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2 /* $Header: RCVPRETS.pls 120.3.12010000.2 2008/10/10 01:03:03 vthevark ship $*/
3 AS
5       CURSOR asn_shipments(
6          v_shipment_header_id    NUMBER,
7          v_shipment_line_id      NUMBER,
8 	 v_po_header_id          NUMBER,
9          v_item_id               NUMBER,
10          v_po_line_num           NUMBER,
11          v_po_shipment_num      NUMBER,
12          v_po_release_id         NUMBER,
13          v_ship_to_org_id        NUMBER,
14          v_ship_to_location_id   NUMBER,
15          v_vendor_product_num    VARCHAR2,
16 	 v_include_closed_po     varchar2
17       )
18       IS
19          SELECT rsl.po_line_location_id,
20 			pll.unit_meas_lookup_code,
21                   	pll.unit_of_measure_class,
22                   	NVL(pll.promised_date, pll.need_by_date) promised_date,
23                   	rsl.to_organization_id ship_to_organization_id,
24                   	pll.quantity quantity_ordered,
25                   	0, --quantity_shipped,
26                   	pll.receipt_days_exception_code,
27                   	pll.qty_rcv_tolerance,
28                   	pll.qty_rcv_exception_code,
29                   	pll.days_early_receipt_allowed,
30                   	pll.days_late_receipt_allowed,
31                   	NVL(pll.price_override, pl.unit_price) unit_price,
32                   	pll.match_option, -- 1845702
33                     rsl.category_id,
34                     rsl.item_description,
35                   	pl.po_line_id,
36                   	ph.currency_code,
37                   	ph.rate_type, -- 1845702
38                   	0 po_distribution_id,
39                   	0 code_combination_id,
40                   	0 req_distribution_id,
41                   	0, --0 deliver_to_location_id,
42                   	0, -- 0 deliver_to_person_id,
43                   	ph.rate_date rate_date, --1845702
44                   	ph.rate rate, --1845702
45                         rsl.destination_type_code, --'' destination_type_code,
46                   	rsl.to_organization_id destination_organization_id, -- 0 destination_organization_id,
47                   	rsl.to_subinventory, -- '' destination_subinventory,
48                   	0 wip_entity_id,
49                   	0 wip_operation_seq_num,
50                   	0 wip_resource_seq_num,
51                   	0 wip_repetitive_schedule_id,
52                   	0 wip_line_id,
53                   	0 bom_resource_id,
54                   	'' ussgl_transaction_code,
55                   	rsl.ship_to_location_id, --pll.ship_to_location_id,
56                   	NVL(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code,
57 			rsl.shipment_line_id,
58                   	rsl.item_id -- pl.item_id
59 			FROM
60              		po_line_locations pll,
61              		po_lines pl,
62              		po_headers ph,
63              		RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES RSL,
64              		RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS RSH
65 			WHERE
66             		rsh.shipment_header_id = v_shipment_header_id
67 			and rsl.shipment_header_id =  rsh.shipment_header_id
68 			and rsl.shipment_line_id = nvl(v_shipment_line_id,rsl.shipment_line_id)
69 			and rsl.po_header_id =  ph.po_header_id
70 			and ph.po_header_id = nvl(v_po_header_id,ph.po_header_id)
71 			and ((v_po_header_id is not null
72 			      and pl.line_num=NVL(v_po_line_num, pl.line_num)
73 			      and pll.shipment_num =
74 				   nvl(v_po_shipment_num,pll.shipment_num))
75 					 OR
76 			     v_po_header_id is null)
77 			and rsl.po_line_id =  pl.po_line_id
78 			and rsl.po_line_location_id =  pll.line_location_id
79 			and nvl(rsl.po_release_id,0) =  nvl(v_po_release_id,nvl(rsl.po_release_id,0))
80 			and nvl(rsl.item_id,0) = nvl(v_item_id,nvl(rsl.item_id,0))
81 			and rsl.to_organization_id = nvl(v_ship_to_org_id,rsl.to_organization_id)
82 			and nvl(rsl.shipment_line_status_code,'EXPECTED') <> 'FULLY RECEIVED'
83 			and nvl(rsl.asn_line_flag,'N') = 'Y'
84 			and rsh.receipt_source_code = 'VENDOR'
85 			AND rsl.ship_to_location_id = NVL(v_ship_to_location_id, rsl.ship_to_location_id)
86             		and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id
87             		--and nvl(pl.item_id,0) =  nvl(rsl.item_id,0)
88             		and NVL(pll.po_release_id, 0) = NVL(rsl.po_release_id, NVL(pll.po_release_id, 0))
