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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 19

 sqltxt    VARCHAR2(9999);  -- SQL select statement
Line: 37

Line: 62

    SELECT acct_period_id
    into l_acct_period_id
    FROM org_acct_periods
    WHERE organization_id = l_org_id
    AND period_name = l_acct_period;
Line: 81

sqltxt := 'SELECT  fa.application_name "Application Name"  '||
          '     , fa.application_short_name "Application|Shortname"  '||
          '     , fcp.concurrent_processor_name "Name"  '||
          '     , fcq.user_concurrent_queue_name "Manager"  '||
          '     , NVL( fcq.target_node,''n/a'') "Node"  '||
          '     , fcq.running_processes "Actual"  '||
          '     , fcq.max_processes "Target"  '||
          ' FROM fnd_concurrent_queues_vl fcq  '||
          '     , fnd_application_vl fa  '||
          '     , fnd_concurrent_processors fcp '||
          'WHERE fa.application_id = fcq.application_id  '||
          '  AND fcq.application_id = fcp.application_id  '||
          '  AND fcq.concurrent_processor_id = fcp.concurrent_processor_id  '||
          '  AND fa.application_short_name IN ( ''INV'' )  '||
          'ORDER BY fcp.application_id DESC  '||
          ', fcp.concurrent_processor_id  '||
          ', fcp.concurrent_processor_name';
Line: 104

sqltxt :='SELECT DISTINCT period_name "Period|Name"  '||
          '     , oap.acct_period_id "Period|Id"  '||
          '     , mp.organization_code "Organization|Code"  '||
          '     , mmtt.organization_id "Organization|Id"  '||
          '     , TO_CHAR( period_start_date, ''DD-MON-YYYY'' ) "Start Date"  '||
          '     , TO_CHAR( period_close_date, ''DD-MON-YYYY'' ) "Close Date"  '||
          '     , TO_CHAR( schedule_close_date, ''DD-MON-YYYY'' ) "Scheduled |Close Date"  '||
          '     , open_flag "Open"  '||
          '     , description "Description"  '||
          '     , period_set_name "GL Period Set|Name"  '||
          '     , period_name "GL Period|Name"  '||
          '     , period_year "GL Period|Year"  '||
          '  FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_parameters mp  '||
          '     , org_acct_periods oap  '||
          ' WHERE NVL( mmtt.transaction_status,1 ) != 2  '||
          '   AND mmtt.organization_id=mp.organization_id(+)  '||
          '   AND mmtt.acct_period_id=oap.acct_period_id(+)';
Line: 135

sqltxt := 'SELECT ';
Line: 162

          ',TO_CHAR( mmtt.last_update_date, ''DD-MON-RR HH24:MI'') "Last Updated"  '||
          ',mif.item_number  '||
          '||'' (''||mmtt.inventory_item_id||'')'' "Item (Id)"  '||
          ',item_description "Item Description"  '||
          ',revision "Rev"   '||
          ',lot_number "Lot" '||
          ',serial_number "Serial|Number"  '||
          ',mmtt.cost_group_id "Cost|Group Id"  '||
          ',mmtt.subinventory_code "Subinv"  '||
          ',mil.description  '||
          '||'' (''||mmtt.locator_id||'') '' "Stock|Locator (Id)"  '||
          ',transfer_subinventory "Transfer|Subinv"  '||
          ',transfer_to_location "Transfer|Location"  '||
          ',transaction_quantity "Txn Qty"   '||
          ',primary_quantity "Primary|Qty"   '||
          ',transaction_uom "Txn|UoM"  '||
          ',mtt.transaction_type_name  '||
          '||'' (''||mmtt.transaction_type_id||'')'' "Txn Type (Id)"  '||
          ',ml.meaning  '||
          '||'' (''||mmtt.transaction_action_id||'')'' "Txn Action Type (Id)"  '||
          'FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt  '||
          ',mtl_transaction_types mtt  '||
          ',mtl_item_flexfields mif  '||
          ',mfg_lookups ml  '||
          ',mtl_item_locations_kfv mil';
Line: 224

