
87          -- Performance Tuning, replaced this sql with the one below.
88          -- Select min(start_date) start_date, max(end_date) end_date
89          -- from gl_periods_v
90          -- where ( period_set_name
91          --       , period_type) in ( Select period_set_name, period_type
92          --                           from gl_sets_of_books_v
93          --                           where set_of_books_id = ( select set_of_books_id
94          --                                                     from ap_system_parameters))
95          -- and period_year = to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY')
96          -- and adjustment_period_flag = 'N';
98          SELECT min(start_date) start_date, max(end_date) end_date
99          FROM   gl_periods_v         a,
100                 gl_sets_of_books    b,
101                 ap_system_parameters c
102          WHERE  a.period_set_name = b.period_set_name
103          AND    a.period_type     = b.accounted_period_type
104          AND    b.set_of_books_id = c.set_of_books_id
105          AND    a.period_year = to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY')
106          AND    a.adjustment_period_flag = 'N';
109       -- Cursor C_payment_forecast counts the number of payment forecast lines
110       -- in the current fiscal year for a particular CC Release
112       Cursor C_payment_forecast (  x_start_date   IN DATE
113                                  , x_end_date     IN DATE
114                                  , x_cc_header_id IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.CC_HEADER_ID%TYPE ) IS
115          Select count(*) lines
116          from igc_cc_det_pf_v pf
117          where pf.cc_acct_line_id in ( select al.cc_acct_line_id
118                                        from igc_cc_acct_lines al
119                                        where al.cc_header_id = x_cc_header_id)
120            and pf.cc_det_pf_date between x_start_date and x_end_date;
121 */
123       -- Cursor C_purchase_orders selects the purchase orders created from a CC Release
125       Cursor C_purchase_orders ( x_cc_num IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.CC_NUM%TYPE ) IS
126          Select po_header_id
127          from PO_HEADERS
128          where segment1 = x_cc_num
129            and type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD';
131       /*modifed for 3199488 - fnd logging changes*/
132       /*ocedure Writelog (l_full_path, p_mesg       in varchar2)IS
133       Begin
134             fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log , p_mesg ) ;
135       End Writelog;*/
136       PROCEDURE Writelog (
137 			      p_path           IN VARCHAR2,
138                               p_debug_msg      IN VARCHAR2,
139                               p_sev_level      IN VARCHAR2 := g_state_level
140                              ) IS
141       BEGIN
143 	IF p_sev_level >= g_debug_level THEN
144 		fnd_log.string(p_sev_level, p_path, p_debug_msg);
145 	END IF;
146       END;
148       -- Procedure initialise_variables initialises the variables
150       Procedure initialise_variables IS
151       Begin
152          l_return_status   := NULL;
153          l_bc_status       := NULL;
154          l_msg_count       := NULL;
155          l_msg_data        := NULL;
156       End;
158       -- Procedure update_releases update the columns of igc_cc_headers table
160       Procedure Update_releases (  x_cc_state         IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.CC_STATE%TYPE
161                                  , x_cc_apprvl_status IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.CC_APPRVL_STATUS%TYPE
162                                  , x_ctrl_status      IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.CC_CTRL_STATUS%TYPE
163                                  , x_cc_header_id     IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.CC_HEADER_ID%TYPE
164                                  , x_set_of_books_id  IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID%TYPE
165                                  , x_org_id           IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.ORG_ID%TYPE ) IS
166       Begin
167          Update igc_cc_headers
168             set cc_state = x_cc_state
169               , cc_apprvl_status = x_cc_apprvl_status
170               , cc_ctrl_status = x_ctrl_status
171          where cc_header_id = x_cc_header_id
172            and set_of_books_id = x_set_of_books_id
173            and org_id = x_org_id;
174       Exception
175          When others then
176             raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
177       End Update_releases;
180       -- Procedure Insert_exceptions insert validations or budgetary control errors
181       -- for a CC in the igc_cc_process_exceptions table
183       Procedure Insert_exception (
184              x_request_id      IN IGC_CC_PROCESS_EXCEPTIONS.REQUEST_ID%TYPE
185            , x_set_of_books_id IN IGC_CC_PROCESS_EXCEPTIONS.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID%TYPE
186            , x_org_id          IN IGC_CC_PROCESS_EXCEPTIONS.ORG_ID%TYPE
187            , x_process_type    IN IGC_CC_PROCESS_EXCEPTIONS.PROCESS_TYPE%TYPE
188            , x_process_phase   IN IGC_CC_PROCESS_EXCEPTIONS.PROCESS_PHASE%TYPE
189            , x_cc_header_id    IN IGC_CC_PROCESS_EXCEPTIONS.CC_HEADER_ID%TYPE
190            , x_reason          IN IGC_CC_PROCESS_EXCEPTIONS.EXCEPTION_REASON%TYPE ) IS
191       Begin
192          Insert into igc_cc_process_exceptions (  process_type
193                                                 , process_phase
194                                                 , cc_header_id
