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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 80

        SELECT mrh.replenishment_count_name
             , mrh.replenishment_header_id
             , mrh.subinventory_code
             , mrh.count_date
             , mrh.supply_cutoff_date
             , mrh.requisition_approval_type
             , mrh.process_status
             , mrh.process_mode
             , mrh.count_mode
             , mrh.error_flag
             , mrh.request_id
             , mrh.delivery_location_id
             , mrh.default_line_items
             , mrh.default_count_type_code
	          , ml.meaning default_count_type
          FROM mtl_replenish_headers mrh
             , mtl_secondary_inventories msi
	          , mfg_lookups ml
         WHERE mrh.organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND mrh.subinventory_code = NVL(p_subinventory, mrh.subinventory_code)
           AND msi.secondary_inventory_name = mrh.subinventory_code
           AND msi.organization_id = mrh.organization_id
           AND mrh.process_status = 1
           AND mrh.count_mode = 1
	        AND ml.lookup_type = 'MTL_COUNT_TYPES'
           AND mrh.default_count_type_code = ml.lookup_code
           AND mrh.replenishment_count_name LIKE p_replenish_count
           AND((msi.planning_level = 1
                AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1
                                 FROM mtl_replenish_lines mrl
                                WHERE mrl.replenishment_header_id = mrh.replenishment_header_id
                                  AND mrl.locator_id IS NULL
               OR(msi.planning_level = 2
                  AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1
                                   FROM mtl_replenish_lines mrl
                                  WHERE mrl.replenishment_header_id = mrh.replenishment_header_id
                                    AND mrl.locator_id IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY mrh.replenishment_count_name;
Line: 155

        SELECT msi.secondary_inventory_name
             , msi.locator_type
             , msi.description
             , msi.asset_inventory
             , msi.quantity_tracked
             , msi.planning_level
             , msi.enable_locator_alias
          FROM mtl_secondary_inventories msi
	      WHERE msi.organization_id = p_organization_id
               AND secondary_inventory_name LIKE p_subinventory
               AND TRUNC(NVL(disable_date, SYSDATE + 1)) > TRUNC(SYSDATE)
               AND NVL(subinventory_type, 1) = 1
               AND(( msi.planning_level = 2
                     AND EXISTS(SELECT 1
                                  FROM mtl_item_sub_inventories mis
                                 WHERE mis.organization_id = msi.organization_id
                                   AND mis.secondary_inventory = msi.secondary_inventory_name
                  OR( msi.planning_level = 1
                      AND EXISTS(SELECT 1
                                   FROM mtl_secondary_locators msl
                                  WHERE msl.organization_id = msi.organization_id
                                    AND msl.subinventory_code = msi.secondary_inventory_name
		         AND EXISTS(SELECT 1
                                      FROM mtl_replenish_headers mrh
		                     WHERE mrh.subinventory_code = msi.secondary_inventory_name
			               AND mrh.organization_id= msi.organization_id
                                       AND mrh.count_mode = 1
                                       AND mrh.process_status = 1
      ORDER BY secondary_inventory_name;
Line: 233

    SELECT milk.inventory_location_id
         , INV_PROJECT.GET_LOCATOR(milk.inventory_location_id, milk.organization_id)			-- Bug 6798138
         , milk.description
     FROM mtl_item_locations_kfv milk
     WHERE milk.organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND milk.subinventory_code = p_subinventory
  --   AND milk.inventory_location_id = NVL(milk.physical_location_id, milk.inventory_location_id)	-- Commented for Bug 6798138
       AND NVL(milk.disable_date, TRUNC(SYSDATE + 1)) > TRUNC(SYSDATE)
       AND milk.concatenated_segments LIKE(p_locator||'%')
                    FROM mtl_secondary_locators msl
                       , mtl_replenish_lines mrl
                   WHERE msl.secondary_locator = milk.inventory_location_id
                     AND msl.organization_id = milk.organization_id
                     AND mrl.replenishment_header_id = p_replenish_header_id
                     AND mrl.locator_id = msl.secondary_locator
                     AND mrl.inventory_item_id = msl.inventory_item_id
                     AND mrl.organization_id = msl.organization_id
                     AND mrl.count_quantity IS NULL
                     AND mrl.error_flag IS NULL
                     AND (mrl.count_type_code IS NULL
                          OR mrl.count_type_code = 2
                          OR (mrl.count_type_code = 1 AND p_qty_tracked = 2 AND msl.maximum_quantity IS NOT NULL)
    ORDER BY milk.picking_order, milk.concatenated_segments;
Line: 309

