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2 /* $Header: WSHPURGS.pls 120.1 2005/06/20 22:51:33 appldev noship $ */
4 TYPE Trip_ID_Rec_Type is RECORD (
5   trip_id   NUMBER,
6   trip_name VARCHAR2(30),
7   purge_set_type      VARCHAR2(30)
8 );
10 TYPE Trip_ID_Tbl_Type IS Table of Trip_ID_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
12 TYPE Delivery_ID_Rec_Type is RECORD (
13   delivery_id   NUMBER,
14   delivery_name  VARCHAR2(30),
15   purge_set_type      VARCHAR2(30)
16 );
18 TYPE Delivery_ID_Tbl_Type IS Table of Delivery_ID_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER ;
20 TYPE Trip_Stop_ID_Rec_Type is RECORD (
21   stop_id   NUMBER
22   );
24 TYPE Trip_Stop_ID_Tbl_Type IS Table of Trip_Stop_ID_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER ;
26 TYPE Del_Leg_ID_Rec_Type is RECORD (
27   delivery_leg_id   NUMBER
28 );
30 TYPE Del_Leg_ID_Tbl_Type IS Table of Del_Leg_ID_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
32 TYPE Del_Detail_ID_Rec_Type is RECORD (
33   delivery_detail_id   NUMBER
34   );
36 TYPE Del_Detail_ID_Tbl_Type IS Table of Del_Detail_ID_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
38 TYPE Container_ID_Rec_Type is RECORD (
39   container_id   NUMBER,
40   purge_set_type VARCHAR2(30)
41 );
43 TYPE Container_ID_Tbl_Type IS Table of Container_ID_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
45 TYPE Trip_moves_Rec_Type is RECORD (
46   move_id NUMBER,
47   trip_id NUMBER
48 );
50 TYPE Trip_moves_Tbl_Type IS Table of Trip_moves_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
52 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 --
54 -- Procedure:   Process_Purge
55 -- Parameters:	errbuf	 Parameter for the Concurrent Program to get the error.
56 --		retcode	 Parameter for the Concurrent Program to get the return code
57 --		p_execution_mode  Specifies whether to Purge Data or View Purge Set
58 --		p_source_system	 Only the delivery details belonging to this Source System
59 --				 would be considered eligible for Purge
60 --		p_ship_from_org	 Only the deliveries belonging to this Ship From Org
61 --				 would be considered eligible for Purge
62 --		p_order_number_from  Only the delivery details having source_header_number
63 --				     greater than Order Number From would be considered eligible for Purge
64 --		p_order_number_to  Only the delivery details having source_header_number
65 --				   less than Order Number To would be considered eligible for Purge
66 --		p_order_type  Only the delivery details belonging to this Order Type
67 --			      would be considered eligible for Purge
68 --		p_ship_date_from  Only the deliveries having initial_pickup_date greater
69 --				  than Ship Date From would be considered eligible for Purge
70 --		p_ship_date_to  Only the deliveries having initial_pickup_date less than
71 --				Ship Date To would be considered eligible for Purge
72 --		p_delete_beyond_x_ship_days  Only the deliveries having initial_pickup_date less
73 --					     than the specified date would be considered eligible for Purge
74 --		p_purge_intransit_trips	Decides whether to purge In Transit Trips or not
75 --		p_delete_empty_records	Decides whether to delete empty record or not.
76 --					The empty records can be Empty Trips, Orphaned Empty Deliveries,
77 --					Delivery with Empty containers, Empty Containers
78 --		p_create_date_from	Only Empty records having creation_date greater than this
79 --					date would be purged
80 --		p_create_date_to	Only Empty records having creation_date less than this
81 --					date would be purged
82 --		p_del_beyond_creation_days	Only Empty records having creation_date less than
83 --						this date would be purged
84 --		p_sort_per_criteria	Sorts the report output according to Trip,
85 --					Delivery or Order Number
86 --		p_print_detail	If "Detail with LPN", the report would contain the parameters / summary
87 --				page and all detail pages with Trips, Deliveries and
88 --				Sales Orders with Container data eligible to purge or purged.
89 --				If "Detail", the report would contain the parameters / summary
90 --				page and all detail pages with Trips, Deliveries and
91 --				Sales Orders data eligible to purge or purged.
92 --				If "Summary", the report would contain only the parameters / summary page.
