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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_ss_rep_catg_metadata AS
2 /* $Header: pyssrcmd.pkb 120.0.12000000.1 2007/07/09 12:28:34 vbattu noship $ */
3 --
4   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7   PROCEDURE create_payslip_records(p_business_group_id NUMBER )  IS
8       --
9       CURSOR  get_template_code IS
10       SELECT  DISTINCT org_information4 template_code
11       FROM    hr_organization_information
12       WHERE   org_information_context = 'HR_SELF_SERVICE_BG_PREFERENCE'
13       AND     organization_id         = p_business_group_id
14       AND     org_information1        = 'PAYSLIP'
15       AND     org_information3        = 'Y';
16       --
17       CURSOR  get_legislation_code IS
18       SELECT  legislation_code
19       FROM    per_business_groups
20       WHERE   business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
21       --
22       CURSOR  get_report_group_id IS
23       SELECT  report_group_id
24       FROM    pay_report_groups
25       WHERE   short_name                = 'PAYSLIP_REPORT'
26       AND     report_group_name         = 'Generic Payslip Report';
27       --
28       CURSOR  get_report_category_id(c_leg_code VARCHAR2) IS
29       SELECT  report_category_id
30       FROM    pay_report_categories
31       WHERE   category_name       = c_leg_code||' Payslip Report'
32       AND     short_name 		  = c_leg_code||'_PAYSLIP_REPORT'
33       AND     business_group_id   = p_business_group_id;
34       --
35       CURSOR  get_report_variables IS
36       SELECT  report_variable_id
37              ,report_definition_id
38       FROM    pay_report_variables
39       WHERE   business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
40       --
41       l_legislation_code      per_business_groups.legislation_code%TYPE;
42       l_report_category_id    pay_report_categories.report_category_id%TYPE;
43       l_report_group_id       pay_report_groups.report_group_id%TYPE;
44       --
45   BEGIN
46       --
47       OPEN  get_legislation_code;
48       FETCH get_legislation_code INTO l_legislation_code;
49       CLOSE get_legislation_code;
50       --
51       OPEN  get_report_category_id(l_legislation_code);
52       FETCH get_report_category_id INTO l_report_category_id;
53       CLOSE get_report_category_id;
54       --
55       IF l_report_category_id IS NULL THEN
56           --
57           INSERT INTO pay_report_categories
58             ( REPORT_CATEGORY_ID,
59               REPORT_GROUP_ID,
60               CATEGORY_NAME,
61               --LEGISLATION_CODE,
62               SHORT_NAME,
63               BUSINESS_GROUP_ID)
64           SELECT
65               PAY_REPORT_CATEGORIES_S.nextval,
66               report_group_id,
67               l_legislation_code||' Payslip Report',
68               --'DK',
69               l_legislation_code||'_PAYSLIP_REPORT',
70               p_business_group_id
71           FROM  pay_report_groups prg
72           WHERE short_name        = 'PAYSLIP_REPORT'
73           AND   report_group_name = 'Generic Payslip Report'
74           AND	  NOT EXISTS
75               (SELECT NULL
76                FROM  pay_report_categories
77                WHERE report_group_id    = prg.report_group_id
78                AND   short_name         = l_legislation_code||'_PAYSLIP_REPORT'
79                AND   category_name      = l_legislation_code||' Payslip Report');
80           --
81           --l_report_category_id := PAY_REPORT_CATEGORIES_S.currval;
82           --
83       END IF;
84       --
85       DELETE  FROM pay_report_variables
86       WHERE   business_group_id =  p_business_group_id
87       AND     report_definition_id IN ( SELECT report_definition_id
88                                         from  pay_report_definitions
89                                         where report_name = 'Generic Payslip Report (pdf)' );
90       --
91       DELETE  FROM pay_report_category_components
92       WHERE   business_group_id =  p_business_group_id
93       AND     report_category_id IN (   SELECT 	report_category_id
94                                         FROM    pay_report_categories
95                                         WHERE   short_name = l_legislation_code||'_PAYSLIP_REPORT');
96       --
97       OPEN  get_report_group_id;
98       FETCH get_report_group_id INTO l_report_group_id;
99       CLOSE get_report_group_id;
100       --
101       FOR csr_template_code IN get_template_code LOOP
102           --
103           INSERT INTO pay_report_variables
104              ( REPORT_VARIABLE_ID,
105                REPORT_DEFINITION_ID,
106                DEFINITION_TYPE,
107                NAME,
108                VALUE,
109                --LEGISLATION_CODE,
110                BUSINESS_GROUP_ID)
111           SELECT
112               PAY_REPORT_VARIABLES_S.nextval,
113               report_definition_id,
114               'SS',
115               l_legislation_code||' Payslip Template',
116               csr_template_code.template_code,
117               --'DK',
118               p_business_group_id
119           FROM  pay_report_definitions prd
120           WHERE report_name         = 'Generic Payslip Report (pdf)'
121           AND   report_group_id     = l_report_group_id
122           AND	  NOT EXISTS
123               (SELECT NULL
124                FROM  pay_report_variables
125                WHERE value                = csr_template_code.template_code
126                AND   name                 = l_legislation_code||' Payslip Template'
127                AND   report_definition_id = prd.report_definition_id);
128           --
129       END LOOP;
130       --
131       FOR csr_report_varables IN get_report_variables LOOP
132           --
133           INSERT INTO pay_report_category_components
134               (REPORT_CATEGORY_COMP_ID,
135                REPORT_CATEGORY_ID,
136                REPORT_DEFINITION_ID,
137                STYLE_SHEET_VARIABLE_ID,
138                --LEGISLATION_CODE,
139                BUSINESS_GROUP_ID)
140           SELECT
141               PAY_REPORT_CATEGORY_COMP_S.nextval,
142               report_category_id,
143               csr_report_varables.report_definition_id,
144               csr_report_varables.report_variable_id,
145               --'DK',
146               p_business_group_id
147           FROM  pay_report_categories prc
148           WHERE short_name		 = l_legislation_code||'_PAYSLIP_REPORT'
149           AND   category_name	     = l_legislation_code||' Payslip Report'
150           AND   report_group_id    = l_report_group_id
151           AND	  NOT EXISTS
152               (SELECT NULL
153                FROM  pay_report_category_components
154                WHERE  report_category_id      = prc.report_category_id
155                AND    report_definition_id    = csr_report_varables.report_definition_id
156                AND    style_sheet_variable_id = csr_report_varables.report_variable_id);
157           --
158       END LOOP;
159       --
160   END create_payslip_records;
161   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
162   -- create_rep_catg_metadata
163   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
164   PROCEDURE create_rep_catg_metadata(errbuf  OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
165                                     ,retcode OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
166                                     ,p_business_group_id NUMBER
167                                     ,p_document_type     VARCHAR2 )  IS
168   BEGIN
169       --
170       IF p_document_type = 'PAYSLIP' THEN
171         create_payslip_records(p_business_group_id);
172       END IF;
173       --
174   END create_rep_catg_metadata;
175 --
176 END pay_ss_rep_catg_metadata;