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Line 196: FROM fa_books

192: g_asset_id := l_asset_id;
194: SELECT count(*)
195: INTO l_count
196: FROM fa_books
197: WHERE asset_id = g_asset_id
198: AND book_type_code = g_book;
200: if l_count = 0 then

Line 317: l_stmt :=l_stmt||' from fa_books bk, fa_book_controls bc, fa_deprn_periods dp

313: l_stmt :=l_stmt||''''||''||''''||'||bc.DEPRN_STATUS||'||''''||''||''''||'||''''||';
314: l_stmt :=l_stmt||''''||''||''''||'||bc.MASS_REQUEST_ID||'||''''||''||''''||'||''''||';
315: l_stmt :=l_stmt||''''||''||''''||'||bc.LAST_PERIOD_COUNTER||'||''''||''||''''||'||''''||';
316: l_stmt :=l_stmt||''''||''||''''||'||dp.PERIOD_COUNTER||'||''''||''||'''';
317: l_stmt :=l_stmt||' from fa_books bk, fa_book_controls bc, fa_deprn_periods dp
318: where bc.book_type_code = bk.book_type_code
319: and dp.book_type_code = bk.book_type_code
320: and dp.period_close_date is null
321: and bk.date_ineffective is null

Line 514: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_tbl := 'FA_BOOKS';

510: ||' and asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||')';
511: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
512: end if;
513: l_idx:= l_idx+ 1;
514: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_tbl := 'FA_BOOKS';
515: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select := 'Y';
516: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_lcs := 'TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID_IN';
517: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_leading_cols := fafsc('TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID_IN');
518: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_order_by := 'TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID_IN';

Line 693: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_tbl := 'FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY';

689: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt := 'SELECT count(1) FROM FA_TRX_REFERENCES WHERE book_type_code = '||''''||g_book||''''
690: ||' and (member_asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' or src_asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' or dest_asset_id = '||g_asset_id||')';
691: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt := 'Select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
692: l_idx:= l_idx+ 1;
693: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_tbl := 'FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY';
694: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select := 'Y';
695: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_lcs := 'FISCAL_YEAR,PERIOD_NUM,PERIOD_COUNTER';
696: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_leading_cols := fafsc('FISCAL_YEAR')||fafsc('PERIOD_NUM')||fafsc('PERIOD_COUNTER');
697: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_order_by := 'PERIOD_COUNTER';

Line 1205: ' AND (CO.PRORATE_CONVENTION_CODE IN (select distinct PRORATE_CONVENTION_CODE from fa_books '||

1201: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_fullcol_list := 'Y';
1202: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause := ' FROM FA_CONVENTIONS CO, FA_CONVENTION_TYPES CT, FA_FISCAL_YEAR FY '
1203: ||'WHERE FY.FISCAL_YEAR BETWEEN '||(g_fiscal_year-1)||' AND '||g_fiscal_year||
1204: ' AND FY.FISCAL_YEAR_NAME = '||'''' ||g_fiscal_year_name|| ''''||
1205: ' AND (CO.PRORATE_CONVENTION_CODE IN (select distinct PRORATE_CONVENTION_CODE from fa_books '||
1206: ' where asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||') '||
1207: ' OR CO.PRORATE_CONVENTION_CODE in (select distinct RETIREMENT_PRORATE_CONVENTION from fa_retirements '||
1208: ' where asset_id = '||g_asset_id|| ' and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||')) '||

Line 1217: ' where BR.BONUS_RULE=BRL.BONUS_RULE and BR.BONUS_RULE IN (select distinct BONUS_RULE from fa_books '||

1213: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select := 'N';
1214: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_col_order := 'br.Bonus_Rule,br.Start_Year,br.End_Year,br.Bonus_Rate * 100,brl.ONE_TIME_FLAG';
1215: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_fullcol_list := 'Y';
1216: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause := ' from FA_BONUS_RATES br, FA_BONUS_RULES brl '||
1217: ' where BR.BONUS_RULE=BRL.BONUS_RULE and BR.BONUS_RULE IN (select distinct BONUS_RULE from fa_books '||
1218: ' where asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||') '||
1219: ' order by BR.Bonus_Rule,BR.Start_Year';
1220: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
1221: l_idx:= l_idx+ 1;

Line 1229: ' from fa_books where asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||') '

1225: ||'CL.Year_Of_Life,CL.Limit';
1226: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_fullcol_list := 'Y';
1227: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause := ' FROM FA_CEILINGS CL, FA_CEILING_TYPES CT '
1228: ||' WHERE cl.ceiling_name = ct.ceiling_name AND (cl.ceiling_name in (select distinct Ceiling_Name '||
1229: ' from fa_books where asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||') '
1230: ||' OR cl.ceiling_name in (select Ceiling_Name from fa_category_book_defaults '||
1231: ' where category_id in (SELECT DISTINCT ah.category_id FROM fa_asset_history ah '||
1232: ' WHERE ah.asset_id = '||g_asset_id|| ') and book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||'))';
1233: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;

