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1 PACKAGE BODY hr_generic_util AS
2 /* $Header: pygenutl.pkb 120.1 2005/10/04 06:31:05 rchennur noship $ */
4 --
5 WEEKLY CONSTANT varchar2(1) := 'W';
6 MONTHLY CONSTANT varchar2(1) := 'M';
7 SEMIMONTHLY CONSTANT varchar2(1) := 'S';
8 --
9 --------------------------- get_period_details ---------------------------
10 --
11 PROCEDURE get_period_details (p_proc_period_type IN VARCHAR2,
12                               p_base_period_type OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
13                               p_multiple         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
14 --
15 l_no_periods per_time_period_types.number_per_fiscal_year%type;
16 --
17 l_proc       VARCHAR2(100) := 'hr_generic_util.GET_PERIOD_DETAILS';
18 --
20 --
21 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);
22 --
23 SELECT number_per_fiscal_year
24   INTO l_no_periods
25   FROM per_time_period_types
26  WHERE period_type = p_proc_period_type;
27 --
28 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
29 --
30 -- Use the number of periods in a fiscal year to deduce the base
31 -- period and multiple.
32 --
33 IF l_no_periods = 1 THEN             -- Yearly
34    p_base_period_type := MONTHLY;
35    p_multiple := 12;
36 ELSIF l_no_periods = 2 THEN          -- Semi yearly
37    p_base_period_type := MONTHLY;
38    p_multiple := 6;
39 ELSIF l_no_periods = 4 THEN          -- Quarterly
40    p_base_period_type := MONTHLY;
41    p_multiple := 3;
42 ELSIF l_no_periods = 6 THEN          -- Bi monthly
43    p_base_period_type := MONTHLY;
44    p_multiple := 2;
45 ELSIF l_no_periods = 12 THEN         -- Monthly
46    p_base_period_type := MONTHLY;
47    p_multiple := 1;
48 ELSIF l_no_periods = 13 THEN         -- Lunar monthly
49    p_base_period_type := WEEKLY;
50    p_multiple := 4;
51 ELSIF l_no_periods = 24 THEN         -- Semi monthly
52    p_base_period_type := SEMIMONTHLY;
53    p_multiple := 1;                -- Not used for semi-monthly
54 ELSIF l_no_periods = 26 THEN         -- Fortnightly
55    p_base_period_type := WEEKLY;
56    p_multiple := 2;
57 ELSIF l_no_periods = 52 THEN         -- Weekly
58    p_base_period_type := WEEKLY;
59    p_multiple := 1;
61    -- Unknown period type.
62    hr_utility.set_message(801, 'PAY_6601_PAYROLL_INV_PERIOD_TP');
63    hr_utility.raise_error;
64 END IF;
65 --
66 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 30);
67 --
68 END get_period_details;
69 --
70 --
71 --------------------------- next_semi_month ----------------------------
72 --
73 -- Locally defined function that, given the end-date of a semi-month
74 -- period and the first period's end-date (p_fpe_date) returns
75 -- the end date of the following semi-monthly period.
76 --
77 FUNCTION next_semi_month(p_semi_month_date IN DATE,
78                          p_fpe_date        IN DATE) return DATE IS
79 --
80 day_of_month varchar2(2);
81 last_of_month date;
82 temp_day varchar2(2);
83 --
84 l_proc          VARCHAR2(100) := 'hr_generic_util.next_semi_month';
85 --
87 --
88 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 1);
89 --
90 day_of_month := substr(to_char(p_fpe_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY'), 1, 2);
91 --
92 IF (day_of_month = '15') OR (last_day(p_fpe_date) = p_fpe_date) THEN
93    --
94    -- The first period's end-date is either the 15th or the end-of-month
95    --
96    IF last_day(p_semi_month_date) = p_semi_month_date THEN
97          -- End of month: add 15 days
98          return(p_semi_month_date + 15);
99    ELSE
100          -- 15th of month: return last day
101          return(last_day(p_semi_month_date));
102    END IF;
103 ELSE
104    -- The first period's end-date is neither the 15th nor the end-of-month
105    -- temp_day = smaller of the 2 day numbers used to calc period end-dates
106    --
107    temp_day := day_of_month ;
108    IF temp_day > '15' THEN
109       temp_day := substr(to_char(p_fpe_date - 15, 'DD-MM-YYYY'), 1, 2);
110    END IF;
111    --
112    day_of_month := substr(to_char(p_semi_month_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 1, 2);
113    IF day_of_month between '01' AND '15' THEN
114       IF last_day(p_semi_month_date+15) = last_day(p_semi_month_date) THEN
115          return(p_semi_month_date + 15);
116       ELSE
117          -- for p_semi_month_date = Feb 14th, for example
118          return(last_day(p_semi_month_date));
119       END IF;
120    ELSE  -- if on the 16th or later
121       return(to_date((temp_day ||
122              substr(to_char(add_months(p_semi_month_date,1),'DD-MM-YYYY'),3)
123              ), 'DD-MM-YYYY'));
124    END IF;
125 END IF;
126 --
127 END next_semi_month;
128 --
129 --------------------------- add_multiple_of_base ----------------------------
130 --
131 FUNCTION add_multiple_of_base (p_target_date      IN DATE,
132                                p_base_period_type IN VARCHAR2,
133                                p_multiple         IN NUMBER,
134                                p_fpe_date         IN DATE)
135                                return DATE IS
136 --
137 rest_of_date VARCHAR2(9);
138 temp_date    DATE;
139 --
140 l_proc       VARCHAR2(100) := 'hr_generic_util.ADD_MULTIPLE_OF_BASE';
141 --
143 --
144 -- Errors can occur when performing date manipulation.
