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1 PROCEDURE dbms_feature_partition_user
2       (is_used OUT number, data_ratio OUT number, clob_rest OUT clob)
3 AS
5   -- initialize
6   is_used := 0;
7   data_ratio := 0;
8   clob_rest := NULL;
10   FOR crec IN (select num||':'||idx_or_tab||':'||ptype||':'||subptype||':'||pcnt||':'||subpcnt||':'||
11                       pcols||':'||subpcols||':'||idx_flags||':'||
12                       idx_type||':'||idx_uk||':'||rpcnt||':'||rsubpcnt||':'|| def_segment_creation||':'||
13                       partial_idx||':'||orphaned_entries ||':'||zonemap||':'||attrcluster||':'||
14                       subpartemp || '|' my_string
15                from (select dense_rank() over (order by  decode(bo#,null,pobj#,bo#)) NUM,
16                             idx_or_tab,
17                             ptype, pcols, pcnt, rpcnt,
18                             subptype, subpcols, subpartemp, subpcnt, rsubpcnt,
19                             idx_flags, idx_type, idx_uk, orphaned_entries,
20                             def_segment_creation, partial_idx,
21                             zonemap, attrcluster
22                      from
23                      ( select /*+ full(o) */ o.obj#, i.bo#, p.obj# pobj#,
24                        decode(o.type#,1,'I',2,'T',null) IDX_OR_TAB,
25                        is_xml ||
26                        decode(p.parttype, 1, case when bitand(p.flags,64)=64 then
27                                                  -- INTERVAL-REF, 12c
28                                                  case when bitand(p.flags,32)=32 then 'INT-REF'
29                                                       else 'INTERVAL' end
30                                                  else 'RANGE' end
31                                          ,2, 'HASH', 3, 'SYSTEM', 4, 'LIST', 5, 'REF'
32                                          ,p.parttype||'-?') ||
33                       decode(bitand(p.flags,32),32,' (PARENT)') PTYPE,
34                       decode(mod(p.spare2, 256), 0, null, 1, 'RANGE', 2, 'HASH', 3,'SYSTEM'
35                                                     , 4, 'LIST', 5, 'REF'
36                                                     , p.spare2||'-?') SUBPTYPE,
37                       p.partcnt PCNT,
38                       mod(trunc(p.spare2/65536), 65536) SUBPCNT,
39                       p.partkeycols PCOLS,
40                       case mod(trunc(p.spare2/256), 256)
41                            when 0 then null
42                            else mod(trunc(p.spare2/256), 256) end SUBPCOLS,
43                       case when bitand(p.flags,1) = 1 then
44                                 case when bitand(p.flags,2) = 2 then 'LP'
45                                       else 'L' end
46                            when bitand(p.flags,2) = 2 then 'GP'
47                       end IDX_FLAGS,
48                       decode(i.type#, 1, 'NORMAL'||
49                                           decode(bitand(i.property, 4), 0, '', 4, '/REV'),
50                                       2, 'BITMAP', 3, 'CLUSTER', 4, 'IOT - TOP',
51                                       5, 'IOT - NESTED', 6, 'SECONDARY', 7, 'ANSI', 8, 'LOB',
52                                       9, 'DOMAIN')  ||
53                                       case when bitand(i.property,16) = 16
54                                            then '-FUNC' end IDX_TYPE,
55                       decode(i.property, null,null,
56                                          decode(bitand(i.property, 1), 0, 'NU',
57                                                                        1, 'U', '?')) IDX_UK,
58                       -- real partition and subpartition count
59                       case when bitand(p.flags,64)=64 then op.xnumpart else p.partcnt end RPCNT,
60                       osp.numsubpart RSUBPCNT,
61                       -- deferred segments
62                       case o.type#
63                       when 1 then --index
64                         decode(ip_seg_off,null,isp_seg_off,ip_seg_off)
65                       when 2 then --table
66                         decode(tp_seg_off,null,tsp_seg_off,tp_seg_off)
67                       else null end DEF_SEGMENT_CREATION,
68                       -- partial indexing
69                       case o.type#
70                       when 1 then --index
71                          decode(bitand(i.flags, 8388608), 8388608, 'PARTIAL', 'FULL')||'-'||
72                         -- overload field with count of all [sub]partitions with indexing off
73                         decode(ip_idx_off,null,isp_idx_off,ip_idx_off)
74                       when 2 then --table
75                         decode(bitand(p.flags,8192),8192,'OFF','ON')||'-'||
76                         -- overload field with count of all [sub]partitions with indexing off
77                         decode(tp_idx_off,null,tsp_idx_off,tp_idx_off)
78                       else null end PARTIAL_IDX,
79                       null ORPHANED_ENTRIES,
80                       decode(zonemap,null,'N',zonemap) ZONEMAP,
81                       decode(attrcluster,null,'N',attrcluster) ATTRCLUSTER,
82                       st_part SUBPARTEMP
83                       from partobj$ p, obj$ o, user$ u, ind$ i,
84                            ( select distinct obj#, 'XML-' as is_xml from opqtype$ where type=1) xml,
85                            -- real subpartition count for tables and indexes
86                            ( select /* NO_MERGE FULL(tsp) FULL(tcp) */ tcp.bo#, count(*) numsubpart
87                              from tabsubpart$ tsp, tabcompart$ tcp
88                              where tcp.obj# = tsp.pobj#
