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Line 1365: l_archive_item_id ff_archive_items.archive_item_id%TYPE;

1361: l_employers_name_eid ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%TYPE;
1362: l_employers_address_line_eid ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%TYPE;
1363: l_tax_district_name_eid ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%TYPE;
1364: -- vars for returns from the API:
1365: l_archive_item_id ff_archive_items.archive_item_id%TYPE;
1366: l_ovn NUMBER;
1367: l_some_warning BOOLEAN;
1368: l_payroll_id NUMBER;
1369: l_chk_start_date DATE; -- BUG 5671777-11 to store start date

Line 1692: l_arc_period_of_service_id ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;

1688: p_mode in varchar2) RETURN BOOLEAN
1689: IS
1690: --
1691: l_p45_action_exists boolean := FALSE;
1692: l_arc_period_of_service_id ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;
1693: l_arc_tax_ref_transfer ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;
1694: --
1695: /*
1696: cursor csr_check_action(c_assignment_id in number) is

Line 1693: l_arc_tax_ref_transfer ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;

1689: IS
1690: --
1691: l_p45_action_exists boolean := FALSE;
1692: l_arc_period_of_service_id ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;
1693: l_arc_tax_ref_transfer ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;
1694: --
1695: /*
1696: cursor csr_check_action(c_assignment_id in number) is
1697: select

Line 1700: from ff_archive_items fai, -- of P45 report type

1696: cursor csr_check_action(c_assignment_id in number) is
1697: select
1698: max(decode(fai.user_entity_id,g_period_of_service_eid,fai.VALUE)) pos
1699: ,max(decode(fai.user_entity_id,g_tax_ref_transfer_eid,fai.VALUE)) tfr
1700: from ff_archive_items fai, -- of P45 report type
1701: pay_assignment_actions act,
1702: pay_payroll_actions ppa
1703: where ppa.report_type='P45'
1704: and ppa.report_qualifier='GB'

Line 1716: from ff_archive_items fai

1712: */
1713: cursor csr_check_action(c_assignment_id in number) is
1714: select max(decode(fai.user_entity_id,g_period_of_service_eid,fai.VALUE)) pos
1715: ,max(decode(fai.user_entity_id,g_tax_ref_transfer_eid,fai.VALUE)) tfr
1716: from ff_archive_items fai
1717: where fai.user_entity_id in (g_tax_ref_transfer_eid,g_period_of_service_eid)
1718: and fai.context1 = (select max(act.assignment_action_id)
1719: from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
1720: pay_assignment_actions act

Line 2069: l_archive_item_id ff_archive_items.archive_item_id%TYPE;

2065: l_range_person_on varchar2(3);
2066: rec_asg g_type_asg_rec;
2067: --
2068: -- vars for returns from the API:
2069: l_archive_item_id ff_archive_items.archive_item_id%TYPE;
2070: l_ovn NUMBER;
2071: l_some_warning BOOLEAN;
2072: -- 5144323: To store ids of assignments included on the P45
2073: TYPE l_included_asg_tab_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER

Line 2765: l_archive_item_id ff_archive_items.archive_item_id%TYPE;

2761: IS
2762: --
2763: l_proc CONSTANT VARCHAR2(35):= g_package||'archive_code';
2764: -- vars for returns from the API:
2765: l_archive_item_id ff_archive_items.archive_item_id%TYPE;
2766: l_ovn NUMBER;
2767: l_some_warning BOOLEAN;
2768: --
2769: l_assignment_id per_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE;

Line 3536: ff_archive_items fai

3532: FROM pay_payroll_actions pact,
3533: pay_assignment_actions act,
3534: per_assignments_f paf,
3535: pay_action_interlocks pai,
3536: ff_archive_items fai
3537: WHERE pact.report_type ='P45'
3538: AND pact.report_qualifier ='GB'
3539: AND pact.report_category ='P45'
3540: AND pact.action_status = 'C'

