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1 Package Body hr_applicant_dataupd as
2 /* $Header: hraplupd.pkb 120.1 2006/01/11 11:43 irgonzal noship $ */
3 -- Package variables
4 --
5    g_RunUpdateMode_profile constant varchar2(30)  := 'HR_APL_UPD_RUN_MODE';
6    g_ADPatchRunMode        constant varchar2(100) := 'P';
7    g_CMRunMode             constant varchar2(100) := 'D';
9    g_concProgramName       constant varchar2(30)  := 'HRAPLUPD1';
10    g_updateName            constant varchar2(30)  := 'HRAPLUPD1';
11    g_concPgrNameWrk        constant varchar2(30)  := 'HRAPLUPD1W';
13    e_LockFailure           EXCEPTION;
14    e_NoDataFound           EXCEPTION;
15 --
16 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
17 -- --------------------< ConvertToApplicant >--------------------------------|
18 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
19 -- Description:
20 -- This procedure converts person into applicant whenever if finds active
21 -- applicant assignments opened and the application has a termination date.
22 --
23 -- The following tables are updated:
24 --     + per_all_people_f
25 --     + per_person_type_usages_f
26 --     + per_applications
27 --
28 -- Scenario:
29 --
30 --  Application Records:
31 --                                            .
32 --  |--- APPL 1 ----|       |---- APPL 2 -----|
33 --                                            .
34 --  Assignment Records:                       .
35 --                                |----- ASG 1 -------> *** corrupted
36 --                                            .
37 --                                            ^application is already end dated
38 --
39 --  After running script person will become an Applicant
40 --
41 --  Application Records:
42 --
43 --  |--- APPL 1 ----|         |---- APPL 2 -------------> is opened
44 --
45 --  Assignment Records:
46 --                                  |----- ASG 1 ------->
47 --
48 --
49 PROCEDURE ConvertToApplicant(p_start_rowid     IN rowid
50                             ,p_end_rowid       IN rowid
51                             ,p_rows_processed OUT nocopy number
52                             )
53  IS
54 --
55    l_datetrack_mode         varchar2(30);
57    e_ResourceBusy      EXCEPTION;
58    PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_ResourceBusy, -54);
59 --
60    CURSOR csr_get_application_details(p_start_rowid rowid, p_end_rowid rowid) IS
61     SELECT application_id, date_end, person_id, object_version_number
62           ,date_received, business_group_id
63       FROM per_applications appl
64      WHERE appl.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
65        AND date_end IS NOT NULL
66        AND EXISTS
67            (SELECT 'Y'
68              FROM per_all_assignments_f paf
69             WHERE paf.application_id = appl.application_id
70               AND paf.assignment_type = 'A'
71               AND paf.effective_end_date > appl.date_end)
72      ORDER BY date_end DESC;
73    --
74    CURSOR csr_lock_person(cp_person_id number, cp_termination_date date) IS
75      SELECT person_id, full_name, applicant_number,object_version_number
76        FROM per_all_people_f
77       WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
78         AND (effective_start_date > cp_termination_date
79              OR
80              cp_termination_date between effective_start_date
81                                      and effective_end_date)
82       for update nowait;
83    --
84    CURSOR csr_lock_ptu(cp_person_id number, cp_termination_date date) IS
85      SELECT null
86        FROM per_person_type_usages_f ptu
87            ,per_person_types         ppt
88       WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
89         AND (effective_start_date > cp_termination_date
90              OR
91              cp_termination_date between effective_start_date
92                                      and effective_end_date)
93         AND ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
94         AND ppt.system_person_type in ('APL','EX_APL')
95       for update of ptu.person_type_id nowait; -- #4919613
96    --
97    CURSOR csr_get_ended_asg(p_application_id number, p_termination_date date) IS
98      SELECT count(assignment_id)
99       FROM per_all_assignments_f paf
100      WHERE paf.application_id = p_application_id
101        AND paf.assignment_type = 'A'
102        AND paf.effective_end_date > p_termination_date
103        AND paf.effective_end_date <> hr_general.end_of_time
104        AND paf.effective_start_date =
105            (select max(effective_start_date)  -- do not consider DT updates
106               from per_all_assignments_f paf2
107               where paf2.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
108                 and paf2.effective_end_date > p_termination_date);
109    --
110    CURSOR csr_get_affected_asg(p_application_id number, p_termination_date date) IS
111      SELECT count(assignment_id)
112       FROM per_all_assignments_f paf
113      WHERE paf.application_id = p_application_id
114        AND paf.assignment_type = 'A'
115        AND paf.effective_end_date > p_termination_date
116        AND paf.effective_start_date =
117            (select max(effective_start_date) -- do not consider DT updates
118               from per_all_assignments_f paf2
119               where paf2.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
120                 and paf2.effective_end_date > p_termination_date);
121    --
122    --
123    l_count              number;
124    l_appl_rec           csr_get_application_details%ROWTYPE;
125    l_failed_apl         per_applications.application_id%TYPE;
