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2 /* $Header: OZFPFUNS.pls 120.6 2006/05/24 09:35:20 asylvia ship $ */
3 /*#
4 * Use this package to create, update and delete funds and
5 * create, update and delete market segments and
6 * product eligibilities for funds and quotas in Oracle Trade Management.
7 * Funds are also known as budgets
8 * @rep:scope public
9 * @rep:product OZF
10 * @rep:lifecycle active
11 * @rep:displayname Budget Public API
12 * @rep:compatibility S
13 * @rep:businessevent None
15 */
17 TYPE fund_rec_type IS RECORD
18 (fund_id                NUMBER
19 ,fund_number            VARCHAR2(30)
20 ,short_name             VARCHAR2(80)
21 ,fund_type              VARCHAR2(30)
22 ,custom_setup_id        NUMBER
23 ,object_version_number  NUMBER
24 ,description            VARCHAR2(4000)
25 ,parent_fund_id         NUMBER
26 ,parent_fund_name       VARCHAR2(80)
27 ,category_id            NUMBER
28 ,category_name          VARCHAR2(50)
29 ,business_unit_id       NUMBER
30 ,business_unit          VARCHAR2(50)
31 ,status_code            VARCHAR2(30)
32 ,user_status_id         NUMBER
33 ,start_date_active      DATE
34 ,end_date_active        DATE
35 ,start_period_name      VARCHAR2(15)
36 ,end_period_name        VARCHAR2(15)
37 ,original_budget        NUMBER
38 ,holdback_amt           NUMBER
39 ,currency_code_tc       VARCHAR2(15)
40 ,owner                  NUMBER
41 ,accrual_basis          VARCHAR2(30)
42 ,accrual_phase          VARCHAR2(30)
43 ,accrual_discount_level VARCHAR2(30)
44 ,threshold_id           NUMBER
45 ,threshold_name         VARCHAR2(50)
46 ,task_id                NUMBER
47 ,task_name              VARCHAR2(50)
48 ,org_id                 NUMBER
49 ,liability_flag         VARCHAR2(1)
50 ,ledger_id              NUMBER
51 ,ledger_name            VARCHAR2(100)
52 ,accrued_liable_account NUMBER
53 ,ded_adjustment_account NUMBER
54 ,product_spread_time_id NUMBER
55 );
57 TYPE mks_rec_type IS RECORD
58 (activity_market_segment_id     NUMBER
59 ,market_segment_id              NUMBER
60 ,act_market_segment_used_by_id  NUMBER
61 ,arc_act_market_segment_used_by VARCHAR2(30)
62 ,segment_type                   VARCHAR2(30)
63 ,object_version_number          NUMBER
64 ,exclude_flag                   VARCHAR2(1)
65 );
67 TYPE act_product_rec_type IS RECORD
68 (activity_product_id     NUMBER
69 ,act_product_used_by_id  NUMBER
70 ,arc_act_product_used_by VARCHAR2(30)
71 ,inventory_item_name     VARCHAR2(100)
72 ,inventory_item_id       NUMBER
73 ,level_type_code         VARCHAR2(7)
74 ,category_name           VARCHAR2(100)
75 ,category_id             NUMBER
76 ,category_set_id         NUMBER
77 ,primary_product_flag    VARCHAR2(1)
78 ,excluded_flag           VARCHAR2(1)
79 ,object_version_number   NUMBER
80 ,organization_id         NUMBER
81 );
83 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
85 --    Create_Fund
86 --
88 --    Create a new fund (fixed budget).
89 --
91 --    p_fund_rec: the new record to be inserted
92 --    x_fund_id: return the fund_id of the new fund
93 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
94 /*#
95 * This procedure creates a new fixed budget.
96 * @param p_api_version        Indicates API version number.
97 * @param p_init_msg_list      Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
98 * @param p_commit             Indicates whether to commit within the program.
99 * @param p_validation_level   Indicates validation level.