94 -- Description: This procedure is called by the concurrent program. The procedure has the following structure
95 --		calls Get_Purge_Set - To get the valid entities to be purged
96 --		calls Purge_Entities - To purge data in Shipping/FTE tables
97 --		calls Generate_Report - To generate the report through XML publisher
98 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 PROCEDURE Process_Purge(	errbuf   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
100 				retcode  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
101 				p_execution_mode varchar2,
102 				p_source_system varchar2,
103 				p_ship_from_org number,
104 				p_order_number_from varchar2,
105 				p_source_system_dummy varchar2,
106 				p_order_number_to varchar2,
107 				p_dummy_order varchar2,
108 				p_order_type number,
109 				p_ship_date_from varchar2,
110 				p_ship_date_to varchar2,
111 				p_dummy_ship_date varchar2,
112 				p_delete_beyond_x_ship_days number,
113 				p_dummy_x_ship_days varchar2,
114 				p_purge_intransit_trips varchar2,
115 				p_delete_empty_records varchar2,
116 				p_create_date_from varchar2,
117 				p_create_date_to varchar2,
118 				p_dummy_create_date varchar2,
119 				p_del_beyond_creation_days number,
120 				p_dummy_x_create_days varchar2,
121 				p_sort_per_criteria varchar2,
122 				p_print_detail varchar2
123 			);
125 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
126 Procedure:  Get_Purge_Set
127 Parameters: p_source_system Only the delivery details belonging to this Source System
128             would be considered eligible for Purge
129             p_ship_from_org Only the deliveries belonging to this Ship From Org
130             would be considered eligible for Purge
131             p_order_number_from Only the delivery details having source_header_number
132             greater than Order Number From would be considered eligible for Purge
133             p_order_number_to Only the delivery details having source_header_number
134             less than Order Number To would be considered eligible for Purge
135             p_order_type Only the delivery details belonging to this Order Type
136             would be considered eligible for Purge
137             p_ship_date_from Only the deliveries having initial_pickup_date greater
138             than Ship Date From would be considered eligible for Purge
139             p_ship_date_to  Only the deliveries having initial_pickup_date less than
140             Ship Date To would be considered eligible for Purge
141             p_delete_beyond_x_ship_days  Only the deliveries having initial_pickup_date greater
142             than the specified date would be considered eligible for Purge
143             p_purge_intransit_trips Decides whether to purge In Transit Trips or not
144             p_delete_empty_records Decides whether to delete empty record or not.
145             The empty records can be Empty Trips, Orphaned Empty Deliveries,
146             Delivery with Empty containers, Empty Containers
147             p_create_date_from Only Empty records having creation_date greater than this
148             date would be purged
149             p_create_date_to Only Empty records having creation_date less than this
150             date would be purged
151             p_del_beyond_creation_days Only Empty records having creation_date greater than
152             this date would be purged
153             x_tbl_trip_purge_set - pl/sql table of trip id's eligible for purge
154             x_tbl_delivery_purge_set -  pl/sql table of delivery id's eligible for purge
155             x_tbl_del_details_purge_set - pl/sql table of delivery detail id's eligible for purge
156             x_tbl_del_legs_purge_set - pl/sql table of delivery leg id's eligible for purge
157             x_tbl_trip_stops_purge_set - pl/sql table of trip stop id's eligible for purge
158             x_tbl_containers_purge_set - pl/sql table of container id's eligible for purge
159             x_return_status - Returns WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if Success
161 Description: This API gets all the Shipping Data from the view WSH_PURGE_SET_V
162              and puts it into the plsql tables for respective entities after validating it
163              with the user given parameters
164 ==============================================================================
165 Input: Parameters as given in the FDD.
166 Output: Table of Record Types for Trips, Stops, Legs,
167         Deliveries, Containers, Details
168 ================================================================================
169 Logic: i) Build Trip SQL for purge set types:
170           NON_EMPTY - Complete Shipping Entities
172       ii) Build Delivery SQL for purge set type:
173           EMPTYDELS - Orphaned empty deliveries without any details
175           only Delete Empty Records, creation date from, to and delete beyond
176           x creation days will be honoured.
178      iii) Execute the Trip ,Delivery and Container dynamically built SQLs and populate the
179           Table of record types for trip,delivery and containers.
181 	  Add Trip IDs for purge set types :
182 	  EMPTYTRIPS - Orphaned Trips without any deliveries assigned to them
184       iv) For NON_EMPTY purge sets get the deliveries for all
185           trips and add delivery ids to the purge set for deliveries.
187        v) For a given trip get all the stops and create a stops purge set.
189       vi) For a given delivery get all the delivery legs and details and create
190           a purge set.