sqltxt := 'SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id "Txn|Temp Id"  '||
          '    , mmtt.transaction_quantity "Txn Qty"  '||
          '    , mmtt.primary_quantity "Primary|Txn Qty"  '||
          '    , mmtt.transaction_uom "Txn UoM"  '||
          '    , mmtt.subinventory_code "SubInventory"  '||
          '    , mmtt.error_code "Error|Code"  '||
          '    , mmtt.error_explanation "Error|Explanation"  '||
          '    , mmtt.item_description "Item Description"  '||
          ' FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt  '||
          'WHERE ( ABS( transaction_quantity )*100000 <= 1  '||
          '        OR ABS( primary_quantity )* 100000 <= 1 )';
Line: 254

sqltxt := 'SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id "Txn|Temp Id"  '||
          '     , mmtt.item_description "Item Description"  '||
          '     , mmtt.inventory_item_id "Inventory|Item Id"  '||
          '  FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt  '||
          ' WHERE NVL( mmtt.transaction_status, 1 ) != 2  '||
          '   AND mmtt.item_description like ''% '' ';
Line: 277

sqltxt := 'SELECT mif.item_number "Item"  '||
          '    , moq.inventory_item_id "Item Id"  '||
          '    , SUM( moq.transaction_quantity ) "Txn Qty"  '||
          '    , moq.subinventory_code "Subinv"  '||
          '    , moq.locator_id "Locator Id"  '||
          '    , mil.concatenated_segments "Locator"  '||
          '    , mil.description "Locator Desc"  '||
          '    , moq.revision "Revision"  '||
          '    , moq.lot_number "Lot Number"  '||
          ' FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moq , mtl_item_flexfields mif  '||
          '    , mtl_item_locations_kfv mil  '||
          'WHERE moq.inventory_item_id = mif.inventory_item_id(+)  '||
          '  AND moq.organization_id = mif.organization_id(+)  '||
          '  AND moq.organization_id = mil.organization_id(+)  '||
          '  AND moq.locator_id = mil.inventory_location_id(+)  ';
Line: 297

          '      IN ( SELECT DISTINCT mmtt.inventory_item_id  '||
          '             FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt  '||
          '            WHERE  NVL( mmtt.transaction_status, 1 ) !=2 ';
Line: 327

sqltxt := 'SELECT DISTINCT( msi.secondary_inventory_name ) "Name"   '||
          '    , msi.description "Description"   '||
          '    , msi.disable_date "Disable|Date"   '||
          '    , DECODE( msi.reservable_type, 1, ''Yes'', 2, ''No'',   '||
          '              msi.reservable_type) "Reservable|Type"   '||
          '    , DECODE( msi.locator_type  '||
          '                  ,1, ''None''   '||
          '                  ,2, ''Prespecified''   '||
          '                  ,3, ''Dynamic''   '||
          '                  ,4, ''SubInv Level''   '||
          '                  ,5, ''Item Level'', msi.locator_type)  '||
          '       || '' (''||msi.locator_type||'')'' "Locator|Control"  '||
          '    , DECODE( msi.availability_type  '||
          '                ,1, ''Nettable''   '||
          '                ,2, ''Non-Nettable'',msi.availability_type ) "Availability|Type"  '||
          '    , DECODE( msi.inventory_atp_code, 1, ''Included in atp''   '||
          '                                    , 2, ''Not included in atp''   '||
          '            , msi.inventory_atp_code ) "Include|in ATP"   '||
          '    , DECODE( msi.asset_inventory, 1, ''Yes'', 2, ''No'',   '||
          '              msi.asset_inventory ) "Asset|Inventory"   '||
          '    , DECODE( msi.quantity_tracked, 1, ''Yes'', 2, ''No'',   '||
          '              msi.quantity_tracked ) "Quantity|Tracked"   '||
          ' FROM mtl_secondary_inventories msi   '||
          'WHERE (msi.organization_id, msi.secondary_inventory_name ) IN   '||
          '     ( SELECT mmtt.organization_id, NVL(mmtt.subinventory_code,-99) '||
          '       FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt  '||
          '       WHERE NVL( mmtt.transaction_status, 1 ) != 2  ';
Line: 363