89                              group by tcp.bo#
90                              union all
91                              select /* NO_MERGE FULL(isp) FULL(icp) */ icp.bo#, count(*) numsubpart
92                              from indsubpart$ isp, indcompart$ icp
93                              where icp.obj# = isp.pobj#
94                              group by icp.bo#) osp,
95                            -- real partition count for tables and indexes
96                            ( select tp.bo#, count(*) xnumpart
97                              from tabpart$ tp
98                              group by tp.bo#
99                              union all
100                              select ip.bo#, count(*) xnumpart
101                              from indpart$ ip
102                              group by ip.bo#) op,
103                            -- details table partitions: partial indexing and deferred segments
104                            ( select tp.bo#,
105                                     -- number or partitions with indexing off
106                                     sum(decode(bitand(tp.flags, 2097152), 2097152, 1, 0))  tp_idx_off,
107                                     -- number or partitions with deferred segment creation
108                                     sum(decode(bitand(tp.flags, 65536), 65536, 1, 0))  tp_seg_off
109                              from tabpart$ tp
110                              group by tp.bo#) pxd,
111                            -- details table subpartitions: partial indexing and deferred segments
112                            ( select tcp.bo#,
113                                     -- number or subpartitions with indexing off
114                                     sum(decode(bitand(tsp.flags, 2097152), 2097152, 1, 0))  tsp_idx_off,
115                                     -- number or subpartitions with deferred segment creation
116                                     sum(decode(bitand(tsp.flags, 65536), 65536, 1, 0))  tsp_seg_off
117                              from tabsubpart$ tsp, tabcompart$ tcp
118                              where tcp.obj# = tsp.pobj#
119                              group by tcp.bo#) spxd,
120                            -- details index partitions: partial indexing and deferred segments
121                            ( select ip.bo#,
122                                     -- number or partitions with indexing off
123                                     sum(decode(bitand(ip.flags, 1), 1, 1, 0))  ip_idx_off,
124                                     -- number or partitions with deferred segment creation
125                                     sum(decode(bitand(ip.flags, 65536), 65536, 1, 0))  ip_seg_off
126                              from indpart$ ip
127                              group by ip.bo#) ipd,
128                            -- details index subpartitions: partial indexing and deferred segments
129                            ( select icp.bo#,
130                                     -- number or subpartitions with indexing off
131                                     sum(decode(bitand(isp.flags, 1), 1, 1, 0))  isp_idx_off,
132                                     -- number or subpartitions with deferred segment creation
133                                     sum(decode(bitand(isp.flags, 65536), 65536, 1, 0))  isp_seg_off
134                              from indsubpart$ isp, indcompart$ icp
135                              where icp.obj# = isp.pobj#
136                              group by icp.bo#) ispd,
137                            -- attribute clustering
138                            ( select c.clstobj#, 'Y-'||
139                                     -- kind of attribute clustering
140                                     case when ctable is not null
141                                          then 'MT-' else 'ST-' end
142                                     ||
143                                     case when clstfunc = 1 then 'I-'     -- interleaved
144                                          else 'L-' end     -- linear
145                                     ||to_char(decode(ctable, null,0,ctable)+1)||'-'||ccol as ATTRCLUSTER
146                              from sys.clst$ c,
147                                   -- count of tables and columns used for attribute clustering
148                                   -- no detailed breakdown of columns per row
149                                   -- table count does not include fact table for hierarchical attr. clustering
150                                   ( select clstobj#, count(intcol#) ccol
151                                     from sys.clstkey$
152                                     group by clstobj#) k,
153                                   ( select clstobj#, count(*) ctable
154                                     from sys.clstjoin$
155                                     group by clstobj#) kt
156                              where c.clstobj# = k.clstobj#
157                              and   c.clstobj# = kt.clstobj#(+)) attrcl,
158                             -- zone maps
159                             (select detailobj#, zonemap from
160                                 (select sd.detailobj#, flags, 'Y-'||
161                                         -- single table zonemap or hierarchical zonemap
162                                         decode(bitand(sn.flag3, 1024),
163                                                0, 'ST', 'MT') ||
164                                                -- number of tables and columns in zonemap (aggr, no detailed breakdown)
165                                                -- table count does not include fact table for hierarch. zonemap
