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APPS.IGF_SE_GEN_001 dependencies on IGF_AW_AWD_DISB

Line 1224: -- Purpose: This procedure will be used to adjust the payroll amount into IGF_AW_AWD_DISB

1220: )IS
1221: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1222: -- Created by : ssawhney ( Oracle IDC)
1223: -- Date created: 2nd jan
1224: -- Purpose: This procedure will be used to adjust the payroll amount into IGF_AW_AWD_DISB
1225: -- This will be used at the time of moving record from IGF_SE_PAYMENT_INT to IGF_SE_PAYMENT
1226: -- Hence it will be present in the TBH of IGF_SE_PAYMENT
1227: -- Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
1228: -- Change History:

Line 1239: l_disb_amount igf_aw_awd_disb.disb_accepted_amt%TYPE DEFAULT 0;

1235: l_payroll_date igf_se_payment_int.payroll_date%TYPE;
1236: l_paid_amount igf_se_payment_int.paid_amount%TYPE;
1237: l_status igf_se_payment_int.status%TYPE;
1238: l_error_cd igf_se_payment_int.error_code%TYPE;
1239: l_disb_amount igf_aw_awd_disb.disb_accepted_amt%TYPE DEFAULT 0;
1240: l_sys_awd_status igf_ap_batch_aw_map.award_year_status_code%TYPE;
1242: CURSOR c_auth (cv_auth_id igf_se_auth.auth_id%TYPE) IS
1243: SELECT rowid row_id,auth.*