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1 package body wsm_infinite_scheduler_grp as
2 /* $Header: WSMGIFSB.pls 115.3 2003/10/28 21:41:14 zchen noship $ */
4 --private types
5 type num_tbl_t  is table of number;
6 type date_tbl_t is table of date;
7 --private procedures
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 -- This API is a group API to schedule a lot based job based on
12 -- resources usages, assuming infinite resource availibility. It will
13 -- validate the parameter and call WSM private API to schedule the job.
14 -- and then update the schedule dates in WDJ, WO, WOR, WCO, WCOR.
15 -- OSFM scheduler will only schedule current and future operations
16 -- All the completed operations will not be re-scheduled
17 --
18 -- Parameters:
19 --  + p_initMsgList: Clear the message stack before processing?
20 --                   True (fnd_api.g_true) should be passed
21 --                   unless relevant messages are being saved
22 --                   on the stack. This value defaults to true.
23 --
24 --  + p_endDebug:    Pass true (fnd_api.g_true) unless the
25 --                   debug session will be ended at a later
26 --                   point by the caller. This value defaults
27 --                   to true
28 --
29 --  + p_orgID:       The organization of the entity.
30 --
31 --  + p_wipEntityID: The entity to reschedule.
32 --
33 -- + p_scheduleMode: will have the following values
34 --
35 --                   MIDPOINT           CONSTANT NUMBER := 6;
36 --                   MIDPOINT_FORWARDS  CONSTANT NUMBER := 7;
37 --                   MIDPOINT_BACKWARDS CONSTANT NUMBER := 8;
38 --                   CURRENT_OP         CONSTANT NUMBER := 9;
39 --                   CURRENT_SUB_GRP    CONSTANT NUMBER := 11;
40 --
41 --                   - If p_scheduleMode = WIP_CONSTANTS.CURRENT_OP,
42 --                     p_opSeqNum must be given, only operation
43 --                     p_opSeqNum will be scheduled
44 --                   - If p_scheduleMode = WIP_CONSTANTS.MIDPOINT,
45 --                     p_opSeqNum must be given, all the current and
46 --                     future operations will be scheduled
47 --                   - If p_scheduleMode = WIP_CONSTANTS.MIDPOINT_FORWARDS,
48 --                     p_opSeqNum must be given, all operations after and
49 --                     include p_opSeqNum will be scheduled
50 --                   - If p_scheduleMode = WIP_CONSTANTS.MIDPOINT_BACKWARDS,
51 --                     p_opSeqNum must be given, all operations before and
52 --                     include p_opSeqNum will be scheduled
53 --                   - If p_scheduleMode = WIP_CONSTANTS.CURRENT_SUB_GRP,
54 --                     p_opSeqNum and p_resSeqNum must be given, only
55 --                     resources with the same (substitute_group_number,
56 --                     replacement_group_number) as this resource will be
57 --                     scheduled
58 --
59 --  + p_startDate:   The start anchor date of either the operation
60 --                   or resource.
61 --
62 --  + p_endDate:     The end anchor date of either the operation
63 --                   or resource.
64 --
65 --  + p_opSeqNum:    Populate to midpoint schedule.
66 --                   Should be negative if passing current job op_seq_num,
67 --                   should be possitive if passing routing op_seq_num
68 --
69 --  + p_resSeqNum:   Populate to midpoint schedule down to the resource
70 --                   level, only used if p_opSeqNum is populated.
71 --                   pass -JOB_OP_SEQ_NUM if it is the current op
72 --
73 --  + x_returnStatus:fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success if the entity
74 --                   was scheduled successfully.
75 --
76 --  + x_errorMsg:    The error message. The error message will also
77 --                   be left on the stack.
