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APPS.PAY_NO_SOE dependencies on HR_UTILITY

Line 6: g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

2: /* $Header: pynosoe.pkb 120.0.12000000.1 2007/05/20 09:29:05 rlingama noship $ */
3: --
4: --
5: l_sql long;
6: g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
9: /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
10: Function : Elements1 (For the Earnings Section on the Norway SOE)

Line 16: hr_utility.trace('Entering elements1');

12: Text
13: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
14: function Elements1(p_assignment_action_id number) return long is
15: begin
16: hr_utility.trace('Entering elements1');
17: return getElements(p_assignment_action_id
18: ,pay_soe_util.getConfig('ELEMENTS1'));
19: hr_utility.trace('Leaving Elements1');
20: end Elements1;

Line 19: hr_utility.trace('Leaving Elements1');

15: begin
16: hr_utility.trace('Entering elements1');
17: return getElements(p_assignment_action_id
18: ,pay_soe_util.getConfig('ELEMENTS1'));
19: hr_utility.trace('Leaving Elements1');
20: end Elements1;
21: --
23: /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 34: hr_utility.set_location('Entering pay_no_soe.getElements', 10);

30: begin
31: --
32: --
33: if g_debug then
34: hr_utility.set_location('Entering pay_no_soe.getElements', 10);
35: end if;
36: --
37: --
38: if p_element_set_name is null then

Line 104: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving pay_no_soe.getElements', 20);

100: --
102: --
103: if g_debug then
104: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving pay_no_soe.getElements', 20);
105: end if;
106: --
107: return l_sql;
108: --