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Line 8: inv_log_util.TRACE(p_mesg, p_mod, p_level);

4: g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB';
6: PROCEDURE TRACE(p_mesg VARCHAR2, p_mod VARCHAR2, p_level NUMBER := 9) IS
8: inv_log_util.TRACE(p_mesg, p_mod, p_level);
9: END;
11: --
12: -- Name: INSERT_LINE_TRX

Line 1289: inv_log_util.trace('Creating a new record in MMTT from TxnTempID = ' || p_transaction_temp_id, g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 5);

1285: BEGIN
1286: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
1288: IF l_debug = 1 THEN
1289: inv_log_util.trace('Creating a new record in MMTT from TxnTempID = ' || p_transaction_temp_id, g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 5);
1290: END IF;
1292: -- Transaction Temp ID has to be passed with a valid value.
1293: IF p_transaction_temp_id IS NULL OR p_transaction_temp_id = fnd_api.g_miss_num THEN

Line 1295: inv_log_util.trace('Error: Transaction Temp ID has to be passed', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 3);

1292: -- Transaction Temp ID has to be passed with a valid value.
1293: IF p_transaction_temp_id IS NULL OR p_transaction_temp_id = fnd_api.g_miss_num THEN
1294: IF l_debug = 1 THEN
1295: inv_log_util.trace('Error: Transaction Temp ID has to be passed', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 3);
1296: END IF;
1297: fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER');
1298: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1299: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;

Line 1309: inv_log_util.trace('Error: ItemID, OrgID, PriQty, TxnQty, TxnUOM, TxnTypeID, TxnActionID, TxnSourceTypeID or TxnDate is invalid', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 3);

1305: OR (p_txn_type_id = fnd_api.g_miss_num OR p_txn_action_id = fnd_api.g_miss_num OR p_txn_source_type_id = fnd_api.g_miss_num)
1306: OR (p_transaction_date = fnd_api.g_miss_date) )
1307: THEN
1308: IF l_debug = 1 THEN
1309: inv_log_util.trace('Error: ItemID, OrgID, PriQty, TxnQty, TxnUOM, TxnTypeID, TxnActionID, TxnSourceTypeID or TxnDate is invalid', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 3);
1310: inv_log_util.trace('Error: The passed value will make the Not NULLABLE column NULL', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 3);
1311: END IF;
1312: fnd_message.set_name('INV','INV_DATA_ERROR');
1313: fnd_message.set_token('ENTITY',l_api_name);

Line 1310: inv_log_util.trace('Error: The passed value will make the Not NULLABLE column NULL', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 3);

1306: OR (p_transaction_date = fnd_api.g_miss_date) )
1307: THEN
1308: IF l_debug = 1 THEN
1309: inv_log_util.trace('Error: ItemID, OrgID, PriQty, TxnQty, TxnUOM, TxnTypeID, TxnActionID, TxnSourceTypeID or TxnDate is invalid', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 3);
1310: inv_log_util.trace('Error: The passed value will make the Not NULLABLE column NULL', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 3);
1311: END IF;
1312: fnd_message.set_name('INV','INV_DATA_ERROR');
1313: fnd_message.set_token('ENTITY',l_api_name);
1314: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;

Line 1329: inv_log_util.trace('Error: No Record found for the given Transaction Temp ID', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 3);

1325: FETCH c_mmtt_info INTO l_organization_id, l_inventory_item_id, l_transaction_uom;
1326: IF c_mmtt_info%NOTFOUND THEN
1327: CLOSE c_mmtt_info;
1328: IF l_debug = 1 THEN
1329: inv_log_util.trace('Error: No Record found for the given Transaction Temp ID', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 3);
1330: END IF;
1331: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1332: END IF;
1333: CLOSE c_mmtt_info;

Line 1346: inv_log_util.trace('Error: Period is not open for the Organization', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 3);

1343: -- Open Period Check
1344: invttmtx.tdatechk(l_organization_id, l_transaction_date, l_acct_period_id, l_open_past_period);
1345: IF l_acct_period_id = -1 OR l_acct_period_id = 0 THEN
1346: inv_log_util.trace('Error: Period is not open for the Organization', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 3);
1347: fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_NO_OPEN_PERIOD');
1348: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1349: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1350: END IF;

Line 1798: inv_log_util.trace('Inserted a new record into MMTT with TxnTempID = ' || x_new_txn_temp_id, g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 5);

1794: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
1795: WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
1797: IF l_debug = 1 THEN
1798: inv_log_util.trace('Inserted a new record into MMTT with TxnTempID = ' || x_new_txn_temp_id, g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name, 5);
1799: END IF;
1801: WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
1802: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;