89             		AND NVL(pll.approved_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
90               		AND NVL(pll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
91               		AND ( ( (NVL(v_include_closed_po, 'N') = 'Y')
92 				 AND (NVL(pll.closed_code, 'OPEN')
93 					<> 'FINALLY CLOSED'))
94 					OR
95 			       ( (NVL(v_include_closed_po, 'N') = 'N')
96                        		AND
97                        		( NVL(pll.closed_code, 'OPEN') NOT IN
98                                    ( 'FINALLY CLOSED', 'CLOSED',
99 				      'CLOSED FOR RECEIVING')))
100                   	     )
101               		AND pll.shipment_type IN('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
102               		AND pll.ship_to_organization_id =NVL(rsl.to_organization_id, pll.ship_to_organization_id)
103               		AND pll.ship_to_location_id =NVL(rsl.ship_to_location_id, pll.ship_to_location_id)
104               		AND NVL(pl.vendor_product_num, '-999') =NVL(v_vendor_product_num,NVL(pl.vendor_product_num, '-999'))
105 			ORDER BY NVL(pll.promised_date, pll.need_by_date);
107       CURSOR count_asn_shipments(
108          v_shipment_header_id    NUMBER,
109          v_shipment_line_id      NUMBER,
110          v_po_header_id          NUMBER,
111          v_item_id               NUMBER,
112          v_po_line_num           NUMBER,
113          v_po_shipment_num      NUMBER,
114          v_po_release_id         NUMBER,
115          v_ship_to_org_id        NUMBER,
116          v_ship_to_location_id   NUMBER,
117          v_vendor_product_num    VARCHAR2,
118 	 v_include_closed_po     varchar2
119       )
120       IS
121          SELECT COUNT(*)
122            FROM po_line_locations pll,
123              		po_lines pl,
124              		po_headers ph,
125              		RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES RSL,
126              		RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS RSH
127 			WHERE
128             		rsh.shipment_header_id = v_shipment_header_id
129 			and rsl.shipment_header_id =  rsh.shipment_header_id
130 			and rsl.shipment_line_id = nvl(v_shipment_line_id,rsl.shipment_line_id)
131 			and rsl.po_header_id =  ph.po_header_id
132 			and ph.po_header_id = nvl(v_po_header_id,ph.po_header_id)
133 			and ((v_po_header_id is not null
134 			      and pl.line_num=NVL(v_po_line_num, pl.line_num)
135 			      and pll.shipment_num =
136 				   nvl(v_po_shipment_num,pll.shipment_num))
137 					 OR
138 			     v_po_header_id is null)
139 			and rsl.po_line_id =  pl.po_line_id
140 			and rsl.po_line_location_id =  pll.line_location_id
141 			and nvl(rsl.po_release_id,0) =  nvl(v_po_release_id,nvl(rsl.po_release_id,0))
142 			and nvl(rsl.item_id,0) = nvl(v_item_id,nvl(rsl.item_id,0))
143 			and rsl.to_organization_id = nvl(v_ship_to_org_id,rsl.to_organization_id)
144 			and (nvl(rsl.shipment_line_status_code,'EXPECTED') <> 'FULLY RECEIVED')
145 			and rsh.receipt_source_code = 'VENDOR'
146 			and nvl(rsl.asn_line_flag,'N') = 'Y'
147 			AND rsl.ship_to_location_id = NVL(v_ship_to_location_id, rsl.ship_to_location_id)
148             		and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id
149             		--and nvl(pl.item_id,0) =  nvl(rsl.item_id,0)
150             		and NVL(pll.po_release_id, 0) = NVL(rsl.po_release_id, NVL(pll.po_release_id, 0))
151             		AND NVL(pll.approved_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
152               		AND NVL(pll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
153               		AND ( ( (NVL(v_include_closed_po, 'N') = 'Y')
154 				 AND (NVL(pll.closed_code, 'OPEN')
155 					<> 'FINALLY CLOSED'))
156 					OR
157 				( (NVL(v_include_closed_po, 'N') = 'N')
158                        		AND ( NVL(pll.closed_code, 'OPEN') NOT IN
159                                        ( 'FINALLY CLOSED', 'CLOSED',
160                                           'CLOSED FOR RECEIVING')))
161                             )
162               		AND pll.shipment_type IN('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
163               		AND pll.ship_to_organization_id =NVL(rsl.to_organization_id, pll.ship_to_organization_id)
164               		AND pll.ship_to_location_id =NVL(rsl.ship_to_location_id, pll.ship_to_location_id)
165               		AND NVL(pl.vendor_product_num, '-999') =NVL(v_vendor_product_num,NVL(pl.vendor_product_num, '-999'));
167       /* Bug 3648871.