195                                                 , exception_reason
196                                                 , org_id
197                                                 , set_of_books_id
198                                                 , request_id )
199                                   values        ( x_process_type
200                                                 , x_process_phase
201                                                 , x_cc_header_id
202                                                 , x_reason
203                                                 , x_org_id
204                                                 , x_set_of_books_id
205                                                 , x_request_id );
206       Exception
207          When others then
208             raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
209       End Insert_exception;
211       -- Procedure Submit_report submits the exception report after the Cover commitment is
212       -- processed
214       Procedure Submit_report is
215 	l_full_path VARCHAR2(500) := g_path||'Submit_report';
216       Begin
218 /*Bug No : 6341012. MOAC uptake. Set Operaating Unit for the request before submitting. */
220 	fnd_request.set_org_id(l_org_id);
222          l_stage1_parent_req := Fnd_request.Submit_request
223                           (  'IGC'
224                            , 'IGCCCOVR'
225                            , NULL
226                            , NULL
227                            , FALSE
228                            , to_char(l_set_of_books_id)
229                            , to_char(l_org_id)
230                            , 'F'
231                            , 'C'
232                            , to_char(l_request_id)
233                           );
235          If  l_stage1_parent_req > 0 then
236              IF g_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
237                 Writelog (l_full_path,'IGCCCOVB - Submitted the Report IGCCCOVR ');
238              END IF;
239              Commit;
240          Else
241 	     IF g_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
242                 Writelog (l_full_path,'IGCCCOVB - Error Submitting the Report IGCCCOVR ');
243              END IF;
244              Raise_application_error
245                (-20000,'IGCCCOVB - Error submitting IGCCCOVR '||
246                         SQLERRM ||'-'||SQLCODE);
247          End if;
249          l_stage1_wait_for_request :=
250             Fnd_concurrent.Wait_For_Request( l_stage1_parent_req,
251                                              05,
252                                              0,
253                                              l_stage1_phase,
254                                              l_stage1_status,
255                                              l_stage1_dev_phase,
256                                              l_stage1_dev_status,
257                                              l_stage1_message );
259          If ((l_stage1_dev_phase = 'COMPLETE') AND (l_stage1_dev_status = 'NORMAL')) THEN
260             IF g_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
261                Writelog (l_full_path,'IGCCCOVB - COMPLETE / NORMAL status of IGCCCOVR request');
262             END IF;
263          Else
264             IF g_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
265                Writelog (l_full_path,'IGCCCOVB - FAILED status of IGCCOVR request');
266             END IF;
267             Raise Fnd_api.g_exc_error;
268          End if;
271 ------------------------------------
272 ---Run XML Report
273 ------------------------------------
274         IF IGC_CC_COMMON_UTILS_PVT.xml_report_enabled THEN
275                IGC_CC_COMMON_UTILS_PVT.get_xml_layout_info(
276                                             l_lang,
277                                             l_terr,
278                                             'IGCCCOVR_XML',
279                                             'IGC',
280                                             'IGCCCOVR_XML' );
281                l_layout :=  FND_REQUEST.ADD_LAYOUT(
282                                             'IGC',
283                                             'IGCCCOVR_XML',
284                                             l_lang,
285                                             l_terr,
286                                             'RTF');
287                IF l_layout then
288 		         fnd_request.set_org_id(l_org_id);
289                  l_stage1_parent_req := Fnd_request.Submit_request
290                               (  'IGC'
291                                , 'IGCCCOVR_XML'
292                                , NULL
293                                , NULL
294                                , FALSE
295                                , to_char(l_set_of_books_id)
296                                , to_char(l_org_id)
297                                , 'F'
298                                , 'C'
299                                , to_char(l_request_id)
300                               );
302               End if;
303         End If;
304         If  l_stage1_parent_req > 0 then
305              IF g_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
306                 Writelog (l_full_path,'IGCCCOVB - Submitted the XML Report IGCCCOVR_XML ');
307              END IF;
308              Commit;
309          Else
310 	     IF g_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
311                 Writelog (l_full_path,'IGCCCOVB - Error Submitting the XML Report IGCCCOVR_XML');
312              END IF;
313              Raise_application_error
