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2 /* $Header: hrioetcp.pkh 120.1 2005/09/28 06:16:45 ssherloc noship $ */
3 --
4 -- --------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- Public Declarations
6 --
7   event_group_not_found           EXCEPTION;
8   business_group_not_found        EXCEPTION;
9   table_name_not_found            EXCEPTION;
10   schema_name_not_set             EXCEPTION;
11   --
12   -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
13   --
14   -- Global variables used to store parameter values:
15   -- These variables are public so that they can accessed for debugging
16   -- from external PLSQL scripts.
17   --
18   g_capture_from_date             DATE;    -- This should be either the end of
19                                            -- the last successful run + 1 day,
20                                            -- or DBI global start date.
21                                            -- This parameter is used to
22                                            -- indicate when to collect events
23                                            -- for the event queues from.
24                                            -- Events are always collected to
25                                            -- hr_general.end_of_time
26   g_master_event_group_id         NUMBER;  -- event group id of the master event
27                                            -- group, used to track all
28                                            -- changes that effect sub event
29                                            -- groups.
30   g_sprvsr_change_event_grp_id    NUMBER;  -- event group id of the sub event
31                                            -- group, used to track supervisor
32                                            -- hierarchy related changes
33   g_assgnmnt_evnt_event_grp_id    NUMBER;  -- event group id of the sub event
34                                            -- group, used to track assignment
35                                            -- event fact related changes
36   g_absence_dim_event_grp_id      NUMBER;  -- event group id of the sub event
37                                            -- group, used to track absence
38                                            -- changes.
39   g_full_refresh_not_run          BOOLEAN; -- Used to switch to a clean
40                                            -- failover mode in the range_cursor
41                                            -- when a full refresh has not been
42                                            -- run yet.
43   --
44   -- End of global variables used to store parameter values
45   --
46   -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 --
48 -- End of Public Declarations
49 --
50 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 --
52 --
53 PROCEDURE run_for_bg(p_business_group_id  IN NUMBER,
54                      p_collect_from       IN DATE);
56 PROCEDURE run_for_asg(
57                       p_assignment_id     IN NUMBER
58                      ,p_capture_from_date IN DATE
59                      );
61 PROCEDURE purge_queue(p_queue_table_name VARCHAR2);
63 FUNCTION get_event_group_id(p_event_group_name IN VARCHAR2)
66 PROCEDURE interpret_all_asgnmnt_changes
67   (p_assignment_id IN NUMBER
68   ,p_start_date IN DATE
69   ,p_master_events_table
70     IN OUT nocopy pay_interpreter_pkg.t_detailed_output_table_type);
72 PROCEDURE Find_sub_event_group_events
73   (
74    p_assignment_id IN NUMBER    -- The assignment id that we are currently
75                                 -- processing.
76   ,p_start_date IN DATE         -- Used for updating the event archive only.
77                                 -- Does not effect process flow in this
78                                 -- procedure.
79   ,p_sub_event_grp_id IN NUMBER -- The event group id of the sub event group
80                                 -- that we are trying to find events for.
81   ,p_comment_text VARCHAR2      -- Text used by debug comments to indicate
82                                 -- which queue's sub eveng group is being
83                                 -- processed.
84   ,p_master_events_table        -- The Master Event Group PLSQL table.
85     IN OUT nocopy pay_interpreter_pkg.t_detailed_output_table_type
86   ,p_event_date OUT nocopy DATE -- Event date of the earliest sub event found
87                                 -- in the passed in event group and
88                                 -- master events table
89   );
90 --
91 PROCEDURE empty_evnts_cptr_refresh_log;
92 --
93 PROCEDURE full_refresh (p_refresh_to_date IN DATE DEFAULT NULL);
94 --
95 PROCEDURE dbg(p_text  VARCHAR2);
96 --
97 PROCEDURE process_range(
98    errbuf                          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
99   ,retcode                         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
100   ,p_mthd_action_id            IN             NUMBER
101   ,p_mthd_range_id             IN             NUMBER
102   ,p_start_object_id           IN             NUMBER
103   ,p_end_object_id             IN             NUMBER);
104 --
106   p_mthd_action_id             IN             NUMBER,
107   p_sqlstr                         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
108 --
109 PROCEDURE post_process (p_mthd_action_id NUMBER);
110 --
111 --