192      vii) From NON_EMPTY get all the container ids(wdd.container_flag='Y') and
193           populate them in container purge set
194 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
195 PROCEDURE Get_Purge_Set(	p_source_system varchar2,
196 				p_ship_from_org number,
197 				p_order_number_from varchar2,
198 				p_order_number_to varchar2,
199 				p_order_type number,
200 				p_ship_date_from varchar2,
201 				p_ship_date_to varchar2,
202 				p_delete_beyond_x_ship_days number,
203 				p_purge_intransit_trips varchar2,
204 				p_delete_empty_records varchar2,
205 				p_create_date_from varchar2,
206 				p_create_date_to varchar2,
207 				p_del_beyond_creation_days number,
208 				x_tbl_trip_purge_set OUT  NOCOPY Trip_ID_Tbl_Type ,
209 				x_tbl_delivery_purge_set OUT  NOCOPY Delivery_ID_Tbl_Type,
210 				x_tbl_del_details_purge_set OUT  NOCOPY Del_Detail_ID_Tbl_Type,
211 				x_tbl_del_legs_purge_set OUT  NOCOPY Del_Leg_ID_Tbl_Type,
212 				x_tbl_trip_stops_purge_set OUT  NOCOPY Trip_Stop_ID_Tbl_Type,
213 				x_tbl_containers_purge_set OUT  NOCOPY Container_ID_Tbl_Type,
214 				x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
216 			);
218 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
220 Procedure:	Purge_Entities
221 Parameters:	p_tbl_trip_purge_set - pl/sql table of trip id's eligible for purge
222  		p_tbl_delivery_purge_set -  pl/sql table of delivery id's eligible for purge
223  		p_tbl_del_details_purge_set -  pl/sql table of delivery detail id's eligible for purge
224  		p_tbl_del_legs_purge_set - pl/sql table of delivery leg id's eligible for purge
225  		p_tbl_trip_stops_purge_set - pl/sql table of trip stop id's eligible for purge
226  		p_tbl_containers_purge_set  pl/sql - table of container id's eligible for purge
227 		x_return_status - Returns WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if Success
229 Description:	This API calls the individual APIs to delete the data in
230 		Shipping and Transportation tables
231 =============================================================================
232    Input: Table of Record Types for Trips, Stops, Legs, Deliveries, Containers, Details
233    Output: Return Status - success or failure
234 ==============================================================================
235    Logic: i) Call Purge_Delivery_Details
236          ii) Call Purge_Containers
237         iii) Call Purge_Delivery_Legs
238          iv) Call Purge_Trip_Stops
239           v) Call Purge_Deliveries
240          vi) Call Purge_Trips
241 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
242 PROCEDURE Purge_Entities(	p_tbl_trip_purge_set Trip_ID_Tbl_Type ,
243 				p_tbl_delivery_purge_set Delivery_ID_Tbl_Type,
244 				p_tbl_del_details_purge_set Del_Detail_ID_Tbl_Type,
245 				p_tbl_del_legs_purge_set Del_Leg_ID_Tbl_Type,
246 				p_tbl_trip_stops_purge_set Trip_Stop_ID_Tbl_Type,
247 				p_tbl_containers_purge_set Container_ID_Tbl_Type,
248 				x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
249 			);
251 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
252 Procedure: Purge_Trips
253 Parameters: p_tbl_trip_purge_set  pl/sql table of trip id's eligible for purge
254 	    x_return_status - Returns WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if Success
256 Description:	This API delete the data in Shipping and Transportation
257 		related to trip
258 ==============================================================================
259 Input: Table of Record Types for Trips
260 Output: Return Status - success or failure
261 ==============================================================================
262 Logic: i) Delete records from the following tables:
264 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
265 PROCEDURE Purge_Trips(		p_tbl_trip_purge_set Trip_ID_Tbl_Type,
266 				x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
267 		     );
269 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 Procedure:   Purge_Deliveries
271 Parameters:  p_tbl_delivery_purge_set pl/sql table of delivery id's eligible for purge
272              x_return_status - Returns WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if Success
274 Description: This API delete the data in Shipping and Transportation
275 related to delivery
276 =============================================================================+
277 Input: Table of Record Types for Deliveries
278 Output: Return Status - success or failure
279 ==============================================================================
280 Logic: i) Delete records from the following tables:
282           WSH_FREIGHT_COSTS
284 	  If FTE is installed,
289           If ITM Screening is done,
291              WSH_INBOUND_TXN_HISTORY
292 	  and finally WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES.
