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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 46

procedure update_cost_concat_segs
  (p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id   in     number
  ,p_cost_name                    in     varchar2
  ) is
  CURSOR csr_chk_cost is
    SELECT null
      FROM pay_cost_allocation_keyflex
     where cost_allocation_keyflex_id = p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id
       and (concatenated_segments <> p_cost_name
        or concatenated_segments is null);
Line: 59

  l_proc    varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_cost_concat_segs';
Line: 61

  procedure update_cost_concat_segs_auto
    (p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id   in     number
    ,p_cost_name                    in     varchar2
    ) is
Line: 68

      SELECT null
        FROM pay_cost_allocation_keyflex
       where cost_allocation_keyflex_id = p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id
         for update nowait;
Line: 74

    l_proc    varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_cost_concat_segs_auto';
Line: 103

      update pay_cost_allocation_keyflex
         set concatenated_segments = p_cost_name
       where cost_allocation_keyflex_id = p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id
         and (concatenated_segments <> p_cost_name
          or concatenated_segments is null);
Line: 135

  end update_cost_concat_segs_auto;
Line: 150

      (p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id => p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id
      ,p_cost_name                  => p_cost_name
Line: 160

end update_cost_concat_segs;
Line: 291

         select view_all_organizations_flag
         from   per_security_profiles
         where  security_profile_id = p_security_profile_id;
Line: 473

         select bus.cost_allocation_structure
         from   per_business_groups_perf bus
         where  bus.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 610

  update_cost_concat_segs (p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id  => l_cost_alloc_key_id
                          ,p_cost_name                   => l_cost_name);
Line: 1223

PROCEDURE update_organization
  (   p_validate                       IN  BOOLEAN   DEFAULT false
     ,p_effective_date                 IN  DATE
     ,p_language_code                  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.userenv_lang
     ,p_organization_id                IN  NUMBER
     ,p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id     IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT hr_api.g_number
     ,p_location_id                    IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT hr_api.g_number
     --Bug 3040119
     --,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id         IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT hr_api.g_number
     ,p_date_from                      IN  DATE      DEFAULT hr_api.g_date
     ,p_date_to                        IN  DATE      DEFAULT hr_api.g_date
     ,p_internal_external_flag         IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_internal_address_line          IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_type                           IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_comments                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute_category             IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute1                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute2                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute3                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute4                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute5                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute6                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute7                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute8                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute9                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute10                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute11                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute12                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute13                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute14                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute15                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute16                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute17                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute18                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute19                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute20                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
    --Enhancement 4040086
    --Begin of Add 10 additional segments
     ,p_attribute21                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute22                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute23                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute24                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute25                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute26                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute27                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute28                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute29                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute30                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     --End of Enhancement 4040086
     -- Bug 3039046
     ,p_segment1                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment2                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment3                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment4                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment5                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment6                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment7                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment8                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment9                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment10                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment11                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment12                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment13                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment14                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment15                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment16                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment17                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment18                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment19                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment20                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment21                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment22                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment23                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment24                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment25                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment26                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment27                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment28                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment29                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment30                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_concat_segments                IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_object_version_number          IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
l_duplicate_org_warning        boolean;
Line: 1318

