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1 package FND_OAM as
2 /* $Header: AFCPOAMS.pls 120.3 2005/11/16 13:17:24 ravmohan ship $ */
3 --
4 -- Package
5 --   FND_OAM
6 -- Purpose
7 --   Utilities for the Oracle Applications Manager
8 -- History
9   --
11   --
13   -- Exceptions
15   -- Exception Pragmas
17   --
19   --
21   --
22   -- Name
24   --
25   -- Purpose
26   --   Returns the number of Apps logins, and the number
27   --   of open forms.
28   --
29   -- Output Arguments
30   --   logins - Current number of Apps logins.
31   --   forms  - Current number of open forms.
32   --
33   -- Notes:
34   --   Login Auditing must be set to the FORM level.
35   --
36   procedure APPS_SESSIONS(logins out nocopy number, forms out nocopy number);
39   --
40   -- Name
42   --
43   -- Purpose
44   --  Returns the numbers of requests that completed with
45   --  the statuses Normal, Warning, Error, and Terminated.
46   --
47   -- Output Arguments
48   --   Normal     - Number of Completed/Normal requests.
49   --   Warning    - Number of Completed/Warning requests.
50   --   Error      - Number of Completed/Error requests.
51   --   Terminated - Number of Completed/Terminated requests.
52   --
53   procedure COMPLETED_REQS (normal out nocopy number, warning out nocopy number,
54                             error out nocopy number, terminated out nocopy number);
57   --
58   -- Name
60   --
61   -- Purpose
62   --  Returns the numbers of requests that are pending with
63   --  the statuses Normal, Scheduled, and Standby.
64   --
65   --  Output Arguments
66   --    Normal    - Number of Pending/Normal requests.
67   --    Scheduled - Number of Pending/Scheduled requests.
68   --    Standby   - Number of Pending/Standby Requests.
69   --
70   procedure PENDING_REQS (normal out nocopy number, scheduled out nocopy number,
71                           standby out nocopy number);
74   --
75   -- Name
76   --   CONC_MGR_PROCS
77   --
78   -- Purpose
79   --   Returns the number of running requests and total number
80   --   of running concurrent manager processes.
81   --
82   -- Output Arguments
83   --   running_reqs - Number of running requests.
84   --   mgr_procs    - Number of manager processes.
85   --
86   procedure CONC_MGR_PROCS (running_reqs out nocopy number, mgr_procs out nocopy number);
88   --
89   -- Name
91   --
92   -- Purpose
93   --   To validate if user has access to 'System Administrator' responsibility
94   --   and if access to Oracle Applications using the current username/password
95   --   combination has expired.
96   -- Parameters/Arguments:
97   --   Input  - Application username
98   --   Output - Error message indicating the reason for validation failure
99   --            (upto 1800 bytes long)
100   -- Returns:
101   --   0 - When it fails to validate the user.
102   --       Reason for failure will be in message variable.
103   --   1 - When the specified User has access to System Administrator responsibility.
104   --
105   -- Notes:
106   --
107   --
108   function VALIDATE_USER(username in varchar2, message in out nocopy varchar2 ) return number;
111   --
112   -- Name
113   --   Set_Debug
114   --
115   -- Purpose
116   --   To dynamically change the diagnostics level of individual manager or
117   --   service
118   -- Parameters/Arguments:
119   --   Input  - Application ID, Concurrent Queue ID, Manager Type,
120   --            Diagnostic Level
121   -- Returns:
122   --   0 - When it fails
123   --       Reason for failure will be in message variable.
124   --   1 - When the operation of requesting diagnostic level change succeeds
125   --
126   -- Notes:
127   --
128   --
129   function Set_Debug(Application  in number,
130                      QueueID      in number,
131                      ManagerType  in number,
132                      DiagLevel    in varchar2,
133                      Message      in out nocopy varchar2) return number;
136   -- Service Status Procedure
137   -- Input Arguments:
138   --    Service_id    - ID of the service instance.
139   -- Output Arguments:
140   --    target        - Total number of processes that should be
141   --			    alive for this service.
142   --    actual	  - Total number of processes that are actually
143   --                    alive for this service instance.
144   --    status        - Status of the service:
145   --                    0 = Normal, 1 = Warning, 2 = Error
146   --                    3 = All instanaces are inactive (Deactivated,
147   --                        terminated, etc.)