          '       SELECT NVL( mmtt.transfer_organization, mmtt.organization_id )  '||
          '        ,NVL( mmtt.transfer_subinventory,-99 )'||
          '        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt  '||
          '       WHERE NVL( mmtt.transaction_status, 1 ) != 2  ';
Line: 381

sqltxt := 'SELECT mp.organization_code "Organization|Code"  '||
          '    , mmtt.organization_id "Organization|ID"  '||
          '    , oap.period_name "Period Name"  '||
          '    , mmtt.acct_period_id "Period ID"  '||
          '    , mmtt.process_flag "Process Flag"  '||
          '    , mmtt.lock_flag "Lock Flag"  '||
          '    , COUNT(*) "Count"  '||
          ' FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_parameters mp  '||
          '    , org_acct_periods oap  '||
          'WHERE NVL( mmtt.transaction_status,1 ) != 2  '||
          '  AND mmtt.organization_id=mp.organization_id(+)  '||
          '  AND mmtt.acct_period_id=oap.acct_period_id(+) ';
Line: 411

sqltxt :='SELECT process_flag "Process Flag"  '||
          '    , COUNT(*) "Count"  '||
          ' FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  '||
          'WHERE NVL( transaction_status, 1 ) != 2';
Line: 430

sqltxt := 'SELECT lock_flag "Lock Flag" , COUNT(*) "Count"  '||
          ' FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  '||
          'WHERE NVL( transaction_status, 1 ) != 2';
Line: 448

sqltxt := 'SELECT process_flag "Process Flag"  '||
          '    , DECODE( NVL( transaction_status, ''-99'' )  '||
          '                        , ''1'', ''Pending''  '||
          '                        , ''2'', ''Allocated''  '||
          '                        , ''-99'', ''Pending''  '||
          '                  , transaction_status )  '||
          '        || '' ('' ||NVL( TO_CHAR( transaction_status ), ''null'')  '||
          '        || '' )'' "Transaction Status"  '||
          '    , COUNT(*) "Count"  '||
          ' FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp ';
Line: 473

sqltxt := 'SELECT process_flag "Process Flag"  '||
          '    , ml.meaning || '' ('' || mmtt.transaction_mode || '')''  '||
          '        "Transaction Mode"  '||
          '    , COUNT(*) "Count"  '||
          ' FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mfg_lookups ml  '||
          'WHERE NVL( mmtt.transaction_status, 1 ) != 2  '||
          '  AND ml.lookup_type(+) = ''MTL_TRANSACTION_MODE''  '||
          '  AND mmtt.transaction_mode = ml.lookup_code(+)';
Line: 497

sqltxt :='SELECT mmtt.process_flag "Process Flag"  '||
'     , tt.transaction_type_name  '||
'         ||'' ( ''||mmtt.transaction_type_id||'' )''  '||
'         "Txn Type (Id)"  '||
'     , ml.meaning  '||
'       ||'' ( ''||mmtt.transaction_action_id||'' )''  '||
'      "Txn Action (Id)"  '||
'    , COUNT(*) "Count"  '||
' FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt  '||
'    , mtl_transaction_types tt  '||
'    , mfg_lookups ml  '||
'WHERE NVL( mmtt.transaction_status, 1 ) != 2  '||
'  AND mmtt.transaction_type_id = tt.transaction_type_id(+)  '||
'  AND mmtt.transaction_action_id = ml.lookup_code  '||
'  AND ml.lookup_type = ''MTL_TRANSACTION_ACTION'' ';
Line: 533

sqltxt := 'SELECT COUNT(*)  '||
          '  FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_system_items_b msib  '||
          ' WHERE NVL( mmtt.transaction_status, 1 ) != 2  '||
          '   AND mmtt.organization_id = msib.organization_id  '||
          '   AND mmtt.inventory_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id  '||
          '   AND msib.serial_number_control_code > 1 ';
Line: 552