293 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
294 PROCEDURE Purge_Deliveries(	p_tbl_delivery_purge_set Delivery_ID_Tbl_Type,
295 				x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
296 			);
298 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
299 Procedure:   Purge_Trip_Stops
300 Parameters:  p_tbl_trip_stop_purge_set  pl/sql table of trip stop id's
301              eligible for purge
302              x_return_status - Returns WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if Success
304 Description: This API delete the data in Shipping and Transportation
305 related to trip stop
306 ==============================================================================
307 Input: Table of Record Types for Trip Stops
308 Output: Return Status - success or failure
309 ==============================================================================
310 Logic: i) Delete records from the following tables:
312 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
313 PROCEDURE Purge_Trip_Stops(	p_tbl_trip_stop_purge_set Trip_Stop_ID_Tbl_Type,
314 				x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
315 			);
317 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
318 Procedure:   Purge_Delivery_Legs
319 Parameters:  p_tbl_del_leg_purge_set pl/sql table of delivery leg id's eligible for purge
320              x_return_status - Returns WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if Success
322 Description: This API delete the data in Shipping and Transportation
323              related to delivery leg
324 ==============================================================================
325    Input: Table of Record Types for Delivery Legs
326    Output: Return Status - success or failure
327 ==============================================================================
328    Logic: i) Delete records from the following tables:
332              If FTE is installed,
334              FTE_FAILURE_REASONS
335 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
336 PROCEDURE Purge_Delivery_Legs(	p_tbl_del_leg_purge_set Del_Leg_ID_Tbl_Type,
337 				x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
338 			);
340 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
341 Procedure:  Purge_Delivery_Details
342 Parameters: p_tbl_del_detail_purge_set pl/sql table of delivery detail id's
343 	    eligible for purge
344             x_return_status - Returns WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if Success
346 Description: This API delete the data in Shipping and Transportation
347              related to delivery detail
348 =============================================================================
349 Input: Table of Record Types for Delivery Details
350 Output: Return Status - success or failure
351 ==============================================================================
352 Logic: i) Delete records from the following tables:
354           wsh_delivery_assignments_v, WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS
355 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
356 PROCEDURE Purge_Delivery_Details(p_tbl_del_detail_purge_set Del_Detail_ID_Tbl_Type,
357 				 x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
358 				);
360 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
361 Procedure: Purge_Containers
362 Parameters: p_tbl_containers_purge_set pl/sql table of container id's eligible for purge
363             x_return_status - Returns WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if Success
365 Description: This API calls the WMS API to delete the data in WMS
366              related to Containers
367 ==============================================================================
368 Input: Table of Record Types for Container Ids
369 Output: Return Status - success or failure
370 ==============================================================================
371 Logic: i) Delete records from the following tables:
372           wsh_delivery_assignments_v, WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS
373 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
374 PROCEDURE Purge_Containers(	p_tbl_containers_purge_set Container_ID_Tbl_Type,
375 			x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
376 		    );
378 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
379 --
380 -- Procedure:   Generate_Purge_Report
381 -- Parameters:  p_execution_mode  Specifies whether to Purge Data or View Purge Set
382 --		p_source_system	 Only the delivery details belonging to this Source System
383 --				 would be considered eligible for Purge
384 --		p_ship_from_org	 Only the deliveries belonging to this Ship From Org
385 --				 would be considered eligible for Purge
386 --		p_order_number_from  Only the delivery details having source_header_number
387 --				     greater than Order Number From would be considered eligible for Purge
388 --		p_order_number_to  Only the delivery details having source_header_number
389 --				   less than Order Number To would be considered eligible for Purge
390 --		p_order_type  Only the delivery details belonging to this Order Type
391 --			      would be considered eligible for Purge
392 --		p_ship_date_from  Only the deliveries having initial_pickup_date greater
393 --				  than Ship Date From would be considered eligible for Purge
394 --		p_ship_date_to  Only the deliveries having initial_pickup_date less than
395 --				Ship Date To would be considered eligible for Purge
396 --		p_delete_beyond_x_ship_days  Only the deliveries having initial_pickup_date greater
397 --					     than the specified date would be considered eligible for Purge
398 --		p_purge_intransit_trips	Decides whether to purge In Transit Trips or not
399 --		p_delete_empty_records	Decides whether to delete empty record or not.
