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1 package body pay_sg_cpfline as
2 /* $Header: pysgcpfl.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 08:43:26 appldev noship $ */
3       g_debug   boolean;
4       --
5       l_package  VARCHAR2(100);
6       l_proc_name VARCHAR2(100) ;
8       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
9       -- Record with payroll action details populated in Initialization_code
10       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11       type t_pact IS RECORD(
12             report_type             pay_payroll_actions.report_type%TYPE,
13             report_qualifier        pay_payroll_actions.report_qualifier%TYPE,
14             report_category         pay_payroll_actions.report_category%TYPE,
15             business_group_id       number,
16             effective_date          date,
17             month_date              varchar2(11),
18             legal_entity_id         number ,
19             Start_date              date ,
20             End_date                date
21 	    );
22       --
23       g_pact                  t_pact;
24       -----------------------------------------------------
25       -- record type to hold archival information
26       -----------------------------------------------------
27       rec_action_info    pay_action_information%rowtype ;
28       -----------------------------------------------------
29       -- Table to store Defined Balance details
30       -----------------------------------------------------
31       type t_def_bal_id   is table of pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type ;
32       type t_def_bal_name is table of pay_balance_types.balance_name%type ;
33       --
34       g_def_bal_id        t_def_bal_id ;
35       g_def_bal_name      t_def_bal_name ;
36       ----------------------------------------------------------------
37       -- Function Returns Defined Balance id
38       ----------------------------------------------------------------
39       function get_def_bal_id
40           ( p_def_bal_name in pay_balance_types.balance_name%type ) return number
41       is
42       begin
43           for i in 1..g_def_bal_name.count
44           loop
45                 if g_def_bal_name(i) =p_def_bal_name then
46                       return g_def_bal_id(i) ;
47                 end if ;
48           end loop ;
49           -- if reached here
50           raise_application_error(-20001 , ' Program Error : Defined Balance not found ')   ;
51       end get_def_bal_id  ;
52       --------------------------------------------------------------------
53       -- These are PUBLIC procedures are required by the Archive process.
54       -- Their names are stored in PAY_REPORT_FORMAT_MAPPINGS_F so that
55       -- the archive process knows what code to execute for each step of
56       -- the archive.
57       --------------------------------------------------------------------
58       procedure range_code
59           ( p_payroll_action_id  in   pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
60             p_sql                out  nocopy varchar2)
61       is
62           c_range_cursor  constant varchar2(3000) :=
63                                    ' select   distinct pap.person_id
64                                        from   pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
65                                               per_people_f           pap
66                                       where   ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
67                                         and   pap.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
68                                       order by pap.person_id ' ;
69       begin
70           p_sql := c_range_cursor ;
71       end range_code ;
72       ------------------------------------------------------------
73       -- Assignment Action Code
74       ------------------------------------------------------------
75       procedure assignment_action_code
76           ( p_payroll_action_id  in  pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
77             p_start_person_id    in  per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
78             p_end_person_id      in  per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
79             p_chunk              in  number )
80       is
82           l_next_action_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type;
83           --
84           ------------------------------------------------------------------------
85           --Bug#3833818 Added payroll_id join to improve performance of the query.
