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2 /* $Header: FIIEAUTILS.pls 120.7 2006/07/19 06:25:46 sajgeo noship $ */
4 g_as_of_date 	           DATE;
5 /* 4439400 Budget */
6 g_bud_as_of_date           DATE;
7 g_previous_bud_asof_date   DATE;
8 g_page_period_type         VARCHAR2(100);
9 g_currency                 VARCHAR2(50);
10 g_view_by                  VARCHAR2(100);
11 g_time_comp                VARCHAR2(30);
12 g_previous_asof_date       DATE;
13 g_company_id               VARCHAR2(30) := 'All';
14 g_parent_company_id        NUMBER;
15 g_top_company_id           NUMBER;
16 g_cost_center_id           VARCHAR2(30) := 'All';
17 g_parent_cost_center_id    NUMBER;
18 g_top_cost_center_id       NUMBER;
19 g_fin_category_id          VARCHAR2(30) := 'All';
20 g_parent_fin_category_id   NUMBER;
21 g_fin_cat_type             VARCHAR2(10) := 'OE';
22 g_ledger_id                VARCHAR2(30) := 'All';
23 g_fud1_id                  VARCHAR2(30) := 'All';
24 g_parent_fud1_id           NUMBER;
25 g_top_fud1_id              NUMBER;
26 g_fud2_id                  VARCHAR2(30) := 'All';
27 g_parent_fud2_id           NUMBER;
28 g_top_fud2_id              NUMBER;
29 g_curr_view                VARCHAR2(4);
30 g_actual_bitand            NUMBER;
31 g_hist_actual_bitand       NUMBER;
32 g_budget_bitand            NUMBER;
33 g_forecast_bitand          NUMBER;
34 g_previous_one_end_date    DATE;
35 g_previous_two_end_date    DATE;
36 g_previous_three_end_date  DATE;
37 g_je_source_group          VARCHAR2(30);
38 g_unassigned_id            NUMBER;
39 g_year_id                  NUMBER;
40 g_prior_year_id            NUMBER;
41 g_coaid                    NUMBER;
42 g_period_set_name          VARCHAR2(15);
43 g_accounted_period_type    VARCHAR2(15);
44 g_curr_per_start           DATE;
45 g_curr_per_end             DATE;
46 g_prior_per_start          DATE;
47 g_prior_per_end            DATE;
48 g_curr_month_start         DATE;
49 g_hist_budget_bitand       NUMBER;
50 g_amount_type              VARCHAR2(3);
51 g_boundary                 VARCHAR2(1);
52 g_boundary_end             DATE;
53 g_prior_boundary_end       DATE;
54 g_amount_type_bitand       NUMBER;
55 g_snapshot                 VARCHAR2(1);
56 g_maj_cat_id               VARCHAR2(30) := 'All';
57 g_fin_cat_top_node_count   NUMBER;
58 g_category_id		   NUMBER;
59 g_udd1_id		   NUMBER;
60 g_company_is_leaf	   VARCHAR2(1);
61 g_cost_center_is_leaf	   VARCHAR2(1);
62 g_fin_cat_is_leaf	   VARCHAR2(1);
63 g_ud1_is_leaf		   VARCHAR2(1);
64 g_ud2_is_leaf		   VARCHAR2(1);
65 g_dir_msg		   VARCHAR2(240);
66 g_min_cat_id               VARCHAR2(30) := 'All';
67 g_region_code		   VARCHAR2(100);
68 g_sd_prior		   DATE;
69 g_sd_prior_prior	   DATE;
70 g_session_id		   NUMBER;
71 g_top_node_is_leaf	   VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
72 g_id			   NUMBER;
73 g_time_id		   NUMBER;
74 g_aggrt_gt_record_count    NUMBER;
75 g_non_aggrt_gt_record_count NUMBER;
76 g_if_trend_sum_mv	   VARCHAR2(1) := 'N'; -- this variable indicates, if report/portlet queries would be hitting fii_gl_trend_sum_mv or not
77 g_fin_aggregate_flag	   VARCHAR2(1);
78 g_ud1_aggregate_flag	   VARCHAR2(1);
79 g_company_count		   NUMBER;
80 g_cc_count		   NUMBER;
81 g_display_sequence	   NUMBER; --  global variable used to maintain consistency in display of N/A and 0 for Period = Year
82 g_curr_per_start_id        NUMBER;
83 g_as_of_date_id            NUMBER;
85 -- Added for P&L Analysis
86 g_five_yr_back             DATE;
87 g_py_sday                  DATE;
88 g_exp_asof_date            DATE;
89 g_cy_period_end	           DATE;
90 g_ent_pyr_end              DATE;
91 g_period_type              NUMBER;
92 g_actual_period_type       NUMBER;
93 g_budget_period_type       NUMBER;
94 g_where_period_type        NUMBER;
95 g_ent_cyr_end              DATE;
96 g_curr_per_sequence        NUMBER;
97 g_exp_start                DATE;
98 g_forecast_period_type     NUMBER;
99 g_exp_begin_date           DATE;
100 g_fin_type	           VARCHAR2(200);
101 g_fin_id	           NUMBER;
102 g_fincat_is_leaf           VARCHAR2(1);
103 g_cat_join	           VARCHAR2(32000);
104 g_cat_join2		   VARCHAR2(32000);
105 g_parent_fin_id            NUMBER;
107 --   This package will provide central utilities for Expense Analysis PMV content
109 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
110 -- Name: reset_globals
111 -- Desc: This procedure is used to reset all the global variables to null.