400 --					The empty records can be Empty Trips, Orphaned Empty Deliveries,
401 --					Delivery with Empty containers, Empty Containers
402 --		p_create_date_from	Only Empty records having creation_date greater than this
403 --					date would be purged
404 --		p_create_date_to	Only Empty records having creation_date less than this
405 --					date would be purged
406 --		p_del_beyond_creation_days	Only Empty records having creation_date greater than
407 --						this date would be purged
408 --		p_sort_per_criteria	Sorts the report output according to Trip,
409 --					Delivery or Order Number
410 --		p_print_detail	If Low, the report would contain the parameters / summary
411 --				page and all detail pages with Trips, Deliveries and
412 --				Sales Orders data eligible to purge or purged.
413 --				If No, the report would contain only the parameters / summary page.
414 --		p_tbl_trip_purge_set  pl/sql table of trip id's eligible for purge
415 --		p_tbl_delivery_purge_set  pl/sql table of delivery id's eligible for purge
416 --		p_tbl_delivery_purge_set  pl/sql table of container ids's eligible for purge
417 --		p_count_legs  count of delivery legs to be purged/eligible to be purged
418 --		p_count_stops count of trip stops to be purged/eligible to be purged
419 --		p_count_details count of delivery details to be purged/eligible to be purged
420 --		p_count_containers count of containers to be purged/eligible to be purged
421 --		x_return_status - Returns WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if Success
423 -- Description:	This API generates the XML and writes it in output file
424 --		of the concurrent program to be used by the XML Publisher
425 --		to generate the XML report
426 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
427 PROCEDURE Generate_Purge_Report(p_execution_mode varchar2,
428 				p_source_system varchar2,
429 				p_ship_from_org number,
430 				p_order_number_from varchar2,
431 				p_order_number_to varchar2,
432 				p_order_type number,
433 				p_ship_date_from varchar2,
434 				p_ship_date_to varchar2,
435 				p_delete_beyond_x_ship_days number,
436 				p_purge_intransit_trips varchar2,
437 				p_delete_empty_records varchar2,
438 				p_create_date_from varchar2,
439 				p_create_date_to varchar2,
440 				p_del_beyond_creation_days number,
441 				p_sort_per_criteria varchar2,
442 				p_print_detail varchar2,
443 				p_tbl_trip_purge_set   Trip_ID_Tbl_Type ,
444 				p_tbl_delivery_purge_set    Delivery_ID_Tbl_Type,
445 				p_tbl_container_purge_set Container_ID_Tbl_Type,
446 				p_count_legs NUMBER,
447 				p_count_stops NUMBER,
448 				p_count_details NUMBER,
449 				p_count_containers NUMBER,
450 				x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
452 			);
454 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
455 --
456 -- Procedure:   Purge_Workflow
457 -- Parameters:  p_tbl_trip_purge_set  pl/sql table of trip id's eligible for purge
458 --		p_tbl_delivery_purge_set  pl/sql table of delivery id's eligible for purge
459 --		x_return_status - Returns WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if Success
461 -- Description:	This API deletes the workflows for Trip and Delivery.
462 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
463 PROCEDURE Purge_Workflow(p_tbl_trip_purge_set   Trip_ID_Tbl_Type ,
464 			 p_tbl_delivery_purge_set    Delivery_ID_Tbl_Type,
465 			 x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
467 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
468 --
469 -- Procedure:   Validate_Trips
470 -- Parameters:  p_tbl_trip_purge_set  pl/sql table of trip id's eligible for purge
471 --		x_tbl_trip_purge_set  pl/sql table of trip id's eligible for purge
472 --		after validating all the LPNs belonging to the trip with WMS API
473 --		x_return_status - Returns WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if Success
475 -- Description:	This API call the WMS LPN Purge API for each LPN
476 --		belonging to the trip. The WMS LPN Purge API returns TRUE or FALSE
477 --		depending whether the LPN is eligible to purge or not.
478 --		If WMS LPN Purge API returns FALSE even for one LPN for a trip
479 --		then the trip and its entire contents are marked as in-eligible
480 --		for purge
481 --		This API also checks whether the trip is a part of valid Continuous
482 --		Move(CM). A valid CM is one in which all the the trips are eligible
483 --		for purge. If not then the Trip is not eligible to be purged.
484 --		This API also checks whether the trip is a part of valid MDC
485 --		configuration. A valid MDC configurationis one in which all
486 --		the the trips are eligible for purge. If not then the Trip is
487 --		not eligible to be purged.
488 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
489 PROCEDURE Validate_Trips(	p_tbl_trip_purge_set Trip_ID_Tbl_Type ,
490 				x_tbl_trip_purge_set OUT  NOCOPY Trip_ID_Tbl_Type ,
491 				x_return_status OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2);