126    l_person_rec         csr_lock_person%ROWTYPE;
127    l_failed_person_id   per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE;
128    l_failed_full_name   per_all_people_f.full_name%TYPE;
129    l_rowcount           number;
130    l_rowcount_ended     number;
131    l_continue_process   boolean;
132    l_validation_start_date date;
133    l_validation_end_date   date;
134    l_per_object_version_number per_all_people_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
135    l_proc                  constant varchar2(100) := 'ConvertToApplicant';
136    --
137    l_rows_processed        number;
138 --
141    hr_utility.trace('Entering: '||l_proc);
142    l_rowcount := 0;
143    l_rows_processed := 0;
144    l_failed_apl := null;
145    l_failed_person_id := null;
146    l_failed_full_name := null;
147    l_continue_process := true;
148    l_count := 1;
149    --
150    While l_continue_process LOOP
151    --
152      l_continue_process := false;
153      for l_appl_rec in csr_get_application_details(p_start_rowid, p_end_rowid) loop
154          --
155        BEGIN
156          --
157          l_rows_processed := l_rows_processed + 1;
158          l_failed_apl := l_appl_rec.application_id;
159          l_failed_person_id := l_appl_rec.person_id;
160          --
161          -- ---------------------------------------------------------- +
162          --                 Lock application record
163          -- ---------------------------------------------------------- +
164          hr_utility.trace('  10: locking application '||l_appl_rec.application_id);
165          --
166          begin
167            per_apl_shd.lck
168           (p_application_id           => l_appl_rec.application_id
169            ,p_object_version_number    => l_appl_rec.object_version_number
170            );
171          exception
172             when others then
173                raise e_ResourceBusy;
175          end;
176          -- ------------------------------------------------------------ +
177          --                   Lock person records
178          -- ------------------------------------------------------------ +
179          hr_utility.trace('  20: locking PER and PTU records');
180          --
181          open csr_lock_person(l_appl_rec.person_id, l_appl_rec.date_end);
182          fetch csr_lock_person into l_person_rec;
183          close csr_lock_person;
184          -- ------------------------------------------------------------ +
185          --                     lock the PTU records
186          -- ------------------------------------------------------------ +
187          open csr_lock_ptu(l_appl_rec.person_id, l_appl_rec.date_end);
188          close csr_lock_ptu;
189          -- ------------------------------------------------------------ +
190          --            update Person and PTU records
191          -- ------------------------------------------------------------ +
192          hr_utility.trace('  30: update person and ptu records');
193          --
194          -- Fix for bug 4095315 starts here.
195          --
196          l_per_object_version_number := l_person_rec.object_version_number;
197          --
198          hr_applicant_internal.Update_PER_PTU_Records
199             (p_business_group_id        => l_appl_rec.business_group_id
200             ,p_person_id                => l_appl_rec.person_id
201             ,p_effective_date           => l_appl_rec.date_received
202             ,p_applicant_number         => l_person_rec.applicant_number
203             ,p_APL_person_type_id       => null
204             ,p_per_effective_start_date => l_validation_start_date
205             ,p_per_effective_end_date   => l_validation_end_date
206             ,p_per_object_version_number => l_per_object_version_number --bug 4095315
207             );
208          -- ---------------------------------------------------------- +
209          --                 update the application
210          -- ---------------------------------------------------------- +
211          hr_utility.trace('  40: update application');
212          --
213          per_apl_upd.upd
214              (p_application_id               => l_appl_rec.application_id
215              ,p_object_version_number        => l_appl_rec.object_version_number
216              ,p_effective_date               => l_appl_rec.date_received
217              ,p_date_end                     => NULL
218              ,p_termination_reason           => NULL
219              );
220           --
221          exception
222           --
223           when TIMEOUT_ON_RESOURCE OR e_ResourceBusy then
224             if RunUpdateMode = g_ADPatchRunMode then
225               --
226               IF l_count = 4 then
227                 l_continue_process := FALSE;
228                 raise e_LockFailure;
229                 l_count := 1;
230               else
231                 l_continue_process := TRUE;
232                 l_count := l_count+1;
233                 --
234               end if;
235               --
236             else
237               --
238               l_continue_process := FALSE;
239               FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Failed to process application '||l_failed_apl||
240                                             ' (person id = '||l_failed_person_id||')');
241               raise e_LockFailure;
242               --
243             end if;
244           --
245           when others then
246             raise;
247         end;
248    --
249    end loop; -- applications found
250    --
251    -- l_count := 1;
252    --
253    end loop;  -- infinite while loop.
