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Line 237: X_allow_item_desc_update_flag mtl_system_items.allow_item_desc_update_flag%TYPE;

233: X_cancel_flag VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
234: X_unordered_flag VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
235: X_result_flag BOOLEAN := FALSE;
236: X_update_item VARCHAR2(2);
237: X_allow_item_desc_update_flag mtl_system_items.allow_item_desc_update_flag%TYPE;
238: X_msi_item_description mtl_system_items.description%TYPE := NULL;
239: x_doc_line_unit_price NUMBER;
240: x_current_line_uom_code varchar2(25);
241: x_current_line_item_desc varchar2(240);

Line 238: X_msi_item_description mtl_system_items.description%TYPE := NULL;

234: X_unordered_flag VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
235: X_result_flag BOOLEAN := FALSE;
236: X_update_item VARCHAR2(2);
237: X_allow_item_desc_update_flag mtl_system_items.allow_item_desc_update_flag%TYPE;
238: X_msi_item_description mtl_system_items.description%TYPE := NULL;
239: x_doc_line_unit_price NUMBER;
240: x_current_line_uom_code varchar2(25);
241: x_current_line_item_desc varchar2(240);
242: X_current_expiration_date date;

Line 329: -- allow_item_desc_update_flag in mtl_system_items is 'Y' then we

326: -- During validation of item we also check if the item
327: -- description or price for the item is different at item master
328: -- if it is different and item updates are allowed
329: -- allow_item_desc_update_flag in mtl_system_items is 'Y' then we
330: -- update the two in mtl_system_items table.
332: -- We allow update to the master items description through the update action
333: -- if allow_item_desc_update_flag is 'N' and description is different we log errors

Line 330: -- update the two in mtl_system_items table.

326: -- During validation of item we also check if the item
327: -- description or price for the item is different at item master
328: -- if it is different and item updates are allowed
329: -- allow_item_desc_update_flag in mtl_system_items is 'Y' then we
330: -- update the two in mtl_system_items table.
332: -- We allow update to the master items description through the update action
333: -- if allow_item_desc_update_flag is 'N' and description is different we log errors
334: -- except for one-time items.

Line 369: mtl_system_items_tl to keep consistency changing below SQL to fetch item desc

365: if X_item_id is not null then -- item exists in item master.
367: /** Bug 5366732 If foreign language is used then item_desc comparision was always
368: Failing because derived value of X_item_description was coming from
369: mtl_system_items_tl to keep consistency changing below SQL to fetch item desc
370: from mtl_system_items_tl **/
372: X_msi_item_description:=null;

Line 370: from mtl_system_items_tl **/

367: /** Bug 5366732 If foreign language is used then item_desc comparision was always
368: Failing because derived value of X_item_description was coming from
369: mtl_system_items_tl to keep consistency changing below SQL to fetch item desc
370: from mtl_system_items_tl **/
372: X_msi_item_description:=null;
374: SELECT msi.allow_item_desc_update_flag,

Line 378: FROM mtl_system_items msi, mtl_system_items_tl mtl

374: SELECT msi.allow_item_desc_update_flag,
375: mtl.description
376: INTO X_allow_item_desc_update_flag,
377: X_msi_item_description
378: FROM mtl_system_items msi, mtl_system_items_tl mtl
379: WHERE mtl.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
380: and mtl.organization_id = msi.organization_id
381: and mtl.language = USERENV('LANG')
382: and mtl.inventory_item_id = X_item_id

Line 443: -- Update item master ( mtl_system_items table )

439: if (X_update_item = 'Y' and
440: NVL(X_create_items, 'N') = 'Y' and
441: X_item_id is not NULL) then
443: -- Update item master ( mtl_system_items table )
445: UPDATE mtl_system_items
446: SET description = x_item_description,
447: last_update_date = sysdate,

Line 445: UPDATE mtl_system_items

441: X_item_id is not NULL) then
443: -- Update item master ( mtl_system_items table )
445: UPDATE mtl_system_items
446: SET description = x_item_description,
447: last_update_date = sysdate,
448: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
449: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,

Line 461: UPDATE mtl_system_items_tl

457: /* Bug 2064714 - GMudgal
458: ** Added the following update statement since we need to update
459: ** the description in the tl table as well */
461: UPDATE mtl_system_items_tl
462: SET description = x_item_description
463: WHERE inventory_item_id = X_item_id
464: AND organization_id = x_def_master_org_id
465: and language = USERENV('LANG');