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APPS.AME_UTIL dependencies on FND_GLOBAL

Line 169: return(fnd_global.local_chr(ascii_chr => 11));

165: begin
166: /* 11 is a vertical tab in the ASCII character set. */
167: -- This function will replace getAdminPersonIdIn and getAdminUserIdIn
168: --
169: return(fnd_global.local_chr(ascii_chr => 11));
170: end fieldDelimiter;
171: function filterHtmlUponInput(stringIn in varchar2) return varchar2 as
172: errorCode integer;
173: errorMessage ame_util.longestStringType;

Line 284: return(fnd_global.local_chr(13)); /* ASCII character 13 is a carriage return. */

280: return(null);
281: end getAdminName;
282: function getCarriageReturn return varchar2 as
283: begin
284: return(fnd_global.local_chr(13)); /* ASCII character 13 is a carriage return. */
285: exception
286: when others then
287: runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
288: routineNameIn => 'getCarriageReturn',

Line 349: userId := fnd_global.user_id;

345: */
346: function getCurrentUserId return integer is
347: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;
348: begin
349: userId := fnd_global.user_id;
350: return(userId);
351: exception
352: when others then
353: runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',

Line 525: userId := fnd_global.user_id;

521: order by a.responsibility_key;
522: highestResponsibility integer;
523: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;
524: begin
525: userId := fnd_global.user_id;
526: highestResponsibility := ame_util.noResponsibility;
527: for getResponsibilityRec in getResponsibilityCur(userId => userId) loop
528: if(getResponsibilityRec.responsibility_key = ame_util.devRespKey) then
529: return(ame_util.developerResponsibility);

Line 580: return(fnd_global.local_chr(10)); /* ASCII character 10 is a line feed. */

576: return(null);
577: end getLabel;
578: function getLineFeed return varchar2 as
579: begin
580: return(fnd_global.local_chr(10)); /* ASCII character 10 is a line feed. */
581: exception
582: when others then
583: runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_util',
584: routineNameIn => 'getLineFeed',

Line 1344: return(fnd_global.local_chr(ascii_chr => 12));

1340: end personIdToUserId;
1341: function recordDelimiter return varchar2 as
1342: begin
1343: /* 12 is a form feed in the ASCII character set. */
1344: return(fnd_global.local_chr(ascii_chr => 12));
1345: end recordDelimiter;
1346: function removeReturns(stringIn in varchar2,
1347: replaceWithSpaces in boolean default false) return varchar2 as
1348: replacementCharacter varchar2(1);

Line 2911: userId := fnd_global.user_id;

2907: responsibilityList icx_sec.g_responsibility_list;
2908: userId fnd_user.user_id%type;
2909: begin
2910: highestResponsibility := getHighestResponsibility;
2911: userId := fnd_global.user_id;
2912: tempIndex := 1;
2913: if highestResponsibility = ame_util.noResponsibility then
2914: applicationIdsOut := ame_util.emptyStringList;
2915: applicationNamesOut := ame_util.emptyStringList;