314                (-20000,'IGCCCOVB - Error submitting IGCCCOVR_XML '||
315                         SQLERRM ||'-'||SQLCODE);
316          End if;
317          l_stage1_wait_for_request :=
318             Fnd_concurrent.Wait_For_Request( l_stage1_parent_req,
319                                              05,
320                                              0,
321                                              l_stage1_phase,
322                                              l_stage1_status,
323                                              l_stage1_dev_phase,
324                                              l_stage1_dev_status,
325                                              l_stage1_message );
326          If ((l_stage1_dev_phase = 'COMPLETE') AND (l_stage1_dev_status = 'NORMAL')) THEN
327             IF g_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
328                Writelog (l_full_path,'IGCCCOVB - COMPLETE / NORMAL status of IGCCCOVR_XML request');
329             END IF;
330          Else
331             IF g_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
332                Writelog (l_full_path,'IGCCCOVB - FAILED status of IGCCOVR_XML request');
333             END IF;
334             Raise Fnd_api.g_exc_error;
335          End if;
336 ------------------------------------
337 ---End Of XML Report
338 ------------------------------------
340       End Submit_report;
342       Function matched_releases ( x_po_header_id IN PO_HEADERS.PO_HEADER_ID%TYPE )
343                                   return boolean IS
344          Cursor C_matched_releases is
345          Select 'X'
346          from ap_invoice_distributions ind
347             , po_distributions pd
348             , po_headers ph
349          where ind.po_distribution_id = pd.po_distribution_id
350            and pd.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id
351            and ph.po_header_id = x_po_header_id;
352          l_invoice_rec varchar2(1) := NULL;
353       Begin
354          Open C_matched_releases;
355          Fetch C_matched_releases into l_invoice_rec;
356          If C_matched_releases%found then
357             Close c_matched_releases;
358             return TRUE;
359          Else
360             Close C_matched_releases;
361             return FALSE;
362          End if;
363       Exception
364          When others then
365             If C_matched_releases%isopen then
366                Close C_matched_releases;
367             End if;
368             Raise Fnd_api.g_exc_error;
369       End;
372    -- Begin section of the complete cover procedure
374    Begin
377    -- 01/03/02, check to see if CC is installed
379    IF NOT igi_gen.is_req_installed('CC') THEN
381       SELECT meaning
382       INTO l_option_name
383       FROM igi_lookups
384       WHERE lookup_code = 'CC'
385       AND lookup_type = 'GCC_DESCRIPTION';
388       FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('OPTION_NAME', l_option_name);
389       IF(g_error_level >= g_debug_level) THEN
390       	  FND_LOG.MESSAGE(g_error_level, l_full_path, FALSE);
391       END IF;
392       lv_message := fnd_message.get;
393       errbuf := lv_message;
394       retcode := 2;
395       return;
396    END IF;
398 /* Bug No : 6341012. MOAC uptake.get ORG_ID,SOB_ID from Packages */
399 	l_org_id := MO_GLOBAL.get_current_org_id;
400 	MO_UTILS.get_ledger_info(l_org_id,l_set_of_books_id,l_sob_name);
402 --
403       l_request_id := fnd_global.conc_request_id;
404       l_validation_error_code := 'N';
405       l_acct_date := SYSDATE;
407       Delete from igc_cc_process_exceptions
408       where process_type = 'C'
409         and process_phase = 'F'
410         and cc_header_id = p_cc_header_id
411         and set_of_books_id = l_set_of_books_id
412         and org_id = l_org_id ;
414 /*Commenting out the cursor for bug 5464993
415  *
416       Open C_fiscal_year_dates;
417       Fetch C_fiscal_year_dates into l_start_date, l_end_date;
418       Close C_fiscal_year_dates;
419 */
421       For C_rel_rec in C_releases loop
422          l_msg_data := NULL;
423          If ( c_rel_rec.cc_state = 'CL' and c_rel_rec.cc_apprvl_status = 'AP')
424             or (c_rel_rec.cc_state = 'CT' and c_rel_rec.cc_apprvl_status = 'AP')
425             or (c_rel_rec.cc_state = 'CT' and c_rel_rec.cc_apprvl_status = 'IN')
426             or (c_rel_rec.cc_state = 'CM' and c_rel_rec.cc_apprvl_status = 'AP') then
428 /*Commenting out the cursor for bug 5464993
429  *
430            Open C_payment_forecast (  l_start_date
431                                      , l_end_date
432                                      , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id );
433             Fetch C_payment_forecast into l_count;
434             Close C_payment_forecast;
435 */
437 --            If l_count > 0 then --commenting as part of fix for bug 5464993
438                For C_purchase_orders_rec in C_purchase_orders ( c_rel_rec.cc_num ) loop
439                   If p_comp_unmatched_rel = 'N' then
440                      If matched_releases ( C_purchase_orders_rec.po_header_id) then
441                         If Igc_cc_rep_yep_pvt.Invoice_canc_or_paid(c_rel_rec.cc_header_id) then
442                            fnd_message.set_name('IGC', 'IGC_CC_PURCHASE_ORDER_ERROR');
443                               IF(g_excep_level >= g_debug_level) THEN
444                                   FND_LOG.MESSAGE(g_excep_level, l_full_path, FALSE);
445                               END IF;
446                            l_msg_data := fnd_message.get;
447                            l_validation_error_code := 'Y';
448                            Insert_exception (  l_request_id
