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Line 188: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Directory = ' || l_location, 30);

184: l_record_length := 156;
186: l_filename := p_file_name;
187: fnd_profile.get (c_data_exchange_dir, l_location);
188: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Directory = ' || l_location, 30);
189: IF l_location IS NULL THEN
190: -- error : I/O directory not defined
191: RAISE e_fatal_error;
192: END IF;

Line 207: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 300);

204: IF UTL_FILE.is_open (l_file_type) THEN
205: UTL_FILE.fclose (l_file_type);
206: END IF;
207: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 300);
208: retcode := c_error;
209: -- The error will mean batch_seq doesn't get upped so add 1 when
210: -- reporting line
211: errbuf := 'Input line (line nr = '

Line 235: hr_utility.set_location ( ' The Employee Does not have a primary Assignment ' , 60);

231: --tax_rec_count = 0;
232: if l_get_indvnr = '0607' then
233: OPEN csr_get_legal_employer(p_business_group_id);
234: IF csr_get_legal_employer%NOTFOUND THEN
235: hr_utility.set_location ( ' The Employee Does not have a primary Assignment ' , 60);
236: RAISE e_legal_employer_err;
237: END IF;
238: LOOP
239: fetch csr_get_legal_employer into rg_csr_get_legal_employer;

Line 270: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377021_DK_INVALID_FILE_FMT');

266: when others then
267: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
268: retcode := c_error;
269: -- Set the application error
270: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377021_DK_INVALID_FILE_FMT');
271: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
272: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
273: end;

Line 271: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);

267: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
268: retcode := c_error;
269: -- Set the application error
270: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377021_DK_INVALID_FILE_FMT');
271: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
272: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
273: end;
275: end if;

Line 272: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

268: retcode := c_error;
269: -- Set the application error
270: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377021_DK_INVALID_FILE_FMT');
271: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
272: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
273: end;
275: end if;
276: END LOOP file_format_check;

Line 297: hr_utility.set_location('p_file_name '||p_file_name,1);

295: VALUES(userenv('SESSIONID'),fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date)) ;
297: hr_utility.set_location('p_file_name '||p_file_name,1);
298: hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date '||p_effective_date,1);
299: hr_utility.set_location('p_business_group_id '||p_business_group_id,1 );
300: hr_utility.set_location('p_batch_name '||p_batch_name,1);
301: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Entering:' || l_proc, 10);

Line 298: hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date '||p_effective_date,1);

295: VALUES(userenv('SESSIONID'),fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date)) ;
297: hr_utility.set_location('p_file_name '||p_file_name,1);
298: hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date '||p_effective_date,1);
299: hr_utility.set_location('p_business_group_id '||p_business_group_id,1 );
300: hr_utility.set_location('p_batch_name '||p_batch_name,1);
301: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Entering:' || l_proc, 10);

Line 299: hr_utility.set_location('p_business_group_id '||p_business_group_id,1 );

295: VALUES(userenv('SESSIONID'),fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date)) ;
297: hr_utility.set_location('p_file_name '||p_file_name,1);
298: hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date '||p_effective_date,1);
299: hr_utility.set_location('p_business_group_id '||p_business_group_id,1 );
300: hr_utility.set_location('p_batch_name '||p_batch_name,1);
301: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Entering:' || l_proc, 10);
303: OPEN csr_leg (p_business_group_id);

Line 300: hr_utility.set_location('p_batch_name '||p_batch_name,1);

297: hr_utility.set_location('p_file_name '||p_file_name,1);
298: hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date '||p_effective_date,1);
299: hr_utility.set_location('p_business_group_id '||p_business_group_id,1 );
300: hr_utility.set_location('p_batch_name '||p_batch_name,1);
301: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Entering:' || l_proc, 10);
303: OPEN csr_leg (p_business_group_id);
304: FETCH csr_leg INTO l_legislation_code, l_bg_name;

Line 301: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Entering:' || l_proc, 10);

297: hr_utility.set_location('p_file_name '||p_file_name,1);
298: hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date '||p_effective_date,1);
299: hr_utility.set_location('p_business_group_id '||p_business_group_id,1 );
300: hr_utility.set_location('p_batch_name '||p_batch_name,1);
301: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Entering:' || l_proc, 10);
303: OPEN csr_leg (p_business_group_id);
304: FETCH csr_leg INTO l_legislation_code, l_bg_name;
305: CLOSE csr_leg;

Line 306: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Legislation = ' || l_legislation_code, 20);