86           ------------------------------------------------------------------------
87           cursor  c_assact
88           is
89           select  distinct paa.assignment_id
90           from    pay_payroll_actions     xppa,
91 	          pay_payroll_actions     rppa,
92 		  pay_assignment_actions  rpac,
93 	          per_assignments_f       paa
94            where  xppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
95              and  paa.person_id          between p_start_person_id
96                                              and p_end_person_id
97              and  rppa.business_group_id = g_pact.business_group_id
98              and  rppa.payroll_id in     ( select payroll_id
99      		                           from pay_payrolls_f
100                                            where business_group_id = g_pact.business_group_id )
101              and  rppa.effective_date    between g_pact.start_date
102                                              and g_pact.end_date
103              and  rppa.action_type       in ('R','Q')
104              and  rpac.action_status     = 'C'
105              and  rppa.payroll_action_id = rpac.payroll_action_id
106              and  rpac.tax_unit_id       = g_pact.legal_entity_id
107              and  rpac.assignment_id     = paa.assignment_id
108              and  rppa.effective_date    between paa.effective_start_date
109                                              and paa.effective_end_date ;
110            --
111           cursor  next_action_id
112               is
113           select  pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
114             from  dual;
115           --
116       begin
117           l_package  := ' pay_sg_cpfline.';
118           l_proc_name  := l_package || 'assignment_action_code';
119           pay_sg_cpfline.initialization_code(p_payroll_action_id) ;
120 	  --
121           if g_debug then
122                hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' Start of assignment_action_code',30);
123           end if;
124           --
125           for i in c_assact
126           loop
127                 open next_action_id;
128                 fetch next_action_id into l_next_action_id;
129                 close next_action_id;
130                 --
131 		if g_debug then
132                      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name|| ' Before calling hr_nonrun_asact.insact',30);
133                 end if;
134                 --
135                 hr_nonrun_asact.insact( l_next_action_id,
136                                         i.assignment_id,
137                                         p_payroll_action_id,
138                                         p_chunk,
139                                         g_pact.legal_entity_id  );
140                 --
141                 if  g_debug then
142                       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' After calling hr_nonrun_asact.insact',30);
143                 end if;
144                 --
145           end loop;
146           --
147           if  g_debug then
148                  hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name|| ' End of assignment_action_code',30);
149           end if;
150       exception
151           when others then
152                 if  g_debug then
153                        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' Error raised in assignment_action_code procedure',30);
154                 end if;
155                 raise;
156       end assignment_action_code ;
157       ------------------------------------------------------------
158       -- Assignment Action Code
159       ------------------------------------------------------------
160       procedure initialization_code
161           ( p_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type )
162       is
164       begin
165            l_package  := ' pay_sg_cpfline.';
166            l_proc_name  := l_package || 'initialization_code';
167            g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
168            --
169            if  g_debug then
170                   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' Start of initialization_code',20);
171            end if;
172            --
173            if g_pact.report_type is null then
174                   select  ppa.report_type,
175                           ppa.report_qualifier,
176                           ppa.report_category,
177                           ppa.business_group_id,
178                           ppa.effective_date,
179                           to_number(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('MONTH',ppa.legislative_parameters)) month_date,
180                           to_number(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('LEGAL_ENTITY_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters)) legal_entity_id,
181                           to_date(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('MONTH',ppa.legislative_parameters)||'01','YYYYMMDD'),
182                           last_day(to_date(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('MONTH',ppa.legislative_parameters)|| '01','YYYYMMDD'))
183                     into  g_pact
184                     from  pay_payroll_actions           ppa
185                    where  ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
186            end if ;
187            --
188            if  g_debug then
189                    hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' End of initialization_code',20);
190            end if;
191       exception
192            when others then
193                   if g_debug then
194                          hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' Error in initialization code ',20);
195                   end if;
196                   raise;
197       end initialization_code;
198       ------------------------------------------------------------
199       -- Archive Code
200       ------------------------------------------------------------
201       procedure archive_code
202            ( p_assignment_action_id  in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type,
203              p_effective_date        in date)
204       is
205            --
206            l_assignment_id     per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
207            l_payroll_id        pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type ;
208 	   --------------------------
209 	   -- Tables for pay_balance_pkg
210 	   --------------------------
211            g_balance_value_tab     pay_balance_pkg.t_balance_value_tab;
212            g_context_tab           pay_balance_pkg.t_context_tab;
213            g_detailed_bal_out_tab  pay_balance_pkg.t_detailed_bal_out_tab;
214 	   --
215            l_asg_act_id            pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type;
216            l_action_info_id        pay_action_information.action_information_id%type;
217            l_ovn                   pay_action_information.object_version_number%type;
218            l_person_id             per_all_people_f.person_id%type;
219 	   l_fwl_amt               number;
220 	   l_spl_amt               number; /* Bug: 3595103 */
222            l_1984_frozen_earnings number; /*Bug 3501915 */
224            ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
225 	   -- Employee Details cursor
226            -- Bug# 4226037  Included period_of_service_id join to fetch  correct
227            -- actual_termination_date of an assignment.
