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1 package body per_za_abs_duration as
2 /* $Header: perzaabd.pkb 120.8 2008/02/07 06:53:26 rbabla noship $ */
3 function za_daysoff  (p_DateFrom IN DATE,
4                       p_DateTo   IN DATE)
5                       return number
6   is
7 ------------------------- FUNCTION za_daysoff --------------------------
8 -- The following function returns the number of days off between parameters.
9 -- Function checks if the date is on a Sat/Sun and if not then checks if
10 -- it is a public holiday
11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
12     v_DaysOff  number := 0;
13     v_DateFrom date;
14     v_index    number := 0;
15     v_count    number := 0;
16     l_count    number := 0;
17     l_hol_date date;
18     type date_table_type is table of date
19       index by binary_integer;
20     publichol_table date_table_type;
21     cursor c1 is
22            select  puci.value
23                  , puci.user_column_instance_id
24                  , puci.effective_start_date
25                  , puci.effective_end_date
26                  , puc.user_column_name
27                from  pay_user_tables put, pay_user_columns puc, pay_user_column_instances_f puci
28                where put.user_table_name = 'ZA_PUBLIC_HOLIDAY_CALENDAR'
29                and   put.user_table_id   = puc.user_table_id
30                and   puc.user_column_id  = puci.user_column_id
31                and   puci.effective_start_date <= p_DateTo
32                and   puci.effective_end_date   >= p_DateFrom;
34   begin
35     v_DateFrom := p_DateFrom;
36 --    open c1;
37 /* Retrieve all public holidays between parameter dates and load into PL/SQL table for
38    subsequent search. Check if the day is a Sat/Sun then increment counter, if not
39    then check the pl/sql public holiday table and if match found then increment */
40 --    loop
41 --       v_index := v_index + 1;
42 --       fetch c1 into publichol_table(v_index);
43 --       exit when c1%notfound or c1%notfound is null;
44 --    end loop;
45 --    close c1;
46     for rec_hol_dt in c1
47     loop
48         begin
49                 l_hol_date := fnd_date.CANONICAL_TO_DATE(rec_hol_dt.value);
50                 if l_hol_date >= p_DateFrom and l_hol_date <= p_DateTo -- holiday falls within period
51                    and l_hol_date >= rec_hol_dt.effective_start_date
52                    and l_hol_date <=  rec_hol_dt.effective_end_date then
53                          v_index := v_index + 1;
54                          publichol_table(v_index):= l_hol_date;
55                 end if;
56          exception
57                 when others then
58                         l_count := l_count +1;
59                       hr_utility.set_location('************************',9999);
60                       hr_utility.trace(substr(SQLERRM,1,254));
61                       hr_utility.trace('SQLCODE' || SQLCODE);
62                                   hr_utility.set_location('Count of wrong record    ' || l_count,9999);
63                                   hr_utility.set_location('rec_value.value          ' || rec_hol_dt.value,9999);
64                       hr_utility.set_location('user_column_instance_id  ' || rec_hol_dt.user_column_instance_id,9999);
65                                   hr_utility.set_location('Effective_End_date       ' || rec_hol_dt.effective_start_date,9999);
66                                   hr_utility.set_location('Effective_End_date       ' || rec_hol_dt.effective_end_date,9999);
67                                   hr_utility.set_location('user_column_name         ' || rec_hol_dt.user_column_name,9999);
68                       hr_utility.set_location('************************',9999);
69         end;
71     end loop;
72     v_count := publichol_table.count;
73     v_index := 1;
74     while v_DateFrom <= p_DateTo LOOP
75         if  to_char(v_DateFrom, 'DY') IN ('SAT','SUN') THEN
76             v_DaysOff := v_DaysOff + 1;
77         else
78             for v_index IN 1..(v_count) loop
79               if  v_DateFrom = publichol_table (v_index) then
80                   v_DaysOff := v_DaysOff + 1;
81               end if;
82             end loop;
83         end if;
84       v_DateFrom := v_DateFrom + 1;
85     end loop;
86    return v_DaysOff;
87 end ZA_DaysOff;
89   function get_canonical_Dt_format
90   return varchar2 is
91   l_format varchar2(100);
92   begin
93         l_format := FND_DATE.canonical_DT_mask;
95         return l_format;
96   end get_canonical_Dt_format;
98   function za_canonical_Dt_format (p_date varchar2)
99   return varchar2 is
100         l_status varchar2(4);
101         l_date   date;
102         l_year   number(4);
103         l_month  number(2);
104         l_date1   number(4);
105 	l_datewo_time varchar2(25);
106 	l_space   number(2);
107         l_year_dlmt number(2);
108         l_month_dlmt number(2);
109         l_date_dlmt number(2);
110         begin
111       l_date   := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_date);
112       l_space  := instr(p_date,' ',1,1);
113       if l_space<>0 then
114           l_datewo_time:=substr(p_date,1,l_space-1);
115       else
116           l_datewo_time:=p_date;
117           l_space:=length(p_date)+1;
118       end if;
120       l_year_dlmt  := instr(p_date,'/',1,1);
121       l_month_dlmt := instr(p_date,'/',1,2);
123       if l_year_dlmt = 0 or l_month_dlmt = 0 then
124          l_status := 'E';
125 	 return l_status;
126       end if;
128       l_year   := substr(l_datewo_time,1,l_year_dlmt-1);
129       l_month  := substr(l_datewo_time,l_year_dlmt+1,(l_month_dlmt - l_year_dlmt)-1);
130       l_date1   := substr(l_datewo_time,l_month_dlmt+1,(l_space-l_month_dlmt)-1);
132       if l_year > 0 and l_month <= 12 and l_date1 <= 31 and l_year_dlmt=5 then
133          l_status := 'S';
134       else
135          l_status := 'E';
136       end if;
137         return l_status;
138      exception
139         when others then
140                 l_status := 'E';
141                 return l_status;
143    end za_canonical_Dt_format;
145 end per_za_abs_duration;