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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 52

                         3.  Modified igs_fi_extto_imp - Removed insert_row into IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS and IGS_FI_IMGCHGS_LINES.
                             Added parameter p_d_gl_Date in call to create_charges() and charges_api call
                             Added call to igs_fi_prc_acct_pkg.build_accounts before calling charges_api
                         4.  Removed function lookup_Desc(). Used generic function igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning() instead.
  vvutukur 29-Jul-2002   Bug#2425767.Modified procedure igs_fi_extto_imp to remove the references to
                         chg_rate,chg_elements,transaction_type as these columns are obsolete.
  SYKRISHN 10_JUL_2002   Bug 2438874 - Procedure igs_fi_extto_imp modified to log Transaction Amount along with the other data elemets already present
                         Also Introduced currency descrption allong with the amount. - Log File looks imporoved - Hard coded english text remived
  sykrishn  03-JUL-220    Bug 2442163 - Procedure igs_fi_extto_imp modified to insert sysdate to
                          transaction_dt in the table igs_fi_impchgs_lines table
                          Reference to l_cur_fei.transaction_dt is removed as it will never be present.
                          Removed transaction_dt from igs_fi_ext_int_pkg.update_row

  smadathi  24-Jun-2002    Bug 2404720. Procedure igs_fi_extto_imp modified.
  jbegum    14-Jun-2002   BUG#2413574  Modified cursor cur_fei in procedure igs_fi_extto_imp.
  jbegum    12-Jun-2002   Bug#2403209 Removed code that calculated the transaction amount
                          as a product of Charge Rate and Charge Elements columns of IGS_FI_EXT_INT
                          table and inserted that value in the transaction amount column of the
                          IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES table.
                          Now the transaction amount column value of IGS_FI_EXT_INT is directly
                          imported into the transaction amount column of the IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES
  agairola  04-Jun-2002  Bug 2395663 - Modified the TBH call for the IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES_PKG
                         Added one function for validating the DFF
                         Removed the validation for Transaction and Effective Date from the function
                         igs_fi_ext_val (Keeping the signature same for future use)
  SYKRISHN  19-APR-2002  Bug 2324088 - Introduced Desc Flex Field Validations and CCID validations.
  vchappid 12-APR-2001  Modified input parameters as per new Ancillary,External Charges DLD


  FUNCTION igs_fi_ext_val (p_person_id                 igs_fi_ext_int_all.person_id%TYPE,
                           p_fee_type                  igs_fi_ext_int_all.fee_type%TYPE,
                           p_fee_cal_type              igs_fi_ext_int_all.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
                           p_fee_ci_sequence_number    igs_fi_ext_int_all.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
                           p_transaction_dt            igs_fi_ext_int_all.effective_dt%TYPE ,
                           p_currency_cd               igs_fi_ext_int_all.currency_cd%TYPE,
                           p_effective_dt              igs_fi_ext_int_all.effective_dt%TYPE,
                           p_d_gl_date                 DATE,
                           p_message_name          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
                           RETURN BOOLEAN AS
  akandreg   16-May-2006  Bug 5105131, modified cursor c_f_cal_typ. In function igs_fi_ext_val, the system defined
                          status (igs_ca_stat.S_CAL_STATUS) displayed on the Calendar Statuses form would be used in
                          the validation test instead of IGS_CA_INST.CAL_TYPE, which is user defined status.
  pmarada    29-Mar-2005  Bug 4270442, removed the cursor c_person instead of that calling
                          get_std_formerstd_ind function.
  vvutukur   20-Jun-2003  Bug#2777502.Modified cursor c_fee_typ to exclude closed fee types.
  pathipat   16-Nov-2002  Enh Bug: 2584986 - Added parameter p_d_gl_Date and its validations
                          Modified validations for currency_cd
                         Removed the validation for Transaction and Effective Date from the function
                         igs_fi_ext_val (Keeping the signature same for future use)
  SYKRISHN    03-JUL-2002  Bug 2442163
                         Definition of p_transaction_dt changed to Effective_dt%type - since transaction_dt is being made obsolete.

    l_start_dt       igs_ca_inst.start_dt%TYPE;
Line: 118

    SELECT 'x'
    FROM igs_fi_fee_type
    WHERE s_fee_type = 'EXTERNAL'
    AND fee_type     =  p_fee_type
    AND NVL(closed_ind,'N') = 'N';
Line: 126