  (   p_effective_date                => p_effective_date
     ,p_language_code                 => p_language_code
     ,p_name                          => l_name
     ,p_organization_id               => p_organization_id
     ,p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id    => p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id
     ,p_location_id                   => p_location_id
     -- Bug 3040119
     --,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id        => p_soft_coding_keyflex_id
     ,p_date_from                     => p_date_from
     ,p_date_to                       => p_date_to
     ,p_internal_external_flag        => p_internal_external_flag
     ,p_internal_address_line         => p_internal_address_line
     ,p_type                          => p_type
     ,p_comments                      => p_comments
     ,p_attribute_category            => p_attribute_category
     ,p_attribute1                    => p_attribute1
     ,p_attribute2                    => p_attribute2
     ,p_attribute3                    => p_attribute3
     ,p_attribute4                    => p_attribute4
     ,p_attribute5                    => p_attribute5
     ,p_attribute6                    => p_attribute6
     ,p_attribute7                    => p_attribute7
     ,p_attribute8                    => p_attribute8
     ,p_attribute9                    => p_attribute9
     ,p_attribute10                   => p_attribute10
     ,p_attribute11                   => p_attribute11
     ,p_attribute12                   => p_attribute12
     ,p_attribute13                   => p_attribute13
     ,p_attribute14                   => p_attribute14
     ,p_attribute15                   => p_attribute15
     ,p_attribute16                   => p_attribute16
     ,p_attribute17                   => p_attribute17
     ,p_attribute18                   => p_attribute18
     ,p_attribute19                   => p_attribute19
     ,p_attribute20                   => p_attribute20
     --Enhancement 4040086
     ,p_attribute21                   => p_attribute21
     ,p_attribute22                   => p_attribute22
     ,p_attribute23                   => p_attribute23
     ,p_attribute24                   => p_attribute24
     ,p_attribute25                   => p_attribute25
     ,p_attribute26                   => p_attribute26
     ,p_attribute27                   => p_attribute27
     ,p_attribute28                   => p_attribute28
     ,p_attribute29                   => p_attribute29
     ,p_attribute30                   => p_attribute30
     --End Enhancement 4040086
     -- Bug 3039046
     ,p_segment1                      => p_segment1
     ,p_segment2                      => p_segment2
     ,p_segment3                      => p_segment3
     ,p_segment4                      => p_segment4
     ,p_segment5                      => p_segment5
     ,p_segment6                      => p_segment6
     ,p_segment7                      => p_segment7
     ,p_segment8                      => p_segment8
     ,p_segment9                      => p_segment9
     ,p_segment10                     => p_segment10
     ,p_segment11                     => p_segment11
     ,p_segment12                     => p_segment12
     ,p_segment13                     => p_segment13
     ,p_segment14                     => p_segment14
     ,p_segment15                     => p_segment15
     ,p_segment16                     => p_segment16
     ,p_segment17                     => p_segment17
     ,p_segment18                     => p_segment18
     ,p_segment19                     => p_segment19
     ,p_segment20                     => p_segment20
     ,p_segment21                     => p_segment21
     ,p_segment22                     => p_segment22
     ,p_segment23                     => p_segment23
     ,p_segment24                     => p_segment24
     ,p_segment25                     => p_segment25
     ,p_segment26                     => p_segment26
     ,p_segment27                     => p_segment27
     ,p_segment28                     => p_segment28
     ,p_segment29                     => p_segment29
     ,p_segment30                     => p_segment30
     ,p_concat_segments               => p_concat_segments
     ,p_object_version_number         => p_object_version_number
     ,p_duplicate_org_warning         => l_duplicate_org_warning);
Line: 1407

PROCEDURE update_organization
  (   p_validate                       IN  BOOLEAN   DEFAULT false
     ,p_effective_date                 IN  DATE
     ,p_language_code                  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.userenv_lang
     ,p_name                           IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_organization_id                IN  NUMBER
     ,p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id     IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT hr_api.g_number
     ,p_location_id                    IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT hr_api.g_number
     -- Bug 3040119
     --,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id         IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT hr_api.g_number
     ,p_date_from                      IN  DATE      DEFAULT hr_api.g_date
     ,p_date_to                        IN  DATE      DEFAULT hr_api.g_date
     ,p_internal_external_flag         IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_internal_address_line          IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_type                           IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_comments                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute_category             IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute1                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute2                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute3                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute4                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute5                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute6                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute7                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute8                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute9                     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute10                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute11                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute12                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute13                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute14                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute15                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute16                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute17                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute18                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute19                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute20                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
    --Enhancement 4040086
    --Begin of Add 10 additional segments
     ,p_attribute21                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute22                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute23                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute24                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute25                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute26                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute27                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute28                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute29                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_attribute30                    IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     --End of Add 10 additional segments
     -- Bug 3039046
     ,p_segment1                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment2                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment3                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment4                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment5                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment6                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment7                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment8                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment9                       IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment10                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment11                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment12                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment13                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment14                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment15                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment16                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment17                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment18                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment19                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment20                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment21                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment22                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment23                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment24                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment25                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment26                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment27                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment28                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment29                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_segment30                      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_concat_segments                IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
     ,p_object_version_number          IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
     ,p_duplicate_org_warning          out nocopy boolean
  ) IS
  -- Declare cursors and local variables
  l_proc                  VARCHAR2(72) := g_package||'update_organization';
Line: 1551

         select concatenated_segments,  -- Bug 3187772
         from   pay_cost_allocation_keyflex
         where  cost_allocation_keyflex_id = l_cost_alloc_key_id;
Line: 1587