168        * When v_po_header_id was null, we did not join po_distributions
169        * table with other tables. Hence there was performance problem.
170        * Changed the condition join po_distributions with po_line_locations
171        * and po_lines in cursors asn_distributions and count_asn_distributions.
172       */
173       CURSOR asn_distributions(
174          v_shipment_header_id    NUMBER,
175          v_shipment_line_id      NUMBER,
176          v_po_header_id          NUMBER,
177          v_item_id               NUMBER,
178          v_po_line_num           NUMBER,
179          v_po_shipment_num       NUMBER,
180 	 v_po_distribution_num   NUMBER,
181          v_po_release_id         NUMBER,
182          v_ship_to_org_id        NUMBER,
183          v_ship_to_location_id   NUMBER,
184          v_vendor_product_num    VARCHAR2,
185 	 v_include_closed_po     varchar2
186       )
187       IS
188          SELECT rsl.po_line_location_id,
189 		  pll.unit_meas_lookup_code,
190                   pll.unit_of_measure_class,
191                   NVL(pll.promised_date, pll.need_by_date) promised_date,
192                   rsl.to_organization_id ship_to_organization_id,
193                   pll.quantity quantity_ordered,
194                   0, --quantity_shipped,
195                   pll.receipt_days_exception_code,
196                   pll.qty_rcv_tolerance,
197                   pll.qty_rcv_exception_code,
198                   pll.days_early_receipt_allowed,
199                   pll.days_late_receipt_allowed,
200                   NVL(pll.price_override, pl.unit_price) unit_price,
201                   pll.match_option, -- 1845702
202                   rsl.category_id,
203                   rsl.item_description,
204                   pl.po_line_id,
205                   ph.currency_code,
206                   ph.rate_type, -- 1845702
207                   pod.po_distribution_id,
208                   pod.code_combination_id,
209                   pod.req_distribution_id,
210                   pod.deliver_to_location_id,
211                   pod.deliver_to_person_id,
212                   pod.rate_date, pod.rate,
213                   pod.destination_type_code,
214                   pod.destination_organization_id,
215                   pod.destination_subinventory,
216                   pod.wip_entity_id,
217                   pod.wip_operation_seq_num,
218                   pod.wip_resource_seq_num,
219                   pod.wip_repetitive_schedule_id,
220                   pod.wip_line_id,
221                   pod.bom_resource_id,
222                   pod.ussgl_transaction_code,
223                   pll.ship_to_location_id,
224                   NVL(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code,
225 		  rsl.shipment_line_id,
226                   rsl.item_id
227              FROM
228              		po_distributions pod,
229              		po_line_locations pll,
230              		po_lines pl,
231              		po_headers ph,
232              		RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES RSL,
233              		RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS RSH
234 			WHERE
235             		rsh.shipment_header_id = v_shipment_header_id
236 			and rsl.shipment_header_id =  rsh.shipment_header_id
237 			and rsl.shipment_line_id = nvl(v_shipment_line_id,rsl.shipment_line_id)
238 			and rsl.po_header_id =  ph.po_header_id
239 			and ph.po_header_id = nvl(v_po_header_id,ph.po_header_id)
240 			and ((v_po_header_id is not null
241 			      and pl.line_num=NVL(v_po_line_num, pl.line_num)
242 			      and pll.shipment_num =
243 				   nvl(v_po_shipment_num,pll.shipment_num)
244 			      and pod.distribution_num =
245 				   nvl(v_po_distribution_num,pod.distribution_num))
246 					 OR
247 			     v_po_header_id is null)
248 		        and pod.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id
249                         and pod.line_location_id = pll.line_location_id
250 			and rsl.po_line_id =  pl.po_line_id
251 			and rsl.po_line_location_id =  pll.line_location_id
252 			and nvl(rsl.po_release_id,0) =  nvl(v_po_release_id,nvl(rsl.po_release_id,0))
253 			and nvl(rsl.item_id,0) = nvl(v_item_id,nvl(rsl.item_id,0))
254 			and rsl.to_organization_id = nvl(v_ship_to_org_id,rsl.to_organization_id)
255 			and (nvl(rsl.shipment_line_status_code,'EXPECTED') <> 'FULLY RECEIVED')
256 			and rsh.receipt_source_code = 'VENDOR'
257 			and nvl(rsl.asn_line_flag,'N') = 'Y'
258 			AND rsl.ship_to_location_id = NVL(v_ship_to_location_id, rsl.ship_to_location_id)
259             		and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id
260             		--and nvl(pl.item_id,0) = nvl(rsl.item_id,0)
261             		and NVL(pll.po_release_id, 0) = NVL(rsl.po_release_id, NVL(pll.po_release_id, 0))
262             		AND NVL(pll.approved_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
263               		AND NVL(pll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
264               		AND ( ( (NVL(v_include_closed_po, 'N') = 'Y')
265                        		AND (NVL(pll.closed_code, 'OPEN')
266 					<> 'FINALLY CLOSED'))
267                    		OR
268 				( (NVL(v_include_closed_po, 'N') = 'N')
269                        		AND ( NVL(pll.closed_code, 'OPEN') NOT IN
270                                       ( 'FINALLY CLOSED', 'CLOSED',
271                                          'CLOSED FOR RECEIVING')))