112 -- Output: N/A.
113 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
114 PROCEDURE reset_globals;
116 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
117 -- Name: get_parameters
118 -- Desc: This procedure is consumed by all the reports to set the global
119 --       variables.
120 --       Obtains metadata: As of Date, Period Type, Currency, View By,
121 --       Compare To, Previous As of Date, Company id, Cost Center id,
122 --       Financial Category id, Ledger id, Financial UD1 id, Financial UD2
123 --       id, Currency view, Actual bitand mask, Budget/Forecase bitand
124 --       mask.
125 -- Output: N/A.
126 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
127 PROCEDURE get_parameters (p_page_parameter_tbl IN BIS_PMV_PAGE_PARAMETER_TBL);
129 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
130 -- Name: get_viewby_id
131 -- Desc: This procedure is used to obtain the viewby columns for aggregated
132 --       and nonaggregated nodes.
133 -- Output: p_aggrt_viewby_id returns the viewby column for aggregated
134 --         nodes, p_snap_aggrt_viewby_id returns the viewby column while hitting
135 --	   snapshot table for aggregated nodes and p_nonaggrt_viewby_id returns
136 --         the viewby column for nonaggregated nodes.
137 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
138 PROCEDURE get_viewby_id (p_aggrt_viewby_id OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
139 			 p_snap_aggrt_viewby_id OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
140                          p_nonaggrt_viewby_id OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
142 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
143 -- Name: insert_into_debug_tables
144 -- Desc: This procedure is used to store fii_pmv_%_gt table's records
145 --       in debug tables to facilitate debugging.
146 -- Output: N/A
147 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
149 PROCEDURE insert_into_debug_tables;
151 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
152 -- Name: populate_security_gt_tables
153 -- Desc: This procedure is used to populate the global tables fii_pmv_aggrt_gt
154 --       and fii_pmv_non_aggrt_gt.  The tables are populated with the
155 --       aggregated and non-aggregated dimension combination(s) that the
156 --       user has access to.
157 -- Output: p_aggrt_gt_is_empty returns 'N' if fii_pmv_aggrt_gt is empty
158 --         else 'Y'.  p_non_aggrt_gt_is_empty returns 'N' if fii_pmv_non_aggrt_gt
159 --         is empty else 'Y'.
160 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
161 PROCEDURE populate_security_gt_tables (p_aggrt_gt_is_empty OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
162 				       p_non_aggrt_gt_is_empty OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
164 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
165 -- Name: get_rolling_period
166 -- Desc: This procedure is used to obtain the rolling period end dates for
167 --       Expense Summary and Expense Trend by Account Detail.
168 --       Sets global variables: g_previous_one_end_date, g_previous_two_end_date,
169 --       g_previous_three_end_date
170 -- Output: N/A.
171 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
172 PROCEDURE get_rolling_period;
174 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
175 -- Name: get_ledger_for_detail
176 -- Desc: This function is used to obtain the filtering condition for the
177 --       Ledger parameter for detail reports.
178 -- Output: Returns ledger where clause conditions to be concatenated with
179 --         the remaining PMV query.
180 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
181 FUNCTION get_ledger_for_detail RETURN VARCHAR2;
183 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
184 -- Name: get_fud1_for_detail
185 -- Desc: This function is used to obtain the filtering condition for the
186 --       Financial UD1 parameter for detail reports.
187 -- Output: Returns financial UD1 where clause conditions to be concatenated
188 --         with the remaining PMV query.
189 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
190 FUNCTION get_fud1_for_detail RETURN VARCHAR2;
192 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
193 -- Name: get_fud2_for_detail
194 -- Desc: This function is used to obtain the filtering condition for the
195 --       Financial UD2 parameter for detail reports.