145 --
146 IF p_base_period_type = WEEKLY THEN
147    --
148    -- hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);
149    --
150    return (p_target_date + (7 * p_multiple));
151    --
152 ELSIF p_base_period_type = MONTHLY THEN
153    --
154    -- hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
155    --
156    return (add_months(p_target_date, p_multiple));
157    --
158 ELSE
159    -- This is semi-monthly. A pair of semi-months always spand
160    -- a whole calendar month. Their start and end dates are either
161    -- 1st - 15th or 16th - last day of month. This makes the
162    -- addition/subtraction of a period reasonably straightforward,
163    -- if a little involved.
164    -- IF p_multiple > 0 THEN
165       -- Addition of one semi-month.
166    --
167    return(next_semi_month(p_target_date, p_fpe_date));
168    --
169    -- ELSE
170       -- Substraction of one semi-month.
171    -- return(prev_semi_month(p_target_date, p_fpe_date));
172    -- END IF;
173    --
174 END IF;
175 --
176 END add_multiple_of_base;
177 --
178 ------------------------- get_period_dates --------------------------------
179 --
180 PROCEDURE get_period_dates
181             (p_rec_period_start_date IN  DATE
182             ,p_period_type           IN  VARCHAR2
183             ,p_current_date          IN  DATE
184             ,p_period_start_date     OUT NOCOPY DATE
185             ,p_period_end_date       OUT NOCOPY DATE) IS
186 --
187 l_base_period_type                VARCHAR2(1);
188 l_multiple                        NUMBER;
189 l_period_start_date               DATE;
190 l_period_end_date                 DATE;
191 --
192 l_proc      VARCHAR2(100):= 'hr_generic_util.GET_PERIOD_DATES';
193 --
194 --
196 --
198 hxc_period_evaluation.period_start_stop(p_current_date          => p_current_date,
199                                         p_rec_period_start_date => p_rec_period_start_date,
200                                         l_period_start          => p_period_start_date,
201                                         l_period_end            => p_period_end_date,
202                                         l_base_period_type      => p_period_type);
205 return;
207 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);
208 --
209 IF p_rec_period_start_date > p_current_date THEN
210    hr_utility.set_message(809, 'HXC_APR_REC_DATE_LATER');
211    hr_utility.raise_error;
212 END IF;
213 --
214 get_period_details(p_period_type,
215                    l_base_period_type,
216                    l_multiple);
217 --
218 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
219 --
220 l_period_start_date := p_rec_period_start_date;
221 l_period_end_date := add_multiple_of_base(l_period_start_date - 1,
222                                           l_base_period_type,
223                                           l_multiple,
224                                           l_period_start_date - 1);
225 --
228 LOOP
229    --
230    EXIT when p_current_date BETWEEN l_period_start_date AND
231                                     l_period_end_date;
232    --
233    l_period_start_date := l_period_end_date + 1;
234    l_period_end_date := add_multiple_of_base(l_period_start_date - 1,
235                                              l_base_period_type,
236                                              l_multiple,
237                                              l_period_start_date - 1);
240 --
241 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);
242 --
243 p_period_start_date := l_period_start_date;
244 p_period_end_date := l_period_end_date;
245 --
246 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 110);
247 --
248 END get_period_dates;
249 --
250 END hr_generic_util;