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1 function ora_complexity_check
2 (password varchar2,
3  chars integer := null,
4  letter integer := null,
5  upper integer := null,
6  lower integer := null,
7  digit integer := null,
8  special integer := null)
9 return boolean is
10    digit_array varchar2(10) := '0123456789';
11    alpha_array varchar2(26) := 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
12    cnt_letter integer := 0;
13    cnt_upper integer := 0;
14    cnt_lower integer := 0;
15    cnt_digit integer := 0;
16    cnt_special integer := 0;
17    delimiter boolean := false;
18    len integer := nvl (length(password), 0);
19    i integer ;
20    ch char(1);
21 begin
22    -- Check that the password length does not exceed 2 * (max DB pwd len)
23    -- The maximum length of any DB User password is 128 bytes.
24    -- This limit improves the performance of the Edit Distance calculation
25    -- between old and new passwords.
26    if len > 256 then
27       raise_application_error(-20020, 'Password length more than 256 characters');
28    end if;
30    -- Classify each character in the password.
31    for i in 1..len loop
32       ch := substr(password, i, 1);
33       if ch = '"' then
34          delimiter := true;
35       elsif instr(digit_array, ch) > 0 then
36          cnt_digit := cnt_digit + 1;
37       elsif instr(alpha_array, nls_lower(ch)) > 0 then
38          cnt_letter := cnt_letter + 1;
39          if ch = nls_lower(ch) then
40             cnt_lower := cnt_lower + 1;
41          else
42             cnt_upper := cnt_upper + 1;
43          end if;
44       else
45          cnt_special := cnt_special + 1;
46       end if;
47    end loop;
49    if delimiter = true then
50       raise_application_error(-20012, 'password must NOT contain a '
51                                || 'double-quotation mark which is '
52                                || 'reserved as a password delimiter');
53    end if;
54    if chars is not null and len < chars then
55       raise_application_error(-20001, 'Password length less than ' ||
56                               chars);
57    end if;
59    if letter is not null and cnt_letter < letter then
60       raise_application_error(-20022, 'Password must contain at least ' ||
61                                       letter || ' letter(s)');
62    end if;
63    if upper is not null and cnt_upper < upper then
64       raise_application_error(-20023, 'Password must contain at least ' ||
65                                       upper || ' uppercase character(s)');
66    end if;
67    if lower is not null and cnt_lower < lower then
68       raise_application_error(-20024, 'Password must contain at least ' ||
69                                       lower || ' lowercase character(s)');
70    end if;
71    if digit is not null and cnt_digit < digit then
72       raise_application_error(-20025, 'Password must contain at least ' ||
73                                       digit || ' digit(s)');
74    end if;
75    if special is not null and cnt_special < special then
76       raise_application_error(-20026, 'Password must contain at least ' ||
77                                       special || ' special character(s)');
78    end if;
80    return(true);
81 end;