Line 3598: ff_archive_items fai

3594: pay_assignment_actions act,
3595: per_assignments_f paf,
3596: pay_action_interlocks pai,
3597: pay_population_ranges ppr,
3598: ff_archive_items fai
3599: WHERE pact.report_type ='P45'
3600: AND pact.report_qualifier ='GB'
3601: AND pact.report_category ='P45'
3602: AND pact.action_status = 'C'

Line 3798: from ff_archive_items fai,

3794: nvl(max(decode(fue.user_entity_name,'X_ISSUE_DATE',fai.VALUE)),' ') ISSUE_DATE,
3795: upper(nvl(max(decode(fue.user_entity_name,'X_TAX_REF_TRANSFER',fai.VALUE)),' ')) TAX_REF_TRANSFER,
3796: upper(nvl(max(decode(fue.user_entity_name,'X_STUDENT_LOAN_FLAG',fai.VALUE)),' ')) STUDENT_LOAN_FLAG,
3797: upper(nvl(max(decode(fue.user_entity_name,'X_COUNTRY',fai.VALUE)),' ')) COUNTRY
3798: from ff_archive_items fai,
3799: ff_user_entities fue
3800: where x_assignment_action_id = fai.context1
3801: and fai.archive_type <>'PA'
3802: and fai.user_entity_id = fue.user_entity_id;

Line 3887: ff_archive_items fai,

3883: cursor cur_get_pact_archive_items is
3884: select upper(nvl(max(decode(fue.user_entity_name,'X_EMPLOYERS_NAME',fai.VALUE)),null)) EMPLOYERS_NAME,
3885: upper(nvl(max(decode(fue.user_entity_name,'X_EMPLOYERS_ADDRESS_LINE',fai.VALUE)),null)) EMPLOYERS_ADDRESS
3886: from ff_archive_item_contexts aic,
3887: ff_archive_items fai,
3888: ff_user_entities fue
3889: where X_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID = fai.context1
3890: and fai.user_entity_id = fue.user_entity_id
3891: and fai.archive_item_id = aic.archive_item_id

Line 3930: FROM ff_archive_items fai, ff_user_entities fue

3926: AND report_category = 'P45';
3928: CURSOR csr_transfer_p45(c_assignment_action_id NUMBER) IS
3929: SELECT fai.VALUE
3930: FROM ff_archive_items fai, ff_user_entities fue
3931: WHERE fai.user_entity_id = fue.user_entity_id
3932: AND fue.user_entity_name = 'X_TAX_REF_TRANSFER'
3933: AND fue.legislation_code = 'GB'
3934: AND fue.business_group_id IS NULL

Line 3937: l_transfer_flag ff_archive_items.value%type;

3933: AND fue.legislation_code = 'GB'
3934: AND fue.business_group_id IS NULL
3935: AND fai.context1 = c_assignment_action_id ;
3937: l_transfer_flag ff_archive_items.value%type;
3938: --
3939: BEGIN
3940: --
3941: open csr_get_p45_action(p_assignment_id);

Line 4008: from FF_ARCHIVE_ITEMS ai,

4005: /*
4006: Cursor csr_get_final_payment(c_assignment_id NUMBER, c_asg_action_id NUMBER, c_action_sequence NUMBER) IS
4007: select pact1.payroll_action_id, pact1.effective_date final_payment_date
4008: from FF_ARCHIVE_ITEMS ai,
4009: ff_user_entities ue,
4010: pay_payroll_actions pact1
4011: WHERE ue.user_entity_name in ('X_MONTH_NUMBER', 'X_WEEK_NUMBER') -- for the weekly frequency (and multiples)
4012: AND ue.legislation_code = 'GB'

Line 4104: from ff_archive_items fai,

4100: -- fetch P45 for another assignment that included the given assignment.
4101: --
4102: cursor csr_get_p45_another_asg(c_assignment_id number,c_assignment_action_id number) is
4103: select 1
4104: from ff_archive_items fai,
4105: ff_user_entities fue
4106: where fai.user_entity_id = fue.user_entity_id
4107: and fue.user_entity_name = 'X_P45_INCLUDED_ASSIGNMENT'
4108: and fai.context1 = c_assignment_action_id