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1 PACKAGE dbms_refresh IS
2   -- dbms_refresh is the interface for administering refresh groups.
5   --
6   -- constants for rgroup$.flag
7   -- NOTE: if you make any changes here, you must change the
8   --       corresponding constants in prvtsnap.sql
9   --
12   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
13   -- MAKE a new refresh group.
14   --
16   -- NAME is of the form 'foo' or 'user.foo' or '"USER"."FOO"'.
17   --   The logged-in user is used as a default.
18   -- LIST is a comma-separated list of objects to be refreshed, such as
19   --     'foo, scott.bar ,"SCOTT"."BLUE"'.  The default user is the owner
20   --     of the refresh group.
21   -- TAB  is a PL/SQL table of objects to be refreshed, starting with 1
22   --   and filling every number until an entry is NULL, with every entry
23   --   formatted the same way as NAME.  The default user is the owner
24   --   of the refresh group.
25   -- NEXT_DATE is the date for the refresh group to first be refreshed.
26   --   See dbmsjobq.sql .  If there is no current job, the default interval
27   --   will be 'null' and the job will delete itself after refreshing the
28   --   group at NEXT_DATE.
29   -- INTERVAL is used to determine the next NEXT_DATE.  See dbmsjobq.sql .
30   --   If there is no current job, NEXT_DATE will default to null and the
31   --   job will not run until you manually set NEXT_DATE to something else
32   --   or manually refresh the group.
33   -- IMPLICIT_DESTROY means to delete the refresh group when the last item
34   --   is subtracted from it.  The value is stored with the group definition.
35   --   Empty groups can be created with IMPLICIT_DESTROY set.
37   PROCEDURE make(name                 IN VARCHAR2,
38                  list                 IN VARCHAR2,
39                  next_date            IN DATE,
40                  interval             IN VARCHAR2,
41                  implicit_destroy     IN BOOLEAN        := FALSE,
42                  lax                  IN BOOLEAN        := FALSE,
43                  job                  IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
44                  rollback_seg         IN VARCHAR2       := NULL,
45                  push_deferred_rpc    IN BOOLEAN        := TRUE,
46                  refresh_after_errors IN BOOLEAN        := FALSE,
47                  purge_option         IN BINARY_INTEGER := 1,
48                  parallelism          IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
49                  heap_size            IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0);
51   PROCEDURE make(name                 IN VARCHAR2,
52                  tab                  IN dbms_utility.uncl_array,
53                  next_date            IN DATE,
54                  interval             IN VARCHAR2,
55                  implicit_destroy     IN BOOLEAN        := FALSE,
56                  lax                  IN BOOLEAN        := FALSE,
57                  job                  IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
58                  rollback_seg         IN VARCHAR2       := NULL,
59                  push_deferred_rpc    IN BOOLEAN        := TRUE,
60                  refresh_after_errors IN BOOLEAN        := FALSE,
61                  purge_option         IN BINARY_INTEGER := 1,
62                  parallelism          IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
63                  heap_size            IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0);
65   PROCEDURE make_repapi(
66                  refgroup    IN BINARY_INTEGER,
67                  name        IN VARCHAR2,
68                  siteid      IN BINARY_INTEGER,
69                  refresh_seq IN BINARY_INTEGER,
70                  export_db   IN VARCHAR2,
71                  flag        IN BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT REPAPI_RGROUP);
73   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
74   -- ADD some refreshable objects to a refresh group.
75   PROCEDURE add(name      IN VARCHAR2,
76                 list      IN VARCHAR2,
77                 lax       IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
78                 siteid    IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
79                 export_db IN VARCHAR2 := NULL );
80   PROCEDURE add(name      IN VARCHAR2,
81                 tab       IN dbms_utility.uncl_array,
82                 lax       IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
83                 siteid    IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
84                 export_db IN VARCHAR2 := NULL );
86   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
87   -- SUBTRACT some refreshable objects from a refresh group.
88   PROCEDURE subtract(name IN VARCHAR2,
89                      list IN VARCHAR2,
90                      lax  IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE );
91   PROCEDURE subtract(name IN VARCHAR2,
92                      tab  IN dbms_utility.uncl_array,
93                      lax  IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE );
95   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
96   -- DESTROY a refresh group, make it cease to exist.
97   PROCEDURE destroy(name IN VARCHAR2);
99   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
100   -- Change any changeable pieces of the job that does the refresh
101   PROCEDURE change(name                 IN VARCHAR2,
102                    next_date            IN DATE           := NULL,
103                    interval             IN VARCHAR2       := NULL,
104                    implicit_destroy     IN BOOLEAN        := NULL,
105                    rollback_seg         IN VARCHAR2       := NULL,
106                    push_deferred_rpc    IN BOOLEAN        := NULL,
107                    refresh_after_errors IN BOOLEAN        := NULL,
108                    purge_option         IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
109                    parallelism          IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
110                    heap_size            IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL);
112   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
113   -- Atomically, consistently refresh all objects in a refresh group now.
114   -- Clear the BROKEN flag for the job if the refresh succeeds
115   PROCEDURE refresh(name IN VARCHAR2);
117   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
118   -- Produce the text of a call for recreating the given group
119   PROCEDURE user_export(rg#    IN      BINARY_INTEGER,
120                         mycall IN OUT VARCHAR2);
122   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
123   -- Produce the text of a call for recreating the given group item
124   PROCEDURE user_export_child(myowner IN     VARCHAR2,
125                               myname  IN     VARCHAR2,
126                               mytype  IN     VARCHAR2,
127                               mycall  IN OUT VARCHAR2,
128                               mysite  IN     BINARY_INTEGER := 0);
130 END dbms_refresh;