    SELECT milk.inventory_location_id
         , INV_PROJECT.GET_LOCSEGS(milk.inventory_location_id, milk.organization_id)
         , milk.description
     FROM mtl_item_locations_kfv milk
     WHERE milk.organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND milk.subinventory_code = p_subinventory
       AND milk.inventory_location_id = NVL(milk.physical_location_id, milk.inventory_location_id)
       AND NVL(milk.disable_date, TRUNC(SYSDATE + 1)) > TRUNC(SYSDATE)
       AND milk.alias = p_alias
                    FROM mtl_secondary_locators msl
                       , mtl_replenish_lines mrl
                   WHERE msl.secondary_locator = milk.inventory_location_id
                     AND msl.organization_id = milk.organization_id
                     AND mrl.replenishment_header_id = p_replenish_header_id
                     AND mrl.locator_id = msl.secondary_locator
                     AND mrl.inventory_item_id = msl.inventory_item_id
                     AND mrl.organization_id = msl.organization_id
                     AND mrl.count_quantity IS NULL
                     AND mrl.error_flag IS NULL
                     AND (mrl.count_type_code IS NULL
                          OR mrl.count_type_code = 2
                          OR (mrl.count_type_code = 1 AND p_qty_tracked = 2 AND msl.maximum_quantity IS NOT NULL)
    ORDER BY milk.picking_order, milk.concatenated_segments;
Line: 380

        SELECT concatenated_segments
             , msik.inventory_item_id
             , msik.description
             , NVL(revision_qty_control_code, 1)
             , NVL(lot_control_code, 1)
             , NVL(serial_number_control_code, 1)
             , NVL(restrict_subinventories_code, 2)
             , NVL(restrict_locators_code, 2)
             , NVL(location_control_code, 1)
             , primary_uom_code
             , NVL(inspection_required_flag, 'N')
             , NVL(shelf_life_code, 1)
             , NVL(shelf_life_days, 0)
             , NVL(allowed_units_lookup_code, 2)
             , NVL(effectivity_control, 1)
             , 0
             , 0
             , NVL(default_serial_status_id, 1)
             , NVL(serial_status_enabled, 'N')
             , NVL(default_lot_status_id, 0)
             , NVL(lot_status_enabled, 'N')
             , ''
             , 'N'
             , inventory_item_flag
             , 0,
             --  , inventory_asset_flag, '',
             --Additional Fields for Process Convergence, INVCONV , NSRIVAST
               -- INVCONV , NSRIVAST, END
          FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msik
         WHERE msik.organization_id = p_organization_id
               AND msik.inventory_item_flag = 'Y'
               AND msik.stock_enabled_flag = 'Y'
               AND msik.concatenated_segments LIKE p_item
               AND ((p_locator_id IS NULL
                     AND EXISTS(SELECT 1
                                  FROM mtl_item_sub_inventories mis
                                     , mtl_replenish_lines mrl
                                 WHERE mis.organization_id = msik.organization_id
                                   AND mis.secondary_inventory = p_subinventory
                                   AND mis.inventory_item_id = msik.inventory_item_id
                                   AND mrl.replenishment_header_id = p_replenish_header_id
                                   AND mrl.inventory_item_id = mis.inventory_item_id
                                   AND mrl.count_quantity IS NULL
                                   AND mrl.error_flag IS NULL
                                   AND (mrl.count_type_code = 2
                                        OR (mrl.count_type_code = 1 AND p_qty_tracked = 2 AND mis.inventory_planning_code = 2)
                    OR (p_locator_id IS NOT NULL
                        AND EXISTS(SELECT 1
                                     FROM mtl_secondary_locators msl
                                        , mtl_replenish_lines mrl
                                    WHERE msl.secondary_locator = p_locator_id
                                      AND msl.inventory_item_id = msik.inventory_item_id
                                      AND msl.organization_id = msik.organization_id
                                      AND mrl.replenishment_header_id = p_replenish_header_id
                                      AND mrl.locator_id = msl.secondary_locator
                                      AND mrl.inventory_item_id = msl.inventory_item_id
                                      AND mrl.count_quantity IS NULL
                                      AND mrl.error_flag IS NULL
                                      AND (mrl.count_type_code = 2
                                           OR (mrl.count_type_code = 1 AND p_qty_tracked = 2 AND msl.maximum_quantity IS NOT NULL)
      ORDER BY concatenated_segments;
Line: 521

          SELECT lookup_code
               , meaning
            FROM mfg_lookups
           WHERE lookup_type = 'MTL_COUNT_TYPES'
             AND lookup_code IN (1,2)
             AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
             AND meaning LIKE p_count_type
             AND TRUNC(NVL(end_date_active, SYSDATE + 1)) > TRUNC(SYSDATE)
             AND TRUNC(NVL(start_date_active, SYSDATE - 1)) <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
        ORDER BY meaning;
Line: 533

          SELECT lookup_code
               , meaning
            FROM mfg_lookups
           WHERE lookup_type = 'MTL_COUNT_TYPES'
             AND lookup_code = 2
             AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
             AND meaning LIKE p_count_type
             AND TRUNC(NVL(end_date_active, SYSDATE + 1)) > TRUNC(SYSDATE)
             AND TRUNC(NVL(start_date_active, SYSDATE - 1)) <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
        ORDER BY meaning;