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APPS.IGS_PS_UNIT_VER_PKG dependencies on IGS_GE_GEN_003

Line 3596: sbaliga 13-feb-2002 Assigned igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id to x_org_id in call to before_dml

3592: x_billing_hrs IN NUMBER
3593: ) AS
3594: /**********************************************************************************************************************************
3595: sarakshi 14-oct-2003 Enh#3052452,removed the nvl clause from max_repeats_for_credits in the before_dml call.
3596: sbaliga 13-feb-2002 Assigned igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id to x_org_id in call to before_dml
3597: as part of SWCR006 build.
3598: **************************************************************************************************************/
3599: cursor C is select ROWID from IGS_PS_UNIT_VER_ALL
3600: where UNIT_CD = X_UNIT_CD

Line 3725: x_org_id => igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id,

3721: x_created_by => X_LAST_UPDATED_BY,
3722: x_last_update_date => X_LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
3723: x_last_updated_by => X_LAST_UPDATED_BY,
3724: x_last_update_login => X_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN,
3725: x_org_id => igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id,
3726: x_ss_enrol_ind => X_SS_ENROL_IND,
3727: x_ivr_enrol_ind => X_IVR_ENROL_IND,
3728: x_rev_account_cd => x_rev_account_cd ,
3729: x_claimable_hours => x_claimable_hours ,