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Line 162: FROM mtl_item_revisions mir -- Use max to return the maximum revision num)

158: ** this
159: */
160: SELECT max(mir.revision) -- Bug 448708 (a no of revisions could have same effective date
161: INTO X_item_revision -- thus returning more than 1 row and causing errors
162: FROM mtl_item_revisions mir -- Use max to return the maximum revision num)
163: WHERE mir.organization_id = X_organization_id
164: AND mir.inventory_item_id = X_item_id
165: AND mir.effectivity_date in
166: (SELECT MAX(mir2.effectivity_date)

Line 167: FROM mtl_item_revisions mir2

163: WHERE mir.organization_id = X_organization_id
164: AND mir.inventory_item_id = X_item_id
165: AND mir.effectivity_date in
166: (SELECT MAX(mir2.effectivity_date)
167: FROM mtl_item_revisions mir2
168: WHERE mir2.organization_id = X_organization_id
169: AND mir2.inventory_item_id = X_item_id
170: /* Bug 1407438 - Filtering revisions which are not effective on current
171: date and also those which are not implemented */