303: OPEN csr_leg (p_business_group_id);
304: FETCH csr_leg INTO l_legislation_code, l_bg_name;
305: CLOSE csr_leg;
306: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Legislation = ' || l_legislation_code, 20);
307: l_filename := p_file_name;
308: fnd_profile.get (c_data_exchange_dir, l_location);
309: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Directory = ' || l_location, 30);

Line 309: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Directory = ' || l_location, 30);

305: CLOSE csr_leg;
306: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Legislation = ' || l_legislation_code, 20);
307: l_filename := p_file_name;
308: fnd_profile.get (c_data_exchange_dir, l_location);
309: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Directory = ' || l_location, 30);
311: IF l_location IS NULL THEN
312: -- error : I/O directory not defined
313: RAISE e_fatal_error;

Line 326: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Batch ID = ' || l_batch_id, 40);

322: (p_batch_name => p_batch_name,
323: p_business_group_name => l_bg_name,
324: p_reference => substr(p_reference||'('||fnd_date.date_to_displaydt(SYSDATE)||')',1,30));
326: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Batch ID = ' || l_batch_id, 40);
327: -- Loop over the file, reading in each line. GET_LINE will
328: -- raise NO_DATA_FOUND when it is done, so we use that as the
329: -- exit condition for the loop

Line 342: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 300);

339: IF UTL_FILE.is_open (l_file_type) THEN
340: UTL_FILE.fclose (l_file_type);
341: END IF;
342: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 300);
343: retcode := c_error;
344: -- The error will mean batch_seq doesn't get upped so add 1 when
345: -- reporting line
346: errbuf := 'Input line (line nr = '

Line 357: hr_utility.set_location ( ' line read: '

354: EXIT;
355: END;
357: hr_utility.set_location ( ' line read: '
358: || SUBSTR (l_line_read, 1, 44),50);
360: BEGIN
361: -- setting defualt value for element link found flag

Line 387: hr_utility.set_location ( ' CPR Number = ' || l_cpr, 60);

383: ,p_return_value1 => l_cpr
384: ,p_return_value2 => l_employer_org_no
385: ,p_return_value3 => l_effective_date);
387: hr_utility.set_location ( ' CPR Number = ' || l_cpr, 60);
388: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Employer Organization Number = ' || l_employer_org_no, 60);
390: --fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Read the record 0608');

Line 388: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Employer Organization Number = ' || l_employer_org_no, 60);

384: ,p_return_value2 => l_employer_org_no
385: ,p_return_value3 => l_effective_date);
387: hr_utility.set_location ( ' CPR Number = ' || l_cpr, 60);
388: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Employer Organization Number = ' || l_employer_org_no, 60);
390: --fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Read the record 0608');
392: if l_entry_value2 NOT IN ('H','B','F','NTC') then

Line 417: hr_utility.set_location ( ' The Employee Does not have a primary Assignment ' , 60);

413: ,p_cpr => l_cpr
414: ,p_date => to_date(l_effective_date,'yyyymmdd')) ;
415: FETCH csr_get_prim_assg INTO l_assignment_id;
416: IF csr_get_prim_assg%NOTFOUND THEN
417: hr_utility.set_location ( ' The Employee Does not have a primary Assignment ' , 60);
418: RAISE e_prim_assg_error;
419: END IF;
420: CLOSE csr_get_prim_assg;

Line 549: hr_utility.set_location ( ' The Element Staus = '||l_element_link_found , 70);

545: --fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'l_effective_date : '||l_effective_date);
546: --fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Before calling get_element_link_id');
547: -- Modified for Flugger fix
548: l_element_link_id := get_element_link_id(l_assignment_id, p_business_group_id, to_date(l_effective_date,'yyyymmdd'), l_element_name_tl);
549: hr_utility.set_location ( ' The Element Staus = '||l_element_link_found , 70);
550: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry ID = ' || l_element_entry_id, 70);
551: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Name = ' || l_element_name, 70);
552: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry Start Date = '||l_effective_start_date, 70);
553: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry End Date = '||l_effective_end_date, 70);

Line 550: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry ID = ' || l_element_entry_id, 70);

546: --fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Before calling get_element_link_id');
547: -- Modified for Flugger fix
548: l_element_link_id := get_element_link_id(l_assignment_id, p_business_group_id, to_date(l_effective_date,'yyyymmdd'), l_element_name_tl);
549: hr_utility.set_location ( ' The Element Staus = '||l_element_link_found , 70);
550: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry ID = ' || l_element_entry_id, 70);
551: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Name = ' || l_element_name, 70);
552: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry Start Date = '||l_effective_start_date, 70);
553: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry End Date = '||l_effective_end_date, 70);
554: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Link ID = ' || l_element_link_id, 70);