sqltxt := 'SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id "Txn|Temp Id"  '||
          '    , mmtt.transaction_quantity "Txn Qty"  '||
          '    , mmtt.primary_quantity "Primary|Txn Qty"  '||
          '    , mmtt.transaction_uom "Txn UoM"  '||
          '    , msnt.fm_serial_number "From|Serial#"  '||
          '    , msnt.to_serial_number "To|Serial#"  '||
          '    , msnt.serial_prefix "Serial|Prefix"  '||
          '    , msnt.error_code "Error Code"  '||
          '    , msnt.parent_serial_number "Parent|Serial#"  '||
          '    , msnt.group_header_id "Group|Header Id"  '||
          '    , mmtt.item_description "Item Description"  '||
          '    , mmtt.serial_number "Serial#"  '||
          '    , DECODE( mmtt.item_serial_control_code,  '||
          '                  1, ''No serial number control'',  '||
          '                  2, ''Predefined serial numbers'',  '||
          '                  5, ''Dynamic entry at inventory receipt'',  '||
          '                  6, ''Dynamic entry at sales order issue'',  '||
          '              mmtt.item_serial_control_code )  '||
          '      ||'' (''||mmtt.item_serial_control_code||'')'' "Item Serial Control"  '||
          '    , mmtt.next_serial_number "Next Serial#"  '||
          '    , mmtt.serial_alpha_prefix "Serial|Alpha Prefix"  '||
          'FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt  '||
          '   , mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt  '||
          'WHERE NVL( mmtt.transaction_status, 1 ) != 2  ';
Line: 589

sqltxt := 'SELECT mif.item_number  '||
          '       ||'' (''|| msn.inventory_item_id||'')'' "Item (Id)"  '||
          '    , msn.serial_number "Serial|Number"  '||
          '    , ml.meaning  '||
          '       ||'' (''||msn.current_status||'')'' "Current|Status"  '||
          '    , msn.group_mark_id "Group|Mark Id"  '||
          '    , msn.line_mark_id "Line|Mark Id"  '||
          '    , msn.lot_line_mark_id "Lot Line|Mark Id"  '||
          '    , mp.organization_Code "Current|Org Code"  '||
          '    , msn.current_organization_id "Current|Org Id"  '||
          '    , msn.current_subinventory_code "Current|Subinventory"  '||
          '    , msn.current_locator_id "Current|Locator Id"  '||
          '    , mil.concatenated_segments "Current|Locator"  '||
          '    , mil.description "Current|Locator Desc"  '||
          ' FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_item_flexfields mif  '||
          '    , mtl_parameters mp, mtl_item_locations_kfv mil  '||
          '    , mfg_lookups ml  '||
          'WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = mif.inventory_item_id  '||
          '  AND msn.current_organization_id = mif.organization_id  '||
          '  AND msn.current_organization_id = mp.organization_id(+)  '||
          '  AND msn.current_locator_id = mil.inventory_location_id(+)  '||
          '  AND msn.current_organization_id = mil.organization_id(+)  '||
          '  AND msn.current_status = ml.lookup_code(+)  '||
          '  AND ''SERIAL_NUM_STATUS'' = ml.lookup_type(+)  '||
          '  AND msn.inventory_item_id IN  '||
          '     ( SELECT DISTINCT( inventory_item_id )  '||
          '         FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt  '||
          '        WHERE NVL( mmtt.transaction_status,1 ) != 2';
Line: 635

sqltxt := 'SELECT COUNT(*)  '||
          '  FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_system_items_b msib  '||
          ' WHERE NVL( mmtt.transaction_status, 1 ) != 2  '||
          '   AND mmtt.organization_id = msib.organization_id  '||
          '   AND mmtt.inventory_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id  '||
          '   AND msib.lot_control_code = 2 ';
Line: 653

sqltxt := 'SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id "Txn|Temp Id"  '||
          '     , mmtt.transaction_quantity "Txn Qty"  '||
          '     , mmtt.primary_quantity "Primary|Txn Qty"  '||
          '     , mmtt.transaction_uom "Txn UoM"  '||
          '     , mtlt.lot_number "Lot|Number"  '||
          '     , mtlt.lot_expiration_date "Lot Expiration|Date"  '||
          '     , mtlt.error_code "Lot Error Code"  '||
          '     , mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id "Serial Txn|Temp Id"  '||
          '     , mmtt.item_description "Item|Description"  '||
          '  FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt  '||
          '     , mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt  '||
          ' WHERE NVL( mmtt.transaction_status, 1 ) != 2  '||
          '   AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id ';
Line: 684