         select bus.cost_allocation_structure
         from  per_business_groups_perf bus
         where bus.business_group_id = l_business_group_id;
Line: 1648

  savepoint update_organization;
Line: 1654

    ( p_effective_date                => p_effective_date
     ,p_language_code                 => p_language_code
     ,p_name                          => p_name
     ,p_organization_id               => p_organization_id
     ,p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id    => p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id
     ,p_location_id                   => p_location_id
     -- Bug 3040119
     --,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id        => p_soft_coding_keyflex_id
     ,p_date_from                     => l_date_from
     ,p_date_to                       => l_date_to
     ,p_internal_external_flag        => p_internal_external_flag
     ,p_internal_address_line         => p_internal_address_line
     ,p_type                          => p_type
     ,p_attribute_category            => p_attribute_category
     ,p_attribute1                    => p_attribute1
     ,p_attribute2                    => p_attribute2
     ,p_attribute3                    => p_attribute3
     ,p_attribute4                    => p_attribute4
     ,p_attribute5                    => p_attribute5
     ,p_attribute6                    => p_attribute6
     ,p_attribute7                    => p_attribute7
     ,p_attribute8                    => p_attribute8
     ,p_attribute9                    => p_attribute9
     ,p_attribute10                   => p_attribute10
     ,p_attribute11                   => p_attribute11
     ,p_attribute12                   => p_attribute12
     ,p_attribute13                   => p_attribute13
     ,p_attribute14                   => p_attribute14
     ,p_attribute15                   => p_attribute15
     ,p_attribute16                   => p_attribute16
     ,p_attribute17                   => p_attribute17
     ,p_attribute18                   => p_attribute18
     ,p_attribute19                   => p_attribute19
     ,p_attribute20                   => p_attribute20
     --Enhancement 4040086
     ,p_attribute21                   => p_attribute21
     ,p_attribute22                   => p_attribute22
     ,p_attribute23                   => p_attribute23
     ,p_attribute24                   => p_attribute24
     ,p_attribute25                   => p_attribute25
     ,p_attribute26                   => p_attribute26
     ,p_attribute27                   => p_attribute27
     ,p_attribute28                   => p_attribute28
     ,p_attribute29                   => p_attribute29
     ,p_attribute30                   => p_attribute30
     --End Enhancement 4040086
     -- Bug 3039046
     ,p_segment1                      => l_cost_segment1
     ,p_segment2                      => l_cost_segment2
     ,p_segment3                      => l_cost_segment3
     ,p_segment4                      => l_cost_segment4
     ,p_segment5                      => l_cost_segment5
     ,p_segment6                      => l_cost_segment6
     ,p_segment7                      => l_cost_segment7
     ,p_segment8                      => l_cost_segment8
     ,p_segment9                      => l_cost_segment9
     ,p_segment10                     => l_cost_segment10
     ,p_segment11                     => l_cost_segment11
     ,p_segment12                     => l_cost_segment12
     ,p_segment13                     => l_cost_segment13
     ,p_segment14                     => l_cost_segment14
     ,p_segment15                     => l_cost_segment15
     ,p_segment16                     => l_cost_segment16
     ,p_segment17                     => l_cost_segment17
     ,p_segment18                     => l_cost_segment18
     ,p_segment19                     => l_cost_segment19
     ,p_segment20                     => l_cost_segment20
     ,p_segment21                     => l_cost_segment21
     ,p_segment22                     => l_cost_segment22
     ,p_segment23                     => l_cost_segment23
     ,p_segment24                     => l_cost_segment24
     ,p_segment25                     => l_cost_segment25
     ,p_segment26                     => l_cost_segment26
     ,p_segment27                     => l_cost_segment27
     ,p_segment28                     => l_cost_segment28
     ,p_segment29                     => l_cost_segment29
     ,p_segment30                     => l_cost_segment30
     ,p_concat_segments               => l_old_cost_name
     ,p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number
Line: 1740

        (p_module_name => 'update_organization'
        ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
Line: 1889

          update_cost_concat_segs (p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id  => l_cost_alloc_key_id
                                  ,p_cost_name                   => l_cost_name);
Line: 1979