Line 1240: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause := ' from fa_methods mt, fa_rates rt, fa_books bk, fa_calendar_periods cp'

1236: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_gen_select := 'N';
1237: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_col_order := 'mt.method_code,mt.name,mt.life_in_months,mt.stl_method_flag,'
1238: ||'mt.depreciate_lastyear_flag,rt.year,rt.period_placed_in_service,rt.rate';
1239: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_fullcol_list := 'Y';
1240: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause := ' from fa_methods mt, fa_rates rt, fa_books bk, fa_calendar_periods cp'
1241: ||' where mt.method_id = rt.method_id and mt.method_code = bk.deprn_method_code and mt.life_in_months = bk.life_in_months'
1242: ||' and bk.asset_id = '||g_asset_id||' and bk.book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||' and cp.calendar_type = '
1243: ||'''' ||g_prorate_calendar|| ''''||' and bk.prorate_date between cp.start_date and cp.end_date'
1244: ||' and rt.PERIOD_PLACED_IN_SERVICE = cp.period_num order by mt.method_code, mt.life_in_months, rt.year';

Line 1255: ||' IN (select DEPRN_METHOD_CODE||to_char(nvl(LIFE_IN_MONTHS,99999)) from fa_books'

1251: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_lc_header := fparse_header('METHOD_ID');
1252: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_num_cols := 1;
1253: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_col_order := 'METHOD_CODE,NAME,LIFE_IN_MONTHS';
1254: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause := ' FROM fa_methods WHERE METHOD_CODE||to_char(nvl(LIFE_IN_MONTHS,99999))'
1255: ||' IN (select DEPRN_METHOD_CODE||to_char(nvl(LIFE_IN_MONTHS,99999)) from fa_books'
1256: ||' where book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||' and asset_id = '||g_asset_id||')';
1257: l_idx:= l_idx+ 1;
1258: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_tbl :='FA_DEPRN_BASIS_RULES';
1259: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause := ' FROM fa_deprn_basis_rules WHERE deprn_basis_rule_id IN (SELECT deprn_basis_rule_id'

Line 1261: ||'(select DEPRN_METHOD_CODE||to_char(nvl(LIFE_IN_MONTHS,99999)) from fa_books where book_type_code = '

1257: l_idx:= l_idx+ 1;
1258: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_tbl :='FA_DEPRN_BASIS_RULES';
1259: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause := ' FROM fa_deprn_basis_rules WHERE deprn_basis_rule_id IN (SELECT deprn_basis_rule_id'
1260: ||' FROM fa_methods WHERE METHOD_CODE||to_char(nvl(LIFE_IN_MONTHS,99999)) IN '
1261: ||'(select DEPRN_METHOD_CODE||to_char(nvl(LIFE_IN_MONTHS,99999)) from fa_books where book_type_code = '
1262: ||'''' || g_book || ''''||' and asset_id = '||g_asset_id||'))';
1263: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
1264: l_idx:= l_idx+ 1;
1265: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_tbl :='FA_FLAT_RATES';

Line 1267: ||'(SELECT to_char(mt.method_id) || to_char(basic_rate) FROM FA_METHODS mt, fa_books bk '

1263: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
1264: l_idx:= l_idx+ 1;
1265: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_tbl :='FA_FLAT_RATES';
1266: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause := ' From fa_flat_rates Where to_char(method_id) || to_char(basic_rate) in '
1267: ||'(SELECT to_char(mt.method_id) || to_char(basic_rate) FROM FA_METHODS mt, fa_books bk '
1268: ||'where mt.method_code = bk.deprn_method_code and nvl(mt.life_in_months,0) = nvl(bk.life_in_months,0) '
1269: ||'and bk.book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''||' and bk.asset_id = '||g_asset_id||')';
1270: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;
1271: l_idx:= l_idx+ 1;

Line 1283: ||'FROM FA_METHODS mt, fa_books bk where mt.method_code = bk.deprn_method_code '

1279: ||' and fiscal_year BETWEEN '||(g_fiscal_year-1)||' AND '||g_fiscal_year||' Order by FISCAL_YEAR, START_DATE';
1280: l_idx:= l_idx+ 1;
1281: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_tbl :='FA_FORMULAS';
1282: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause := ' From fa_formulas Where method_id in (SELECT mt.method_id '
1283: ||'FROM FA_METHODS mt, fa_books bk where mt.method_code = bk.deprn_method_code '
1284: ||'and nvl(mt.life_in_months,0) = nvl(bk.life_in_months,0) and bk.book_type_code = '||'''' || g_book || ''''
1285: ||' and bk.asset_id = '||g_asset_id||')';
1286: l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_cnt_stmt := 'select count(1) '||l_options_tbl(l_idx).l_add_clause;