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APPS.IGS_FI_GEN_007 dependencies on APP_EXCEPTION

Line 1357: app_exception.raise_exception; -- raise exception and return

1353: IF cur_balance_type%FOUND THEN
1354: IF p_v_action = 'ACTIVE' THEN -- (2)
1355: IF p_v_balance_type = 'FEE' THEN
1356: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
1357: app_exception.raise_exception; -- raise exception and return
1358: END IF;
1359: OPEN cur_get_active(p_v_balance_type);
1360: FETCH cur_get_active INTO l_cur_get_active;
1361: IF (cur_get_active%FOUND) THEN -- IF (3)

Line 1384: app_exception.raise_exception;

1380: END IF; -- (4)
1381: CLOSE cur_get_max;
1382: ELSE -- if the parameter is not 'ACTIVE' or 'MAX', then raise exception
1383: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
1384: app_exception.raise_exception;
1385: END IF; --- (2)
1387: CLOSE cur_balance_type;
1388: ELSE

Line 1392: app_exception.raise_exception;

1388: ELSE
1389: -- No data found in the cursor
1390: CLOSE cur_balance_type;
1391: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_INVALID_VALUE');
1392: app_exception.raise_exception;
1393: END IF; -- 1
1395: p_n_balance_rule_id := NULL;
1396: p_d_last_conversion_date := NULL;