228            ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
229            cursor csr_employee_details
230 	          ( p_assignment_action_id in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type )
231                is
232            select  substr(pap.per_information1,1,22),
233                    substr(pap.employee_number,1,15),
234                    fnd_date.date_to_canonical(pps.actual_termination_date),
235                    decode(g_pact.month_date,to_char(pap.start_date,'YYYYMM'),'NEW','EE') emp_status,
236                    rpac.assignment_action_id,
237                    fnd_date.date_to_canonical(rppa.effective_date),
238                    pap.per_information6,
239                    substr(hou.name,1,80),
240                    nvl(pap.per_information14,pap.national_identifier),
241                    fnd_date.date_to_canonical(pps.date_start),
242                    pap.person_id,
243                    fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paa.effective_start_date)
244              from  pay_assignment_actions  pac,
245                    pay_payroll_actions     rppa,
246                    pay_assignment_actions  rpac,
247                    per_assignments_f       paa,
248                    per_people_f            pap,
249                    per_periods_of_service  pps,
250                    hr_organization_units   hou
251              where  pac.assignment_action_id  = p_assignment_action_id
252                and  pac.assignment_id         = rpac.assignment_id
253                and  rpac.payroll_action_id    = rppa.payroll_action_id
254                and  rppa.action_type          in ('R','Q')
255                and  rpac.action_status        = 'C'
256                and  rppa.effective_date       between g_pact.start_date
257                                                   and g_pact.end_date
258                and  pac.assignment_id         = paa.assignment_id
259                and  rppa.effective_date       between paa.effective_start_date
260                                                   and paa.effective_end_date
261                and  paa.person_id             = pap.person_id
262                and  rppa.effective_date       between pap.effective_start_date
263                                                   and pap.effective_end_date
264                and  pap.person_id             = pps.person_id
265                and  paa.period_of_service_id  = pps.period_of_service_id
266                and  paa.organization_id       = hou.organization_id
267              order by rppa.action_sequence desc;
269      begin
270              l_package   := ' pay_sg_cpfline.';
271              l_proc_name := l_package || 'archive_code';
272              l_1984_frozen_earnings := 0;
274              ---------------------------------
275 	     -- Initializing rec_action_info
276              ---------------------------------
277              rec_action_info := null ;
278              --------------------------------
279 	     -- Populating rec_action_info with Employee Details
280              --------------------------------
281              if  g_debug then
282                      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' Start of archive_code',40);
283              end if;
284              --
285              open  csr_employee_details( p_assignment_action_id ) ;
286             fetch  csr_employee_details
287              into  rec_action_info.action_information17,    -- Legal Name
288                    rec_action_info.action_information18,    -- Employee Number
289                    rec_action_info.action_information19,    -- Termination Date
290                    rec_action_info.action_information2 ,    -- Employee Status (EE/NEW)
291                    l_asg_act_id ,
292                    rec_action_info.action_information20,    -- Employee payroll run date
293 		   rec_action_info.action_information21,    -- Permit Type
294 		   rec_action_info.action_information22,    -- Department
295 		   rec_action_info.action_information1,     -- CPF Number
296 		   rec_action_info.action_information3,     -- Hire Date
297 		   l_person_id ,
298 		   rec_action_info.action_information23;    -- Assignment Effective Start Date
299             close  csr_employee_details;
300              -------------------------------------------------------
301              -- Do a batch balance retrieval for better performance
302              -------------------------------------------------------
303              g_balance_value_tab.delete;
304              g_context_tab.delete;
305              g_detailed_bal_out_tab.delete;
306              --------------------------------------------------------------------------
307 	     -- Populating g_balance_value_tab with defined balance ids and tax unit id
308              --------------------------------------------------------------------------
309              g_balance_value_tab(1).defined_balance_id  := get_def_bal_id('Voluntary CPF Liability');
310              g_balance_value_tab(2).defined_balance_id  := get_def_bal_id('Voluntary CPF Withheld');
311              g_balance_value_tab(3).defined_balance_id  := get_def_bal_id('CPF Liability');
312              g_balance_value_tab(4).defined_balance_id  := get_def_bal_id('CPF Withheld');
313              g_balance_value_tab(5).defined_balance_id  := get_def_bal_id('MBMF Withheld');
314              g_balance_value_tab(6).defined_balance_id  := get_def_bal_id('SINDA Withheld');
315              g_balance_value_tab(7).defined_balance_id  := get_def_bal_id('CDAC Withheld');