254    --
255    -- Settting OUT parameters
256    --
257    p_rows_processed := l_rows_processed;
258    --
259    -- Commit the changes.
260    --
261    commit;
262    --
263    hr_utility.trace(' Leaving: '||l_proc);
264    --
266    when TIMEOUT_ON_RESOURCE OR e_ResourceBusy then
267       -- The required resources are used by some other process.
268       if RunUpdateMode = g_ADPatchRunMode then
269         --
270         -- Fix for bug 4205784.comment out the following code.
271         --
272            --raise;
273         hr_utility.trace('Failed to process application '||l_failed_apl||
274                                             ' (person id = '||l_failed_person_id||')');
276       else
277          FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Failed to process application '||l_failed_apl||
278                                             ' (person id = '||l_failed_person_id||')');
279          raise e_LockFailure;
281       end if;
282     when OTHERS then
283          FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Failed while processing application '||l_failed_apl||
284                                             ' (person id = '||l_failed_person_id||')');
285          raise;
287 END ConvertToApplicant;
288 --
289 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
290 -- -----------------< Update_APL_using_LTU >---------------------------------|
291 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
292 --
293 PROCEDURE Update_APL_using_LTU
294    (errbuf              OUT nocopy varchar2
295    ,retcode             OUT nocopy number
296    ,p_this_worker       IN number
297    ,p_total_workers     IN number
298    ,p_table_owner       IN varchar2
299    ,p_table_name        IN varchar2
300    ,p_update_name       IN varchar2
301    ,p_batchsize         IN number)
302 IS
304   l_any_rows_to_process boolean;
305   l_start_rowid     rowid;
306   l_end_rowid       rowid;
307   l_rows_processed  number;
308   --
310    --
311    ad_parallel_updates_pkg.initialize_rowid_range(
312            ad_parallel_updates_pkg.ROWID_RANGE,
313            p_table_owner,
314            p_table_name,
315            p_update_name,
316            p_this_worker,
317            p_total_workers,
318            p_batchsize, 0);
320    ad_parallel_updates_pkg.get_rowid_range(
321            l_start_rowid,
322            l_end_rowid,
323            l_any_rows_to_process,
324            p_batchsize,
325            TRUE);
326    --
327    while (l_any_rows_to_process = TRUE)
328    loop
329       hr_applicant_dataupd.ConvertToApplicant(l_start_rowid, l_end_rowid, l_rows_processed);
331       ad_parallel_updates_pkg.processed_rowid_range(
332           l_rows_processed,
333           l_end_rowid);
334       --
335       -- commit transaction here
336       --
337       commit;
338       --
339       -- get new range of rowids
340       --
341       ad_parallel_updates_pkg.get_rowid_range(
342          l_start_rowid,
343          l_end_rowid,
344          l_any_rows_to_process,
345          p_batchsize,
346          FALSE);
348    end loop;
349    --
350 END Update_APL_using_LTU;
351 --
352 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
353 --                        Update_APL_inCM_Manager
354 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
355 -- This is run as a concurrent program
356 --
357 PROCEDURE Update_APL_inCM_Manager
358    (p_errbuf        out nocopy varchar2
359    ,p_retcode       out nocopy varchar2
360    ,X_batch_size    in  number
361    ,X_Num_Workers   in  number
362    ,p_process_All   in  varchar2
363    ,p_caller        in  varchar2 -- MB:  Move parameter up so it occurs before
364                                  -- optional parameters.