272                             )
273               		AND pll.shipment_type IN('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
274               		AND pll.ship_to_organization_id =NVL(rsl.to_organization_id, pll.ship_to_organization_id)
275               		AND pll.ship_to_location_id =NVL(rsl.ship_to_location_id, pll.ship_to_location_id)
276               		AND NVL(pl.vendor_product_num, '-999') =NVL(v_vendor_product_num,NVL(pl.vendor_product_num, '-999'));
278       CURSOR count_asn_distributions(
279          v_shipment_header_id    NUMBER,
280          v_shipment_line_id      NUMBER,
281          v_po_header_id          NUMBER,
282          v_item_id               NUMBER,
283          v_po_line_num           NUMBER,
284          v_po_shipment_num       NUMBER,
285 	 v_po_distribution_num   NUMBER,
286          v_po_release_id         NUMBER,
287          v_ship_to_org_id        NUMBER,
288          v_ship_to_location_id   NUMBER,
289          v_vendor_product_num    VARCHAR2,
290 	 v_include_closed_po     varchar2
291       )
292       IS
293          SELECT COUNT(*)
294            FROM
295              		po_distributions pod,
296              		po_line_locations pll,
297              		po_lines pl,
298              		po_headers ph,
299              		RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES RSL,
300              		RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS RSH
301 			WHERE
302             		rsh.shipment_header_id = v_shipment_header_id
303 			and rsl.shipment_header_id =  rsh.shipment_header_id
304 			and rsl.shipment_line_id = nvl(v_shipment_line_id,rsl.shipment_line_id)
305 			and rsl.po_header_id =  ph.po_header_id
306 			and ph.po_header_id = nvl(v_po_header_id,ph.po_header_id)
307 			and ((v_po_header_id is not null
308 			      and pl.line_num=NVL(v_po_line_num, pl.line_num)
309 			      and pll.shipment_num =
310 				   nvl(v_po_shipment_num,pll.shipment_num)
311 			      and pod.distribution_num =
312 				   nvl(v_po_distribution_num,pod.distribution_num))
313 					 OR
314 			     v_po_header_id is null)
315 		        and pod.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id
316                         and pod.line_location_id = pll.line_location_id
317 			and rsl.po_line_id =  pl.po_line_id
318 			and rsl.po_line_location_id =  pll.line_location_id
319 			and nvl(rsl.po_release_id,0) =  nvl(v_po_release_id,nvl(rsl.po_release_id,0))
320 			and nvl(rsl.item_id,0) = nvl(v_item_id,nvl(rsl.item_id,0))
321 			and rsl.to_organization_id = nvl(v_ship_to_org_id,rsl.to_organization_id)
322 			and (nvl(rsl.shipment_line_status_code,'EXPECTED') <> 'FULLY RECEIVED')
323 			and rsh.receipt_source_code = 'VENDOR'
324 			and nvl(rsl.asn_line_flag,'N') = 'Y'
325 			AND rsl.ship_to_location_id = NVL(v_ship_to_location_id, rsl.ship_to_location_id)
326             		and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id
327             		--and nvl(pl.item_id,0) = nvl(rsl.item_id,0)
328             		and NVL(pll.po_release_id, 0) = NVL(rsl.po_release_id, NVL(pll.po_release_id, 0))
329             		AND NVL(pll.approved_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
330               		AND NVL(pll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
331               		AND ( ( (NVL(v_include_closed_po, 'N') = 'Y')
332                        		AND (NVL(pll.closed_code, 'OPEN')
333 						<> 'FINALLY CLOSED'))
334 					OR
335 				( (NVL(v_include_closed_po, 'N') = 'N')
336                        		AND ( NVL(pll.closed_code, 'OPEN') NOT IN
337                                		( 'FINALLY CLOSED', 'CLOSED',
338                                            'CLOSED FOR RECEIVING')))
339                              )
340               		AND pll.shipment_type IN('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
341               		AND pll.ship_to_organization_id =NVL(rsl.to_organization_id, pll.ship_to_organization_id)
342               		AND pll.ship_to_location_id =NVL(rsl.ship_to_location_id, pll.ship_to_location_id)
343               		AND NVL(pl.vendor_product_num, '-999') =NVL(v_vendor_product_num,NVL(pl.vendor_product_num, '-999'));
345 PROCEDURE derive_vendor_rcv_line (
346            X_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
347            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer,
348            temp_cascaded_table  IN OUT  NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
349            X_header_record      IN rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type);
352 PROCEDURE default_vendor_rcv_line (
353            X_cascaded_table	    IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
354 		   n				    IN binary_integer,
355  		   X_header_id			IN	    rcv_headers_interface.header_interface_id%type,
356            X_header_record      IN      rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type);
359 PROCEDURE validate_vendor_rcv_line (
360            X_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
361   		   n				    IN	binary_integer,
362   		   X_asn_type			IN	    rcv_headers_interface.asn_type%type,
363            X_header_record      IN      rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type);
366 PROCEDURE derive_ship_to_org_info (
367            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
368            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer,
369            X_header_record      IN      rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type);