100 * @param x_return_status      Indicates program status.
101 * @param x_msg_data           Messages returned by the program.
102 * @param x_msg_count          Provides the number of the messages returned by the program.
103 * @param p_fund_rec           Identifies the new record to be inserted.
104 * @param x_fund_id            Returns the ID of the new fund.
105 * @rep:scope public
106 * @rep:lifecycle active
107 * @rep:displayname Create Fixed Budget
108 * @rep:compatibility S
109 * @rep:businessevent None
110 */
111 PROCEDURE Create_fund(
112    p_api_version        IN         NUMBER
113   ,p_init_msg_list      IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
114   ,p_commit             IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
115   ,p_validation_level   IN         NUMBER := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
116   ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
117   ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
118   ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
119   ,p_fund_rec           IN         fund_rec_type
120   ,x_fund_id            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
121   );
123 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
125 --    Create_Fund
126 --
127 -- PURPOSE
128 --    Create a new fund (fully accrued budget).
129 --
131 --    p_fund_rec: the new record to be inserted
132 --    x_fund_id: return the fund_id of the new fund
133 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
134 /*#
135 * This procedure creates a new fully accrued budget.
136 * @param p_api_version        Indicates API version number.
137 * @param p_init_msg_list      Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
138 * @param p_commit             Indicates whether to commit within the program.
139 * @param p_validation_level   Indicates validation level.
140 * @param x_return_status      Indicates program status.
141 * @param x_msg_data           Messages returned by the program.
142 * @param x_msg_count          Provides the number of the messages returned by the program.
143 * @param p_fund_rec           Identifies the new record to be inserted.
144 * @param p_modifier_list_rec  Offer header detail.
145 * @param p_modifier_line_tbl  Stores discount rules for accrual offer.
146 * @param p_vo_pbh_tbl         Stores discount structure information for volume offer.
147 * @param p_vo_dis_tbl         Stores discount tier information for volume offer.
148 * @param p_vo_prod_tbl        Stores discount product information for volume offer.
149 * @param p_qualifier_tbl      Stores the market eligibility values for volume offer.
150 * @param p_vo_mo_tbl          Stores market option information for volume offer.
151 * @param x_fund_id            Returns the ID of the new fund.
152 * @rep:scope public
153 * @rep:lifecycle active
154 * @rep:displayname Create Fully Accrued Budget
155 * @rep:compatibility S
156 * @rep:businessevent None
157 */
158 PROCEDURE Create_fund(
159    p_api_version        IN         NUMBER
160   ,p_init_msg_list      IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
161   ,p_commit             IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
162   ,p_validation_level   IN         NUMBER := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
163   ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
164   ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
165   ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
166   ,p_fund_rec           IN         fund_rec_type
167   ,p_modifier_list_rec  IN         ozf_offer_pub.modifier_list_rec_type
168   ,p_modifier_line_tbl  IN         ozf_offer_pub.modifier_line_tbl_type
169   ,p_vo_pbh_tbl         IN         ozf_offer_pub.vo_disc_tbl_type
170   ,p_vo_dis_tbl         IN         ozf_offer_pub.vo_disc_tbl_type
171   ,p_vo_prod_tbl        IN         ozf_offer_pub.vo_prod_tbl_type
172   ,p_qualifier_tbl      IN         ozf_offer_pub.qualifiers_tbl_type
173   ,p_vo_mo_tbl          IN         ozf_offer_pub.vo_mo_tbl_type
174   ,x_fund_id            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
175   );
178 --------------------------------------------------------------------
180 --    Delete_Fund
181 --
182 -- PURPOSE
183 --    Delete a fund.
184 --
186 --    p_fund_id: the fund_id
187 --    p_object_version: the object_version_number
188 --
189 -- NOTES
190 --    1. Raise exception if the object_version_number doesn't match.
191 --------------------------------------------------------------------
192 /*#
193 * This procedure deletes an existing budget.
194 * @param p_api_version    Indicates API version number.