148   --    Description   - Describes the status.  All warnings and
149   --                    errors must have a description.  The
150   --                    description must not exceed 2000 characters.
151   --    error_code    - Indicates if there was a runtime error in
152   --                    the function.  0 = Normal, > 0 = Error.  All
153   --                    exceptions must be caught by the procedure.
154   --                    The "when others" clause is mandatory for
155   --                    these procedures.
156   --    error_message - Describes any runtime errors within the
157   --                    procedure.  The error message must not
158   --                    exceed 2000 characters.
159   --
160   procedure get_svc_status(service_id 	 in  number,
161 		           target     	 out nocopy number,
162 			   actual 	 out nocopy number,
163 			   status 	 out nocopy number,
164                    	   description 	 out nocopy varchar2,
165                    	   error_code 	 out nocopy number,
166                            error_message out nocopy varchar2);
172   -- Service Instance Status Procedure
173   -- Input Arguments:
174   --   application_id      - Application ID of the service instance
175   --   concurrent_queue_id - ID of the service instance
176   -- Output Arguments:
177   --    target        - Number of processes that should be alive for
178   --			    this service instance.
179   --    actual	  - Number of processes that are actually alive
180   --                    for this service instance.
181   --    status        - Status of the service instance:
182   --                    0 = Normal, 1 = Warning, 2 = Error,
183   --                    3 = Inactive (Deactivated, Terminated, etc.)
184   --    Description   - Describes the status.  All warnings and
185   --                    errors must have a description.  The
186   --                    description must not exceed 2000 characters.
187   --    error_code    - Indicates if there was a runtime error in
188   --                    the function.  0 = Normal, > 0 = Error.  All
189   --                    exceptions must be caught by the procedure.
190   --                    The "when others" clause is mandatory for
191   --                    these procedures.
192   --    error_message - Describes any runtime errors within the
193   --                    procedure.  The error message must not
194   --                    exceed 2000 characters.
195   --
196   procedure get_svc_inst_status(appl_id 	   in  number,
197                     	       conc_queue_id       in  number,
198 	                       target 		   out nocopy number,
199 			       actual  	 	   out nocopy number,
200 			       status 		   out nocopy number,
201                      	       description 	   out nocopy varchar2,
202                    	       error_code 	   out nocopy number,
203                    	       error_message  	   out nocopy varchar2);
206   -- Node Status Procedure
207   -- Input Arguments:
208   -- node_name - Name of the node
209   -- Output Arguments:
210   --    status        - Status of the node:
211   --                    0 = Normal, 1 = Warning, 2 = Error
212   --                    3 = All instanaces are inactive (Deactivated,
213   --                        terminated, etc.)
214   --    Description   - Describes the status.  All warnings and
215   --                    errors must have a description.  The
216   --                    description must not exceed 2000 characters.
217   --    error_code    - Indicates if there was a runtime error in
218   --                    the function.  0 = Normal, > 0 = Error.  All
219   --                    exceptions must be caught by the procedure.
220   --                    The "when others" clause is mandatory for
221   --                    these procedures.
222   --    error_message - Describes any runtime errors within the
223   --                    procedure.  The error message must not
224   --                    exceed 2000 characters.
225   --
226   procedure get_node_status(node_name 	 in  varchar2,
227 			   status   	 out nocopy number,
228                      	   description 	 out nocopy varchar2,
229                    	   error_code 	 out nocopy number,
230                            error_message out nocopy varchar2);
232  -- Request Procedure
233   --
234   -- Purpose
235   --   Returns a translated status, phase and schedule description
236   -- Input Arguments:
237   -- pcode - Phase Code
238   -- scode - Status Code
239   -- hold  - hold code
240   -- enabld - enabled Code
241   -- stdate - Start date
242   -- rid - request id
243   --
244   procedure get_req_status_phase_schDesc(
245 		      pcode  in char,
246 	              scode  in char,
247 		      hold   in char,
248 	              enbld  in char,
249 	              stdate in date,
250 		      rid    in number,
251                       status out nocopy varchar2,
252 	 	      phase  out nocopy varchar2,
253 	 	      schDesc  out nocopy varchar2);
255 end FND_OAM;