449                                              , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
450                                              , c_rel_rec.org_id
451                                              , 'C'
452                                              , 'F'
453                                              , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
454                                              , l_msg_data);
455                            goto process_next;
456                         End if;
457                      Else
458                         fnd_message.set_name('IGC', 'IGC_CC_INVOICE_MATCH_ERROR');
459                         IF(g_error_level >= g_debug_level) THEN
460                                   FND_LOG.MESSAGE(g_error_level, l_full_path, FALSE);
461                         END IF;
462                         l_msg_data := fnd_message.get;
463                         l_validation_error_code := 'Y';
464                         Insert_exception (  l_request_id
465                                           , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
466                                           , c_rel_rec.org_id
467                                           , 'C'
468                                           , 'F'
469                                           , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
470                                           , l_msg_data);
471                         goto process_next;
472                      End if;
473                   End if;
474                End loop;
475                -- process the budgetary control for releases
476                If ((c_rel_rec.cc_state = 'CM' and c_rel_rec.cc_apprvl_status = 'AP') OR
477                    (c_rel_rec.cc_state = 'CT' and c_rel_rec.cc_apprvl_status = 'IN'))  then
478                   initialise_variables;
479                   Update_releases (  'CT'
480                                    , 'IN'
481                                    , 'C'
482                                    , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
483                                    , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
484                                    , c_rel_rec.org_id );
485                   Igc_cc_po_interface_pkg.update_po_approved_flag (
486                                          p_api_version      => 1.0
487                                        , p_init_msg_list    => fnd_api.g_false
488                                        , p_commit           => fnd_api.g_false
489                                        , p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
490                                        , x_return_status    => l_return_status
491                                        , x_msg_count        => l_msg_count
492                                        , x_msg_data         => l_msg_data
493                                        , p_cc_header_id     => c_rel_rec.cc_header_id );
494                   If l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success then
495                      initialise_variables;
496                      Igc_cc_budgetary_ctrl_pkg.Execute_budgetary_ctrl (
497                                          p_api_version      => 1.0
498                                        , p_init_msg_list    => fnd_api.g_false
499                                        , p_commit           => fnd_api.g_false
500                                        , p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
501                                        , x_return_status    => l_return_status
502                                        , x_bc_status        => l_bc_status
503                                        , x_msg_count        => l_msg_count
504                                        , x_msg_data         => l_msg_data
505                                        , p_cc_header_id     => c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
506                                        , p_accounting_date  => c_rel_rec.cc_acct_date
507                                        , p_mode             => 'R'
508                                        , p_notes            => null);
509                      If l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success and l_bc_status = fnd_api.g_true then
510                         Update_releases (  'CT'
511                                          , 'AP'
512                                          , 'C'
513                                          , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
514                                          , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
515                                          , c_rel_rec.org_id );
516                         Igc_cc_po_interface_pkg.Convert_cc_to_po(
517                                          p_api_version      => 1.0
518                                        , p_init_msg_list    => fnd_api.g_false
519                                        , p_commit           => fnd_api.g_false
520                                        , p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
521                                        , x_return_status    => l_return_status
522                                        , x_msg_count        => l_msg_count
523                                        , x_msg_data         => l_msg_data
524                                        , p_cc_header_id     => c_rel_rec.cc_header_id);
525                         If l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success then
526                            null;