166                                                '-'||  count(distinct sd.detailobj#) over (partition by sd.sumobj#) ||
167                                                '-'||  sa.zmcol as ZONEMAP
168                                  from sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.sum$ s, sys.snap$ sn,
169                                       ( select sumobj#, count(*) zmcol
170                                         from sys.sumagg$
171                                         where aggfunction = 18
172                                         group by sumobj#) sa
173                                  where s.obj# = sd.sumobj#
174                                  and   s.obj# = sa.sumobj#
175                                  and s.containernam(+) = sn.vname) v
176                              where bitand(v.flags, 2) = 2      /* zonemap fact table */
177                            ) zm,
178                            ( select bo#, count(*) st_part
179                              from defsubpart$
180                              group by bo# ) spt
181                       where o.obj# = i.obj#(+)
182                       and   o.owner# = u.user#
183                       and   p.obj# = o.obj#
184                       and   p.obj# = xml.obj#(+)
185                       and   p.obj# = osp.bo#(+)
186                       and   p.obj# = op.bo#(+)
187                       and   p.obj# = pxd.bo#(+)
188                       and   p.obj# = spxd.bo#(+)
189                       and   p.obj# = ipd.bo#(+)
190                       and   p.obj# = ispd.bo#(+)
191                       and   p.obj# = spt.bo#(+)
192                       and   o.obj# = attrcl.clstobj#(+)
193                       and   o.obj# = zm.detailobj#(+)
194                       -- bug 14369338, exclude AUDSYS
195                       and   u.name not in ('SYS','SYSTEM','SH','SYSMAN','AUDSYS')
196                       -- fix bug 3074607 - filter on obj$
197                       and o.type# in (1,2,19,20,25,34,35)
198                       -- exclude flashback data archive tables
199                       -- fix bug 14666795
200                       and o.name not like 'SYS_FBA%'
201                       -- crystal clear identification of FBA tables deemed as too expensive
202 --                      and o.obj# not in (select obj# from tab$ where bitand(property,8589934592)=8589934592)
203                       -- exclude change tables
204                       and o.obj# not in ( select obj# from cdc_change_tables$)
205                       -- exclude local partitioned indexes on change tables
206                       and i.bo# not in  ( select obj# from cdc_change_tables$)
207                 union all
208                 -- global nonpartitioned indexes on partitioned tables
209                 select o.obj#, i.bo#, p.obj# pobj#,
210                        'I' IDX_OR_TAB,
211                         null,null,null,null,
212                         case cols when 0 then null
213                                   else cols end PCOLS,null,
214                        'GNP' IDX_FLAGS,
215                        decode(i.type#, 1, 'NORMAL'||
216                                       decode(bitand(i.property, 4), 0, '', 4, '/REV'),
217                                       2, 'BITMAP', 3, 'CLUSTER', 4, 'IOT - TOP',
218                                       5, 'IOT - NESTED', 6, 'SECONDARY', 7, 'ANSI', 8, 'LOB',
219                                       9, 'DOMAIN') ||
220                        case when bitand(i.property,16) = 16 then '-FUNC' end IDX_TYPE,
221                        decode(i.property, null,null,
222                                           decode(bitand(i.property, 1), 0, 'NU',
223                                           1, 'U', '?')) IDX_UK,
224                        null, null,
225                        null DEF_SEGMENT_CREATION,
226 --                      decode(bitand(p.flags,6144),4096,'YES',2048,'NO','NONE') DEF_SEGMENT_CREATION,
227                        decode(bitand(i.flags, 8388608), 8388608, 'PARTIAL', 'FULL') PARTIAL_IDX,
228                        decode(bitand(i.flags, 268435456), 268435456, 'YES', 'NO') ORPHANED_ENTRIES,
229                        NULL ZONEMAP, NULL ATTRCLUSTER,
230                        NULL SUBPARTEMP
231                 from partobj$ p, user$ u, obj$ o, ind$ i
232                 where p.obj# = i.bo#
233                 -- exclude global nonpartitioned indexes on change tables
234                 and   i.bo# not in  ( select obj# from cdc_change_tables$)
235                 -- exclude flashback data archive tables
236                 and   o.name not like 'SYS_FBA%'
237                 and   o.owner# = u.user#
238                 and   p.obj# = o.obj#
239                 -- nonpartitioned index
240                 and   bitand(i.property, 2) <>2
241                 -- bug 14369338, exclude AUDSYS
242                 and   u.name not in ('SYS','SYSTEM','SH','SYSMAN','AUDSYS'))
243                 order by num, idx_or_tab desc
244              )) LOOP
246      if (is_used = 0) then
247        is_used:=1;
248      end if;
250      clob_rest := clob_rest||crec.my_string;
251    end loop;
253    if (is_used = 1) then
254      select pcnt into data_ratio
255      from
256      (
257        SELECT c1, TRUNC((ratio_to_report(sum_blocks) over())*100,2) pcnt
258        FROM
259        (
260         select decode(p.obj#,null,'REST','PARTTAB') c1, sum(s.blocks) sum_blocks
261         from tabpart$ p, seg$ s
262         where s.file#=p.file#(+)
263         and s.block#=p.block#(+)
264         and s.type#=5
265         group by  decode(p.obj#,null,'REST','PARTTAB')
266         )
267       )
268       where c1 = 'PARTTAB';
269    end if;
270 end;