    ( p_effective_date                => p_effective_date
     ,p_language_code                 => p_language_code
     ,p_name                          => p_name
     ,p_organization_id               => p_organization_id
     ,p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id    => p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id
     ,p_location_id                   => p_location_id
     -- Bug 3040119
     --,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id        => p_soft_coding_keyflex_id
     ,p_date_from                     => l_date_from
     ,p_date_to                       => l_date_to
     ,p_internal_external_flag        => p_internal_external_flag
     ,p_internal_address_line         => p_internal_address_line
     ,p_type                          => p_type
     ,p_attribute_category            => p_attribute_category
     ,p_attribute1                    => p_attribute1
     ,p_attribute2                    => p_attribute2
     ,p_attribute3                    => p_attribute3
     ,p_attribute4                    => p_attribute4
     ,p_attribute5                    => p_attribute5
     ,p_attribute6                    => p_attribute6
     ,p_attribute7                    => p_attribute7
     ,p_attribute8                    => p_attribute8
     ,p_attribute9                    => p_attribute9
     ,p_attribute10                   => p_attribute10
     ,p_attribute11                   => p_attribute11
     ,p_attribute12                   => p_attribute12
     ,p_attribute13                   => p_attribute13
     ,p_attribute14                   => p_attribute14
     ,p_attribute15                   => p_attribute15
     ,p_attribute16                   => p_attribute16
     ,p_attribute17                   => p_attribute17
     ,p_attribute18                   => p_attribute18
     ,p_attribute19                   => p_attribute19
     ,p_attribute20                   => p_attribute20
     --Enhancement 4040086
     ,p_attribute21                   => p_attribute21
     ,p_attribute22                   => p_attribute22
     ,p_attribute23                   => p_attribute23
     ,p_attribute24                   => p_attribute24
     ,p_attribute25                   => p_attribute25
     ,p_attribute26                   => p_attribute26
     ,p_attribute27                   => p_attribute27
     ,p_attribute28                   => p_attribute28
     ,p_attribute29                   => p_attribute29
     ,p_attribute30                   => p_attribute30
     --End Enhancement 4040086
     -- Bug 3039046
     ,p_segment1                      => l_cost_segment1
     ,p_segment2                      => l_cost_segment2
     ,p_segment3                      => l_cost_segment3
     ,p_segment4                      => l_cost_segment4
     ,p_segment5                      => l_cost_segment5
     ,p_segment6                      => l_cost_segment6
     ,p_segment7                      => l_cost_segment7
     ,p_segment8                      => l_cost_segment8
     ,p_segment9                      => l_cost_segment9
     ,p_segment10                     => l_cost_segment10
     ,p_segment11                     => l_cost_segment11
     ,p_segment12                     => l_cost_segment12
     ,p_segment13                     => l_cost_segment13
     ,p_segment14                     => l_cost_segment14
     ,p_segment15                     => l_cost_segment15
     ,p_segment16                     => l_cost_segment16
     ,p_segment17                     => l_cost_segment17
     ,p_segment18                     => l_cost_segment18
     ,p_segment19                     => l_cost_segment19
     ,p_segment20                     => l_cost_segment20
     ,p_segment21                     => l_cost_segment21
     ,p_segment22                     => l_cost_segment22
     ,p_segment23                     => l_cost_segment23
     ,p_segment24                     => l_cost_segment24
     ,p_segment25                     => l_cost_segment25
     ,p_segment26                     => l_cost_segment26
     ,p_segment27                     => l_cost_segment27
     ,p_segment28                     => l_cost_segment28
     ,p_segment29                     => l_cost_segment29
     ,p_segment30                     => l_cost_segment30
     ,p_concat_segments               => l_old_cost_name
     ,p_cost_name                     => l_cost_name
     ,p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number
     ,p_duplicate_org_warning         => p_duplicate_org_warning
Line: 2067

        (p_module_name => 'update_organization'
        ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
Line: 2079

    ROLLBACK TO update_organization;
Line: 2091

    ROLLBACK TO update_organization;
Line: 2099

END update_organization;
Line: 2104

PROCEDURE delete_organization
   (  p_validate                     IN BOOLEAN
     ,p_organization_id              IN hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE
     ,p_object_version_number        IN hr_all_organization_units.object_version_number%TYPE )

  -- Declare cursors and local variables
  l_proc                  VARCHAR2(72) := g_package||'delete_organization';
Line: 2121

  savepoint delete_organization;
Line: 2124

    (p_organization_id             => p_organization_id
    ,p_object_version_number       => p_object_version_number
Line: 2132

        (p_module_name => 'delete_organization'
        ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
Line: 2159

  delete from per_organization_list
  where organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2180

    (p_organization_id              => p_organization_id
    ,p_object_version_number        => p_object_version_number
Line: 2188