195 * @param p_init_msg_list  Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
196 * @param p_commit         Indicates whether to commit within the program.
197 * @param x_return_status  Indicates program status.
198 * @param x_msg_count      Number of messages the program returns.
199 * @param x_msg_data       Messages returned by the program .
200 * @param p_fund_id        Fund identifier of the fund to be deleted.
201 * @param p_object_version Indicates the object version number.
202 * @rep:scope public
203 * @rep:lifecycle active
204 * @rep:displayname Delete Budget
205 * @rep:compatibility S
206 * @rep:businessevent None
207 */
208 PROCEDURE Delete_Fund(
209    p_api_version       IN  NUMBER
210   ,p_init_msg_list     IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
211   ,p_commit            IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false
212   ,x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
213   ,x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
214   ,x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
215   ,p_fund_id           IN  NUMBER
216   ,p_object_version    IN  NUMBER
217   );
219 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
221 --    Update_Fund
222 --
223 -- PURPOSE
224 --    Update a fund.
225 --
227 --    p_fund_rec: the record with new items.
228 --    p_mode    : determines what sort of validation is to be performed during update.
229 --              : The mode should always be 'UPDATE' except when updating the earned or committed amount
230 --
231 -- NOTES
232 --    1. Raise exception if the object_version_number doesn't match.
233 --    2. If an attribute is passed in as FND_API.g_miss_char/num/date,
234 --       that column won't be updated.
235 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
236 /**
237  * This procedure updates an existing budget.
238  * @param p_api_version       Indicates API version number.
239  * @param p_init_msg_list     Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
240  * @param p_commit            Indicates whether to commit within the program.
241  * @param p_validation_level  Indicates validation level.
242  * @param x_return_status     Indicates program status.
243  * @param x_msg_count         Indicates number of messages the program returns.
244  * @param x_msg_data          Return message by the program.
245  * @param p_fund_rec          Fund record to be updated.
246  * @param p_modifier_list_rec Offer header detail.
247  * @param p_modifier_line_tbl Stores discount rules for accrual offer.
248  * @param p_vo_pbh_tbl        Stores discount structure information for volume offer.
249  * @param p_vo_dis_tbl        Stores discount tier information for volume offer.
250  * @param p_vo_prod_tbl       Stores discount product information for volume offer.
251  * @param p_qualifier_tbl     Stores the market eligibility values for volume offer.
252  * @param p_vo_mo_tbl         Stores market option information for volume offer.
253  * @rep:scope public
254  * @rep:lifecycle active
255  * @rep:displayname Update Budget
256  * @rep:compatibility S
257  * @rep:businessevent None
258  */
259 PROCEDURE Update_fund(
260    p_api_version        IN         NUMBER
261   ,p_init_msg_list      IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
262   ,p_commit             IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
263   ,p_validation_level   IN         NUMBER := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
264   ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
265   ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
266   ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
267   ,p_fund_rec           IN         fund_rec_type
268   ,p_modifier_list_rec  IN         ozf_offer_pub.modifier_list_rec_type
269   ,p_modifier_line_tbl  IN         ozf_offer_pub.modifier_line_tbl_type
270   ,p_vo_pbh_tbl         IN         ozf_offer_pub.vo_disc_tbl_type
271   ,p_vo_dis_tbl         IN         ozf_offer_pub.vo_disc_tbl_type
272   ,p_vo_prod_tbl        IN         ozf_offer_pub.vo_prod_tbl_type
273   ,p_qualifier_tbl      IN         ozf_offer_pub.qualifiers_tbl_type
274   ,p_vo_mo_tbl          IN         ozf_offer_pub.vo_mo_tbl_type
275   );
277 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
279 --    create_market_segment
280 --
281 -- PURPOSE
282 --    Creates a market segment for fund or quota.
283 --
285 --    p_mks_rec    : the record with new items
286 --    x_act_mks_id : return the market segment id for the fund
287 --
288 -- HISTORY
289 --    07/07/2005  kdass Created
290 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
291 /*#
292  * This procedure creates a market segment for an existing budget or quota.
