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Line 267: fnd_currencies f

263: sp.employee_terms_id,
264: sp.apply_advances_default
265: FROM ap_system_parameters_all sp,
266: financials_system_parameters fp,
267: fnd_currencies f
268: WHERE sp.base_currency_code = f.currency_code
269: AND sp.org_id = l_org_id;
271: CURSOR c_successful_invoices(l_request_id IN NUMBER) IS

Line 2049: fnd_currencies F,

2045: XL.org_id org_id
2046: FROM ap_expense_report_lines XL,
2047: gl_code_combinations gcc,
2048: ap_lookup_codes lc,
2049: fnd_currencies F,
2050: ap_expense_report_headers XH
2051: WHERE XL.report_header_id = XH.report_header_id
2052: AND XH.report_header_id = p_report_header_id
2053: AND XL.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id(+)

Line 2575: fnd_currencies F,

2571: nvl(xl.country_of_supply, '')
2572: FROM ap_expense_report_lines XL,
2573: gl_code_combinations gcc,
2574: ap_lookup_codes lc,
2575: fnd_currencies F,
2576: ap_expense_report_headers XH
2577: WHERE XL.report_header_id = XH.report_header_id
2578: AND XH.report_header_id = p_report_header_id
2579: AND XL.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id(+)