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APPS.ECX_ENG_UTILS dependencies on WF_CORE

Line 34: random_number := wf_core.random;

30: if (p_document_number is null) then
31: raise invalid_input;
32: end if;
34: random_number := wf_core.random;
35: logical_id := ecx_trading_partner_pvt.getOAGLOGICALID();
36: date_time := to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI-SS');
38: x_payload_id := (date_time || '.' || p_document_number || '.' || random_number || '@' || logical_id);

Line 159: l_install_mode := wf_core.translate('WF_INSTALL');

156: if (ecx_eng_utils.g_server_tz is null) then
157: -- get the timezone string
158: -- Check for the Installation Type ( Standalone or Embedded );
159: l_install_mode := wf_core.translate('WF_INSTALL');
160: if l_install_mode = 'EMBEDDED'
161: then
162: l_string := 'begin
163: fnd_profile.get(' || '''ECX_SERVER_TIMEZONE''' || ', ecx_eng_utils.g_server_tz);

Line 167: ecx_eng_utils.g_server_tz:= wf_core.translate('ECX_SERVER_TIMEZONE');

163: fnd_profile.get(' || '''ECX_SERVER_TIMEZONE''' || ', ecx_eng_utils.g_server_tz);
164: end;';
165: execute immediate l_string ;
166: else
167: ecx_eng_utils.g_server_tz:= wf_core.translate('ECX_SERVER_TIMEZONE');
168: end if;
169: end if;
171: if (ecx_eng_utils.g_server_tz is null)

Line 252: l_install_mode := wf_core.translate('WF_INSTALL');

249: if (ecx_eng_utils.g_server_tz is null) then
250: -- get the DB timezone ID
251: -- Check for the Installation Type ( Standalone or Embedded );
252: l_install_mode := wf_core.translate('WF_INSTALL');
254: if l_install_mode = 'EMBEDDED'
255: then
256: l_string := 'begin

Line 261: ecx_eng_utils.g_server_tz:= wf_core.translate('ECX_SERVER_TIMEZONE');

257: fnd_profile.get(' || '''ECX_SERVER_TIMEZONE''' || ', ecx_eng_utils.g_server_tz);
258: end;';
259: execute immediate l_string ;
260: else
261: ecx_eng_utils.g_server_tz:= wf_core.translate('ECX_SERVER_TIMEZONE');
262: end if;
263: end if;
265: if (ecx_eng_utils.g_server_tz is null)