Line 551: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Name = ' || l_element_name, 70);

547: -- Modified for Flugger fix
548: l_element_link_id := get_element_link_id(l_assignment_id, p_business_group_id, to_date(l_effective_date,'yyyymmdd'), l_element_name_tl);
549: hr_utility.set_location ( ' The Element Staus = '||l_element_link_found , 70);
550: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry ID = ' || l_element_entry_id, 70);
551: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Name = ' || l_element_name, 70);
552: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry Start Date = '||l_effective_start_date, 70);
553: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry End Date = '||l_effective_end_date, 70);
554: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Link ID = ' || l_element_link_id, 70);

Line 552: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry Start Date = '||l_effective_start_date, 70);

548: l_element_link_id := get_element_link_id(l_assignment_id, p_business_group_id, to_date(l_effective_date,'yyyymmdd'), l_element_name_tl);
549: hr_utility.set_location ( ' The Element Staus = '||l_element_link_found , 70);
550: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry ID = ' || l_element_entry_id, 70);
551: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Name = ' || l_element_name, 70);
552: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry Start Date = '||l_effective_start_date, 70);
553: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry End Date = '||l_effective_end_date, 70);
554: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Link ID = ' || l_element_link_id, 70);
556: -- Add User Keys for Data Pump

Line 553: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry End Date = '||l_effective_end_date, 70);

549: hr_utility.set_location ( ' The Element Staus = '||l_element_link_found , 70);
550: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry ID = ' || l_element_entry_id, 70);
551: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Name = ' || l_element_name, 70);
552: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry Start Date = '||l_effective_start_date, 70);
553: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry End Date = '||l_effective_end_date, 70);
554: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Link ID = ' || l_element_link_id, 70);
556: -- Add User Keys for Data Pump
557: l_ee_user_key:=NULL;

Line 554: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Link ID = ' || l_element_link_id, 70);

550: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry ID = ' || l_element_entry_id, 70);
551: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Name = ' || l_element_name, 70);
552: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry Start Date = '||l_effective_start_date, 70);
553: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Entry End Date = '||l_effective_end_date, 70);
554: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Element Link ID = ' || l_element_link_id, 70);
556: -- Add User Keys for Data Pump
557: l_ee_user_key:=NULL;

Line 570: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key added ' , 190);

566: -- Add user key only if it does not exist previously
568: IF csr_get_user_key%NOTFOUND THEN
569: hr_pump_utils.add_user_key(l_ee_user_key,l_element_entry_id);
570: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key added ' , 190);
571: ELSE
572: hr_pump_utils.modify_user_key(l_ee_user_key,l_ee_user_key,l_element_entry_id);
573: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key modified ' , 190.1);
574: END IF;

Line 573: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key modified ' , 190.1);

569: hr_pump_utils.add_user_key(l_ee_user_key,l_element_entry_id);
570: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key added ' , 190);
571: ELSE
572: hr_pump_utils.modify_user_key(l_ee_user_key,l_ee_user_key,l_element_entry_id);
573: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key modified ' , 190.1);
574: END IF;
576: CLOSE csr_get_user_key;
577: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key added ' , 80);

Line 577: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key added ' , 80);

573: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key modified ' , 190.1);
574: END IF;
576: CLOSE csr_get_user_key;
577: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key added ' , 80);
578: hr_utility.set_location ( ' l_effective_start_date:' || to_char(l_effective_start_date), 90);
579: hr_utility.set_location ( ' l_effective_end_date:' || to_char(l_effective_end_date), 90);
580: hr_utility.set_location ( ' p_effective_date:' || to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date)), 90);
581: hr_utility.set_location ( ' c_end_of_time:' || to_char(c_end_of_time), 90);

Line 578: hr_utility.set_location ( ' l_effective_start_date:' || to_char(l_effective_start_date), 90);

574: END IF;
576: CLOSE csr_get_user_key;
577: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key added ' , 80);
578: hr_utility.set_location ( ' l_effective_start_date:' || to_char(l_effective_start_date), 90);
579: hr_utility.set_location ( ' l_effective_end_date:' || to_char(l_effective_end_date), 90);
580: hr_utility.set_location ( ' p_effective_date:' || to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date)), 90);
581: hr_utility.set_location ( ' c_end_of_time:' || to_char(c_end_of_time), 90);