    SELECT ci.start_dt,
    FROM igs_ca_inst ci,
         igs_ca_type ct,
         igs_ca_stat st
    WHERE  ci.cal_type     = ct.cal_type
    AND ct.s_cal_cat       = 'FEE'
    AND ci.cal_status      = st.cal_status
    AND st.s_cal_status = 'ACTIVE'
    AND ci.cal_type        =  p_fee_cal_type
    AND ci.sequence_number =  p_fee_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 252

                fnd_application app, fnd_descriptive_flexs des
                app.application_id = des.application_id AND
                des.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name;
Line: 326

  vvutukur  20-Jun-2003  Bug#2777502.Modified the code to concatenate all the error messages of interface record and update the newly added
                         error_msg column in interface table. Also cursor cur_fei is modified such that it picks up records with ERROR status
                         along with TODO status records.
  vchappid  19-May-2003  Build Bug# 2831572, Financial Accounting Enhancements
                         New Parameters - Attendance Type, Attendance Mode, Residency Status Code added
  shtatiko  28-APR-2003  Eng# 2831569, Added check for Manage Accounts System Option. If its
                         value is NULL then this process cannot be run.
  pathipat  07-Jan-2003  Bug:2737666 - Moved code for logging parameters to before calling
                         the validations. Moved code for incrementing record count to end of
                         procedure before doing a commit.
  Sykrishn  31DEC2002    Bug 2682928 -- igs_fi_extto_imp Logging of parameters introduced
                         Also changed cur_person to point to IGS_FI_PARTIES_V
                         Also removed repetative loggin og fee_cal_type,start_dt and end_dt for each record in cur_fei loop as they
                         are fixed and are once  per process.
                         Used igs_ge_date.igschar(start_dt) ||'   '|| igs_ge_date.igschar(end_dt)

  SYKRISHn  30_DEC_2002  Bug 2727384 - Loggin details before validation errors are reported.
  pathipat  15-NOV-2002  Enh# 2584986 - GL Interface build
                         1.  Removed insert_row into IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS and IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES tables
                         2.  Added call to igs_fi_prc_acct_pkg.build_accounts before calling charges_api
                         3.  Added p_d_gl_date to be passed to charges_api, in p_line_tbl
                         4.  Added parameter p_d_gl_date in call to igs_fi_ext_val()
                         5.  DFF changed to IGS_FI_INVLN_INT_ALL_FLEX from IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_EXT_FLEX
                         6.  Removed cursor cur_imp_chgs and the associated local variables
  sarakshi 13-sep-2002   Enh#2564643,removed the reference of subaccount id from this procedure
 vvutukur  29-Jul-2002   Bug#2425767.removed parameters x_chg_rate,x_chg_elements from the calls to
                         igs_fi_impchgs_lines_pkg.insert_row and igs_fi_ext_int_pkg.update_row as these
                         columns are obsoleted.removed transaction_type from call to igs_fi_ext_int_pkg.update_row.
  SYKRISHN 10_JUL_2002   Bug 2438874 - Procedure igs_fi_extto_imp modified to log Transaction Amount along with
                         the other data elemets already present
                         Also Introduced currency descrption allong with the amount.
  sykrishn  03-JUL-220    Bug 2442163 - Procedure igs_fi_extto_imp modified to insert sysdate to
                          transaction_dt in the table igs_fi_impchgs_lines table
                          Reference to l_cur_fei.transaction_dt is removed as it will never be present.
                          Removed transaction_dt from igs_fi_ext_int_pkg.update_row
  smadathi  24-Jun-2002  Bug 2404720. The concatenated description comprising of fee desc
                         and transaction date which was initially passed as parameter to charges
                         API was modified to pass only fee type description.
  jbegum    14-Jun-2002  BUG#2413574 Modified the cursor cur_fei,by removing the and condition
                         "transaction_type = 'EXTERNAL'" from the where clause.
  agairola  04-Jun-2002  Bug 2395663 - Modified the TBH call for the IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES_PKG
  SYKRISHN  19-APR-2002  Bug 2324088 - Introduced Desc Flex Field Validations and CCID validations.
  smadathi  27-Feb-2002  Bug 2238413. Reduced selection list for
                         rec installed flag to 'Y' and 'N'.Removed
                         reference of rec installed flag = 'E'.
  sarakshi  16-jan-2002  Remove the logic of fetching subaccount_id from igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst,
                         now fetching using function igs_fi_gen_007.get_subaccount_id,also rectified hard coded
                         message logging in log file,  bug:2175865
  Syam      24-8-2000    Logic changes
  Schodava  4-12-2000    Removal of parameters Course_cd and Version_number
  vchappid  12-Apr-2001  Modified Logic as per new Ancillary,External Charges DLD