527                         Else
528                            l_validation_error_code := 'Y';
529                            Insert_exception (  l_request_id
530                                              , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
531                                              , c_rel_rec.org_id
532                                              , 'C'
533                                              , 'F'
534                                              , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
535                                              , l_msg_data);
536                         End if;
537                      Else
538                         l_validation_error_code := 'Y';
539                         Insert_exception (  l_request_id
540                                           , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
541                                           , c_rel_rec.org_id
542                                           , 'C'
543                                           , 'F'
544                                           , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
545                                           , l_msg_data);
546                      End if;
547                   Else
548                      l_validation_error_code := 'Y';
549                      Insert_exception (  l_request_id
550                                        , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
551                                        , c_rel_rec.org_id
552                                        , 'C'
553                                        , 'F'
554                                        , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
555                                        , l_msg_data);
556                   End if;
557                End if;
558 --            End if; --Bug 5464993
559          Else
560             fnd_message.set_name('IGC', 'IGC_CC_COMPLETE_COVER_ERROR');
561             fnd_message.set_token('RELEASE_STATE', c_rel_rec.cc_state);
562             fnd_message.set_token('APPROVAL_STATUS', c_rel_rec.cc_apprvl_status);
563             l_msg_data := fnd_message.get;
564             IF(g_error_level >= g_debug_level) THEN
565                  FND_LOG.MESSAGE(g_error_level, l_full_path, FALSE);
566             END IF;
567             l_validation_error_code := 'Y';
568             Insert_exception (  l_request_id
569                               , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
570                               , c_rel_rec.org_id
571                               , 'C'
572                               , 'F'
573                               , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
574                               , l_msg_data);
575          End if;
576          <<process_next>>
577             null;
578       End loop;
580       If l_validation_error_code = 'N' and p_comp_cover = 'Y' then
581          For c_cover_rec in C_cover loop
582             If (c_cover_rec.cc_state = 'CM' and c_cover_rec.cc_apprvl_status = 'AP') then
583                Initialise_variables;
584                Update_releases (  'CT'
585                                 , 'IN'
586                                 , 'C'
587                                 , c_cover_rec.cc_header_id
588                                 , c_cover_rec.set_of_books_id
589                                 , c_cover_rec.org_id );
590                Igc_cc_budgetary_ctrl_pkg.Execute_budgetary_ctrl (
591                                          p_api_version      => 1.0
592                                        , p_init_msg_list    => fnd_api.g_false
593                                        , p_commit           => fnd_api.g_false
594                                        , p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
595                                        , x_return_status    => l_return_status
596                                        , x_bc_status        => l_bc_status
597                                        , x_msg_count        => l_msg_count
598                                        , x_msg_data         => l_msg_data
599                                        , p_cc_header_id     => c_cover_rec.cc_header_id
600                                        , p_accounting_date  => l_acct_date
601                                        , p_mode             => 'R'
602                                        , p_notes            => null);
603                If l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success and l_bc_status = fnd_api.g_true then
604                   Update_releases (  'CT'
605                                    , 'AP'
606                                    , 'C'
607                                    , c_cover_rec.cc_header_id
608                                    , c_cover_rec.set_of_books_id
609                                    , c_cover_rec.org_id );
610                Else
611                   Insert_exception (  l_request_id
612                                     , c_cover_rec.set_of_books_id
613                                     , c_cover_rec.org_id
614                                     , 'C'
615                                     , 'F'
616                                     , c_cover_rec.cc_header_id
617                                     , l_msg_data);
618                End if;
619             End if;
620          End loop;
621       End if;
623       Submit_report;
625 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
626 -- Ensure that any exceptions raised are output into the log file to be reported to
627 -- the user if any are present.