Line 579: hr_utility.set_location ( ' l_effective_end_date:' || to_char(l_effective_end_date), 90);

576: CLOSE csr_get_user_key;
577: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key added ' , 80);
578: hr_utility.set_location ( ' l_effective_start_date:' || to_char(l_effective_start_date), 90);
579: hr_utility.set_location ( ' l_effective_end_date:' || to_char(l_effective_end_date), 90);
580: hr_utility.set_location ( ' p_effective_date:' || to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date)), 90);
581: hr_utility.set_location ( ' c_end_of_time:' || to_char(c_end_of_time), 90);
583: -- Define Datetrack Updation Mode

Line 580: hr_utility.set_location ( ' p_effective_date:' || to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date)), 90);

576: CLOSE csr_get_user_key;
577: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key added ' , 80);
578: hr_utility.set_location ( ' l_effective_start_date:' || to_char(l_effective_start_date), 90);
579: hr_utility.set_location ( ' l_effective_end_date:' || to_char(l_effective_end_date), 90);
580: hr_utility.set_location ( ' p_effective_date:' || to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date)), 90);
581: hr_utility.set_location ( ' c_end_of_time:' || to_char(c_end_of_time), 90);
583: -- Define Datetrack Updation Mode
584: IF(l_effective_start_date = to_date(l_effective_date,'yyyymmdd')) THEN

Line 581: hr_utility.set_location ( ' c_end_of_time:' || to_char(c_end_of_time), 90);

577: hr_utility.set_location ( ' User Key added ' , 80);
578: hr_utility.set_location ( ' l_effective_start_date:' || to_char(l_effective_start_date), 90);
579: hr_utility.set_location ( ' l_effective_end_date:' || to_char(l_effective_end_date), 90);
580: hr_utility.set_location ( ' p_effective_date:' || to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_effective_date)), 90);
581: hr_utility.set_location ( ' c_end_of_time:' || to_char(c_end_of_time), 90);
583: -- Define Datetrack Updation Mode
584: IF(l_effective_start_date = to_date(l_effective_date,'yyyymmdd')) THEN
585: l_datetrack_update_mode := 'CORRECTION';

Line 594: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Datetrack Update Mode:' || l_datetrack_update_mode, 90);

590: END IF;
592: --fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'l_datetrack_update_mode : '||l_datetrack_update_mode);
594: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Datetrack Update Mode:' || l_datetrack_update_mode, 90);
595: -- Data Pump procedure called to create batch lines to update element entries
596: -- Bug fix 4215700
597: hrdpp_update_element_entry.insert_batch_lines
598: (p_batch_id => l_batch_id

Line 638: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Batch Lines created for Element Updation: ' , 100);

634: ,P_INPUT_VALUE_NAME15 =>l_input_value_name15);
636: -- fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'After hrdpp_update_element_entry.insert_batch_lines 1');
637: -- End Bug fix 4215700
638: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Batch Lines created for Element Updation: ' , 100);
639: ELSE
641: -- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'debug else1 ');

Line 719: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Batch Lines created for Element Creation: ' , 100);

715: ,P_INPUT_VALUE_NAME13 =>l_input_value_name13
716: ,P_INPUT_VALUE_NAME14 =>l_input_value_name14
717: ,P_INPUT_VALUE_NAME15 =>l_input_value_name15);
718: -- End Bug fix 4215700
719: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Batch Lines created for Element Creation: ' , 100);
721: -- fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'After hrdpp_update_element_entry.insert_batch_lines 2');
722: END IF;
723: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Batch Lines created ' , 100);

Line 723: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Batch Lines created ' , 100);

719: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Batch Lines created for Element Creation: ' , 100);
721: -- fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'After hrdpp_update_element_entry.insert_batch_lines 2');
722: END IF;
723: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Batch Lines created ' , 100);
724: -- commit the records uppon reaching the commit point
725: IF MOD (l_batch_seq, c_commit_point) = 0 THEN
726: COMMIT;
727: NULL;

Line 730: hr_utility.set_location ( ' header or footer ' , 100);

726: COMMIT;
727: NULL;
728: END IF;
729: elsif substr(l_line_read,1,4) = '0607' OR substr(l_line_read,1,4) = '0619' then -- tax record
730: hr_utility.set_location ( ' header or footer ' , 100);
731: null;
732: else
733: raise e_wrong_indvnr;
734: end if;