        (p_module_name => 'delete_organization'
        ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
Line: 2201

    ROLLBACK TO delete_organization;
Line: 2211

    ROLLBACK TO delete_organization;
Line: 2215

END delete_organization;
Line: 2259

      select legislation_code
        from per_business_groups pbg,
        hr_all_organization_units hou
       where hou.organization_id = p_organization_id
         and pbg.business_group_id = hou.business_group_id;
Line: 2280

   INTO l_exists
   FROM sys.dual
     (SELECT null
      FROM hr_org_info_types_by_class class,
           hr_org_information_types type
      WHERE class.org_classification = p_org_classif_code
        AND class.org_information_type = type.org_information_type
   AND (   type.legislation_code is null
        OR type.legislation_code = l_legislation_code)
        AND class.mandatory_flag = 'Y'
Line: 2499

   SELECT org_information_context
   INTO l_context
   FROM hr_organization_information
   WHERE org_information_id = p_org_information_id;
Line: 3075

    select business_group_id
    from   hr_all_organization_units
    where  organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 3370

PROCEDURE update_org_information
  (p_validate                       IN  BOOLEAN   DEFAULT false
  ,p_effective_date                 IN  DATE
  ,p_org_information_id             IN  NUMBER
  ,p_org_info_type_code             IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_org_information1               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information2               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information3               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information4               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information5               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information6               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information7               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information8               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information9               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information10              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information11              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information12              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information13              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information14              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information15              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information16              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information17              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information18              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information19              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information20              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute_category             IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute1                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute2                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute3                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute4                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute5                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute6                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute7                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute8                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute9                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute10                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute11                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute12                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute13                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute14                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute15                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute16                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute17                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute18                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute19                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute20                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_object_version_number          IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ) IS
  -- Declare cursors and local variables
  l_proc                  VARCHAR2(72) := g_package||'update_org_information';
Line: 3428

         select 1 from hr_organization_information hoi
         where hoi.org_information_id = p_org_information_id
         and hoi.org_information_context = p_org_info_type_code;
Line: 3437

  savepoint update_org_information;
Line: 3464

      (p_effective_date        => trunc(p_effective_date)
      ,p_org_info_type_code    => p_org_info_type_code
      ,p_org_information1      => p_org_information1
      ,p_org_information2      => p_org_information2
      ,p_org_information3      => p_org_information3
      ,p_org_information4      => p_org_information4
      ,p_org_information5      => p_org_information5
      ,p_org_information6      => p_org_information6
      ,p_org_information7      => p_org_information7
      ,p_org_information8      => p_org_information8
      ,p_org_information9      => p_org_information9
      ,p_org_information10     => p_org_information10
      ,p_org_information11     => p_org_information11
      ,p_org_information12     => p_org_information12
      ,p_org_information13     => p_org_information13
      ,p_org_information14     => p_org_information14
      ,p_org_information15     => p_org_information15
      ,p_org_information16     => p_org_information16
      ,p_org_information17     => p_org_information17
      ,p_org_information18     => p_org_information18
      ,p_org_information19     => p_org_information19
      ,p_org_information20     => p_org_information20
      ,p_org_information_id    => p_org_information_id
      ,p_attribute_category    => p_attribute_category
      ,p_attribute1            => p_attribute1
      ,p_attribute2            => p_attribute2
      ,p_attribute3            => p_attribute3
      ,p_attribute4            => p_attribute4
      ,p_attribute5            => p_attribute5
      ,p_attribute6            => p_attribute6
      ,p_attribute7            => p_attribute7
      ,p_attribute8            => p_attribute8
      ,p_attribute9            => p_attribute9
      ,p_attribute10           => p_attribute10
      ,p_attribute11           => p_attribute11
      ,p_attribute12           => p_attribute12
      ,p_attribute13           => p_attribute13
      ,p_attribute14           => p_attribute14
      ,p_attribute15           => p_attribute15
      ,p_attribute16           => p_attribute16
      ,p_attribute17           => p_attribute17
      ,p_attribute18           => p_attribute18
      ,p_attribute19           => p_attribute19
      ,p_attribute20           => p_attribute20
      ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number);
Line: 3513

        (p_module_name => 'update_org_information'
        ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
Line: 3575

