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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

		 SELECT resource_assignment_id FROM pa_resource_assignments
		 WHERE  budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id AND
			project_id = p_project_id AND
			task_id = p_task_id AND
			resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id;
Line: 77

		 SELECT resource_assignment_id FROM pa_resource_assignments
		 WHERE  budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id AND
			project_id = p_project_id AND
			task_id = p_task_id AND
			resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id;
Line: 129

		 SELECT resource_assignment_id FROM pa_resource_assignments
		 WHERE  budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id AND
			project_id = p_project_id AND
			task_id = p_task_id AND
			resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id;
Line: 322

                      is selected by Default for the budget version. This can
                      be used by the users for viewing their Custom Layouts.
                      The details of the parameters are provided below.

 Calling subprograms: pa_fp_webadi_utils.get_metadata_info (Procedure used
                      to return the layout code based on the budget version id).


 p_budget_version_id - Budget Version ID for which the layout code needs to be
 p_layout_code_in    - Layout code that is determined by the calling procedure
                       for the above budget version id.

 x_layout_code_out   - The customized layout code that the user woule like to
                       view for the budget version id.
 x_return_status     - The returning status to be sent to the calling API.
 x_msg_count         - Count of warning and error messages if any.
 x_msg_data          - Error message data to be sent to the calling API.

 By default, this Client Extension API will return the same input layout code
 to the calling API. The user can modify the code of this API to return the
 code of the Customized Layout.

 By using the commented code in the body of this procedure, you may
 add error and warning messages to the message stack.

 Moreover, error/warning processing in the calling procedure
 will only occur if OUT parameter x_return_status is not FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
 or if we explicitly "RAISE" the exception in the exception portion of the api.

PROCEDURE Get_Custom_Layout_Code
                    p_budget_version_id      IN   NUMBER
                    , p_layout_code_in       IN   VARCHAR2
                    , x_layout_code_out      OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
                    , x_return_status        OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
                    , x_msg_count            OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
                    , x_msg_data             OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895

     /* Use the below variable to check if the PA debug mode is ON before printing
        the debug messages. */

        L_PA_DEBUG_MODE varchar2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('PA_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');
Line: 462

	          SET   val_error_code = p_error_code,
                        val_error_flag = 'Y'
                  WHERE resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id
		      (SELECT 'Y'
		       FROM   PA_FP_WEBADI_XFACE_TMP tmpchk
		       WHERE  tmpchk.val_error_code IS NOT NULL
		       AND    tmpchk.val_error_flag = 'Y'
	               AND    resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id);