316              g_balance_value_tab(8).defined_balance_id  := get_def_bal_id('ECF Withheld');
317              g_balance_value_tab(9).defined_balance_id  := get_def_bal_id('CPF Ordinary Earnings Eligible Comp');
318              g_balance_value_tab(10).defined_balance_id := get_def_bal_id('CPF Additional Earnings Eligible Comp');
319              g_balance_value_tab(11).defined_balance_id := get_def_bal_id('Community Chest Withheld');
320              g_balance_value_tab(12).defined_balance_id := get_def_bal_id('SDL Liability');
321              g_balance_value_tab(13).defined_balance_id := get_def_bal_id('FWL Liability');
322 	     g_balance_value_tab(14).defined_balance_id := get_def_bal_id('S Pass Liability');
323 	     /* Bug# 3501915 */
324 	     g_balance_value_tab(15).defined_balance_id := get_def_bal_id('CPF Elig Comp 1984 Frozen Salary and Other Earnings');
325              --
326              for counter in 1..g_balance_value_tab.count  loop
327                    g_context_tab(counter).tax_unit_id := g_pact.legal_entity_id;
328              end loop;
329              -----------------------------------------
330              -- Batch Balance Retrival
331              -----------------------------------------
332              pay_balance_pkg.get_value( l_asg_act_id ,
333                                         g_balance_value_tab,
334                                         g_context_tab,
335                                         false,
336                                         false,
337                                         g_detailed_bal_out_tab );
338              ----------------------------------------------------------------------
339              -- Populating record rec_action_info with Balance Values
340              ----------------------------------------------------------------------
341              rec_action_info.action_information4   := g_detailed_bal_out_tab(1).balance_value;   -- Voluntary CPF Liability
342              rec_action_info.action_information5   := g_detailed_bal_out_tab(2).balance_value;   -- Voluntary CPF Withheld
343              rec_action_info.action_information6   := g_detailed_bal_out_tab(3).balance_value;   -- CPF Liability
344              rec_action_info.action_information7   := g_detailed_bal_out_tab(4).balance_value;   -- CPF Withheld
345              rec_action_info.action_information8   := g_detailed_bal_out_tab(5).balance_value;   -- MBMF Withheld
346              rec_action_info.action_information9   := g_detailed_bal_out_tab(6).balance_value;   -- SINDA Withheld
347              rec_action_info.action_information10  := g_detailed_bal_out_tab(7).balance_value;   -- CDAC Withheld
348              rec_action_info.action_information11  := g_detailed_bal_out_tab(8).balance_value;   -- ECF Withheld
349              rec_action_info.action_information12  := g_detailed_bal_out_tab(9).balance_value;   -- CPF Ordinary Earnings Eligible Comp
351              ------------------------------------------------------------------------
352 	     -- Bug 3501915 - IF CPF Elig 1984 CPF Earnings exists and current month ordinary earnings are
353 	     -- greater than zero then report frozen earnings in magtape file
354              -------------------------------------------------------------------------
355 	     l_1984_frozen_earnings                := g_detailed_bal_out_tab(15).balance_value;  -- CPF Elig Comp 1984 Frozen Salary and Other Earnings
356              if l_1984_frozen_earnings > 0 and (rec_action_info.action_information12) > 0 then
357                   rec_action_info.action_information12  := l_1984_frozen_earnings;
358              end if;
360              rec_action_info.action_information13  := g_detailed_bal_out_tab(10).balance_value;  -- CPF Additional Earnings Eligible Comp
361              rec_action_info.action_information14  := g_detailed_bal_out_tab(11).balance_value;  -- Community Chest Withheld
362              rec_action_info.action_information15  := g_detailed_bal_out_tab(12).balance_value;  -- SDL Eligible Comp
363 	     /* Bug 3595103 - Archived sum of S Pass Liability, FWL Liability in pai.action_information16 */
364 	     l_fwl_amt :=  g_detailed_bal_out_tab(13).balance_value; -- FWL Liability
365 	     l_spl_amt :=  g_detailed_bal_out_tab(14).balance_value; -- S Pass Liability
366              rec_action_info.action_information16  := l_fwl_amt + l_spl_amt  ;
368              ------------------------------------------------
369              -- Insert data into pay_action_information
370              ------------------------------------------------
371              if  g_debug then
372                      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' Before Insert into pay_action_information',40);
373              end if;
374              insert into pay_action_information (
375                          action_information_id,
376                          action_context_id,
377                          action_context_type,
378 			 effective_date,
379 			 source_id,
380                          tax_unit_id,
381                          action_information_category,
382                          action_information1,
383                          action_information2,
384                          action_information3,
385                          action_information4,
386                          action_information5,
387                          action_information6,
388                          action_information7,
389                          action_information8,
390                          action_information9,
391                          action_information10,