196 -- Output: Returns financial UD2 where clause conditions to be concatenated
197 --         with the remaining PMV query.
198 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
199 FUNCTION get_fud2_for_detail RETURN VARCHAR2;
203 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
204 -- Name: xtd
205 -- Desc: This function is used to obtain the column heading for the XTD
206 --       amount columns.
207 -- Output: Returns the column heading based on the Period Type parameter.
208 --         Either 'PTD', 'QTD', or 'YTD'.
209 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
210 FUNCTION xtd ( p_page_id           IN     VARCHAR2,
211 	       p_user_id           IN     VARCHAR2,
212 	       p_session_id        IN     VARCHAR2,
213 	       p_function_name     IN     VARCHAR2
214               ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
216 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
217 -- Name: prior_xtd
218 -- Desc: This function is used to obtain the column heading for the prior
219 --       XTD amount columns.
220 -- Output: Returns the column heading based on the Compare To parameter.
221 --         Either 'Prior XTD' or 'Budget'.
222 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
223 FUNCTION prior_xtd( p_page_id           IN     VARCHAR2,
224 	            p_user_id           IN     VARCHAR2,
225 	            p_session_id        IN     VARCHAR2,
226 	            p_function_name     IN     VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
228 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
229 -- Name: prior_graph
230 -- Desc: This function is used to obtain the column heading for the prior
231 --       XTD amount graph columns.
232 -- Output: Returns the column heading based on the Compare To parameter.
233 --         Either 'Prior XTD' or 'Budget' or 'Forecast'.
234 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
235 FUNCTION prior_graph( p_page_id         IN     VARCHAR2,
236                     p_user_id           IN     VARCHAR2,
237                     p_session_id        IN     VARCHAR2,
238                     p_function_name     IN     VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
240 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
241 -- Name: get_rolling_period_label
242 -- Desc: This function is used to obtain the column heading for the rolling
243 --       period columns.
244 -- Output: Returns the column heading based on the Period Type parameter.
245 --         Either period display name/MTD or quarter display name/QTD.
246 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
247 FUNCTION get_rolling_period_label (p_sequence IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
249 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
250 -- Name: period_label
251 -- Desc: This function is used to obtain the column heading period name.
252 -- Output: Returns the column heading period name based on the Period Type
253 --         parameter and the input date.
254 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
255 FUNCTION period_label (p_as_of_date IN DATE) RETURN VARCHAR2;
257 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
258 -- Name: curr_period_label
259 -- Desc: This function is used to obtain the column heading period name.
260 -- Output: Returns the column heading period name based on the Period Type
261 --         parameter for the current period.
262 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
263 FUNCTION curr_period_label RETURN VARCHAR2;
265 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
266 -- Name: prior_period_label
267 -- Desc: This function is used to obtain the column heading period name.
268 -- Output: Returns the column heading period name based on the Period Type
269 --         parameter for the prior period.
270 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
271 FUNCTION prior_period_label RETURN VARCHAR2;
273 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
274 -- Name: change_label
275 -- Desc: This function is used to obtain the column heading for 'change'
276 --	 column on EA page portlets.
277 -- Output: Returns the column heading for 'change' column on EA page
278 --	   portlets based on the comparison Type parameter.
279 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
280 FUNCTION change_label RETURN VARCHAR2;
283 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
284 -- Name: get_com_name
285 -- Desc: This function is used to obtain the column heading for 'FII_EA_COL_COMPANY'
286 --       column on Expense Trend by Account Detail report.
287 -- Output: Returns the column heading for 'FII_EA_COL_COMPANY' column on
288 --        Expense Trend by Account Detail report. It could be 'Company'
289 --        or 'Fund' depending on Industry profile 'Commercial' or
290 --        'Government'.
291 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
293 FUNCTION get_com_name RETURN VARCHAR2;
295 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
296 -- Name: check_if_leaf
297 -- Desc: This procedure is used to check whether respective
298 --	 parameters chosen are leaf or not.
299 -- Output: N/A.
300 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
301 PROCEDURE check_if_leaf(p_id IN NUMBER);
303 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
304 -- Name: bind_variable
305 -- Desc: This procedure is used to bind all the bind variables, no literal
306 --       shall be used in any report
307 -- Output: N/A.
308 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
310 PROCEDURE bind_variable (p_sqlstmt IN Varchar2,
311                          p_page_parameter_tbl IN BIS_PMV_PAGE_PARAMETER_TBL,
312                          p_sql_output OUT NOCOPY Varchar2,
313                          p_bind_output_table OUT NOCOPY BIS_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES_TBL);
315 END fii_ea_util_pkg;