365    ,p_apl_id        in  number default 0
366    --,p_caller        in  varchar2
367    ) IS
368 --
369    cursor csr_get_apl_rowid(cp_apl_id number) is
370       select rowid
371         from per_applications
372        where application_id = cp_apl_id;
374    l_apl_rowid   rowid;
375 --
376    l_product     varchar2(30);
377    l_table_name  varchar2(30);
378    l_status      varchar2(30);
379    l_industry    varchar2(30);
380    l_retstatus   boolean;
381    l_table_owner varchar2(30);
382    l_update_name varchar2(30);
383    l_any_rows_to_process  boolean;
384    l_start_rowid          rowid;
385    l_rows_processed       number;
386    req_data               varchar2(240);
388    --
389    l_product     := 'PER';
390    l_table_name  := 'PER_APPLICATIONS';
391    l_update_name := g_updateName;    -- this matches name used in ADPATCH script
392    --
393    -- get schema name of the table for ROWID range processing
394    --
395    l_retstatus := fnd_installation.get_app_info(
396                           l_product, l_status, l_industry, l_table_owner);
397    IF ((l_retstatus = FALSE)
398    OR (l_table_owner is null)) THEN
399       raise_application_error(-20001, 'Cannot get schema name for product : '||l_product);
400    END IF;
401    fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, 'X_Num_Workers : '||X_Num_Workers);
402    fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, '   UpdateName : '||l_update_name);
403    fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, '     p_caller : '||p_caller);
404    --
405    IF p_process_ALL = 'Y' THEN
406    --
407       --
408       -- Manager processing
409       --
410          req_data := fnd_conc_global.request_data; --
411          if req_data is not null then
412             --
413             -- indicate that the named update process has started processing
414             --
415             hr_update_utility.setUpdateProcessing(p_update_name => l_update_name);
416             --
417             -- set status of complete in the PAY_UPGRADE_STATUS table
418             --
419             hr_update_utility.setUpdateComplete(p_update_name => l_update_name);
420             --
421          else
422             /* We are not on a restart therefore if we are running from
423             ** a manual submission delete the PAY_UPGRADE_STATUS record.
424             */
425             if p_caller = 'F' then
426                delete from pay_upgrade_status
427                      where upgrade_definition_id =
428                             (select upgrade_definition_id
429                                from pay_upgrade_definitions
430                               where short_name = l_update_name);
431                fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,' ** Upgrade Status row deleted successfully **');
433                -- If we are called from a manual submission then we need to run the
434                -- data update even if it has run before.  Therefore the LTU update
435                -- name needs to be a new previously unused value so concat the
436                --  current date and time.
437                --
438                l_update_name := l_update_name||'_'||to_char(sysdate,'DDMMRRHH24MISS');
439             end if;
440          end if;
441          AD_CONC_UTILS_PKG.submit_subrequests(
442                        X_errbuf                     => p_errbuf,
443                        X_retcode                    => p_retcode,
444                        X_WorkerConc_app_shortname   => l_product,
445                        X_WorkerConc_progname        => g_concPgrNameWrk, -- worker SRS
446                        X_batch_size                 => X_batch_size,
447                        X_Num_Workers                => X_Num_Workers,
448                        X_Argument4                  => p_process_ALL,
449                        X_Argument5                  => p_caller,
450                        X_Argument6                  => l_update_name,
451                        X_Argument7                  => p_apl_id
452                        );
454    ELSE
455    --
456    -- process ONE application: no need to invoke the LTU mechanism
457    --
458       BEGIN
459          open csr_get_apl_rowid(p_apl_id);
460          fetch csr_get_apl_rowid into l_apl_rowid;
461          if csr_get_apl_rowid%NOTFOUND then
462             close csr_get_apl_rowid;
463             fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, '**************');
464             fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Application ID: '||p_apl_id||' not found.');
465             raise e_NoDataFound;
466          else
467             close csr_get_apl_rowid;
468             hr_applicant_dataupd.ConvertToApplicant(l_apl_rowid, l_apl_rowid, l_rows_processed);
469          end if;
470          --
471          p_retcode := AD_CONC_UTILS_PKG.CONC_SUCCESS;
472       EXCEPTION
473          WHEN e_LockFailure THEN
474           p_retcode := AD_CONC_UTILS_PKG.CONC_WARNING;
475          WHEN OTHERS THEN
476           p_retcode := AD_CONC_UTILS_PKG.CONC_FAIL;
477           raise;
478       END;
480    END IF;
481    --
482 END Update_APL_inCM_Manager;
484 --
485 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
486 --                        Update_APL_inCM_Worker
487 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
488 -- This is run as a concurrent program
489 --
490 PROCEDURE Update_APL_inCM_Worker
491    (p_errbuf        out nocopy varchar2
492    ,p_retcode       out nocopy varchar2
493    ,X_batch_size    in  number
494    ,X_Worker_Id     in  number
495    ,X_Num_Workers   in  number
496    ,p_process_All   in  varchar2
497    ,p_caller        in  varchar2 -- Move parameter up so it occurs before
498                                  -- optional parameters.
