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APPS.FF_UTILS dependencies on FF_UTILS

Line 1: package body ff_utils as

1: package body ff_utils as
2: /* $Header: ffutil.pkb 120.1.12000000.1 2007/01/17 17:53:40 appldev noship $ */
3: /*
4: * Set debug level.
5: */

Line 12: ff_utils.g_debug_level := p_debug_level;

8: p_debug_level in binary_integer
9: ) is
10: begin
11: -- Simply set the debugging level as appropriate.
12: ff_utils.g_debug_level := p_debug_level;
13: end set_debug;
15: /*
16: * Raise an assert if 'expression' is FALSE.

Line 41: if(ff_utils.g_debug_level is null or ff_utils.g_debug_level = 0) then

37: ) is
38: begin
39: -- Check the debug level.
40: -- Unless it has a value set, we simply return.
41: if(ff_utils.g_debug_level is null or ff_utils.g_debug_level = 0) then
42: return;
43: end if;
45: -- Now check that the specific debug level has been set.

Line 46: if(bitand(g_debug_level, ff_utils.ROUTING) <> 0) then

42: return;
43: end if;
45: -- Now check that the specific debug level has been set.
46: if(bitand(g_debug_level, ff_utils.ROUTING) <> 0) then
47: -- Tell the world that we have entered a function.
48: hr_utility.trace('In : ' || p_procedure_name);
49: end if;

Line 63: if(ff_utils.g_debug_level is null or ff_utils.g_debug_level = 0) then

59: ) is
60: begin
61: -- Check the debug level.
62: -- Unless it has a value set, we simply return.
63: if(ff_utils.g_debug_level is null or ff_utils.g_debug_level = 0) then
64: return;
65: end if;
67: -- Now check that the specific debug level has been set.

Line 68: if(bitand(g_debug_level, ff_utils.ROUTING) <> 0) then

64: return;
65: end if;
67: -- Now check that the specific debug level has been set.
68: if(bitand(g_debug_level, ff_utils.ROUTING) <> 0) then
69: -- Tell the world that we have entered a function.
70: hr_utility.trace('Out : ' || p_procedure_name);
71: end if;

Line 75: end ff_utils;

71: end if;
73: end exit;
75: end ff_utils;