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1 PACKAGE m4u_party_query AS
2 /*$Header: M4UQRPTS.pls 120.1 2005/06/14 12:03:35 appldev  $*/
4         -- Name
5         --      parse_param_list
6         -- Purpose
7         --      This procedure is called from the map m4u_230_party_qry_out.xgm
8         --      The purpose of this procedure is to parse the parameter list
9         --      supplied as input to each individual parameter.
10         --      This is used becuase multiple optional parameters to the XGM are passed
11         --      as a single Delimitor Separated Value list, since the ECXSTD/GETTPXML
12         --      activity used in the workflow does allows us to specify only 5 paramters
13         --      to the XGM
14         -- Arguments
15         --      p_param_list    - List of delimitor separated value
16         --      x_org_gln       - Organization_GLN param filter to be used in Query Command
17         --      x_duns_code     - Duns code parameter filter
18         --      x_post_code     - Postal code parameter filter
19         --      x_city          - City parameter filter
20         --      x_return_status - return status 'S' on success else 'F'
21         --      x_msg_data      - Failure message to be sent back to sysadmin
22         -- Notes
23         --      None.
24         PROCEDURE parse_param_list(
25                                         p_param_list            IN VARCHAR2,
26                                         x_org_gln               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
27                                         x_duns_code             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
28                                         x_org_name              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
29                                         x_post_code             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
30                                         x_city                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
31                                         x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
32                                         x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
34                                     );
37         -- Name
38         --      raise_partyqry_event
39         -- Purpose
40         --      This procedure is called from a concurrent program.
41         --      The 'oracle.apps.m4u.partyqry.generate' is raised with the supplied event parameters
42         --      The sequence m4u_wlqid_sequence is used to obtain unique event key.
43         -- Arguments
44         -- Notes
45         --
46         PROCEDURE raise_partyqry_event(
47                 x_errbuf                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
48                 x_retcode               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
49                 p_tp_gln                IN VARCHAR2,
50                 p_org_gln               IN VARCHAR2,
51                 p_org_name              IN VARCHAR2,
52                 p_duns                  IN VARCHAR2,
53                 p_postal_code           IN VARCHAR2,
54                 p_city                  IN VARCHAR2,
55                 p_org_status            IN VARCHAR2,
56                 p_msg_count             IN NUMBER
57           );
59         -- Name
60         --      process_resp_org_data
61         -- Purpose
62         --      This procedure is called from the XGM m4u_230_resp_partyqry
63         --      This procedure recieves the organization info parsed from
64         --      the UCCnet party-query command response
65         -- Arguments
66         --      p_org_gln                       - Party info received in response
67         --      p_org_name                      - Party info received in response
68         --      p_short_name                    - Party info received in response
69         --      p_org_type                      - Party info received in response
70         --      p_contact                       - Party info received in response
71         --      p_org_status                    - Party info received in response
72         --      p_role                          - Party info received in response
73         --      p_addr1                         - Party info received in response
74         --      p_addr2                         - Party info received in response
75         --      p_city                          - Party info received in response
76         --      p_state                         - Party info received in response
77         --      p_zip                           - Party info received in response
78         --      p_country                       - Party info received in response
79         --      p_phone                         - Party info received in response
80         --      p_fax                           - Party info received in response
81         --      p_email                         - Party info received in response
82         --      p_party_query_id                - Id of party command
83         --      p_ucc_doc_unique_id             - UCCnet generated unique doc-id
84         --      p_xmlg_internal_control_no      - retrieved from map, for logging
85         --      x_collab_detail_id              - returned from update collab call
86         --      x_return_status                 - flag indicating success/failure of api call
87         --      x_msg_data                      - exception messages if any
88         -- Notes
89         --      None.