499    ,p_updateName    in varchar2
500    ,p_apl_id        in  number default 0
501    --,p_caller        in  varchar2
502    ) IS
503 --
504    cursor csr_get_apl_rowid(cp_apl_id number) is
505       select rowid
506         from per_applications
507        where application_id = cp_apl_id;
509    l_apl_rowid   rowid;
510 --
511    l_product     varchar2(30);
512    l_table_name  varchar2(30);
513    l_status      varchar2(30);
514    l_industry    varchar2(30);
515    l_retstatus   boolean;
516    l_table_owner varchar2(30);
517    l_any_rows_to_process  boolean;
518    l_start_rowid          rowid;
519    l_rows_processed       number;
520    req_data               varchar2(240);
522    --
523    l_product     := 'PER';
524    l_table_name  := 'PER_APPLICATIONS';
525    --
526    -- get schema name of the table for ROWID range processing
527    --
528    l_retstatus := fnd_installation.get_app_info(
529                           l_product, l_status, l_industry, l_table_owner);
530    IF ((l_retstatus = FALSE)
531    OR (l_table_owner is null)) THEN
532       raise_application_error(-20001, 'Cannot get schema name for product : '||l_product);
533    END IF;
534    fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, '  X_Worker_Id : '||X_Worker_Id);
535    fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, 'X_Num_Workers : '||X_Num_Workers);
536    fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, '   updateName : '||p_updateName);
537       --
538       -- Worker processing
539       --
540          BEGIN
541             hr_applicant_dataupd.Update_APL_using_LTU
542                (errbuf              => p_errbuf
543                ,retcode             => p_retcode
544                ,p_this_worker       => X_worker_id
545                ,p_total_workers     => X_num_workers
546                ,p_table_owner       => l_table_owner
547                ,p_table_name        => l_table_name
548                ,p_update_name       => p_updateName
549                ,p_batchsize         => X_batch_size);
550             --
551             p_retcode := AD_CONC_UTILS_PKG.CONC_SUCCESS;
552          EXCEPTION
553             WHEN e_LockFailure THEN
554              p_retcode := AD_CONC_UTILS_PKG.CONC_WARNING;
555             WHEN OTHERS THEN
556              p_retcode := AD_CONC_UTILS_PKG.CONC_FAIL;
557              raise;
558          END;
559    --
560 END Update_APL_inCM_Worker;
561 --
562 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
563 --                           ValidateRun
564 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
565 --
566 PROCEDURE ValidateRun(p_result OUT nocopy varchar2) IS
567   l_result varchar2(10);
569    l_result := hr_update_utility.isUpdateComplete
570       (p_app_shortname      => g_concProgramName
571       ,p_function_name      => null
572       ,p_business_group_id  => null
573       ,p_update_name        => g_updateName);
574    --
575    if l_result = 'FALSE' then
576       p_result := 'TRUE';
577    else
578      p_result := 'FALSE';
579    end if;
580    --
581 END ValidateRun;
582 --
583 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
584 --                      RunUpdateMode
585 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
586 -- Returns the value of the profile option:
587 --    + P: run within adpatch
588 --    + D: run when concurrent program is re-started (deferred process)
589 --
590 -- If profile value is not set, then returns 'ADPATCH'
591 --
592 FUNCTION RunUpdateMode RETURN varchar2 IS
593 --
594    l_value varchar2(100);
595    l_defined boolean;
598    --
599    l_value := FND_PROFILE.value(g_RunUpdateMode_profile);
600    if l_value is NULL then
601       return(g_ADPatchRunMode);
602    else
603       return(l_value);
604    end if;
605    --
606 END RunUpdateMode;
607 --
608 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
609 --                     isADPATCHMode
610 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
611 FUNCTION isADPATCHMode return boolean IS
613    return(RunUpdateMode = g_ADPatchRunMode);
614 END isADPATCHMode;
615 --
616 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
617 --                     isDEFERMode
618 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
619 FUNCTION isDEFERMode return boolean IS
621     return(RunUpdateMode = g_CMRunMode);
622 END isDEFERMode;
623 --
624 end hr_applicant_dataupd;