371 PROCEDURE derive_vendor_info (
372            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
373            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
375 PROCEDURE derive_vendor_site_info (
376            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
377            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
379 PROCEDURE derive_po_header_info (
380            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
381            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
383 PROCEDURE derive_asn_header_info (
384    x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
385    n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer,
386 x_header_record    IN              rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type);
387 PROCEDURE derive_item_info (
388            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
389            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
391 PROCEDURE derive_substitute_item_info (
392            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
393            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
395 PROCEDURE derive_po_line_info (
396            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
397            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
399 PROCEDURE derive_from_org_info (
400            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
401            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
403 PROCEDURE derive_transit_org_info (
404            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
405            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
407 PROCEDURE derive_location_info (
408            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
409            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
411 PROCEDURE derive_ship_to_location_info (
412            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
413            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
415 PROCEDURE derive_routing_header_info (
416            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
417            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
419 PROCEDURE derive_routing_step_info (
420            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
421            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
423 PROCEDURE derive_deliver_to_person_info (
424            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
425            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
427 PROCEDURE derive_deliver_to_loc_info (
428            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
429            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
431 PROCEDURE derive_from_locator_id (
432            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
433            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
435 PROCEDURE derive_to_locator_id (
436            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
437            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
439 PROCEDURE validate_non_services_fields(
440            x_cascaded_table   IN OUT NOCOPY   rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
441            n                  IN        BINARY_INTEGER );
443 PROCEDURE default_from_subloc_info (
444            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
445            n				    IN    binary_integer);
447 PROCEDURE default_to_subloc_info (
448            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
449            n				    IN    binary_integer);
451 PROCEDURE derive_reason_info (
452            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
453            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
455 PROCEDURE derive_auto_transact_code (
456            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
457            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer);
459 PROCEDURE derive_vendor_rcv_line_qty (
460            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
461            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer,
462            temp_cascaded_table  IN OUT  NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
463            X_header_record      IN rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type);
465 PROCEDURE validate_transaction_date (
466            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
467            n				    IN binary_integer);
469 PROCEDURE validate_quantity_invoiced (
470            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
471            n				    IN binary_integer);
473 PROCEDURE validate_transaction_uom (
474            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
475            n				    IN  binary_integer);
477 PROCEDURE validate_item_info (
478            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
479            n				    IN  binary_integer);
481 PROCEDURE validate_freight_carrier_code (
482            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
483            n				    IN binary_integer);
485 PROCEDURE validate_dest_type (
486            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
487            n				    IN binary_integer);
489 PROCEDURE validate_ship_to_loc (
490            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
491            n				    IN binary_integer);