293  * @param p_api_version      Indicates API version number.
294  * @param p_init_msg_list    Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
295  * @param p_commit           Indicates whether to commit within the program.
296  * @param p_validation_level Indicates validation level.
297  * @param p_mks_rec          Market segment record to be inserted.
298  * @param x_return_status    Indicates program status.
299  * @param x_msg_count        Indicates number of messages the program returns.
300  * @param x_msg_data         Messages returned by the program.
301  * @param x_act_mks_id       Indicates market segment id for the fund.
302  * @rep:scope public
303  * @rep:lifecycle active
304  * @rep:displayname Create Market Segment
305  * @rep:compatibility S
306  * @rep:businessevent None
307  */
308 PROCEDURE create_market_segment(
309    p_api_version        IN         NUMBER
310   ,p_init_msg_list      IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
311   ,p_commit             IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
312   ,p_validation_level   IN         NUMBER := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
313   ,p_mks_rec            IN         mks_rec_type
314   ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
315   ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
316   ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
317   ,x_act_mks_id         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
318   );
320 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
322 --    update_market_segment
323 --
324 -- PURPOSE
325 --    Updates a market segment for fund or quota.
326 --
328 --    p_mks_rec : the record with items to be updated
329 --
330 -- HISTORY
331 --    07/07/2005  kdass Created
332 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
333 /*#
334  * This procedure updates a market segment for an existing budget or quota.
335  * @param p_api_version      Indicates API version number.
336  * @param p_init_msg_list    Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
337  * @param p_commit           Indicates whether to commit within the program.
338  * @param p_validation_level Indicates validation level.
339  * @param p_mks_rec          Market segment record to be updated.
340  * @param x_return_status    Indicates program status.
341  * @param x_msg_count        Number of messages the program returns.
342  * @param x_msg_data         Messages returned by the program.
343  * @rep:scope public
344  * @rep:lifecycle active
345  * @rep:displayname Update Market Segment
346  * @rep:compatibility S
347  * @rep:businessevent None
348  */
349 PROCEDURE update_market_segment(
350    p_api_version        IN         NUMBER
351   ,p_init_msg_list      IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
352   ,p_commit             IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
353   ,p_validation_level   IN         NUMBER := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
354   ,p_mks_rec            IN         mks_rec_type
355   ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
356   ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
357   ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
358   );
360 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
362 --    delete_market_segment
363 --
364 -- PURPOSE
365 --    Deletes a market segment for fund or quota.
366 --
368 --    p_act_mks_id : the market segment to be deleted
369 --
370 -- HISTORY
371 --    07/07/2005  kdass Created
372 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
373 /*#
374  * This procedure deletes a market segment for an existing budget or quota.
375  * @param p_api_version      Indicates API version number.
376  * @param p_init_msg_list    Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
377  * @param p_commit           Indicates whether to commit within the program.
378  * @param p_act_mks_id       Market segment identifier of the market segment to be deleted.
379  * @param x_return_status    Program Status.
380  * @param x_msg_count        Number of messages the program returns.
381  * @param x_msg_data         Messages returned by the program.
382  * @rep:scope public
383  * @rep:lifecycle active
384  * @rep:displayname Delete Market Segment
385  * @rep:compatibility S
386  * @rep:businessevent None
387  */
388 PROCEDURE delete_market_segment(
389    p_api_version        IN         NUMBER
390   ,p_init_msg_list      IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
391   ,p_commit             IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
392   ,p_act_mks_id         IN         NUMBER
393   ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
394   ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
395   ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
396   );
398 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
400 --    create_product_eligibility
401 --
402 -- PURPOSE
403 --    Creates the product eligibility record for fund or quota.
404 --
406 --    p_act_product_rec : the record with new items
407 --    x_act_product_id  : return the activity product id for the fund or quota
408 --
409 -- HISTORY
410 --    07/11/2005  kdass Created
411 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
412 /*#
413  * This procedure creates a product eligibility record for an existing budget or quota.