392                          action_information11,
393                          action_information12,
394                          action_information13,
395                          action_information14,
396                          action_information15,
397                          action_information16,
398                          action_information17,
399                          action_information18,
400                          action_information19,
401                          action_information20,
402                          action_information21,
403                          action_information22,
404                          action_information23)
405              values (
406                          pay_action_information_s.nextval,
407                          p_assignment_action_id,
408 			 'AAC',
409                          fnd_date.canonical_to_date(rec_action_info.action_information20),
410                          l_person_id,
411 			 g_pact.legal_entity_id,
412 			 'SG CPF DETAILS',
413 			 rec_action_info.action_information1,
414 			 rec_action_info.action_information2,
415 			 rec_action_info.action_information3,
416 			 rec_action_info.action_information4,
417 			 rec_action_info.action_information5,
418 			 rec_action_info.action_information6,
419 			 rec_action_info.action_information7,
420 			 rec_action_info.action_information8,
421 			 rec_action_info.action_information9,
422 			 rec_action_info.action_information10,
423 			 rec_action_info.action_information11,
424 			 rec_action_info.action_information12,
425 			 rec_action_info.action_information13,
426 			 rec_action_info.action_information14,
427 			 rec_action_info.action_information15,
428 			 rec_action_info.action_information16,
429 			 rec_action_info.action_information17,
430 			 rec_action_info.action_information18,
431 			 rec_action_info.action_information19,
432 			 rec_action_info.action_information20,
433 			 rec_action_info.action_information21,
434 			 rec_action_info.action_information22,
435                          rec_action_info.action_information23 ) ;
436              if  g_debug then
437                      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' After Insert into pay_action_information',40);
438              end if;
439 	     --
440              if  g_debug then
441                      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' End of archive_code',40);
442              end if;
443       end archive_code ;
444       ---------------------------------
445       -- Deinitialization_code
446       -- Removes data from pay_action_information
447       -- table based on parameter value
448       -- Bug: 3619297 - Added check on action_context_type
449       ---------------------------------
450       procedure deinit_code
451              ( p_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type )
452       is
453              retain_archive_flag char(1) ;
454       begin
455                retain_archive_flag  := 'N' ;
456              select  pay_core_utils.get_parameter('RETAIN_ARCHIVE_DATA',ppa.legislative_parameters)
457                into  retain_archive_flag
458                from  pay_payroll_actions ppa
459               where  ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id ;
460              --
461              if retain_archive_flag = 'N' then
462                   delete  from pay_action_information
463 	           where  action_context_id in ( select  assignment_action_id
464 	                                           from  pay_assignment_actions
465                                                   where  payroll_action_id =  p_payroll_action_id )
466                      and  action_information_category = 'SG CPF DETAILS'
467                      and  action_context_type = 'AAC';
468              end if ;
469              --
470       end deinit_code ;
471 begin
472      -------------------------------------------
473      -- package body level code
474      -- Populates defined Balance ids
475      -- Bug 3595103 - Added new balance S Pass Liability
476      -------------------------------------------
477      select pdb.defined_balance_id,pbt.balance_name
478        bulk collect into   g_def_bal_id , g_def_bal_name
479       from   pay_balance_types pbt,
480              pay_defined_balances pdb,
481              pay_balance_dimensions pbd
482      where   pbt.legislation_code = 'SG'
483        and   pbd.legislation_code = pbt.legislation_code
484        and   pdb.legislation_code = pbt.legislation_code
485        and   pbt.balance_type_id = pdb.balance_type_id
486        and   pbd.balance_dimension_id = pdb.balance_dimension_id
487        and   pbd.dimension_name = '_ASG_LE_MONTH'
488        and   pbt.balance_name in ('CDAC Withheld',
489                                   'CPF Additional Earnings Eligible Comp',
490                                   'CPF Liability',
491                                   'CPF Ordinary Earnings Eligible Comp',
492                                   'CPF Withheld',
493                                   'Community Chest Withheld',
494                                   'ECF Withheld',
495                                   'FWL Liability',
496 				  'S Pass Liability',
497                                   'MBMF Withheld',
498                                   'SDL Liability',
499                                   'SINDA Withheld',
500                                   'Voluntary CPF Liability',
501                                   'Voluntary CPF Withheld',
502 				  'CPF Elig Comp 1984 Frozen Salary and Other Earnings') /*Bug 3501915 */
503       order by 2 ;
505 end pay_sg_cpfline;