90         PROCEDURE process_resp_org_data(
91                 p_org_gln                       IN      VARCHAR2,
92                 p_org_name                      IN      VARCHAR2,
93                 p_short_name                    IN      VARCHAR2,
94                 p_org_type                      IN      VARCHAR2,
95                 p_contact                       IN      VARCHAR2,
96                 p_org_status                    IN      VARCHAR2,
97                 p_role                          IN      VARCHAR2,
98                 p_addr1                         IN      VARCHAR2,
99                 p_addr2                         IN      VARCHAR2,
100                 p_city                          IN      VARCHAR2,
101                 p_state                         IN      VARCHAR2,
102                 p_zip                           IN      VARCHAR2,
103                 p_country_code                  IN      VARCHAR2,
104                 p_phone                         IN      VARCHAR2,
105                 p_fax                           IN      VARCHAR2,
106                 p_email                         IN      VARCHAR2,
107                 p_party_links                   IN      VARCHAR2,
108                 p_party_query_id                IN      VARCHAR2,
109                 p_ucc_doc_unique_id             IN      VARCHAR2,
110                 p_xmlg_internal_control_no      IN      NUMBER,
111                 p_collab_dtl_id                 IN      VARCHAR2,
112                 x_return_status                 OUT     NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
113                 x_msg_data                      OUT     NOCOPY  VARCHAR2 );
117         -- Name
118         --      process_party_links
119         -- Purpose
120         --      This procedure is called from the XGM m4u_230_resp_partyqry_in
121         --      This procedure recieves the organization-links info parsed from
122         --      the UCCnet party-query command response
123         -- Arguments
124         --      p_org_gln                       - Party info received in response
125         --      p_linked_gln                    - GLN of Org linked to p_org_gln
126         --      p_party_query_id                - Id of party command
127         --      p_ucc_doc_unique_id             - UCCnet generated unique doc-id
128         --      p_xmlg_internal_control_no      - retrieved from map, for logging
129         --      x_collab_detail_id              - returned from update collab call
130         --      x_return_status                 - flag indicating success/failure of api call
131         --      x_msg_data                      - exception messages if any
132         -- Notes
133         --      This is only a Dummy API, can be extended based on future requirements
134         PROCEDURE process_party_links(
135                 p_org_gln                       IN      VARCHAR2,
136                 p_linked_gln                    IN      VARCHAR2,
137                 p_party_query_id                IN      VARCHAR2,
138                 p_collab_id                     IN      VARCHAR2,
139                 p_ucc_doc_unique_id             IN      VARCHAR2,
140                 p_xmlg_internal_control_no      IN      NUMBER,
141                 x_collab_detail_id              OUT     NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
142                 x_return_status                 OUT     NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
143                 x_msg_data                      OUT     NOCOPY  VARCHAR2 );
146         -- Name
147         --      process_resp_doc
148         -- Purpose
149         --      This procedure is called from the XGM m4u_230_resp_partyqry_in
150         --      This procedure updateds the UCCnet Party Query collaboration
151         --      with details of the response document, and failre messages in case of error.
152         -- Arguments
153         --      p_party_query_id                - Id of party query command
154         --      p_query_success_flag            - Flag - if query command was sucess/failure
155         --      p_ucc_doc_unique_id             - UCCnet generated unique doc-id
156         --      p_xmlg_internal_control_no      - retrieved from map, for logging
157         --      x_collab_detail_id              - returned from update collab call
158         --      x_return_status                 - flag indicating success/failure of api call
159         --      x_msg_data                      - exception messages if any
160         -- Notes
161         --      None.
162         PROCEDURE process_resp_doc(
163                 p_party_query_id                IN      VARCHAR2,
164                 p_query_success_flag            IN      VARCHAR2,
165                 p_ucc_doc_unique_id             IN      VARCHAR2,
166                 p_xmlg_internal_control_no      IN      NUMBER,
167                 p_doc_status                    IN      VARCHAR2,
168                 x_collab_detail_id              OUT     NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
169                 x_return_status                 OUT     NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
170                 x_msg_data                      OUT     NOCOPY  VARCHAR2 );
175 END m4u_party_query;