Line 742: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377015_DK_WRONG_INDVNR');

738: -- Wrong INDVNR
739: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
740: retcode := c_warning;
741: -- Set the application error
742: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377015_DK_WRONG_INDVNR');
743: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
744: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
745: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 110);
746: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue

Line 743: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);

739: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
740: retcode := c_warning;
741: -- Set the application error
742: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377015_DK_WRONG_INDVNR');
743: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
744: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
745: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 110);
746: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
747: -- (with next line)

Line 744: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);

740: retcode := c_warning;
741: -- Set the application error
742: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377015_DK_WRONG_INDVNR');
743: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
744: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
745: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 110);
746: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
747: -- (with next line)
748: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 745: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 110);

741: -- Set the application error
742: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377015_DK_WRONG_INDVNR');
743: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
744: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
745: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 110);
746: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
747: -- (with next line)
748: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 748: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

744: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
745: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 110);
746: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
747: -- (with next line)
748: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
750: WHEN e_prim_assg_error THEN
751: -- No primary assignment found for given CPR Number and CVR Number
752: -- Close the cursor

Line 759: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377016_DK_ASSG_NOT_FOUND');

755: END IF;
756: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
757: retcode := c_warning;
758: -- Set the application error
759: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377016_DK_ASSG_NOT_FOUND');
760: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_N0', l_batch_seq);
761: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
762: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
763: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 760: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_N0', l_batch_seq);

756: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
757: retcode := c_warning;
758: -- Set the application error
759: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377016_DK_ASSG_NOT_FOUND');
760: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_N0', l_batch_seq);
761: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
762: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
763: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 761: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);

757: retcode := c_warning;
758: -- Set the application error
759: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377016_DK_ASSG_NOT_FOUND');
760: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_N0', l_batch_seq);
761: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
762: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
763: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
765: WHEN e_record_length_err THEN

Line 762: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);

758: -- Set the application error
759: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377016_DK_ASSG_NOT_FOUND');
760: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_N0', l_batch_seq);
761: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
762: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
763: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
765: WHEN e_record_length_err THEN
766: --Record is too long

Line 763: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

759: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377016_DK_ASSG_NOT_FOUND');
760: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_N0', l_batch_seq);
761: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
762: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
763: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
765: WHEN e_record_length_err THEN
766: --Record is too long
767: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr

Line 770: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377017_DK_RECORD_LEN_ERR');

766: --Record is too long
767: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
768: retcode := c_warning;
769: -- Set the application error
770: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377017_DK_RECORD_LEN_ERR');
771: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
772: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
773: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'RECLEN', l_record_length);
774: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 150);

Line 771: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);

767: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
768: retcode := c_warning;
769: -- Set the application error
770: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377017_DK_RECORD_LEN_ERR');
771: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
772: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
773: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'RECLEN', l_record_length);
774: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 150);
775: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue

Line 772: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);

768: retcode := c_warning;
769: -- Set the application error
770: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377017_DK_RECORD_LEN_ERR');
771: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
772: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
773: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'RECLEN', l_record_length);
774: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 150);
775: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
776: -- (with next line)

Line 773: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'RECLEN', l_record_length);

769: -- Set the application error
770: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377017_DK_RECORD_LEN_ERR');
771: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
772: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
773: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'RECLEN', l_record_length);
774: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 150);
775: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
776: -- (with next line)
777: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 774: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 150);

770: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377017_DK_RECORD_LEN_ERR');
771: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
772: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
773: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'RECLEN', l_record_length);
774: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 150);
775: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
776: -- (with next line)
777: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 777: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

773: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'RECLEN', l_record_length);
774: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 150);
775: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
776: -- (with next line)
777: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
779: WHEN e_no_tax_link THEN
780: -- Wrong CSR routine
781: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr

Line 784: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377019_DK_TAX_CARD_LINK');

780: -- Wrong CSR routine
781: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
782: retcode := c_warning;
783: -- Set the application error
784: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377019_DK_TAX_CARD_LINK');
785: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'CPRNO', l_cpr);
786: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
787: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
788: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);

Line 785: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'CPRNO', l_cpr);

781: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
782: retcode := c_warning;
783: -- Set the application error
784: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377019_DK_TAX_CARD_LINK');
785: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'CPRNO', l_cpr);
786: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
787: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
788: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
789: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue

Line 786: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);