628 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
629       FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get ( p_count => l_msg_count,
630                                p_data  => l_msg_data );
632       IF (l_msg_count > 0) THEN
633          l_error_text := '';
634          FOR l_cur IN 1..l_msg_count LOOP
635              l_error_text := ' Mesg No : '|| l_cur ||' '|| FND_MSG_PUB.GET(l_cur, FND_API.G_FALSE);
636              fnd_file.put_line (FND_FILE.LOG,
637                                 l_error_text);
638              WriteLog(l_full_path, l_error_text, g_excep_level);
639          END LOOP;
640       END IF;
642       commit;
643       retcode := 0;
644       errbuf  := 'Normal Completion';
646    -- Exception section of Complete_cover procedure
648    Exception
649       When Fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
650          If C_releases%isopen then
651             Close C_releases;
652          End if;
653          If C_cover%isopen then
654             Close C_cover;
655          End if;
656 /*         IF C_fiscal_year_dates%isopen then
657             Close C_fiscal_year_dates;
658          End if;
659          If C_payment_forecast%isopen then
660             Close C_payment_forecast;
661          End if; */
662          If C_purchase_orders%isopen then
663             Close C_purchase_orders;
664          End if;
665          retcode := 2;
666          fnd_message.set_name('IGC','IGC_LOGGING_USER_ERROR');
667 	 errbuf  := fnd_message.get;
668          IF g_unexp_level >= g_debug_level THEN
669 		fnd_message.set_name('IGC','IGC_LOGGING_UNEXP_ERROR');
670                 fnd_message.set_token('CODE',SQLCODE);
671 		fnd_message.set_token('MESG',SQLERRM);
672                 fnd_log.message(g_unexp_level,l_full_path,TRUE);
673 	 END IF;
674          raise_application_error (-20000,'IGCCCOVB : '||SQLERRM ||'-'||SQLCODE);
675          --raise_application_error (-20000,errbuf);
677             FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg (G_PKG_NAME, 'Complete_cover');
678          END IF;
679          FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get ( p_count => l_msg_count,
680                                      p_data  => l_msg_data );
682          IF (l_msg_count > 0) THEN
684             l_error_text := '';
685             FOR l_cur IN 1..l_msg_count LOOP
686                 l_error_text := l_cur ||' '|| FND_MSG_PUB.GET(l_cur, FND_API.G_FALSE);
687                 IF(g_excep_level >= g_debug_level) THEN
688                       FND_LOG.STRING(g_excep_level, l_full_path, l_error_text);
689                 END IF;
690                 fnd_file.put_line (FND_FILE.LOG,
691                                    l_error_text);
692                 WriteLog(l_full_path, l_error_text, g_excep_level);
693             END LOOP;
694          ELSE
695             l_error_text := 'Error Returned but Error stack has no data';
697             if g_excep_level >= g_debug_level then
698                 FND_LOG.STRING(g_excep_level, l_full_path, l_error_text);
699             end if;
701             fnd_file.put_line (FND_FILE.LOG,
702                                l_error_text);
703          END IF;
705       When others then
706          If C_releases%isopen then
707             Close C_releases;
708          End if;
709          If C_cover%isopen then
710             Close C_cover;
711          End if;
712 /*         IF C_fiscal_year_dates%isopen then
713             Close C_fiscal_year_dates;
714          End if;
715          If C_payment_forecast%isopen then
716             Close C_payment_forecast;
717          End if; */
718          If C_purchase_orders%isopen then
719             Close C_purchase_orders;
720          End if;
721          retcode := 2;
722          fnd_message.set_name('IGC','IGC_LOGGING_USER_ERROR');
723 	 errbuf  := fnd_message.get;
724          IF g_unexp_level >= g_debug_level THEN
725 		fnd_message.set_name('IGC','IGC_LOGGING_UNEXP_ERROR');
726                 fnd_message.set_token('CODE',SQLCODE);
727 		fnd_message.set_token('MESG',SQLERRM);
728                 fnd_log.message(g_unexp_level,l_full_path,TRUE);
729 	 END IF;
730          raise_application_error (-20000,'IGCCCOVB : '||SQLERRM ||'-'||SQLCODE);
732             FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg (G_PKG_NAME, 'Complete_cover');
733          END IF;
734          FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get ( p_count => l_msg_count,
735                                      p_data  => l_msg_data );
737          IF (l_msg_count > 0) THEN
739             l_error_text := '';
740             FOR l_cur IN 1..l_msg_count LOOP
741                 l_error_text := ' Mesg No : '|| l_cur ||' '|| FND_MSG_PUB.GET(l_cur, FND_API.G_FALSE);
742                 fnd_file.put_line (FND_FILE.LOG,
743                                    l_error_text);
744                 WriteLog(l_full_path, l_error_text, g_excep_level);
745             END LOOP;
746          ELSE
747             l_error_text := 'Error Returned but Error stack has no data';
748             fnd_file.put_line (FND_FILE.LOG,
749                                l_error_text);
750             WriteLog(l_full_path, l_error_text, g_excep_level);
751          END IF;
753    End Complete_cover ;