      (p_effective_date        => trunc(p_effective_date)
      ,p_org_info_type_code    => p_org_info_type_code
      ,p_org_information1      => p_org_information1
      ,p_org_information2      => p_org_information2
      ,p_org_information3      => p_org_information3
      ,p_org_information4      => p_org_information4
      ,p_org_information5      => p_org_information5
      ,p_org_information6      => p_org_information6
      ,p_org_information7      => p_org_information7
      ,p_org_information8      => p_org_information8
      ,p_org_information9      => p_org_information9
      ,p_org_information10     => p_org_information10
      ,p_org_information11     => p_org_information11
      ,p_org_information12     => p_org_information12
      ,p_org_information13     => p_org_information13
      ,p_org_information14     => p_org_information14
      ,p_org_information15     => p_org_information15
      ,p_org_information16     => p_org_information16
      ,p_org_information17     => p_org_information17
      ,p_org_information18     => p_org_information18
      ,p_org_information19     => p_org_information19
      ,p_org_information20     => p_org_information20
      ,p_org_information_id    => p_org_information_id
      ,p_attribute_category    => p_attribute_category
      ,p_attribute1            => p_attribute1
      ,p_attribute2            => p_attribute2
      ,p_attribute3            => p_attribute3
      ,p_attribute4            => p_attribute4
      ,p_attribute5            => p_attribute5
      ,p_attribute6            => p_attribute6
      ,p_attribute7            => p_attribute7
      ,p_attribute8            => p_attribute8
      ,p_attribute9            => p_attribute9
      ,p_attribute10           => p_attribute10
      ,p_attribute11           => p_attribute11
      ,p_attribute12           => p_attribute12
      ,p_attribute13           => p_attribute13
      ,p_attribute14           => p_attribute14
      ,p_attribute15           => p_attribute15
      ,p_attribute16           => p_attribute16
      ,p_attribute17           => p_attribute17
      ,p_attribute18           => p_attribute18
      ,p_attribute19           => p_attribute19
      ,p_attribute20           => p_attribute20
      ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number);
Line: 3624

        (p_module_name => 'update_org_information'
        ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
Line: 3653

    ROLLBACK TO update_org_information;
Line: 3664

    ROLLBACK TO update_org_information;
Line: 3671

END update_org_information;
Line: 3677

PROCEDURE update_org_manager
  (p_validate                       IN  BOOLEAN   DEFAULT false
  ,p_effective_date                 IN  DATE
  ,p_organization_id                IN  NUMBER
  ,p_org_information_id             IN  NUMBER
  ,p_org_info_type_code             IN  VARCHAR2
  ,p_org_information1               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information2               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information3               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information4               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information5               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information6               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information7               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information8               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information9               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information10              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information11              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information12              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information13              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information14              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information15              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information16              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information17              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information18              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information19              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_org_information20              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute_category             IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute1                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute2                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute3                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute4                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute5                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute6                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute7                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute8                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute9                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute10                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute11                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute12                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute13                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute14                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute15                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute16                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute17                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute18                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute19                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_attribute20                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
  ,p_object_version_number          IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,p_warning                        OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
  ) IS
  -- Declare cursors and local variables
  l_proc                  VARCHAR2(72) := g_package||'update_org_manager';
Line: 3736

    select business_group_id
    from   hr_all_organization_units
    where  organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 3759

  savepoint update_org_information;
Line: 3767

      (p_effective_date        => trunc(p_effective_date)
      ,p_org_info_type_code    => p_org_info_type_code
      ,p_org_information1      => p_org_information1
      ,p_org_information2      => p_org_information2
      ,p_org_information3      => p_org_information3
      ,p_org_information4      => p_org_information4
      ,p_org_information5      => p_org_information5
      ,p_org_information6      => p_org_information6
      ,p_org_information7      => p_org_information7
      ,p_org_information8      => p_org_information8
      ,p_org_information9      => p_org_information9
      ,p_org_information10     => p_org_information10
      ,p_org_information11     => p_org_information11
      ,p_org_information12     => p_org_information12
      ,p_org_information13     => p_org_information13
      ,p_org_information14     => p_org_information14
      ,p_org_information15     => p_org_information15
      ,p_org_information16     => p_org_information16
      ,p_org_information17     => p_org_information17
      ,p_org_information18     => p_org_information18
      ,p_org_information19     => p_org_information19
      ,p_org_information20     => p_org_information20
      ,p_org_information_id    => p_org_information_id
      ,p_attribute_category    => p_attribute_category
      ,p_attribute1            => p_attribute1
      ,p_attribute2            => p_attribute2
      ,p_attribute3            => p_attribute3
      ,p_attribute4            => p_attribute4
      ,p_attribute5            => p_attribute5
      ,p_attribute6            => p_attribute6
      ,p_attribute7            => p_attribute7
      ,p_attribute8            => p_attribute8
      ,p_attribute9            => p_attribute9
      ,p_attribute10           => p_attribute10
      ,p_attribute11           => p_attribute11
      ,p_attribute12           => p_attribute12
      ,p_attribute13           => p_attribute13
      ,p_attribute14           => p_attribute14
      ,p_attribute15           => p_attribute15
      ,p_attribute16           => p_attribute16
      ,p_attribute17           => p_attribute17
      ,p_attribute18           => p_attribute18
      ,p_attribute19           => p_attribute19
      ,p_attribute20           => p_attribute20
      ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number);
Line: 3819