    l_ext_status        igs_fi_ext_int_all.status%TYPE;
Line: 392

    SELECT *
    FROM igs_fi_ext_int
    WHERE (person_id             =  cp_person_id OR (cp_person_id IS NULL))
    AND   (fee_type              =  cp_fee_type OR  (cp_fee_type IS NULL))
    AND   fee_cal_type           =  cp_fee_cal_type
    AND   fee_ci_sequence_number =  cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
    AND   status                 IN (l_cst_error,l_cst_todo);
Line: 424

      SELECT description
      FROM   igs_fi_fee_type
      WHERE  fee_type = cp_fee_type;
Line: 434

      SELECT igs_ge_date.igschar(start_dt) ||'   '|| igs_ge_date.igschar(end_dt) string
      FROM   igs_ca_inst
      WHERE  cal_type=cp_cal_type
      AND    sequence_number=cp_sequence_number;
Line: 805

        igs_fi_ext_int_pkg.update_row (      x_rowid                                =>   l_cur_fei.row_id,
                                             x_external_fee_id                      =>   l_cur_fei.external_fee_id,
                                             x_person_id                            =>   l_cur_fei.person_id,
                                             x_status                               =>   l_ext_status,
                                             x_fee_type                             =>   l_cur_fei.fee_type,
                                             x_fee_cal_type                         =>   l_cur_fei.fee_cal_type,
                                             x_fee_ci_sequence_number               =>   l_cur_fei.fee_ci_sequence_number,
                                             x_course_cd                            =>   l_cur_fei.course_cd,
                                             x_crs_version_number                   =>   l_cur_fei.crs_version_number,
                                             x_transaction_amount                   =>   l_cur_fei.transaction_amount,
                                             x_currency_cd                          =>   l_cur_fei.currency_cd,
                                             x_exchange_rate                        =>   l_cur_fei.exchange_rate,
                                             x_effective_dt                         =>   l_cur_fei.effective_dt,
                                             x_comments                             =>   l_cur_fei.comments,
                                             x_logical_delete_dt                    =>   l_cur_fei.logical_delete_dt,
                                             x_override_dr_rec_account_cd           =>   l_cur_fei.override_dr_rec_account_cd,
                                             x_override_dr_rec_ccid                 =>   l_cur_fei.override_dr_rec_ccid,
                                             x_override_cr_rev_account_cd           =>   l_cur_fei.override_cr_rev_account_cd,
                                             x_override_cr_rev_ccid                 =>   l_cur_fei.override_cr_rev_ccid,
                                             x_attribute_category                   =>   l_cur_fei.attribute_category,
                                             x_attribute1                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute1,
                                             x_attribute2                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute2,
                                             x_attribute3                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute3,
                                             x_attribute4                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute4,
                                             x_attribute5                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute5,
                                             x_attribute6                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute6,
                                             x_attribute7                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute7,
                                             x_attribute8                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute8,
                                             x_attribute9                           =>   l_cur_fei.attribute9,
                                             x_attribute10                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute10,
                                             x_attribute11                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute11,
                                             x_attribute12                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute12,
                                             x_attribute13                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute13,
                                             x_attribute14                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute14,
                                             x_attribute15                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute15,
                                             x_attribute16                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute16,
                                             x_attribute17                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute17,
                                             x_attribute18                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute18,
                                             x_attribute19                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute19,
                                             x_attribute20                          =>   l_cur_fei.attribute20,
                                             x_mode                                 =>   'R',
                                             x_gl_date                              =>   l_cur_fei.gl_date,
                                             x_error_msg                            =>   SUBSTR(LTRIM(l_cur_fei.error_msg,'.'),1,2000)
                                           ) ;
Line: 905

                SELECT  1
                FROM    igs_pe_typ_instances_all pti, igs_pe_person_types pty
                WHERE   pti.person_type_code = pty.person_type_code AND
                        pty.system_type IN  ('STUDENT','FORMER_STUDENT') AND
                        pti.person_id = cp_person_id;