78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 procedure schedule(
81         p_initMsgList   in varchar2 := null,
82         p_endDebug      in varchar2 := null,
83         p_orgID         in number,
84         p_wipEntityID   in number,
85         p_scheduleMode  in number   := null,
86         p_startDate     in date     := null,
87         p_endDate       in date     := null,
88         p_opSeqNum      in number   := null,
89         p_resSeqNum     in number   := null,
90         x_returnStatus  out nocopy varchar2,
91         x_errorMsg      out nocopy varchar2) is
93 l_logLevel          NUMBER := fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level;
94 l_params            wip_logger.param_tbl_t;
95 l_retStatus         VARCHAR2(1);
96 l_resTbls           wip_infResSched_grp.op_res_rectbl_t;
97 l_repLineID         NUMBER;
98 l_opTbl             num_tbl_t;
99 l_assignedUnits     num_tbl_t;
101 l_curJobOpSeqNum    NUMBER := null;     -- current job op_seq_num
102 l_strRtgOpSeqNum    NUMBER := null;     -- routing start op_seq_num
103 l_endRtgOpSeqNum    NUMBER := null;     -- routing end op_seq_num
105 e_invalid_mode      exception;
107 begin
109     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
110         l_params(1).paramName := 'p_wipEntityID';
111         l_params(1).paramValue := p_wipEntityID;
113         wip_logger.entryPoint(
114                 p_procName     => 'wsm_infinite_scheduler_grp.schedule',
115                 p_params       => l_params,
116                 x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
117         if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
118             raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
119         end if;
120     end if;
121     x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
123     -- do validation here
124     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
125         wip_logger.log('validate parameters p_scheduleMode...', l_retStatus);
126     end if;
127     if p_scheduleMode NOT IN (
134     then
135         raise e_invalid_mode;
136     end if;
138     -- call private API
139     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
140         wip_logger.log('scheduling lot based job...', l_retStatus);
141     end if;
142     wsm_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule(
143             p_initMsgList   => p_initMsgList,
144             p_endDebug      => p_endDebug,
145             p_orgID         => p_orgID,
146             p_wipEntityID   => p_wipEntityID,
147             p_scheduleMode  => p_scheduleMode,
148             p_startDate     => p_startDate,
149             p_endDate       => p_endDate,
150             p_opSeqNum      => p_opSeqNum,
151             p_resSeqNum     => p_resSeqNum,
152             x_returnStatus  => x_returnStatus,
153             x_errorMsg      => x_errorMsg);
154     if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
155         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
156     end if;
158 exception
160     when e_invalid_mode then
161         x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
162         x_errorMsg := 'p_scheduleMode = ' || p_scheduleMode || ' is not supported';
163         if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
164             wip_logger.exitPoint(
165                     p_procName         => 'wsm_infinite_scheduler_grp.schedule',
166                     p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
167                     p_msg              => 'error: ' || x_errorMsg,
168                     x_returnStatus     => l_retStatus);
169             if(fnd_api.to_boolean(nvl(p_endDebug, fnd_api.g_true))) then
170                 wip_logger.cleanup(l_retStatus);
171             end if;
172         end if;
174     when fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error then
175         x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
176         wip_utilities.get_message_stack(
177                 p_msg          => x_errorMsg,
178                 p_delete_stack => fnd_api.g_false);
179         if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
180             wip_logger.exitPoint(
181                     p_procName         => 'wsm_infinite_scheduler_grp.schedule',
182                     p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
183                     p_msg              => 'error: ' || x_errorMsg,
184                     x_returnStatus     => l_retStatus);
185             if(fnd_api.to_boolean(nvl(p_endDebug, fnd_api.g_true))) then
186                 wip_logger.cleanup(l_retStatus);
187             end if;
188         end if;
190     when others then
191         x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
192         fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(
193                 p_pkg_name       => 'wsm_infinite_scheduler_grp',
194                 p_procedure_name => 'schedule',
195                 p_error_text     => SQLERRM);
196         wip_utilities.get_message_stack(
197                 p_msg          => x_errorMsg,
198                 p_delete_stack => fnd_api.g_false);
199         if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
200             wip_logger.exitPoint(
201                 p_procName         => 'wsm_infinite_scheduler_grp.schedule',
202                 p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
203                 p_msg              => 'unexp error: ' || x_errorMsg,
204                 x_returnStatus     => l_retStatus);
205             if(fnd_api.to_boolean(nvl(p_endDebug, fnd_api.g_true))) then
206                 wip_logger.cleanup(l_retStatus);
207             end if;
208         end if;
210 end schedule;
215 end wsm_infinite_scheduler_grp;