        (p_module_name => 'update_org_information'
        ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
Line: 3904

      (p_effective_date        => trunc(p_effective_date)
      ,p_org_info_type_code    => p_org_info_type_code
      ,p_org_information1      => p_org_information1
      ,p_org_information2      => p_org_information2
      ,p_org_information3      => p_org_information3
      ,p_org_information4      => p_org_information4
      ,p_org_information5      => p_org_information5
      ,p_org_information6      => p_org_information6
      ,p_org_information7      => p_org_information7
      ,p_org_information8      => p_org_information8
      ,p_org_information9      => p_org_information9
      ,p_org_information10     => p_org_information10
      ,p_org_information11     => p_org_information11
      ,p_org_information12     => p_org_information12
      ,p_org_information13     => p_org_information13
      ,p_org_information14     => p_org_information14
      ,p_org_information15     => p_org_information15
      ,p_org_information16     => p_org_information16
      ,p_org_information17     => p_org_information17
      ,p_org_information18     => p_org_information18
      ,p_org_information19     => p_org_information19
      ,p_org_information20     => p_org_information20
      ,p_org_information_id    => p_org_information_id
      ,p_attribute_category      => p_attribute_category
      ,p_attribute1              => p_attribute1
      ,p_attribute2              => p_attribute2
      ,p_attribute3              => p_attribute3
      ,p_attribute4              => p_attribute4
      ,p_attribute5              => p_attribute5
      ,p_attribute6              => p_attribute6
      ,p_attribute7              => p_attribute7
      ,p_attribute8              => p_attribute8
      ,p_attribute9              => p_attribute9
      ,p_attribute10             => p_attribute10
      ,p_attribute11             => p_attribute11
      ,p_attribute12             => p_attribute12
      ,p_attribute13             => p_attribute13
      ,p_attribute14             => p_attribute14
      ,p_attribute15             => p_attribute15
      ,p_attribute16             => p_attribute16
      ,p_attribute17             => p_attribute17
      ,p_attribute18             => p_attribute18
      ,p_attribute19             => p_attribute19
      ,p_attribute20             => p_attribute20
      ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number);
Line: 3956

        (p_module_name => 'update_org_information'
        ,p_hook_type   => 'AP');
Line: 3986

    ROLLBACK TO update_org_information;
Line: 3997

    ROLLBACK TO update_org_information;
Line: 4003

END update_org_manager;
Line: 4009

procedure delete_org_manager
  (p_validate              in boolean  default false
  ,p_org_information_id    in number
  ,p_object_version_number in out nocopy number) is
  -- Declare cursors and local variables
  l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_org_manager';
Line: 4026

  savepoint delete_org_manager;
Line: 4039

      (p_org_information_id    => p_org_information_id
      ,p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number);
Line: 4048

        (p_module_name => 'delete_org_manager'
        ,p_hook_type   => 'BP');
Line: 4063

      (p_org_information_id    => p_org_information_id
      ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number);
Line: 4072

        (p_module_name => 'delete_org_manager'
        ,p_hook_type   => 'AP');
Line: 4096

    rollback to delete_org_manager;
Line: 4108

    rollback to delete_org_manager;
Line: 4112

end delete_org_manager;
Line: 4292

      p_validate => p_validate
      ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
      ,p_language_code => p_language_code
      ,p_organization_id => l_organization_id
      ,p_internal_external_flag => p_internal_external_flag
      ,p_type => p_type
      ,p_location_id => p_location_id
      ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number);
Line: 4339

  update hr_all_organization_units
  set business_group_id = l_organization_id
  where organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 4407

    select nvl(org_information1,fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID'))
    from   hr_organization_information HOI
         , per_all_assignments_f PAAF
    where  HOI.organization_id = PAAF.organization_id
    and    PAAF.person_id = p_person_id
    and    p_effective_date between
           PAAF.effective_start_date and PAAF.effective_end_date
    and    PAAF.primary_flag = 'Y'
    and    HOI.org_information_context='Exp Organization Defaults';
Line: 4418