782: retcode := c_warning;
783: -- Set the application error
784: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377019_DK_TAX_CARD_LINK');
785: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'CPRNO', l_cpr);
786: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
787: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
788: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
789: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
790: -- (with next line)

Line 787: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);

783: -- Set the application error
784: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377019_DK_TAX_CARD_LINK');
785: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'CPRNO', l_cpr);
786: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
787: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
788: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
789: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
790: -- (with next line)
791: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 788: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);

784: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377019_DK_TAX_CARD_LINK');
785: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'CPRNO', l_cpr);
786: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
787: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
788: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
789: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
790: -- (with next line)
791: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 791: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

787: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
788: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
789: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
790: -- (with next line)
791: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
793: -- Bug fixes 4216001 and 4216029
794: WHEN e_invalid_tax_card_type THEN
795: -- Wrong CSR routine

Line 799: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377022_DK_TAX_CARD_TYPE_E');

795: -- Wrong CSR routine
796: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
797: retcode := c_warning;
798: -- Set the application error
799: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377022_DK_TAX_CARD_TYPE_E');
800: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
801: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
802: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
803: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue

Line 800: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);

796: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
797: retcode := c_warning;
798: -- Set the application error
799: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377022_DK_TAX_CARD_TYPE_E');
800: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
801: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
802: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
803: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
804: -- (with next line)

Line 801: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);

797: retcode := c_warning;
798: -- Set the application error
799: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377022_DK_TAX_CARD_TYPE_E');
800: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
801: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
802: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
803: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
804: -- (with next line)
805: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 802: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);

798: -- Set the application error
799: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377022_DK_TAX_CARD_TYPE_E');
800: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
801: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
802: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
803: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
804: -- (with next line)
805: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 805: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

801: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
802: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
803: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
804: -- (with next line)
805: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
807: WHEN e_tax_percentage_err THEN
808: -- Wrong CSR routine
809: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr

Line 812: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377023_DK_TAX_PERCENTAGE_E');

808: -- Wrong CSR routine
809: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
810: retcode := c_warning;
811: -- Set the application error
812: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377023_DK_TAX_PERCENTAGE_E');
813: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
814: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
815: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
816: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue

Line 813: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);

809: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
810: retcode := c_warning;
811: -- Set the application error
812: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377023_DK_TAX_PERCENTAGE_E');
813: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
814: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
815: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
816: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
817: -- (with next line)

Line 814: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);

810: retcode := c_warning;
811: -- Set the application error
812: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377023_DK_TAX_PERCENTAGE_E');
813: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
814: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
815: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
816: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
817: -- (with next line)
818: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 815: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);

811: -- Set the application error
812: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377023_DK_TAX_PERCENTAGE_E');
813: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_NO', l_batch_seq);
814: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
815: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
816: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
817: -- (with next line)
818: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 818: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

814: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
815: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 320);
816: -- Write the message to log file, do not raise an application error but continue
817: -- (with next line)
818: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
821: WHEN others THEN
822: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr

Line 826: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377025_DK_INVALID_LINE');

822: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
823: retcode := c_warning;
824: -- Set the application error
825: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, SQLERRM);
826: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377025_DK_INVALID_LINE');
827: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_N0', l_batch_seq);
828: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
829: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
830: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 827: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_N0', l_batch_seq);

823: retcode := c_warning;
824: -- Set the application error
825: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, SQLERRM);
826: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377025_DK_INVALID_LINE');
827: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_N0', l_batch_seq);
828: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
829: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
830: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

Line 828: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);

824: -- Set the application error
825: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, SQLERRM);
826: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377025_DK_INVALID_LINE');
827: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_N0', l_batch_seq);
828: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
829: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
830: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
832: -- end of Bug fixes 4216001 and 4216029

Line 829: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);

825: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, SQLERRM);
826: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377025_DK_INVALID_LINE');
827: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_N0', l_batch_seq);
828: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
829: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
830: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
832: -- end of Bug fixes 4216001 and 4216029

Line 830: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

826: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377025_DK_INVALID_LINE');
827: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE_N0', l_batch_seq);
828: hr_utility.set_message_token (801, 'LINE', l_line_read);
829: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
830: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
832: -- end of Bug fixes 4216001 and 4216029
834: END;

Line 840: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Leaving:'|| l_proc, 200);

836: -- Commit the outstanding records
838: COMMIT;
839: UTL_FILE.fclose (l_file_type);
840: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Leaving:'|| l_proc, 200);
841: -- Most of these exceptions are not translated as they should not happen normally
842: -- If they do happen, something is seriously wrong and SysAdmin interference will be necessary.