493 PROCEDURE validate_deliver_to_person (
494            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
495            n				    IN binary_integer);
497 PROCEDURE validate_routing_record(
498            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
499            n				    IN binary_integer);
501 PROCEDURE validate_deliver_to_loc (
502            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
503            n				    IN binary_integer);
505 PROCEDURE validate_subinventory (
506            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
507            n				    IN binary_integer);
509 PROCEDURE validate_locator (
510            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
511            n				    IN binary_integer);
513 PROCEDURE validate_tax_code (
514            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
515            n				    IN binary_integer,
516 	   /* Bug3454491 (1) */
517            x_asn_type         		    IN rcv_headers_interface.asn_type%TYPE);
519 PROCEDURE validate_country_of_origin (
520            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
521            n				    IN binary_integer);
523 PROCEDURE validate_asl (
524            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
525            n				    IN binary_integer);
527 PROCEDURE validate_consigned_inventory (
528            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
529            n				    IN binary_integer,
530 	   /* Bug3454491 (2) */
531            x_asn_type         		    IN rcv_headers_interface.asn_type%TYPE);
533 PROCEDURE validate_shipped_qty (
534            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
535            n				    IN binary_integer);
537 PROCEDURE validate_ref_integrity (
538            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
539            n				    IN binary_integer,
540 	   X_header_record      IN rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type);
542 PROCEDURE exchange_sub_items (
543            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
544            n				    IN binary_integer);
546 PROCEDURE validate_ref_integ (
547            x_ref_integrity_rec  IN OUT NOCOPY rcv_shipment_line_sv.ref_integrity_record_type,
548            X_header_record      IN rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type);
550 PROCEDURE validate_inspection_status (
551            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
552            n				    IN binary_integer);
554 PROCEDURE validate_transaction_type (
555            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
556            n				    IN binary_integer);
558 /** OPM change Bug# 3061052**/
559 -- added validate_opm_attributes to validate OPM specific columns.
560 PROCEDURE validate_opm_attributes(
561       	   x_cascaded_table   IN OUT NOCOPY   rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
562       	   n                  IN              BINARY_INTEGER ) ;
564 PROCEDURE validate_temp_labor_info(
565       v_trans_tab       IN OUT NOCOPY   rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
566       n                 IN              binary_integer,
567       v_header_record   IN              rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type);
569 PROCEDURE validate_amount(
570       v_trans_tab       IN OUT NOCOPY   rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
571       n                 IN              binary_integer,
572       v_header_record   IN              rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type );
574 PROCEDURE HANDLE_RCV_ASN_TRANSACTIONS (V_TRANS_TAB     IN OUT  NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
575                                        V_HEADER_RECORD IN OUT NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type);
578 PROCEDURE derive_vendor_trans_del (
579            X_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
580            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer,
581            temp_cascaded_table  IN OUT  NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
582            X_header_record      IN rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type);
584 Procedure derive_parent_id(
585            X_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
586            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer );
588 PROCEDURE derive_trans_del_line_quantity (
589            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
590            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer,
591            temp_cascaded_table  IN OUT  NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type);
593 PROCEDURE default_vendor_trans_del (
594         X_cascaded_table IN OUT NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
595                    n               IN binary_integer);
597 PROCEDURE derive_correction_line (
598            X_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
599            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer,
600            temp_cascaded_table  IN OUT  NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
601            X_header_record      IN rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type);
604 PROCEDURE derive_correction_line_qty (
605            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
606            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer,