sqltxt := 'SELECT COUNT(*)  '||
          ' FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_system_items_b msib  '||
          'WHERE mmtt.organization_id = msib.organization_id  '||
          '  AND mmtt.inventory_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id  '||
          '  AND NVL( mmtt.transaction_status, 1 ) != 2  '||
          '  AND msib.revision_qty_control_code = 2 ';
Line: 702

sqltxt := 'SELECT mif.item_number "Item|Number"  '||
          '    , mir.inventory_item_id "Item Id"  '||
          '    , mir.revision "Revision"  '||
          '    , mir.change_notice "Change Notice"  '||
          '    , mir.ecn_initiation_date "ECN Initiation|Date"  '||
          '    , mir.implementation_date "Implementation|Date"  '||
          '    , mir.effectivity_date "Effectivity|Date"  '||
          ' FROM mtl_item_revisions mir, mtl_item_flexfields mif  '||
          'WHERE mir.organization_id = mif.organization_id  '||
          '  AND mir.inventory_item_id = mif.inventory_item_id(+)  '||
          '  AND mif.revision_qty_control_code = ''2''  ';
Line: 717

          '      ( SELECT DISTINCT( inventory_item_id )  '||
          '          FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt  '||
          '         WHERE NVL( mmtt.transaction_status, 1 ) != 2    ';
Line: 739

sqltxt := 'SELECT DISTINCT mif.item_number "Item Number"  '||
          '     ,mmtt.inventory_item_id "Item Id"   '||
          '     ,primary_uom_code "Primary|UoM"   '||
          '     ,mif.inventory_item_flag "Inventory|Item Flag"   '||
          '     ,mif.stock_enabled_flag "Stock|Flag"   '||
          '     ,mif.mtl_transactions_enabled_flag "Transactable|Flag"   '||
          '     ,mif.costing_enabled_flag "Costing|Flag"   '||
          '     ,mif.inventory_asset_flag "Inventory|Asset Flag"   '||
          '     ,DECODE( mif.lot_control_code, 1, ''N'' , 2, ''Y''   '||
          '            , mif.lot_control_code ) "Lot|Control"   '||
          '     ,ml.meaning||'' (''||mif.serial_number_control_code||'')'' "Serial|Control"  '||
          '     ,DECODE( TO_CHAR(mif.revision_qty_control_code)  '||
          '                           , ''1'', ''No''   '||
          '                           , ''2'', ''Yes''   '||
          '                ,mif.revision_qty_control_code ) "Revision|Control"  '||
          '     ,DECODE( TO_CHAR(mif.location_control_code)  '||
          '                          , ''1'', ''None''  '||
          '                          , ''2'', ''Prespecified''  '||
          '                          , ''3'', ''Dynamic''  '||
          '                          , ''4'', ''Determine at Subinv Level''  '||
          '                          , ''5'', ''Determine at Item Level''  '||
          '                   , mif.location_control_code )  '||
          '       || '' (''||mif.location_control_code||'')'' "Location|Control"  '||
          '     ,DECODE( mif.restrict_subinventories_code, 1, ''Y''  '||
          '                                              , 2, ''N''  '||
          '             ,mif.restrict_subinventories_code ) "Restricted|Subinvs"  '||
          '     ,DECODE( mif.restrict_locators_code, 1, ''Y'', 2, ''N''  '||
          '             ,mif.restrict_locators_code ) "Restricted|Locators"  '||
          ' FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt  '||
          '    , mtl_item_flexfields mif , mfg_lookups ml  '||
          'WHERE mmtt.organization_id = mif.organization_id  '||
          '  AND mmtt.inventory_item_id = mif.inventory_item_id(+)  '||
          '  AND mif.serial_number_control_code = ml.lookup_code(+)  '||
          '  AND ''MTL_SERIAL_NUMBER'' = ml.lookup_type(+)  ';
Line: 791

sqltxt := 'SELECT process_flag "Process Flag"  '||
          '    , error_code "Error Code"  '||
          '    , error_explanation "Error Explanation"  '||
          '    , COUNT(*) "Count"  '||
          ' FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  '||
          'WHERE NVL( transaction_status, 1 ) != 2';