Line 853: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 210);

849: IF UTL_FILE.is_open (l_file_type)
850: THEN
851: UTL_FILE.fclose (l_file_type);
852: END IF;
853: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 210);
854: -- Set retcode to 2, indicating an ERROR to the ConcMgr
855: retcode := c_error;
856: -- Set the application error
857: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377020_DK_DATA_EXC_DIR_MIS');

Line 857: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377020_DK_DATA_EXC_DIR_MIS');

853: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 210);
854: -- Set retcode to 2, indicating an ERROR to the ConcMgr
855: retcode := c_error;
856: -- Set the application error
857: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377020_DK_DATA_EXC_DIR_MIS');
858: -- Return the message to the ConcMgr (This msg will appear in the log file)
859: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
861: WHEN UTL_FILE.invalid_operation

Line 859: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;

855: retcode := c_error;
856: -- Set the application error
857: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377020_DK_DATA_EXC_DIR_MIS');
858: -- Return the message to the ConcMgr (This msg will appear in the log file)
859: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
861: WHEN UTL_FILE.invalid_operation
862: -- File could not be opened as requested, perhaps because of operating system permissions
863: -- Also raised when attempting a write operation on a file opened for read, or a read operation

Line 870: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 220);

866: IF UTL_FILE.is_open (l_file_type)
867: THEN
868: UTL_FILE.fclose (l_file_type);
869: END IF;
870: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 220);
871: retcode := c_error;
872: errbuf := 'Reading File ('||l_location ||' -> '
873: || l_filename
874: || ') - Invalid Operation.';

Line 883: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 230);

879: IF UTL_FILE.is_open (l_file_type)
880: THEN
881: UTL_FILE.fclose (l_file_type);
882: END IF;
883: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 230);
884: retcode := c_error;
885: errbuf := 'Reading File ('
886: || l_location
887: || ' -> '

Line 898: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 240);

894: IF UTL_FILE.is_open (l_file_type)
895: THEN
896: UTL_FILE.fclose (l_file_type);
897: END IF;
898: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 240);
899: retcode := c_error;
900: errbuf := 'Reading File ('
901: || l_location
902: || ' -> '

Line 919: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 250);

915: || l_location
916: || ' -> '
917: || l_filename
918: || ') - Invalid Path or Filename.';
919: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 250);
921: WHEN UTL_FILE.invalid_filehandle
922: -- File type does not specify an open file
923: THEN

Line 928: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 260);

924: IF UTL_FILE.is_open (l_file_type)
925: THEN
926: UTL_FILE.fclose (l_file_type);
927: END IF;
928: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 260);
929: retcode := c_error;
930: errbuf := 'Reading File ('
931: || l_location
932: || ' -> '

Line 943: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 270);

939: IF UTL_FILE.is_open (l_file_type)
940: THEN
941: UTL_FILE.fclose (l_file_type);
942: END IF;
943: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 270);
944: retcode := c_error;
945: errbuf := 'Reading File ('
946: || l_location
947: || ' -> '

Line 958: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377024_DK_LEGAL_EMPLOYER_E');

954: END IF;
955: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
956: retcode := c_error;
957: -- Set the application error
958: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377024_DK_LEGAL_EMPLOYER_E');
959: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
960: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
962: WHEN e_file_format_err THEN

Line 959: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);

955: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
956: retcode := c_error;
957: -- Set the application error
958: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377024_DK_LEGAL_EMPLOYER_E');
959: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
960: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
962: WHEN e_file_format_err THEN
963: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr

Line 960: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

956: retcode := c_error;
957: -- Set the application error
958: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377024_DK_LEGAL_EMPLOYER_E');
959: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
960: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
962: WHEN e_file_format_err THEN
963: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
964: retcode := c_error;

Line 966: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377021_DK_INVALID_FILE_FMT');

962: WHEN e_file_format_err THEN
963: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
964: retcode := c_error;
965: -- Set the application error
966: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377021_DK_INVALID_FILE_FMT');
967: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
968: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
969: END upload;

Line 967: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);

963: -- Set retcode to 1, indicating a WARNING to the ConcMgr
964: retcode := c_error;
965: -- Set the application error
966: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377021_DK_INVALID_FILE_FMT');
967: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
968: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
969: END upload;

Line 968: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);