607            temp_cascaded_table  IN OUT  NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type);
610 PROCEDURE derive_correction_line_amt (
611            x_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
612            n				    IN OUT  NOCOPY binary_integer,
613            temp_cascaded_table  IN OUT  NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type);
615 PROCEDURE default_vendor_correct (
616         X_cascaded_table IN OUT NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
617                    n               IN binary_integer);
620 FUNCTION convert_into_correct_qty(source_qty in number,
621                                    source_uom in varchar2,
622                                    item_id    in number,
623                                    dest_uom   in varchar2)
624           RETURN NUMBER;
627 PROCEDURE get_interface_available_qty (
628         X_cascaded_table IN OUT NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
629                    n               IN binary_integer,
630 	x_interface_qty      OUT NOCOPY number);
633 PROCEDURE get_interface_available_amt(
634         x_cascaded_table   IN OUT NOCOPY   rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
635         n                  IN              BINARY_INTEGER,
636         x_interface_amt       OUT NOCOPY   number);
638 PROCEDURE update_interface_available_qty (
639         X_cascaded_table IN OUT NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
640         n                IN binary_integer);
642 PROCEDURE update_interface_available_amt (
643         X_cascaded_table IN OUT NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
644         n                IN binary_integer);
646 PROCEDURE update_total_transaction_qty(
647         p_interface_transaction_id  IN   rcv_transactions_interface.interface_transaction_id%type,
648         p_parent_transaction_id     IN   rcv_transactions_interface.parent_transaction_id%type,
649         p_parent_interface_txn_id   IN   rcv_transactions_interface.parent_interface_txn_id%type,
650         p_primary_quantity          IN   rcv_transactions_interface.quantity%type,
651         p_transaction_type          IN   rcv_transactions_interface.transaction_type%type,
652         x_interface_transaction_qty OUT NOCOPY
653                        rcv_transactions_interface.interface_transaction_qty%type
654 );
656 PROCEDURE update_total_transaction_amt(
657         p_interface_transaction_id  IN   rcv_transactions_interface.interface_transaction_id%type,
658         p_parent_transaction_id     IN   rcv_transactions_interface.parent_transaction_id%type,
659         p_parent_interface_txn_id   IN   rcv_transactions_interface.parent_interface_txn_id%type,
660         p_amount                    IN   rcv_transactions_interface.amount%type,
661         p_transaction_type          IN   rcv_transactions_interface.transaction_type%type,
662         x_interface_transaction_amt OUT NOCOPY
663                        rcv_transactions_interface.interface_transaction_amt%type
664 );
667 PROCEDURE derive_vendor_rcv_line_amt(
668       x_cascaded_table      IN OUT NOCOPY   rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
669       n                     IN OUT NOCOPY   BINARY_INTEGER,
670       temp_cascaded_table   IN OUT NOCOPY   rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
671       x_header_record       IN              rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type   );
673    PROCEDURE validate_amt_based_rcv_line(
674       x_cascaded_table   IN OUT NOCOPY   rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
675       n                  IN              BINARY_INTEGER,
676       x_asn_type         IN              rcv_headers_interface.asn_type%TYPE,
677       x_header_record    IN              rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type
678    );
681 /* Complex work.
682  * We have a separate procedure derive_matching_basis
683  * to get the matching basis now. This is because we
684  * are going to get the matching_basis from
685  * po_line_locations and hence moved it from
686  * derive_po_line_info.
687 */
688 PROCEDURE derive_matching_basis(
689         x_cascaded_table IN OUT NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
690         n                IN            BINARY_INTEGER
691     );
693 /* The following procedure and functions are added as part of Bug#6375015 fix.
694     Procedure get_deliver_to_person_from_po()
695     Function  get_deliver_to_person_from_rt()
696     Function  get_deliver_to_person_from_rti() */
698 PROCEDURE get_deliver_to_person_from_po(
699     x_cascaded_table    IN OUT NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
700     n                   IN BINARY_INTEGER
701 );
703 FUNCTION get_deliver_to_person_from_rt(
704     x_cascaded_table    IN OUT NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
705     n                   IN BINARY_INTEGER
708 FUNCTION get_deliver_to_person_from_rti(
709     x_cascaded_table    IN OUT NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
710     n                   IN BINARY_INTEGER
713 PROCEDURE validate_lcm_line (
714            X_cascaded_table		IN OUT	NOCOPY rcv_roi_preprocessor.cascaded_trans_tab_type,
715            n                            IN binary_integer,
716            X_asn_type                   IN rcv_headers_interface.asn_type%type,
717            X_header_record              IN rcv_roi_preprocessor.header_rec_type);