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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

  select max(last_update_date) into l_dt
    from biv_sr_summary;
Line: 17

   delete from biv_tmp_bin;
Line: 18

   delete from biv_tmp_rt1;
Line: 19

   delete from biv_tmp_rt2;
Line: 20

   delete from biv_tmp_hs1;
Line: 21

   delete from biv_tmp_hs2;
Line: 22

   delete from biv_debug;
Line: 29

    select au1.incident_id,min(au1.last_update_date)
      from cs_incidents_audit_b au1,
           cs_incident_statuses_b stat1,
           cs_incident_statuses_b stat2
     where au1.change_incident_status_flag = 'Y'
       and au1.old_incident_status_id = stat1.incident_status_id
       and au1.incident_status_id     = stat2.incident_status_id
       and nvl(stat1.close_flag,'N')  = 'Y'
       and nvl(stat2.close_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
     group by au1.incident_id;
Line: 50

    select incident_id, incident_date
      from cs_incidents_all_b
     where last_update_date >= l_last_prog_run;
Line: 57

  insert into biv_sr_summary(incident_id,
    select incident_id,
           to_number(to_char(trunc(incident_date,'HH24'),'HH24')) +
      from cs_incidents_all_b sr
     where not exists ( select 1 from biv_sr_summary sm
                         where sr.incident_id = sm.incident_id)
Line: 85

Line: 96

        update biv_sr_summary
           set response_time = l_resp_time
         where incident_id = l_incident_id;
Line: 106

Line: 115

  select min(au2.last_update_date)
    into x_reclose_date
    from cs_incidents_audit_b au2,
         cs_incident_statuses_b stat3,
         cs_incident_statuses_b stat4
   where au2.incident_id                 = p_incident_id
     and au2.last_update_date            > p_reopen_date
     and au2.change_incident_status_flag = 'Y'
     and au2.old_incident_status_id      = stat3.incident_status_id
     and au2.incident_status_id          = stat4.incident_status_id
     and nvl(stat3.close_flag ,'N')     <> 'Y'
     and nvl(stat4.close_flag ,'N')      = 'Y';
Line: 131

procedure update_reopen_reclose_date(p_incident_id  number,
                                     p_reopen_date  date,
                                     p_reclose_date date) as
  update biv_sr_summary
     set reopen_date  = p_reopen_date,
         reclose_date = p_reclose_date
   where incident_id  = p_incident_id;
Line: 142

procedure update_escalation_level as
 cursor c_escalation is
   select r.object_id, t.escalation_level, owner_id, r.creation_date
     from jtf_task_references_b r,
          jtf_tasks_b           t
    where r.object_type_code = 'SR'
      and r.reference_code   = 'ESC'
      and r.task_id          = t.task_id
      and t.task_type_id     = 22;
Line: 163

      update biv_sr_summary
         set escalation_level = l_esc_level,
             esc_owner_id     = l_owner_id,
             escalation_date  = l_dt
       where incident_id      = l_incident_id;
Line: 178

  select/*+index_ffs(grp_out jtf_rs_grp_relations_n1) index_ffs(usg JTF_RS_GROUP_USAGES_U2)*/ distinct related_group_id
  from jtf_rs_grp_relations grp_out,
       jtf_rs_group_usages  usg
  where relation_type = 'PARENT_GROUP'
  and   grp_out.related_group_id = usg.group_id
  and   usg.usage in ( 'METRICS', 'SUPPORT')
  and   grp_out.related_group_id
  not in
  (select/*+index_ffs(grp_in jtf_rs_grp_relations_n1)*/ grp_in.group_id
   from jtf_rs_grp_relations grp_in
Line: 194

 delete from biv_resource_groups;
Line: 200

      insert into biv_resource_groups ( group_id, group_level)
                            values ( l_group_id, 1);
Line: 202

      /**  Now top level group has been inserted. The query below will insert
           all the groups at lower hierarchy levels
          --  dbms_output.put_line('Parent Group Id:'|| to_char(l_group_id));
Line: 206

      insert into biv_resource_groups ( group_id, group_level)
        select group_id, level+1
          from jtf_rs_grp_relations
        where relation_type = 'PARENT_GROUP'
         start with related_group_id = l_group_id
       connect by prior group_id = related_group_id;
Line: 221

  update biv_resource_groups a
     set usage = (select usage from jtf_rs_group_usages b
                   where a.group_id = b.group_id
                     and usage in ('METRICS', 'SUPPORT')
                     and rownum = 1);
Line: 228

  insert into biv_resource_groups ( group_id, group_level, usage)
   select a.group_id, 1, b.usage
     from jtf_rs_groups_b a, jtf_rs_group_usages b
    where a.group_id = b.group_id
      and b.usage in ('SUPPORT', 'METRICS')
      and not exists ( select 1
                         from  biv_resource_groups r
                        where r.group_id = a.group_id
                           or r.group_id = a.group_id
Line: 239

  delete from biv_resource_groups
   where nvl(usage,'XX') not in ('SUPPORT', 'METRICS');
Line: 245

  l_update_date date;
Line: 247

   select min(last_update_date)
     into l_update_date
     from cs_incidents_audit_b
    where incident_id = p_incident_id;
Line: 252

   if l_update_date is null then return null;
Line: 253

   else return(l_update_date-p_incident_date);