    select nvl(org_information1,fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID'))
    from   hr_organization_information HOI
         , per_all_assignments_f PAAF
    where  HOI.organization_id = PAAF.organization_id
    and    PAAF.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    p_effective_date between
           PAAF.effective_start_date and PAAF.effective_end_date
    and    HOI.org_information_context='Exp Organization Defaults';
Line: 4428

    select nvl(org_information1,fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID'))
    from   hr_organization_information HOI
    where  HOI.organization_id = p_organization_id
    and    HOI.org_information_context='Exp Organization Defaults';
Line: 4613

 /* hr_organization_api.update_organization(
      p_validate => p_validate
      ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
      ,p_language_code => p_language_code
      ,p_organization_id => l_organization_id
      ,p_internal_external_flag => p_internal_external_flag
      ,p_type => p_type
      ,p_location_id => p_location_id
      ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number);
Line: 4713

PROCEDURE update_operating_unit
    p_validate                          IN  BOOLEAN  DEFAULT false
   ,p_organization_id                   IN  NUMBER
   ,p_effective_date                    IN  DATE
   ,p_language_code                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.userenv_lang
   ,p_date_from                         IN  DATE     DEFAULT hr_api.g_date
   ,p_name                              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
   ,p_type                              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
   ,p_internal_external_flag            IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
   ,p_location_id                       IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT hr_api.g_number
   ,p_set_of_books_id                   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
   ,p_usable_flag                       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
-- Added p_short_code for bug 4526439
   ,p_short_code                        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
   ,p_legal_entity_id                   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
   ,p_object_version_number		IN  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   ,p_update_prim_ledger_warning        OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
   ,p_duplicate_org_warning             OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
 ) IS

    -- Declare cursors and local variables
  l_proc			varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_operating_unit';
Line: 4741

  l_update_prim_ledger_warning boolean;
Line: 4749

  cursor csr_check_update (p_organization_id number)
  from   hr_organization_information
  where  ORG_INFORMATION_CONTEXT = 'Operating Unit Information'
  and    organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 4762

    savepoint update_operating_unit;
Line: 4767

         p_validate => p_validate
        ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
        ,p_language_code => p_language_code
        ,p_organization_id => p_organization_id
        ,p_internal_external_flag => p_internal_external_flag
        ,p_type => p_type
        ,p_location_id => p_location_id
        ,p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number
        ,p_duplicate_org_warning =>l_duplicate_org_warning);
Line: 4782

  open csr_check_update(p_organization_id => p_organization_id);
Line: 4784

    if csr_check_update%notfound then
  if(p_set_of_books_id is not null and p_legal_entity_id is not null) then
     l_update_prim_ledger_warning := TRUE;
Line: 4802

  fetch csr_check_update into l_new_org_information_id,l_legal_entity_id,
Line: 4807

  l_update_prim_ledger_warning := TRUE;
Line: 4810

            p_validate           => p_validate
           ,p_effective_date     => p_effective_date
           ,p_org_information_id => l_new_org_information_id
           ,p_org_info_type_code => 'Operating Unit Information'
           ,p_org_information2   => p_legal_entity_id
           ,p_org_information3   => p_set_of_books_id
           ,p_org_information5   => p_short_code
           ,p_org_information6   => p_usable_flag
           ,p_object_version_number => l_new_ovn);
Line: 4825

  close csr_check_update;
Line: 4843

  p_update_prim_ledger_warning := l_update_prim_ledger_warning;
Line: 4854

    ROLLBACK TO update_operating_unit;
Line: 4861

    p_update_prim_ledger_warning :=false;
Line: 4866

    ROLLBACK TO update_operating_unit;
Line: 4870

    p_update_prim_ledger_warning :=false;
Line: 4875

END update_operating_unit;
Line: 4950

      p_validate => p_validate
      ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
      ,p_language_code => p_language_code
      ,p_organization_id => l_organization_id
      ,p_internal_external_flag => p_internal_external_flag
      ,p_type => p_type
      ,p_location_id => p_location_id
      ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number);
Line: 5068

   INTO l_exists
   FROM sys.dual
     (SELECT null
      WHERE business_group_id = p_bgr_id);
Line: 5245

   INTO l_exists
   FROM sys.dual
     (SELECT null
      FROM hr_all_organization_units
      WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id);