964: retcode := c_error;
965: -- Set the application error
966: hr_utility.set_message (801, 'PAY_377021_DK_INVALID_FILE_FMT');
967: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 120);
968: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, hr_utility.get_message);
969: END upload;
972: PROCEDURE read_record

Line 1008: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);

1004: -- Procedure name
1005: l_proc CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (72) := g_package|| '.read_record';
1007: BEGIN
1008: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
1009: /* p_entry_value1 Method Of Receipt ( Not from file)
1010: * p_return_value1 CPR Number (21-30) Appended to have a hiphen
1011: * p_return_value2 CVR Number
1012: * p_entry_value2 Tax Card Type

Line 1022: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Record length:'|| l_record_length, 20);

1018: * p_entry_value8 Daily Tax Deduction
1019: */
1020: --Set record length
1021: l_record_length := 156;
1022: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Record length:'|| l_record_length, 20);
1023: l_indvnr := substr( p_line, 1,4);
1024: IF l_indvnr = '0608' THEN
1025: p_entry_value1 := 'ET';
1026: /* CVR Number of legal emp */

Line 1075: hr_utility.set_location ('Wrong Tax Record', 40);

1072: ELSIF l_indvnr = '0607' OR l_indvnr = '0619' THEN
1073: null;
1074: ELSE
1075: hr_utility.set_location ('Wrong Tax Record', 40);
1076: RAISE e_wrong_indvnr;
1077: END IF;
1079: -- fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Line read : '||p_line);

Line 1084: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Record too long', 50);

1080: -- fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Line Length : '||length(p_line));
1082: -- Error in record if it is too long according to given format
1083: IF (length(p_line) <> l_record_length) THEN
1084: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Record too long', 50);
1085: RAISE e_record_length_err;
1086: END IF;
1087: /*
1088: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Municipality:'|| p_entry_value2, 65);

Line 1088: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Municipality:'|| p_entry_value2, 65);

1084: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Record too long', 50);
1085: RAISE e_record_length_err;
1086: END IF;
1087: /*
1088: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Municipality:'|| p_entry_value2, 65);
1089: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Table Number:'|| p_entry_value3, 66);
1090: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Table Type:'|| p_entry_value4, 67);
1091: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Percentage:'|| p_entry_value5, 68);
1092: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Card Type:'|| p_entry_value6, 69);

Line 1089: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Table Number:'|| p_entry_value3, 66);

1085: RAISE e_record_length_err;
1086: END IF;
1087: /*
1088: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Municipality:'|| p_entry_value2, 65);
1089: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Table Number:'|| p_entry_value3, 66);
1090: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Table Type:'|| p_entry_value4, 67);
1091: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Percentage:'|| p_entry_value5, 68);
1092: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Card Type:'|| p_entry_value6, 69);

Line 1090: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Table Type:'|| p_entry_value4, 67);

1086: END IF;
1087: /*
1088: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Municipality:'|| p_entry_value2, 65);
1089: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Table Number:'|| p_entry_value3, 66);
1090: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Table Type:'|| p_entry_value4, 67);
1091: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Percentage:'|| p_entry_value5, 68);
1092: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Card Type:'|| p_entry_value6, 69);

Line 1091: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Percentage:'|| p_entry_value5, 68);

1087: /*
1088: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Municipality:'|| p_entry_value2, 65);
1089: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Table Number:'|| p_entry_value3, 66);
1090: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Table Type:'|| p_entry_value4, 67);
1091: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Percentage:'|| p_entry_value5, 68);
1092: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Card Type:'|| p_entry_value6, 69);
1095: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Tax card type : '||p_entry_value2);

Line 1092: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Card Type:'|| p_entry_value6, 69);

1088: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Municipality:'|| p_entry_value2, 65);
1089: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Table Number:'|| p_entry_value3, 66);
1090: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Table Type:'|| p_entry_value4, 67);
1091: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Percentage:'|| p_entry_value5, 68);
1092: hr_utility.set_location ( ' Tax Card Type:'|| p_entry_value6, 69);
1095: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Tax card type : '||p_entry_value2);
1096: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Tax % : '||p_entry_value3);

Line 1104: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Leaving:'|| l_proc, 100);

1100: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'weekly tax : '||p_entry_value7);
1101: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'daily tax : '||p_entry_value8);
1102: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'start date : '||p_return_value3);
1103: */
1104: hr_utility.set_location ( 'Leaving:'|| l_proc, 100);
1105: END read_record;
1106: /* Function to get the element link ID */