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Line 897: wip_lines

893: ((stop_time - start_time)*maximum_rate)/3600
894: into
895: x_available_quantity
896: from
897: wip_lines
898: where
899: line_id = p_line_id ;

Line 987: -- wip_lines wl

983: -- x_appl_id
984: --from
985: -- bom_calendar_dates bcd,
986: -- mtl_parameters mp,
987: -- wip_lines wl
988: --where
989: -- wl.line_id = p_line_id
990: --and mp.organization_id = wl.organization_id
991: --and bcd.calendar_code = mp.calendar_code

Line 1012: FROM wip_lines

1009: -- add flm_timezone call to support timezone
1010: SELECT organization_id
1011: INTO x_org_id
1012: FROM wip_lines
1013: WHERE line_id = p_line_id;
1014: flm_timezone.init_timezone(x_org_id);
1015: UPDATE wip_indicators_temp wit
1016: SET wit.available_quantity = 0

Line 1022: wip_lines wl

1018: and flm_timezone.client_to_calendar(wit.transaction_date) NOT IN (
1019: SELECT bcd.calendar_date
1020: FROM bom_calendar_dates bcd,
1021: mtl_parameters mp,
1022: wip_lines wl
1023: where
1024: wl.line_id = p_line_id
1025: and mp.organization_id = wl.organization_id
1026: and bcd.calendar_code = mp.calendar_code

Line 1379: wip_lines wl,

1375: INTO
1376: x_sim_date_from,
1377: x_sim_date_to
1378: FROM
1379: wip_lines wl,
1380: bom_operation_sequences_v bos,
1381: bom_operational_routings bor,
1382: wip_flow_schedules wfs
1383: WHERE