414  * @param p_api_version      Indicates API version number.
415  * @param p_init_msg_list    Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
416  * @param p_commit           Indicates whether to commit within the program.
417  * @param p_validation_level Indicates validation level.
418  * @param p_act_product_rec  Product Eligibility record to be inserted.
419  * @param x_return_status    Indicates program status.
420  * @param x_msg_count        Number of messages the program returns.
421  * @param x_msg_data         Messages returned by the program.
422  * @param x_act_product_id   Indicates product's activity product id.
423  * @rep:scope public
424  * @rep:lifecycle active
425  * @rep:displayname Create Product Eligibility
426  * @rep:compatibility S
427  * @rep:businessevent None
428  */
429 PROCEDURE create_product_eligibility(
430    p_api_version        IN         NUMBER
431   ,p_init_msg_list      IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
432   ,p_commit             IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
433   ,p_validation_level   IN         NUMBER := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
434   ,p_act_product_rec    IN         act_product_rec_type
435   ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
436   ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
437   ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
438   ,x_act_product_id     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
439   );
441 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
443 --    update_product_eligibility
444 --
445 -- PURPOSE
446 --    Updates the product eligibility record for fund or quota.
447 --
449 --    p_act_product_rec : the record with items to be updated
450 --
451 -- HISTORY
452 --    07/11/2005  kdass Created
453 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
454 /*#
455  * This procedure updates a product eligibility record for an existing budget or quota.
456  * @param p_api_version      Indicates API version number.
457  * @param p_init_msg_list    Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
458  * @param p_commit           Indicates whether to commit within the program.
459  * @param p_validation_level Indicates validation level.
460  * @param p_act_product_rec  Product eligibility record to be updated.
461  * @param x_return_status    Indicates program status.
462  * @param x_msg_count        Indicates number of messages the program returns.
463  * @param x_msg_data         Messages returned by the program.
464  * @rep:scope public
465  * @rep:lifecycle active
466  * @rep:displayname Update Product Eligibility
467  * @rep:compatibility S
468  * @rep:businessevent None
469  */
470 PROCEDURE update_product_eligibility(
471    p_api_version        IN         NUMBER
472   ,p_init_msg_list      IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
473   ,p_commit             IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
474   ,p_validation_level   IN         NUMBER := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
475   ,p_act_product_rec    IN         act_product_rec_type
476   ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
477   ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
478   ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
479   );
481 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
483 --    delete_product_eligibility
484 --
485 -- PURPOSE
486 --    Deletes the product eligibility record for fund or quota.
487 --
489 --    p_act_product_id : the product eligibility to be deleted
490 --
491 -- HISTORY
492 --    07/11/2005  kdass Created
493 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
494 /*#
495  * This procedure deletes a product eligibility record for an existing budget or quota.
496  * @param p_api_version      Indicates API version number.
497  * @param p_init_msg_list    Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
498  * @param p_commit           Indicates whether to commit within the program .
499  * @param p_act_product_id   Activity product identifier of the product eligibility record to be deleted.
500  * @param x_return_status    Indicates program status.
501  * @param x_msg_count        Indicates number of messages the program returns.
502  * @param x_msg_data         Messages returned by the program.
503  * @rep:scope public
504  * @rep:lifecycle active
505  * @rep:displayname Delete Product Eligibility
506  * @rep:compatibility S
507  * @rep:businessevent None
508  */
509 PROCEDURE delete_product_eligibility(
510    p_api_version        IN         NUMBER
511   ,p_init_msg_list      IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
512   ,p_commit             IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
513   ,p_act_product_id     IN         NUMBER
514   ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
515   ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
516   ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
517   );
519 /*kdass - funds accrual process by business event descoped due to performance issues.
520   added back by feliu since calling API don't descope.*/
521 PROCEDURE increase_order_message_counter;